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Unraveling Adoption

Unraveling Adoption

Author: Beth Syverson

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A safe space to delve into adoption's complexities together.
164 Episodes
"When I was nine years old, parents just looked at each other and looked back at me and said, Michael, we just want to tell you that we love you very much and that you're adopted." -- Mike Thorne =============== 📘Get our new book Adoption and Suicidality: 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: ============== EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, I had the pleasure of speaking with Mike Thorne, an adoptee and community leader. Mike shared his journey of discovering his adoption at age nine, which profoundly impacted his self-worth. We discussed the importance of building personal trust communities—supportive networks that provide emotional and intellectual guidance, especially for those navigating the complexities of adoption. Mike also reflected on his time as a board member of the National Council for Adoption (NCFA), emphasizing the need for diverse perspectives in adoption discussions. He encouraged listeners to seek out their own support systems and focus on their dreams rather than being held back by past experiences. This episode serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of connection and understanding within the adoption community. I hope you find inspiration in Mike's insights and encourage you to explore his TEDx Talk and memoir for further understanding. Thank you for joining us, and I look forward to continuing this important conversation in future episodes.   RESOURCES: Mike Thorne’s information: Watch Mike’s TEDx Talk: Read Mike’s memoir Hustle With Heart: Unlocking Self-Worth Through Personal Trust Communities:   Other resources mentioned in this episode: NCFA - National Council for Adoption: Simon Benn’s organization & podcast Thriving Adoptees:   Other resources:   APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== TIME STAMPS: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Unraveling Adoption Welcome to the podcast and introduction of host Beth Syverson and her son Joey. 00:01:00 - Mike Thorne's Adoption Story Mike shares his vivid experience of discovering he was adopted at the age of nine. 00:02:30 - Navigating Adoption Conversations Discussion on the lack of resources and conversations around adoption during Mike's childhood. 00:03:55 - Understanding Late Discovery Adoptees Exploration of the term "late discovery adoptee" and its implications. 00:05:00 - Age-Appropriate Communication in Adoption The importance of age-appropriate discussions about adoption with children. 00:06:00 - Adoptee Perspectives in Education Mike discusses his daughter's experiences as a teacher and the impact of sharing adoption stories. 00:07:00 - Mike's Leadership in Adoption Advocacy Mike's involvement with the National Council for Adoption and the importance of adoptee voices. 00:08:30 - Adoptee Panel at NCFA Conference Insights from the adoptee panel at the NCFA conference and its impact on attendees. 00:10:00 - The Need for Male Voices in Adoption The significance of including male and non-binary perspectives in the adoption conversation. 00:11:00 - Evolution of NCFA Discussion on the changes within the National Council for Adoption and its leadership. 00:12:00 - Mike's Future Goals in Maine Mike shares his plans to connect with local organizations in Maine to support adoption and foster care. 00:13:00 - Corporate Leadership Background Mike discusses his corporate experience and how it informs his approach to leadership. 00:15:00 - The Importance of Personal Trust Communities Introduction to the concept of personal trust communities and their role in personal growth. 00:18:00 - Overcoming Perfectionism in Adoptees Mike reflects on the perfectionism often experienced by adoptees and its roots. 00:20:00 - Building Supportive Networks The importance of finding the right people to support you in various aspects of life. 00:22:00 - Adoptee Spaces and Support The value of finding supportive spaces for adoptees to share their experiences. 00:24:00 - Challenges for Adoptive Parents Discussion on the struggles adoptive parents face in understanding and supporting their children. 00:26:00 - Collaboration Among Organizations The need for collaboration among nonprofits to improve outcomes for children in the adoption system. 00:28:00 - Mike's Vision for the Future Mike shares his aspirations for making a difference in the adoption community. 00:30:00 - Encouragement for Listeners Mike encourages listeners to focus on their dreams and find supportive communities. 00:32:00 - Conclusion and Resources Wrap-up of the episode, including resources for listeners to connect with Mike and Beth.
"I tell every adopted person that I meet that their story changes my own story. And it's the truth. It is the absolute truth." - Jessica M. Luciere   In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, host Beth Syverson interviews Jessica M. Luciere, an inter-country, interracial adoptee from Colombia who works at Spence Chapin, a nonprofit adoption agency. Jessica shares her personal adoption story and highlights the importance of adoptee-led initiatives in the adoption community. She discusses the programming she has created at Spence Chapin, including Voices of Adoption for adoptees over 18 and Teen Voices of Adoption for younger adoptees. Jessica emphasizes the significance of community and support for adoptees and adoptive parents, encouraging them to be open, vulnerable, and willing to learn. She also shares her experience of reuniting with her birth family in Colombia and offers advice for adoptees seeking connection with others. Beth and Jessica stress the importance of listening to adoptees' voices and elevating their perspectives in the adoption conversation. Overall, the episode highlights the value of community, support, and understanding in the adoption journey. =============== 📘Pick up our new book Adoption and Suicidality: 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Jessica’s information: Spence Chapin’s website: Voices of Adoption - support groups for adults and teen adoptees: Jessica's email: Jessica’s Instagram: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== Please rate (*****) and/or review Unraveling Adoption in Apple Podcasts and Spotify (even if you listen to it on another app). Your feedback will help more listeners find our episodes. Thank you! =============== TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - Introduction to Unraveling Adoption and Jessica 00:05:30 - Importance of Adoptee-Led Initiatives 00:10:00 - Training and Support for Adoptive Parents 00:13:00 - Growing Up as a Transracial Adoptee 00:15:30 - Reuniting with Birth Family 00:17:00 - Advice for Adoptees Seeking Connection 00:19:00 - Advice for Adoptive Parents 00:20:30 - Resources and Programming at Spence Chapin 00:22:00 - Conclusion and Call to Action
"The Church, of course, is doing everything it can to silence victims." - Brendan Watkins EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, the host, Beth Syverson, interviews Brendan Watkins, an Australian adoptee who shares his emotional journey of discovering his origin story filled with religious intrigue. Brendan found out that his birth mother became pregnant in the 1950s and relinquished him for adoption, and later became a nun. He then discovered that his birth father was a Catholic priest. Brendan's memoir, Tell No One, sheds light on the challenges faced by children of priests and nuns. The episode delves into the complexities of adoption, the impact of secrecy and shame, and the need for awareness and support for individuals affected by such circumstances. Brendan emphasizes the importance of mental health support and seeking legal assistance for those in similar situations. The episode highlights the ongoing struggle for justice and recognition faced by children of priests and nuns, urging listeners to educate themselves and support those affected by these issues.  =============== 📘Get our new book Adoption and Suicidality: 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Brendan Watkin’s information: Check out Brendan’s website: Grab Brendan’s memoir Tell No One: Other resources mentioned in this episode: SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests): Coping International (Children of Priests International): Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== TIME STAMPS: Introduction to Unraveling Adoption: 00:00:02-00:00:34 Brendan's Early Childhood and Adoption Revelation: 00:01:36-00:03:08 Discovering Birth Mother's Identity: 00:03:28-00:05:14 Revealing Birth Father's Identity: 00:06:34-00:08:53 Insights into Relationship Between Birth Parents: 00:09:19-00:09:51 Discussion on Celibacy and Wealth in the Church: 00:10:32-00:12:53 Impact of NDAs and Confidentiality Agreements: 00:16:15-00:19:01 Support and Justice for Children of Priests and Nuns: 00:20:11-00:22:56 Reflections on the Church's Actions and Victims: 00:23:20-00:26:04 Resources and Conclusion: 00:26:54-00:28:30  
"I never learned the word stress until I was 14 years old. And I can guarantee you I was very stressed well before the age of 14." -- Rae =============== 📘 Order our book Adoption and Suicidality: 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, host Beth Syverson interviews Rae, whose handle is Adoptee Reclaimed. Rae discusses how being homeschooled from kindergarten through high school in a conservative family led to feelings of isolation and pressure to conform. She highlights the challenges adoptees particularly face in homeschooling, such as the heightened power dynamic between adoptive parents and adoptees, the lack of diverse perspectives in education, and the impact on social skills development. Rae emphasizes the importance of having additional teachers or group activities to provide different perspectives and social interactions for homeschooled adoptees. She also shares advice for isolated adoptees, encouraging them to be patient with themselves and seek out supportive communities. Overall, the episode sheds light on the complexities of adoption and homeschooling, urging listeners to engage with adoptees and homeschooling families to better understand and support them. Rae's insights provide valuable perspectives on the intersection of adoption and education, highlighting the need for more awareness and support for adoptees in homeschooling environments. =============== RESOURCES: Rae’s information: Find Rae as Adoptee Reclaimed on Instagram: Find Rae as Adoptee Reclaimed on Facebook: Other resources mentioned in this episode: Coalition for Responsible Home Education: Other resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== TIME STAMPS: 00:00:02 - Introduction to Unraveling Adoption 00:01:13 - Introducing Guest, Rae, and Discussion on Homeschooling 00:02:54 - Rae's Experience with Homeschooling and Adoption 00:04:44 - Rae's Initial Thoughts on Homeschooling 00:06:16 - Challenges Faced in Homeschooling 00:08:30 - Impact of Isolation in Homeschooling on Adoptees 00:10:00 - Transition to College and Educational Gaps 00:11:06 - Intersection of Homeschooling and Adoption 00:12:58 - Pressure to Conform in Homeschooling 00:14:31 - Potential for Abuse in Homeschooling 00:15:41 - Educational Gaps and Social Challenges in College 00:17:50 - Emotional Growth and Social Behavior 00:19:44 - Recommendations for Improving Homeschooling for Adoptees 00:22:18 - Ways to Support Adoptees in Isolated Homeschooling Environments 00:26:06 - Advice for Isolated Adoptees 00:28:06 - Conclusion and Contact Information  
"I really want to focus on the collective nature of being stolen, because it wasn't just me. It was the vast majority of Native adoptees." -- Pete Patton Episode Summary: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, co-hosted by Beth Syverson and her son Joey, they interview Pete Patton,LCSW, an Indigenous Inuit adoptee who shares his experiences of being stolen and adopted. Pete discusses the historical context of racism in Oregon and the impact it had on Native American communities there and elsewhere. He also delves into his journey of reconnecting with his Indigenous heritage and the healing process he has undergone. Pete highlights the importance of understanding the collective experiences of adoptees and the need for reconnection with ancestors. The conversation sheds light on the complexities of adoption and the importance of listening to and learning from Indigenous voices. The episode emphasizes the significance of acknowledging and honoring the stories of adoptees and the importance of cultural reconnection for healing.   Photo Credit for cover photo of Pete: Alberto Moreno ================ 📘Get our new book Adoption and Suicidality: 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Pete’s information: Contact Pete via email at  Find the chapter that Pete contributed to in this book: Altogether Us: Integrating the IFS Model with Key Modalities, Communities, and Trends: Hear Pete on The One Inside: An Internal Family Systems with Tammy Sollenberger: Other resources mentioned in this episode: IFS Institute (Internal Family Systems): Here are the books Pete mentions: Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer: 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann: The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History by Ned Blackhawk: The Memory of Souls by Cliff Taylor: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== Please rate (*****) and/or review Unraveling Adoption in Apple Podcasts and Spotify (even if you listen to it on another app). Your feedback will help more listeners find our episodes. Thank you! =============== TIME STAMPS 00:00:00 - Introduction to Unraveling Adoption 00:01:24 - Focus on Being Stolen and Adopted 00:04:32 - Historical Context of Assimilation Policies 00:10:58 - Impact of Cultural Othering 00:14:07 - Connecting with Indigenous Community 00:18:45 - Seven B's of Indigenous-inspired IFS 00:20:20 - Shamanic Death Experience and Spiritual Journey 00:23:20 - Impact of Buffalo Population Annihilation 00:24:43 - Adoption as an Extension of Boarding Schools 00:26:02 - Sharing Collective Experiences of Adoption 00:26:56 - Upcoming Events and Conclusion  
Adoption and Suicidality with Joey Nakao, Dr. Joyce Maguire Pavao, Bruce Porth, Janell Strube, Laura L. Engel, Lorraine Dusky, Terri Dreismeier, and Melissa Brunetti - Ep 158 "Despite working hard on a daily or moment-to-moment basis to stay alive, the poem revealed a thin thread of hope that by turning toward and befriending my pain, I might just find a way through it." -- Bruce Porth, one of the book’s contributors ❤️‍🩹 If you or someone you know is suicidal, please call or text 988, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. (Outside US, call your area’s crisis line.) ❤️‍🩹 Podcast Episode Synopsis: In this special episode of Unraveling Adoption, host Beth Syverson delves into the complexities of adoption and its intersection with suicidality. The episode features conversations with various contributors to the newly released book "Adoption and Suicidality," which includes stories, poems, and resources for adoptees, families, healthcare professionals, and allies. The episode begins with a heartfelt conversation between Beth and her son, Joey, who co-wrote the book. Joey reflects on his journey through mental health struggles and the healing process, emphasizing the importance of sharing their experiences to help others. Following this, Beth engages in conversations with seven contributors from the book, each sharing their personal stories and insights related to adoption and suicidality. The contributors, including Dr. Joyce Maguire Pavao, Bruce Porth, Janell Strube, Laura Engel, Lorraine Dusky, Terry Dreismeier, and Melissa Brunetti, offer poignant readings from their pieces, shedding light on the emotional complexities and challenges faced within the adoption community. Throughout the episode, the contributors discuss the stigma surrounding adoption and mental health, the need for open dialogue and education, and the impact of early trauma on mental well-being. They share personal experiences of loss, grief, and resilience, highlighting the importance of community support and understanding. The episode concludes with a reflection on the powerful and emotional narratives shared, emphasizing the significance of raising awareness, providing resources, and fostering a supportive environment for adoptees and their families. The contributors' raw and honest accounts serve as a catalyst for destigmatizing adoption-related mental health struggles and promoting healing and understanding within the adoption community. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES from this episode: Purchase the book Adoption and Suicidality through Amazon as a paperback book, e-book, and audiobook: Here’s our website with more information about the book, including the resource list in the back of the book: Find a therapist, coach, or other healing practitioner through the Healing the Adoption Constellation Database:  Find adoption-related support groups and other events through our Community Calendar: Contact the contributors who spoke in this episode: Dr. Joyce Maguire Pavao: Bruce Porth: Janell Strube: Laura L. Engel:  Lorraine Dusky: Terri Dreismeier: Melissa Brunetti, SMGI® Practitioner: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== Please rate (*****) and/or review Unraveling Adoption in Apple Podcasts and Spotify (even if you listen to it on another app). Your feedback will help more listeners find our episodes. Thank you! =============== TIME STAMPS Introduction to the Book: 00:00:03-00:02:10 Joey's Reflections on the Book: 00:02:14-00:04:07 Contributors’ Introductions: 00:12:57-00:13:40 Contributor Readings and Reflections: 00:13:40-00:25:17 Discussion on Suicide and Adoption: 00:25:17-00:36:11 Impact of Adoption on Mental Health: 00:36:29-00:39:06 Reading Excerpts from Contributors: 00:40:05-01:01:20 Hope for Readers/Listeners: 01:01:30-01:21:57  
"I think my mom, my adoptive mom, was probably scared that she was going to lose me to my birth family." -- Elizabeth Barbour EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, host Beth Syverson interviews guest Elizabeth Barbour, an adoptee who has been in reunion with her birth parents and 11 siblings since 1999. Elizabeth shares her personal adoption story and highlights the importance of navigating search and reunion in a healthy way. She emphasizes the need for support, education, and personal growth for all members of the adoption triad. Elizabeth also discusses the significance of rituals and ceremonies in maintaining long-term relationships post-reunion. Additionally, she mentions her upcoming book on adoption reunion and the spiritual journey she has experienced through adoption.  =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Connect with Elizabeth at Check out her book, Sacred Celebrations: Designing Rituals to Navigate Life’s Milestone Transitions: Look into the October 2024 Magical Mountain Retreat in Asheville, NC:  Find Elizabeth on social media: FB: IG: LinkedIn: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== TIME STAMPS: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Adoption and Reunion 00:05:30 - Elizabeth's Reunion Story 00:10:43 - Rituals in Reunion Celebrations 00:13:38 - Impact of Personal Adoption Experience on Parenting 00:15:33 - Family Constellations Workshop Experience 00:17:50 - Advice for Adoptive Parents in Search and Reunion 00:20:24 - Advice for Birth Parents in Reunion 00:22:41 - Spiritual Journey in Adoption and Reunion 00:24:07 - Upcoming Reunion Book Announcement 00:25:15 - Conclusion and Resource Recommendations  
“Love is the biggest and best thing that she did — unconditional love." Desmond DeRoo  EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode of the podcast, I had the privilege of speaking with Desmond DeRoo, a 30-year-old currently serving his second prison term in Michigan. Desmond, who was adopted by Sarah DeRoo at the age of five after being in the foster care system, shared his experiences of growing up as a biracial child in a small white town in Michigan. Despite facing intense early childhood trauma and struggles with impulsive behavior, Desmond emphasized the importance of unconditional love and support from his adoptive family, especially his mother, Sarah. Desmond provided valuable advice for struggling youth, emphasizing the importance of finding one's passion, surrounding oneself with positive influences, and taking responsibility for one's actions. He also highlighted the significance of seeking community support and resources, especially for adoptive parents facing challenges in raising their children. The episode shed light on the failures of various systems, including the foster care, education, and criminal justice systems, in supporting individuals like Desmond. It underscored the need for greater awareness, empathy, and proactive intervention to prevent marginalized youth from falling through the cracks and entering the prison pipeline. Overall, Desmond's resilience, wisdom, and commitment to helping others serve as an inspiration for adoptive parents and individuals navigating trauma and adversity. His and his mom’s joint message of hope and empowerment resonates with the importance of building supportive communities and advocating for systemic change to create a more inclusive and compassionate society. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Desmond and Sara’s information: Connect with Desmond and Sara through their website: Buy their book through Amazon: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: Other Resources: Statistics about foster care and prison that were mentioned in the intro: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== TIME STAMPS: 00:00:00 - Introduction: Beth Syverson introduces herself and her role as an adoptive mom, setting the stage for the podcast episode. 00:02:41 - Foster Care to Prison Pipeline Statistics: Discussion on the statistics and challenges faced by former foster children in the criminal justice system. 00:06:29 - Desmond and Sara's Background: Introduction to Desmond and Sara DeRoo's story, highlighting their experiences with adoption and trauma. 00:09:12 - Desmond's Early Trauma and Challenges: Desmond's struggles as a biracial child in a small white town, his impulsive behavior, and encounters with the criminal justice system. 00:12:00 - Sara's Parenting Journey: Sara's experiences as a widow raising six adopted kids and blending families, navigating the complexities of adoption. 00:19:12 - Impact of Education System on Desmond: Discussion on how the education system failed Desmond and contributed to his path towards prison. 00:25:48 - Advice for Adoptive Parents: Desmond and Sara share advice for parents, emphasizing the importance of love, support, and seeking help. 00:35:16 - Desmond's Advice for Struggling Youth: Desmond offers advice for struggling youth, focusing on finding passion, surrounding oneself with positive influences, and taking responsibility for actions. 00:42:09 - Desmond's Future Plans Post-Prison: Desmond discusses his plans post-prison, including working with kids and using his experiences to help others. 00:46:55 - Final Thoughts and Advice on Adoption Journey: Desmond and Sara emphasize the importance of community, seeking support, and being open about struggles in the adoption journey.
"We have only ourselves. And when I'm thinking about that, I'm thinking how strong we are. Because we have survived and still live and still create and still talk about our history." -- Kâlánguak Absalonsen Episode Summary: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, I had the privilege of speaking with Kâlánguak Absalonsen, an adopted person from Greenland living in Denmark. Kâlánguak shared her unique perspective on adoption, colonization, and the challenges faced by Inuit people in Denmark. She highlighted the impact of colonization on adoption practices and the struggle to maintain cultural identity in a foreign environment. Kâlánguak’s personal journey of self-discovery and reconnecting with her Inuit roots was both inspiring and heartbreaking. She emphasized the importance of giving voice to marginalized communities, like Inuit adoptees, and the strength it takes to navigate the complexities of adoption without the support of family. Through her blog, book, and advocacy work, Kâlánguak is shedding light on the experiences of Inuit adoptees and challenging the narratives imposed on them by society. Her resilience and determination to reclaim her identity serve as a powerful reminder of the strength within adoptees. As the host, I was deeply moved by Kâlánguak’s story and her courage to speak out. I encourage listeners to visit her website, read her book, and support her efforts to amplify the voices of Inuit adoptees. Let's continue to spread awareness and understanding of adoption's complexities and support adoptees in their journey of self-discovery and healing. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Kâlánguak’s contact information: Discovery Kâlánguak’s website (in English and Danish): Connect with Kâlánguak on Facebook and find her blog posts (translatable on Facebook): Here’s her beadwork on Instagram: Check out Kâlánguak‘s beading handiwork in a video: And here’s the cover of her beautiful book (in Danish) called Lille:  Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: Time Stamps: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Kâlánguak and adoption in Denmark 00:01:32 - History Lesson on Greenland and Denmark 00:04:04 - Kâlánguak's Adoption Story 00:08:18 - Challenges Faced Growing Up in Denmark 00:11:04 - Learning Style Differences 00:13:35 - Transition to Adulthood and Career Path 00:15:56 - Discovering Learning Disability 00:19:36 - Estrangement from Adoptive Parents 00:22:08 - Impact of Colonization on Identity 00:24:34 - The Impact of Adoption on Kâlánguak's Life 00:26:37 - Advocacy for Inuit People and Adoptees 00:30:26 - Strength and Resilience of Adoptees
"The experience of being stuck is a pretty good place to be, I think, a lot of times in therapy and life." - Stephen Rowley Podcast Episode Synopsis: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, I had the pleasure of speaking with Stephen Rowley, a school administrator, college professor, and psychotherapist who shared his fascinating journey of adoption and destiny. Steve's memoir, The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny, delves into the complexities of adoption and the impact it has had on his life. Steve shared insights into his adoption experience, including the profound moment of reconnecting with his birth mother at the age of 40. This emotional reunion brought a sense of closure and connection that Steve had been yearning for, despite the challenges and complexities that came with it. Throughout the conversation, Steve delved into the Zen concept of the lost coin, highlighting the idea of mystery and intuition in navigating life's challenges and uncertainties. He shared how his adoption and relinquishment played a significant role in shaping his response to being fired from his superintendent job, leading to a period of introspection and growth. We explored Steve's deep connection to spirituality, psychology, and therapy, discussing the importance of patience, resilience, and self-discovery in navigating life's obstacles. Steve's unique perspective on karma, belief systems, and the concept of designing one's own life path provided thought-provoking insights into personal growth and understanding. As an advocate for progressive education and a believer in creating schools that work for all children, Steve shared his vision for transformative educational practices. His experiences growing up in the Midwest and the values instilled by his family underscored the importance of respect, kindness, and community in shaping his worldview. Overall, Steve's story of adoption, resilience, and spiritual growth provided a powerful narrative of self-discovery and the transformative power of embracing life's challenges with patience and curiosity. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Stephen’s information: Buy Stephen’s book, The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny: Check out Stephen’s website: Find Stephen: on Facebook:  on Instagram: on LinkedIn:  or on X (Twitter): Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== TIME STAMPS: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Unraveling Adoption 00:05:30 - Unexpected Turn of Events 00:08:09 - Impact of Adoption on Firing 00:10:28 - Reflections on Life Choices 00:14:27 - Exploring Existential Questions 00:17:21 - Finding Meaning in Adversity 00:20:16 - Vision for Progressive Education 00:21:28 - Influence of Midwest Upbringing 00:23:34 - Contact Information and Conclusion  
Podcast Episode Synopsis:  In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, I, Beth Syverson, provide a detailed update on the latest happenings within the Unraveling Adoption community. As an adoptive mom to my son Joey, we are dedicated to delving into the complexities of adoption and providing support to those impacted by adoption. Book Launch Announcement: The main highlight of this episode is the impending launch of our first book in the Unraveling Adoption book series. Titled Adoption and Suicidality, this anthology features stories, poems, and resources for adoptees, families, healthcare professionals, and allies. The book, co-authored by Joey and me along with 14 contributors, aims to open up conversations about suicide, a crucial but often overlooked topic in the adoption community. The book features contributions from 11 adoptees who share their personal struggles with suicidality, as well as three mothers who tragically lost their children to suicide. Dr. Joyce Maguire Pavao, an adoptee and psychotherapist, has written the Foreword, lending her expertise to the project. The book is divided into three sections: our family story, contributions from adoptees and mothers, and a comprehensive list of resources for support. Listeners are invited to join the book launch team, where they can receive a free copy of the book in advance and help spread the word on social media. The goal is to reach a wide audience, including therapists, pediatricians, adoption agencies, and individuals with struggling teens. I also discuss upcoming books in the series, focusing on topics like adoption and sacred plant medicine and adoption and ADHD.  Community Engagement: Listeners are encouraged to explore the Unraveling Adoption Patreon, where they can support the podcast and gain access to exclusive benefits. I express gratitude to current Patreon supporters and extend an invitation to join the community. Coaching Services: As a certified coach, I offer coaching services aimed at validating experiences and guiding individuals towards solutions. Special discounts are available for podcast listeners who book coaching sessions in July 2024. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES mentioned in this episode: Join the Adoption and Suicidality Book Launch Team here: Hear previous episodes by some of our book’s contributors: Addressing LGBTQ+ Adoption Stigmas with Tony Hynes - Ep 93: Exposing the Dangers of Secrets & Lies with Greg Rostron - Ep 97: Coming Out of the Fog with Melissa Brunetti - Ep 106: Investigating Adoption's Fault Lines with Birth Mother Lorraine Dusky - Ep 108: Healing Adoption Trauma Through Alternative Therapies with Ridghaus - Ep 113: Access the Healing the Adoption Constellation Database here: Access the Community Calendar here: Become a Patreon supporter here for as little as $5/month: Find out more about my coaching here:  Other recent podcasts featuring our family’s story: Beth and Joey on Charlyn Spiering’s Adoption Uncovered podcast: Beth and Joey on Lisa Ann’s Wandering Tree podcast: Beth on Speaking of Teens with Ann Coleman: Beth on Mee Ok Icaro’s podcast Live Your True Story: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== Please rate (*****) and/or review Unraveling Adoption in Apple Podcasts and Spotify (even if you listen to it on another app). Your feedback will help more listeners find our episodes. Thank you! =============== 00:00:00 - Introduction and Book Announcement 00:04:50 - Book Launch Team Invitation 00:05:32 - Resources and Ways to Get Involved 00:07:07 - Collaboration with Podcast Guests 00:08:09 - Patreon Supporter Recognition 00:13:19 - Coaching Services Offered  
“Psychedelics can offer a portal to other consciousnesses and open spaces beyond our regular reality.” -- Mee Ok Icaro (adoptee) “Psychedelics can be a powerful tool for deep work and accessing feelings”. - Leslie Pate Mackinnon (birth mom) “Psychedelics can lead to transformative experiences, dividing life into before and after the journey.” -- Beth Syverson (adoptive parent)    *********** All adoption constellation members (adoptees, birth/first parents, adoptive parents, and other allies) are invited to a Medicine Circle on July 7, 2024, led by Mee Ok Icaro and hosted by Unraveling Adoption. Register here:  *********** Episode Summary: In this episode, we are joined by two previous guests, Leslie Pate Mackinnon and Mee Ok Icaro, to discuss the role of sacred plant medicine in their personal healing journeys and its potential to bring the adoption community together. Leslie, a birth mother, shares her experience of coming out of the adoption fog and how plant medicine has helped her access deep-seated trauma, both psychological and physical. She emphasizes the importance of doing thorough research, having a support system in place, and being open to sharing one's authentic self within the adoption community. Mee Ok, a Korean adoptee, highlights the transformative power of plant medicine in connecting with her ancestry and understanding the