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The Conscious Pussy
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The Conscious Pussy

Author: Groove

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Healing, consciousness, spirituality, metaphysics, psychedelics, science, and the almighty pussy. Meow. Hosted by Jennifer "Bird" Aldoretta — Shaman, writer, & founder of Groove.

The Conscious Pussy fearlessly traverses topics we often shy away from: trauma, periods, sex, intimacy, psychedelic healing, seeking, and the interconnectedness of it all. Jennifer seamlessly blends science and woo-woo, providing listeners with approachable ways to reignite joy and wholeness from within. Support this podcast:
16 Episodes



Ayahuasca, often called La Medicina or THE Medicine in its Amazonian home, is taking the West by storm. Profound visions, unexplainable healings, and mystical experiences are just a few of many reasons that people are seeking this potent medicine in droves. What (or who) is Ayahuasca? What are Ayahuasca experiences like? What can you expect during a ceremony? What is purging like and what are the ways it can manifest in ceremony? How do I know if I'm ready? As a medicine facilitator and shaman, my intention is to use this episode to share a well-rounded perspective on the experience of this powerful medicine — both from a participant's and a shaman's perspective. Whether you've never done it, are thinking about it, or are experienced with Ayahuasca, I hope you'll gain something from my perspective. This is the first of what I hope will be many episodes about a medicine that I deeply love and respect. Psychedelic Ceremony Preparation program (15% off) | Support the podcast | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Transform Fear Into Freedom

Transform Fear Into Freedom


When was the last time you felt afraid? How has fear changed the way you show up in your life? What might it look like to live fully authentically and unafraid? What might it feel like to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do? In this episode, I explore how fear is overriding your authenticity (even in super subtle, unconscious ways), and how you can learn to harness the potent experience of fear as a powerful teacher. Learn to use fear to create more opportunity, more joy, more serenity, more peace, and more flow with life. Learn to transform fear into freedom. Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
This is a juicy one. In this episode, we explore kundalini energy, improving your sex life by learning to fully surrender and let go, and (my favorite) energy orgasms! I’ll hit on everything from what kundalini is, how kundalini is actually soundly based in trauma physiology, why and how sexual blocks are formed, how to step into a full expression of the sexual aspect of yourself, and how to start playing with energy orgasms! Plus you’ll hear lots of — *gulp* — super vulnerable personal stories of mine around all of these topics. Enjoy! Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Stepping into real authenticity is freaking hard in the world we currently live in. This episode explores collective and individual challenges with inauthenticity, the masks we wear, and what I've come to understand to be the TRUTH about finding real healing (and it's almost certainly not what you think). I share one of my favorite original short stories that I've written, and how it relates to these topics. This episode is, ironically, probably the most authentic one I've recorded. Get ready to be entertained, challenged, and hit with a truth bomb that (hopefully) resonates at the very core of what you are. Hosted by Jennifer Aldoretta. Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Shrooms, boomers, mushies, psilocybin, niños, magic mushrooms. This episode is a beginner’s guide to using magic mushrooms for healing purposes. Whether you’ve never taken psychedelic mushrooms, or you’ve only used them recreationally, or if you’re not new to mushrooms but want to unlock their healing power, there is something for you in this episode. We’ll explore every facet of psychedelic magic mushroom medicine: how to know if it’s for you, how to know when you’re ready, what to expect, set and setting, setting an intention, moving through fear, trusting the medicine, and even purging! I also share several of my own personal healing experiences with magic mushrooms. This is by far one of my favorite episodes I’ve recorded so far. Psychedelic Ceremony Preparation program (15% off) | Become a podcast supporter | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Is the menstrual cycle actually linked with the lunar (moon) cycles? This episode explores both the science and folklore behind this theory, in addition to the effects of modern lighting on our periods, our fertility, our sleep cycle, our hormones, and even our power as women. Learn what a White Moon vs Red Moon cycle is, and find out the real reason many indigenous peoples create special dwellings for menstruating women. And, finally, get 7 practical tips on how you can (simply) rediscover a healthy balance in your sleep, your periods, and your life, all by consciously shifting your light exposure back to a more natural state, without giving up your modern amenities. This is a good one! Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
We’ve all struggled with analysis paralysis, not knowing which choice is the right one for us to make. So many of us struggle to make sense of what our intuition is trying to tell us…it can feel impossible when there’s so many thoughts spinning through our minds. What’s the right choice? Is this my gut or my mind? Is this choice really what I want? In this episode, we dive into the differences between your mind and your intuition, how to tell them apart, and how to flex your intuition muscles to help you lead a life that’s true to what your heart truly desires. Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Do you breathe into your chest or into your belly? Through your nose or through your mouth? Believe it or not, the way you breathe impacts the health of every single system in your body and can either facilitate healing or create an environment where health issues will thrive. In today’s episode, we’ll explore healthy and unhealthy breathing patterns (and you’ll learn which category you fall into), how our breathing patterns get conditioned into us, how breathing changes our physiology, what health issues may be linked to breathing pattern, and how to engage in breathwork to repattern your body and achieve a more balanced state. I’ll also lead you through several profoundly healing breathwork exercises to help you get started on the right track. Become a podcast supporter: How to do breathwork | Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
New year, new you! Do you have New Year’s resolutions or goals you’re hoping to fulfill in 2022? If so, this episode is for you. We’ll dive into why our current method of achieving goals and getting what we want so often fails, how to get really clear on the intentions that lie underneath your goals, and THE trick for manifesting what you want using a method similar to the Law of Attraction (it totally changed my life). I’ll also guide you through a 15-minute manifestation meditation practice so you can take this method into your life and truly manifest the things you deeply desire. Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
There’s a healer and medicine woman inside each one of us, and this episode explores how you can reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom and intelligence to awaken that inner healer. In this episode, we’ll cover: why we’ve become so disconnected from our bodies, how trauma and conditioning changes your physiology and leads to chronic disorders, the energetics and science behind this disconnection, and how to listen to your body’s subtle communications in order to heal yourself for good. All by reconnecting with your body’s deep, innate intelligence. Become a podcast supporter: Learn breathwork to reconnect with your body | Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Shadow Work can be a portal to freedom. So why is it so f*cking intimidating?! In this episode, we explore questions like: What is the Shadow? Where does the Shadow come from? How can I identify my Shadow? In what ways is my Shadow actually super helpful? What is Shadow Work? How exactly do I do Shadow Work? What are some different types of Shadow Work I can explore? What is the “Mirror Method” and why is it so profound? How can I find true acceptance for my Shadow? And more. Get ready to meet your Shadow self! Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off my 20 Days of Guided Shadow Work program | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Becoming A Medicine Woman

