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Unconventional Insights

Author: Samana Benedetti

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Relationship, Communication, Past Traumas, Inner Child work
Health tools Balancing Spiritual, Emotional, Mental & Physical Bodies
69 Episodes
#58 Possibilities

#58 Possibilities


This episode is about closing out this year with an intentional exercise. Also Looking at how challenges can be opportunities to learn to  "Show Up" as our most authentic self in our best way. Learning techniques to 'pivot' our responses. We often have stuck times or prolong challenging times and How do we shift that? This episode is filled with many gems and Possibilities
Hybrid Relationships

Hybrid Relationships


Creating Relationships Specific to Needs versus Belief systems Reviewing how many Relationship traps that most couples fall into. Complete with Exercises to Check In with yourself and your partner Regardless if this is a new or longer relationship We can all use some of these insights  
#68 Guarding Our Light

#68 Guarding Our Light


Our Hearts are the flame of Purpose, Passion and Expression  Like an inferno Our reponsibility to ourselves is to Guard that flame from going out or diminishing. What Adds to our Light? What takes it away? Guided meditation on Inviting the Sun/Light into our Being and how to radiate it outwards. Relationship and Self Help Exercises offered
Having Chronic Pain Physically, Mentally or Emotionally Can become our Identity and Steal our Joy Learn how to navigate that and use tools and exercises offered 
The Great Divid

The Great Divid


Often times When our "Shoulds" in Life are too far apart from our "Wants/Needs" We have a Divid that causes Anxiety, Anger, Fatigue and Depression   Learn Exercises and Tips on How to Create Choice and lessen the Divid to be Unity and Alignment to your True Self
Do We show up Authentically Or are we locked into habitual/addictive patterns giving us the same results? How Do we live More fully, Courageously, Freely? How do we have more fulfilling Relationships ? How Do we break FREE of this painful cycle and Learn to Respond Uniquely, Naturally and Authenic  
64 Embracing Anxiety

64 Embracing Anxiety


Some Common causes, the energetics of why we suffer from Panic Attacks and Anxiety. Learning New Life Tools and Steps of How to Embrace Anxiety and Eventually Heal by offering the Support Needed Long Ago and Presently.
63 Whats Next

63 Whats Next


000000B4 000000B4 00002961 000028CB 0000E95E 0000E95E 00007EAD 00007D57 0000E943 0000E943 Almost Post Covid, Life is opening up while some of us are afraid, We lost confidence, forgot what our purpose is or simply stuck. How do we move forward to our next level of Joy? Happiness? Passion? What or Who is perceived to be blocking us from creating our most Authentic Dreams? Offering Exercises to gain Insights on How to move into  What's Next...
#62 Managing Triggers

#62 Managing Triggers


Many of us have found ourselves spun out; reacting in a behavior we wished we could take back. This Episode tells about WHY we have triggers and steps on how to be more Aware in the MOMENTS it is happening. Learning to Care for yourself and Understand when you are with someone who blames, projects and exhibits toxic behavior. How to better discern is it your work or theirs? Emotional and Mental Health is work and it is a Right to be had by ALL. Blessings 
#61 Love Yourself

#61 Love Yourself


This Episode offers further techniques for healing old wounds and debilitating traumas by accessing your Inner Child. Specific exercises will bring more Vitality, Clarity and Creativity. When we commit to "Looking under the carpet" and bringing acceptance and understanding to our past hurts, we Re-Claim our most authentic self our Eternal Child.
#60 Stages of Healing

#60 Stages of Healing


This Episode is about Understanding four stages of healing and how our awareness changes. When we can list and Personally Identify the differences between  levels of awareness We then have a better chance to know our Choices how to navigate to our next level of Growth & Healing When we feel Stuck, understanding basic patterns of mental/emotional stages gives us HOPE in Healing beyond where we are currently.
This episode speaks about How to utilize a "Self Check List" to see Are you Ready for a New Relationship? Job? to Move? Determining where you are on the Behavioral Balance Beam looking At extremes and seeing where you are and creating practical steps to find Balance. A New Beginning to finding True Love by doing your inner work Offering a variety of Journaling questions to stimulate Insights & Self Reflection.  
#57 My Sacred Mirror

#57 My Sacred Mirror


How Mirror Neurons work and affect our perception. Discovering Self Care tools on How to Break Old Patterns & Heal Past Wounds using these techniques.  Mirror Neurons can sometimes deceive us into believing it's the 'other' persons' fault while taking no personal responsibility; Nonetheless, the conflict ensues or repeats itself with a new person. available for room Counseling sessions
This Episode is about learning to Check-In and How to Evaluate your Relationship status, by offering a series of reflective questions. Many times in the beginning or after time spent together we notice a feeling of discontent or that inner voice begins spinning with warning and doubt. Learning how to name and navigate the next progressive step for yourself and your relationship is essential for happiness and personal growth. Samana Is available for counseling sessions via zoom
Offering Insightful questions to objectively assess the health of your current or past relationship. How to look deeper at addressing important issues and needs by passing the filter of past history. Communication, Self Reflection, Tolerance and Generosity are specific anchor points to determine the weather of your Relationship and how to improve it. 
This episode speaks about excess Cortisol our stress hormone when in balance we are happy, energized and focused when in excess due to diet and lifestyle It causes weight gain, anxiety, depression. dementia and serious repercussions. Cleansing, Detoxing and Purification on all levels Physical, Mental and Emotional will enhance our lives with the ability to Choose the way we want to live and the world we want to create.
#53 Asking for Help

#53 Asking for Help


This episode offers more Insights and Tips on when it is time to Ask For Help and start to heal and move forward.  Self Care tools are needed for new circumstances and challenges that present themselves.  You are NOT alone knowing this brings comfort and support  
Offering Insights on how to Move Forward to the next level in your life. From a past relationship, changes in work, living situations and how to create the steps to allow, create and FEEL success in your life.
This episode is about changing and evolving to the different cycles of our children to allow for a healthier more connected relationship.  Being adult children to our parents can also sometimes be challenging hopefully this podcast gives a few tips to deepen your relationships.
How to have the necessary and awkward conversations that may just save your life. Be it with dating or roommates, family, friends or your partner Covid has changed our lifestyle and we need new tools and ways of relating to adapt. How to create an effective dating profile and what to do as it progresses.
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