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Living Embodied Faith
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Living Embodied Faith

Author: Caroline Vogel

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In pursuit of mindfully living an embodied faith imperfectly by grace, I realized so many others are trying to do the same. This podcast shares meditations, nuggets in which to chew, and conversations for Christians wanting to ground and center in their body, mind and soul, connected to a loving God, made ever aware of the light of Christ, and the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Welcome!
87 Episodes
This meditation guides you through opening to the peace and love within, receiving peace and love from the world, and sharing a deep sense of peace and love with others. We are created, woven together with peace and love and have a beautiful capacity to intentionally share this peace & love with the world around us. Be sure to join us for live meditations on Insight Time:
Joy by Divine Design

Joy by Divine Design


Many of us are searching for more joy in our lives. This reflection explores the natural joy that’s already within us because we are created with joy. The Divine weaves us together with holy joy, peace, love. Joy (along with love & peace) is our birthright. Meditation can assist us in opening to the inherent joy within, assist us in receiving pure joy from the world, integrating that joy with the already with, and sharing joy with the world around us. We are vessels of joy. My hope is that this episode opens you to the reality and wisdom that you are a vessel of joy- able to receive, integrate and share joy. ✨
I hope you’ll enjoy this episode where I interview my friend DeeAnn Dean. She has a big passionate heart for health and wholeness and a deep desire to bring people together in sacred community so they can experience Love in Belonging.
This 9 minute meditation will assist you if you’re wanting work with your nervous system by slowing your breathing down using coherent breathing.
This episode is a double dose of good news. We cover the baptism of Jesus and Jesus calling the disciples to follow him. Jesus’ life offers us many insights into how we can live our lives and ways to understand and appreciate the ways God calls us into loving relationship with him and each other. I’ve been asking the Holy Spirit “How seriously do you want me to take you?” Tune in to hear more and ponder for yourself, “How seriously does the Holy Spirit want me to take Her?”
This meditation is designed to work with restlessness in the middle of the night. We can utilize skills from our meditation and mindfulness practices to enhance our ability to shift from restlessness to restfulness.
This meditation moves through grounding in body and breath then moving into grounding in the heart space. As we experience more groundedness in body, breath and heart, we have greater access to peace. The second half of the meditation utilizes coherent breathing to deepens the sense of grounded peace within our being.
In the season of Advent we’re given the opportunity to intentionally wait with patience. We wait for God to be made manifest in the world. It’s an arduous task- waiting. As human beings we often have a difficult time waiting for anything much less the big things in life like waiting for hope to be made manifest in our lives and the world. This episode breaks open the opportunity to consider how we wait… do we wait with patience and trust that ultimately what we’re waiting for will be made manifest and it will be full of joy and wonder? Or, do we give into the negativity bias of our brains and wait in fear and trepidation?
This is a heart meditation that grounds in body and breath and then drops into the heart space to cultivate self-compassion. Every time we practice drawing the mind back to the present moment, the body, breath, our own hearts, the more we have the opportunity to practice non-judgment and self-compassion. Given our practice in formal meditation, the greater our capacity to practice self compassion in our everyday lives.
On this 12th anniversary of my priest ordination, I find myself leaving church, a place I was never called to in the first place. After a dozen years of going where I haven’t been called, I lean into the risk and vulnerability of going where I do. What does it mean to live into the call upon your life? What does it mean to honor the person God has called you to BE regardless of what you DO? Living an embodied faith requires being honest, wrestling, asking tough questions and calling a spade a spade. What do you yearn to live into that would allow you to more authentically embody your faith?
This is a meditation on equanimity. First we’ll ground in body and breath then move to the heart space with intention and compassion. We’ll build on the inherent strength of the heart to broaden awareness of our capacity to weather whatever comes our way in life- whether the storm be outer circumstances or inner emotional waves. Tapping into the wisdom and strength of our hearts can offer grounding and equanimity for our whole being.
Reflections on Clarity

Reflections on Clarity


Maya Angelou once said “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Jesus asked his disciples “Who do you say that I am?” We would be wise to ask God this question “Who do you say that I am?” And be intentional about listening, understanding and loving from that deep source of wisdom and truth God has woven within our beings.
This sermon weaves scripture from Ezekiel and the gospel of John. Can we let go of what binds us and allow the breath of God to fill us? Setting us free to experience resurrected living?
This sermon was preached Sunday, February 19th and reflects on the Hero’s Journey using the illustration of actress Viola Davis’ memoir Finding Me.
This is a sermon that weaves the wisdom of the persistent widow with Jacob’s wrestling with an angel. We’re all given spiritual gifts in our lives. How do we awake to them, honoring what they are and are not, and live into the fullness of those gifts?
This is a 20m meditation that guides you through connecting to your body, breath and breath of the divine so much so that you become aware of being breathed by the holy. The beautiful vessel of your body moment by moment surrendering to and being breathed by the holy breath of The Spirit.
This sermon was preached Sunday, October 30th at The Episcopal Church of The Ascension. It pulls from the wisdom of Laurie Brock’s new book God, Grace & Horses and weaves the story of Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus. Not always knowing where we are is actually part of the walk of faith. Whether we’re on trails that lead to somewhere or nowhere, God is here and using all of it for good.
loved in our wholeness

loved in our wholeness


This is a sermon preached September 25, 2022. Prompted by a podcast episode on We Can Do Hard Things, I venture into the question must of ourselves ask at some point in n life if not wrestle with on a daily basis in some form or fashion: “Am I a good person?” It is a deeply spiritual question which pulls for a deeply spiritual answer.
This is a meditation using three verses of Psalm 51- a meditation for your heart space to connect with your own breath & the divine breath. Focusing the breath in the heart space allowing the movement of the Spirit to dust off the heart creating a right spirit by way of The Spirit. And, connecting to the joy of receiving God’s help over and over again. We are truly sustained by God’s bountiful Spirit. 🕊
This sermon was preached in August 2022 at The Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Knoxville, TN. This sermon weaves the wisdom of Susan Cain’s latest book Bittersweet with the narratives found in Genesis 15 & Hebrews 11. All of us have a bit of melancholy within us; some of us lead with it… a felt sense of the interconnectedness between the beauty & sorrow of the world. When we have the courage to get in touch with that which we long for, that which creates a homesickness we may just find ourselves drawing ever nearer to God and the heavenly city.
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