Becoming A Medicine Woman


What does it mean to be a modern “Medicine Woman” and a “Healer”? This episode is an intimate look into the struggles, the trauma, the addictions, the codependency, and the dysfunction that I’ve battled in my own life which ultimately helped me accept myself as an authentic human being and fully step into my role as a medicine woman and a healer. I am the wounded healer. Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Stepping into Vulnerability

Stepping into Vulnerability


Vulnerability is f*cking scary! This episode explores our collective struggle with vulnerability, our misconceptions about it, how society, trauma, and our upbringing conditions us to suppress it, and how we can begin fully stepping into authentic vulnerability in a way that doesn't feel so terrifying. Become a podcast supporter: Get 15% off Groove’s mind-body-spirit healing programs | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Trauma affects our lives more profoundly than many of us realize: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In this episode, I do a deep-dive into trauma, how stress (coupled with conditioning) causes it, who has it, why it's not actually a "natural" thing, how it gets trapped in the body, and how to gently and lovingly begin to release it. This is a discussion of trauma from a scientific, energetic, and metaphysical perspective. Become a podcast supporter: (Video) Polar bear’s natural shaking response | Heal Your Periods (15% off) | 20 Days of Guided Shadow Work (15% off) | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
Healing the Feminine

Healing the Feminine


Is "Feminine Energy" just hippie stuff? I definitely used to think so! This Episode explores the Shadow Feminine, the Mother Wound, and how these show up in our lives, our emotions, our bodies, our behaviors, and even our periods. How can we begin to unwind and heal them in order to live more authentically and joyfully? Become a podcast supporter: How energy gets trapped and stored as trauma | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast:
I hate the word pussy so much that I decided to include it in the name of my podcast! In this inaugural episode, we’ll dive into: What does it mean to have a “conscious pussy”? Do you need to actually have a pussy? What will The Conscious Pussy podcast explore? Support yourself in mind-body-spirit healing with Groove | Master your body with Groove's FREE 7-day period program | Work with Jennifer 1-on-1 | Submit a podcast topic | --- Support this podcast: