DiscoverHappiness-Matters in Midlife - for Professional Women
Happiness-Matters in Midlife - for Professional Women

Happiness-Matters in Midlife - for Professional Women

Author: Julia Seal

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How can I be happier in Midlife? How can I make the most of this next phase - be more resilient – more creative - thrive – even, evolve?

Join consultant-coach Julia Seal to explore these Midlife questions and more in a happiness-coaching journey where you can transform this next phase of your life, no matter what – no matter what your circumstances are right now... overwhelmed by the changes wrought by Menopause, looking for more meaningful work, caught in stagnant relationships or feeling anxious, unfulfilled, discontent, burnt out, overwhelmed or just, stuck!

Midlife is a calling to your own metamorphosis: to let go of what’s no longer working in your life > to strengthen your Inner Power > to build your Legacy for others > to craft your deepest Wholebeing Happiness... it’s the perfect time for you to solve the puzzle of the Midlife Transition, your MiddlePause, your Midolescence (or Middlescence) and embark on an exploration of living into the Best Version of you, today.

Create your new Midlife Jigsaw Puzzle by exploring how to get unstuck in Midlife - discover how to coach yourself every day at home, in relationships and at work, how to purposefully manage your own mind and reconnect to your body, how to “hack” your brain with tools backed up by scientific research, how to unwind your unhelpful habits and how to take the best from the world’s wisdom on the pursuit of happiness.

In addition to mini-coaching sessions and step-by-step tools, each episode helps you to take immediate action on the most impactful ways to increase your daily happiness, while supporting you on a longer reinvention coaching journey to living a purposeful and intentional life of Wholebeing Happiness in Midlife.

"May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"

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110 Episodes
Series 3 – Episode 4: BONUS – Join Julia for her recent lecture as part of the Masters in Happiness Studies on Taking Wholebeing Happiness to the next level - for you & Planet Earth. Explore Interbeing; its definition, where it comes from, who’s behind it and why it’s important to you and to the Happiness Revolution. We’ll touch on the systemic view of happiness from Western thinking and how this relates to the concepts such as dependent origination from Buddhist philosophy.  Along the way, we’ll meet Buddhist nuns from Thomsaling in India, clouds, Peter Senge, Thich Nhat Hanh and sunflowers. Together, we’ll create an embodied experience of Interbeing that you can take on your own Happiness journey. You’ll learn some powerful self-coaching tools to help you navigate your relationship with yourself and with others, including with our Planet Earth. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. ·        Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail ·        Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 3 – Episode 3: INTERBEING – Join Julia to dig a little deeper into what Interbeing actually means and how embracing it will expand the way you see your Midlife Happiness - how we can embrace life and death in our wholebeing and how we can leverage our extraordinarily interconnected for happiness within ourselves, with others and in the wider world. What does it mean to bring the idea of “inter-are” into how you view yourself and your relationship with the loved, the neglected and the rejected parts of you. Get a taster of the new journey we’re embarking on - from Peter Senge’s systems thinking, butterflies, pieces of strings, clouds and Russian wedding bands; joined by poet, David Whyte and Zen master, That Nich Hanh. This episode I say goodbye to my beloved Mother and step into my own “next phase” on board a plane to Italy and the World Happiness Summit. Do join me to start living into your deepest happiness, today.  "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"   DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. ·        Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail ·        Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us   Find Everything at:
Series 3 – Episode 2: BONUS - Looking for a post-pandemic adventure? Join Julia Seal on her new 20-month journey to a Masters degree in Happiness Studies! It's a journey she’s embarking on from this week until May 2024 - a journey to deepen her work here in Happiness-Matters; spiralling deeper into what Happiness is around the world, for you as clients and for herself. It's not just another qualification, it's something that's unfolded for Julia in the liminal space of this post-pandemic world... building a community to expand The Happiness Revolution, wallowing in the materials & building a deeper connection to what's greater than us. Join Julia #LIVE on Facebook every Friday to see what's next in this Masters adventure! "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"   DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 3 – Episode 1: INTERBEING – Welcome to the start of Series 3 where we’ll be crafting our Wholebeing & expanding our Interbeing through the 3 Relationships that are at the core of Midlife Happiness. Embrace it all with me in this new Series – all the scientific knowledge, all the wisdom of our ancient traditions, all the learnings from our multi-cultural world to explore the biggest puzzle of them all... through the lens of THE single biggest contributor to happiness in life. So if you’re feeling jumbled up, puzzled, confused, really busy OR just empty after life has backhanded you with divorce, death, empty nest or retirement, here’s what to do next... Here’s your journey to uncover what Midlife Happiness means for you, what Midlife Wholebeing is, what Midlife Interbeing is. Here’s where we start to unpuzzle it all together. 3 Core Relationships, 3 Pathways to HOW to actually do it, live it, Be it. Discover what’s at the middle of your Midlife Happiness... & it’s not the Midlife spread or that persistent muffin top! Join me to start living into your best life, today. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 3 - Trailer: How can I be happier in Midlife? How can I make the most of this next phase - be more resilient – more creative - thrive – even, evolve? Join consultant-coach Julia Seal to explore these Midlife questions & more in a happiness-coaching journey where you can transform this next phase of your life, no matter what – no matter what your circumstances are right now... overwhelmed by the changes wrought by Menopause, looking for more meaningful work, caught in stagnant relationships or feeling anxious, unfulfilled, discontent, burnt out, overwhelmed or just, stuck! Midlife is a calling to your own metamorphosis: to let go of what’s no longer working in your life > to strengthen your Inner Power > to build your Legacy for others > to craft your deepest Wholebeing Happiness... it’s the perfect time for you to solve the puzzle of the Midlife Transition & embark on an exploration of living into the Best Version of you, today. Create your new Midlife Jigsaw Puzzle by exploring how to get unstuck in Midlife - discover how to coach yourself every day at home, in relationships & at work, how to purposefully manage your own mind & reconnect to your body, how to “hack” your brain with tools backed up by scientific research, how to unwind your unhelpful habits & how to take the best from the world’s wisdom on the pursuit of happiness. In addition to mini-coaching sessions & step-by-step tools, each episode helps you to take immediate action on the most impactful ways to increase your daily happiness, while supporting you on a longer reinvention coaching journey to living a purposeful & intentional life of Wholebeing Happiness in Midlife. Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 32: Bonus – Welcome to March, it’s Happiness Month! Join coach Julia Seal for a very special month diving deep into all you need to know about Midlife Wholebeing Happiness… what it’s about, what are the ingredients & how to go about creating it in your life. So much happening this month, from the World Happiness Report to the UN International Day of Happiness > how do we navigate our Midlife as we emerge into this post-Pandemic world, especially with all that’s happening in Ukraine right now?   Don’t miss out, sign up now - Join Julia here on the podcast to starting living into your Best Life in Midlife, today.    "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us   Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 31: INSIGHT – Explore the magic of transitions in your Midlife & how it’s possible to really love the unknown, to embrace uncertainty. Julia Seal shares ways to make sense of the Liminal Space of being in-between, what it means to traverse Ancient Greece’s River of Misery & the Buddhist Bardo states of consciousness with the Ancient Roman God Janus showing us the way. Find out what it means to step into your own self-evolution by hanging out on The Edge of Comfort, getting really good with Discomfort so that you are truly free to craft an intentional, conscious life - living your purposeful Wholebeing Happiness in Midlife. Try out three ways to hold steady through change so that you can build your courage & resilience, while having some light-hearted fun & delight along the way. Change is upon you in Midlife - roles, relationships, responsibilities, purpose, it’s all happening! Today’s episode suggests some tools to help you rest & settle into change, to make it more bearable, even how to wallow & dance in your Midlife creativity!   Join Julia here on the podcast to starting living into your Best Life in Midlife, today.  "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"   DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us   Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 30: MEDITATION – Midlife Meditation 🧘 Liminal Space of Transition, Change & Uncertainty (10 mins) - Join Julia Seal for this meditation to settle into & embrace the Liminal Spaces of your life for your Wholebeing Happiness – whether you’re transitioning from one year to the next, from one job to another, one relationship to the unknown, one day to tomorrow, from now to the next moment. Discover how to become more comfortable with transition, change & uncertainty, how to come to rest – to settle – to wallow – even, delight in the discomfort of living in-between, knowing & not knowing.   Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"   DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 20: MEDITATION – Midlife Meditation 🧘 Loving-Kindness Metta to expand the 4 qualities of Love (15 mins) – Join Julia Seal for this traditional Metta meditation to evoke Compassion & Friendliness towards ourselves & others. This Metta practice intentionally cultivates the four qualities of Love: Friendliness, Appreciation & Joy, Compassion & Equanimity - for yourself, for your most loved ones, for those close to you & then, beyond your circle of influence, outwards to include even those difficult people in your life! It enables you to settle into the natural beauty of your entire Being, your Wholebeing, to just & rest here. As you recite these phrases, you’re expressing the intention of LovingKindness & planting the seeds of these wishes over & over again in your heart.   Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 28: MEDITATION – Midlife Meditation 🧘 Compassion & LovingKindness for you now (10 mins) - Join Julia Seal for this short guided meditation to rest, settle & allow your natural compassion, love & joy to rise up & expand. Practice this to deepen your CONNECTION to YOURSELF – to bring love & compassion to YOU, to heal the relationship you have with yourself, your Past Self, your Current Self & your Future Self. Download the next Midlife Meditation (2.29) to extend this Metta out to loved ones & beyond but don’t rush it! Instead, rest & settle into LovingKindness, Compassion for YOU first, especially here & now. Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"   DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 27: BONUS – Enjoy this holiday special 4-part conversation on Toxic Conflict in your Midlife Relationships & What To Do. Deep dive into the 4 worst toxic behaviours that show up in our relationships, whether it’s at home with our loved ones or at work in our teams, with coach Julia Seal & Lemon Rebellion founder, Jamie Jenkins. We discuss the most poisonous of toxic behaviours: Criticism & Blame – Defensiveness – Stonewalling & Sulking – Contempt. How to identify each one exactly, where & how it’s showing up in your relationships 💪 What do if you’re experiencing it from the other 🙈 What to do if you’re doing it! Tips to neutralise the hot conflict & get your relationship back on track Also find out How to self-soothe so you’re signaling to your brain & body that you’re safe, safe with yourself How to get from automatic fight-back React Mode to a more neutral Respond Mode when you’re highly triggered & conflict is hot What’s going on in your Midlife Brain & in your neurological patterning How to be mindful of your in-built filtering system – are you really seeing toxic behaviours or just perceiving them, what’s the difference How to step out of the ongoing spiral of Victim & Persecutor roles forever! Time stamp info for you Criticism & Blame: 2:15 Defensiveness: 42:25 Stonewalling, Sulking & The Cold Shoulder: 1:32:05 Contempt: 2:09:15 Watch the video clips of Julia & Jamie on YouTube -   Join Julia here on the podcast to starting living into your Best Life in Midlife, today.  "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 26: PATTERNS – Find out today why your Midlife currently looks the way it does – good & not so good – why you’re getting the results you want in your life, why you’re feeling the way you do, why you take action or procrastinate, why your relationships are the way they are, why you’re feeling happy right now or frustrated, sad, despondent, confused... > everything! We’re talking the MAGIC formula for creating your Wholebeing Happiness in Midlife, how to play with & even change your neurological wiring! Find out the jigsaw puzzles pieces & Lego building blocks of this magic formula. Then, coach Julia Seal goes step-by-step how to use it & how to to play with it to purposefully mix-up these components of your Inner & Outer world. You’ll be able to use it to create awareness of what’s really going on inside you, to develop a deep understanding of yourself & others in your life & even, to increase compassion – for yourself & others. Julia uses an example with “difficult Uncle Alec at the Christmas dinner table” & your frustration, irritation, your anger about how he always seems to ruin the day. This is how you can enjoy your Christmas dinner no matter how impossible Uncle Alec is & no matter what he says to stir the family drama! Could change in your life really be this easy? Wholebeing Happiness is really just one magic Lego building brick away!   Join Julia here on the podcast to starting living into your Best Life in Midlife, today.  "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 25: BONUS – This live Q&A session is full of strategies & tips for managing tense relationships with your family over the holidays... from how to move through Discomfort & how to choose Boundaries as well as what it means to MeSearch & Gamify your holidays! Join coach Julia Seal & Lemon Rebellion founder Jamie Jenkins talking about family events, relationships & triggers – what you can do towards having an easier holiday season. If you have alot of problems with relationships, discover what might be the cause & how you can use this insight to set you up for happier family gatherings. Enjoy a quick technique to reset when your emotions get out of control & find out how to set Intentions for your relationships while creating new habits to enhance your Midlife Wholebeing Happiness – evolving yourself every step of the way! Join Julia here on the podcast to starting living into your Best Life in Midlife, today.  "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 24: BODY AS BRAIN – The Dalai Lama has said: “The human mind, at its default setting, is compassionate". Discover how your compassion, your ability to feel empathy & your altruistic motivations are actually wired into you through the action of a specially-evolved bundle of nerves, the Vagus. Responsible for your body’s automatic activities when it’s at rest – digestion, reproduction, the immune response - the Vagus Nerve is a fundamental biological building block of human compassion & your Wholebeing Happiness in Midlife! Join coach Julia Seal for a “wander” through the responsibilities of the Vagus Nerve, from being the superhighway between the gut & the brain in your head to fear management & your resilience in times of difficulty as well as how it affects whether you feel compassion at the sight of someone’s suffering. Essentially, find out ways to activate & tone your Vagus Nerve so you can tap into all its benefits – easy, everyday Happiness Habits – from singing in the shower to Yoga’s Ujaii or Brahmari breathing to gratitude journals & laughing. A fascinating addition to your self-coaching & a vital piece in your Midlife Happiness puzzle! Join Julia here on the podcast to starting living into your Best Life in Midlife, today.  "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us   Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 23: BONUS – Enjoy this recording from the recent Lemon Rebellion Summit where Julia Seal talks about Wholebeing Happiness & particularly, Emotional Wholebeing Happiness. In this session, explore how to work with your Negative Emotional Wholebeing for your own evolution. Julia shares 4 facts that make stepping into this work a little easier – to help you tap into your own courage & wisdom to walk towards your Negative Emotional Wholebeing. She touches on the Yin:Yang | 50:50 reality of your emotional life as well as how being “emotionally unskilled” in one area or layering judgment onto everything you feel can get you stuck emotionally in your Midlife. Then, Julia’s also outlines 3 ways to cultivate your Positive Emotional Wholebeing – hormone hacking, intentional “brain management” & how to actually FEEL our emotions fully in order to experience them, feel them, embody them & then let them go!   Join Julia here on the podcast to starting living into your Best Life in Midlife, today.  "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 22: Bonus – LIVE 🔥  Join Julia Seal to discover an easy, everyday way to create Wholebeing Happiness. By using the calendar’s Special Days, from Hallmark Holidays to United Nations commemorative days, you can hone the powerful craft of coaching yourself. Find out why you might even want to try this – how it creates appreciation & joy but also how it steadily unpacks what happiness & unhappiness is for you in Midlife. Discover how to do this using Julia’s Coaching Tool - The Happiness Ladder or join her #UP The Happiness Ladder on social media every Monday (#TGIM) & Friday (#FriYAY). Julia shares what one week looks like in her life: from Women’s-Equality-Day to Kiss-&-Make-Up Day, Dog-Day & Just-Because Day. Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today.   "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 21: Meditation – Need an alternative to Meditation practice when it all seems too difficult & your mind is completely mad with thoughts? Discover 6 techniques to turn Writing into a meditation practice so that you can develop a relationship with your Mind - a Midlife crazy-wisdom skill! Coach Julia Seal explores how to work with narrative writing, expressive writing, free-flow with journal prompts, Morning Pages & Thought Downloads - even, Professor Dumbledore’s Pensieve! Using these alternatives to meditation opens the door to seeing the difference between THINKING & THOUGHT where you’re the Observer, the Witness of your own Mind. You’ll discover how to brain dump, how to thought-download, how to reframe & how to declutter your own Mind, just like you declutter a cupboard in your house! Brain Management through Meditation or Writing as Meditation is all about how to increase awareness of the thoughts going on in your mind – how to develop impartiality so you can observe your own thinking without judgment (no inner self-critic here!) – how to work with your exact patterns of how you turn Thinking into Thought, where you engage with your thinking mind & then create the Think-Feel-Act patterns that run your life - how to find where unseen bias is holding you back... eventually we even get to explore the independent origination of thought & what this means for your Wholebeing Happiness in Midlife – such a puzzle, so exciting!   Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 20: MEDITATION – Midlife Meditation 🧘 Wholebeing Integration for when you’re raw & shredded (20 mins) - Join Julia Seal for her guided meditation to bring your Wholebeing to life. Use it to settle your entire being when you’re feeling particularly tired & over-stretched – raw & shredded. Create peace, a sense of connectedness to yourself & bring yourself back into your entire Wholebeing. Easily connect & integrate your your Physical Body, Cognitive Body, Emotional Body, Subtle Body & Spiritual Body together.   Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!" DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 19: BONUS – Join Julia Seal at the Lemon Rebellion Summit next week on Monday 19 September at 10:30am (New York) / 3.30pm (London) / 2.30pm (UTC). In today’s pre-session, Julia talks all about Wholebeing Happiness & how change/adversity are your best opportunity to stop, take stock of your life journey so far & decide how you want to step forward. A crook in the road is nothing less than an opportunity to evolve yourself! Julia shares what Wholebeing Happiness means to her & how it can help you live in more appreciation for life & more joy. Join Julia for 2 sessions at the virtual Summit where you can interact live with her & where she’ll coach you through practical steps you can take to become more resilient, creative & thriving. She’ll also be running her popular, daily Happiness Challenge to apply some of the best science-backed happiness habits to improve your life. Sign-up to access the entire 5-day Summit at using JULIA5 for your signup discount. Join Julia here on the podcast to starting living into your Best Life in Midlife, today.  "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"   DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Series 2 – Episode 18: BRAIN – In today’s next Brain Design episode we meet the Executive in your Head who’s a key player in your Midlife Wholebeing Happiness! Join coach Julia Seal to discover how to tap into your built-in ability to choose yourself, your goals, your happiness first. Julia looks into the PreFrontal Cortex of the Human Brain to find out who (what) is responsible for reasoning, creativity, decision-making, planning & emotional regulation – who holds all the power in your life to choose yourself first, to choose for yourself – & who chooses to sabotage all your good efforts... Explore Inner Power & discover your Choice Point – the Powerful Pivot point where all your choice for Wholebeing Happiness lies in your Midlife. She looks at the very special skill you have in-built already & how you can harness & expand this skill to deal with those urges for chocolate cake or what makes you just want to snap at your partner, throw your toys in the boardroom or run off stage during that next speech! Eeek Glossophobia 😄 Practice her easy Coaching Tool, designed for high conflict relationships, in the relationship with yourself. Use it to make the choice away from the instant gratification for those habits you wish you didn’t have. Use it to pivot to delaying gratification in service of your long term goals, your highest self, your future self, your Best Life in Midlife. Today’s all about our power of choice: the choice to create – to contribute – to move forward – to love. Join Julia here on the podcast to start living into your best life, today. "May you be Happy, May you be Free - there is no better time to coach together!"   DON’T MISS an episode. SUBSCRIBE for free & have each one delivered to your device automatically. Subscribe to Julia’s Coaching Notes by eMail Subscribe on your favorite podcast player – search for ‘Happiness Matters in Midlife’ to finds us Find Everything at:
Comments (2)

Renee Buerger

omw Julia....I always threatened my kids I will be the granny wearing purple bungee jumping from an aeroplane.... I enjoyed this as I adapt to my work life study grandparenting and framing my future reality.

Jun 3rd

Renee Buerger

yay to recognizing our inner source of power. resonating with my dream of the King of Clubs! thank you Julia

May 27th
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