interconnectedness of her lineage. She emphasizes the need for adoptees to have a voice in the adoption narrative and the importance of collective healing within the community. Beth, an adoptive mother, shares her journey of exploring plant medicine as a means of healing her own trauma and supporting her son through his struggles. She reflects on the role of adoptive parents in collaborating with adoptees and birth parents to create a more compassionate and understanding adoption community. The conversation delves into the challenges and rewards of integrating plant medicine into the adoption healing process, emphasizing the need for compassion, understanding, and collaboration among all members of the adoption constellation. The guests discuss the importance of personal healing as a foundation for collective healing and the potential for plant medicine to facilitate deeper connections and empathy within the adoption community. As the episode concludes, the guests offer insights and advice for individuals interested in exploring plant medicine within the context of adoption, encouraging a mindful and intentional approach to healing and fostering unity within the adoption community. The episode serves as a reminder of the power of compassion, understanding, and shared experiences in promoting healing and growth within the adoption community. ============== RESOURCES: Mee Ok’s contact information: Connect with Mee Ok through her website: Find out about Mee Ok’s November 2024 ayahuasca retreat at Soltara in Costa Rica: Follow Mee Ok:  on Substack:  on Facebook:  and on Instagram: Leslie’s contact information: Reach Leslie through her website: Follow Leslie on Facebook:   Other resources mentioned in this episode: Read Michael Pollan’s book, How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence: Soltara Healing Center (Costa Rica): - use MEEOK at checkout for a $200 discount.  Indigenous Medicine Declaration summarized by Mee Ok Icaro: Hear Mee Ok’s previous Unraveling Adoption podcast episode, “Ayahuasca for Transforming Trauma and Pain with Mee Ok Icaro”: Hear Leslie’s previous Unraveling Adoption podcast episode, “A Birth Mother's Perspective with Leslie Pate Mackinnon”:   Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: ============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== Please rate (*****) and/or review Unraveling Adoption in Apple Podcasts and Spotify (even if you listen to it on another app). Your feedback will help more listeners find our episodes. Thank you! =============== TIME STAMPS Introduction to the Podcast: 00:00:02-00:00:12 Guest Introductions and Topic Introduction: 00:00:12-00:00:55 Personal Experiences with Plant Medicine: 00:00:55-00:01:30 Discussion on Individual Healing with Plant Medicine: 00:01:30-00:02:40 Leslie's Introduction and Adoption Journey: 00:02:40-00:03:54 Beth's Introduction and Adoption Journey: 00:04:00-00:05:40 Mee Ok Icaro's Introduction and Adoption Journey: 00:05:40-00:06:22 Reasons for Pursuing Plant Medicines: 00:06:22-00:08:56 Impact of Plant Medicines on Healing: 00:08:56-00:10:21 Ancestral Healing and Insights: 00:10:21-00:12:20 Healing in Relation to Adoption: 00:12:20-00:14:55 Preparation and Support for Plant Medicine Journeys: 00:15:00-00:27:03 Personal Growth and Community Healing: 00:27:03-00:39:41 Collective Healing and Collaboration: 00:39:47-00:46:33  
"Being trans was not in my product description, and my 30-day money-back guarantee return policy has long since expired." -- Sanjay Pulver Read the transcript here: Episode Synopsis In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, I had the privilege of hosting Sanjay Pulver, a transracial intercountry adoptee from India, who shared his unique journey as a trans man raised by white parents in San Diego, California. Sanjay's story sheds light on the complexities of being an adoptee and navigating the intersections of adoption, gender identity, and cultural heritage. Sanjay shared his origin story, revealing his relinquishment in a small village outside of Hyderabad, India, and his subsequent adoption journey to the United States. He discussed the challenges of not having access to information about his biological family and the cultural barriers in India that hinder reunion efforts for adoptees. The conversation delved into Sanjay's experience of questioning his gender identity from a young age and his journey towards transitioning, both socially and medically. He candidly discussed the complexities of coming out as a lesbian before transitioning and the mixed reactions from his adoptive parents, who initially wanted a daughter from India. As a trans adoptee, Sanjay highlighted the additional layers of identity and the challenges he faces in finding acceptance and understanding within both the adoptee and LGBTQ+ communities. He emphasized the importance of allyship and respect for trans individuals, urging listeners to prioritize using correct pronouns and avoiding invasive questions about surgeries or procedures. The episode also touched on the dangers and legislative challenges faced by trans individuals in the current political climate, emphasizing the need for support and advocacy to ensure the safety and well-being of the trans community. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Sanjay’s information: Find Sanjay on Instagram: Listen to Sanjay’s episode on Haley Radke’s Adoptees On podcast: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== 00:05:30 - Adoption Trends from India: Sanjay Pulver discusses the history and trends of intercountry adoption from India. 00:08:03 - Questioning Gender Identity: Sanjay shares about when he started questioning his gender identity. 00:09:35 - Transitioning Process: Sanjay talks about his process of transitioning, both socially and medically. 00:11:07 - Parental Acceptance: Discussion on how Sanjay's adoptive parents reacted to his coming out as gay. 00:12:53 - Fear of Rejection: Sanjay expresses his concerns about potential rejection from his adoptive parents due to his gender identity. 00:14:13 - Reunion Considerations: Sanjay reflects on the complexities of potentially reuniting with his birth family in India. 00:17:43 - Transgender Rights: Sanjay highlights the challenges faced by trans individuals in the current political climate. 00:19:48 - Allyship for Trans People: Sanjay provides insights on how individuals can be better allies to the trans community. 00:22:43 - Respectful Communication: Discussion on the importance of respectful communication and boundaries when interacting with trans individuals. 00:24:03 - Support and Connection: Sanjay shares his contact information and future projects related to adoptees and the LGBTQ+ community. 00:27:00 - Advocacy and Recognition: Sanjay emphasizes the importance of advocacy for marginalized communities and recognition of trans elders.  
"I think it's really important at this moment for us in our society to understand that we collectively and continuously, in every little micro level ways and macro level ways, differentially value mothers in America, and we are still making decisions that are rooted in really bigoted assumptions, that are rooted in racism." -- Rebecca Wellington Read the transcript: Podcast Episode Synopsis: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, host Beth Syverson welcomes guest Rebecca Wellington, an adoptee, mom, and historian, to discuss the complexities of motherhood in the context of adoption. Rebecca's new book, Who is a Worthy Mother?, serves as a hybrid memoir and adoption history, delving into the societal perceptions of motherhood and adoption in the U.S. Rebecca shares her personal adoption story, highlighting the challenges and complexities she faced growing up as an adoptee. She reflects on her journey of self-discovery and the impact of motherhood on her understanding of adoption trauma. The conversation touches on the historical context of adoption policies, including eugenics and forced sterilizations, shedding light on the systemic injustices faced by marginalized communities. The discussion also explores the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade and its implications on adoption and motherhood. Rebecca emphasizes the need for a deeper understanding of how societal biases and prejudices shape perceptions of motherhood and adoption. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to engage with Rebecca's book, share their reviews, and join the conversation on adoption and mothering. The episode serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection of adoption, motherhood, and historical injustices, inviting listeners to reflect on their own beliefs and perceptions surrounding these topics. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Rebecca’s information: Reach out to Rebecca and find all her links at Order Rebecca’s book Who Is a Worthy Mother? here: Other resources mentioned in this episode: Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency by Sharon Kaplan Roszia and Allison Davis Maxon: "You Should Bea Grateful": Stories of Race, Identity, and Transracial Adoption by Angela Tucker: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== 00:00:00 - Introduction to the Podcast 00:05:30 - Becca's Adoption Story 00:10:00 - Impact of Roe vs. Wade 00:16:00 - History of Eugenics and Forced Sterilizations 00:20:00 - Understanding Motherhood in America 00:22:00 - Book Information and Call for Reviews  
"I'm just enjoying the journey. What happens when the journey is over? Then what? So I'm just chasing the buzz." - Ryan Anderson Read the transcript; or read along while listening, if you have trouble udnerstanding Ryan's lovely Scottish accent: Podcast Episode Synopsis: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, I had the privilege of speaking with Ryan Anderson, a foundling and transnational, transracial, and late discovery adoptee. Ryan shared his incredible journey of being found on the streets of Morocco as an infant and later being adopted by an English mother and Moroccan father in Scotland. The revelation of his adoption at the age of 18 sent him on a tumultuous path of self-medication with alcohol and drugs, but he has been sober for 10 months now. Ryan's story is one of resilience and determination as he embarks on a relentless search for his birth family in Morocco. Despite facing challenges such as language barriers and limited resources, Ryan has not given up hope. He has explored various avenues, including DNA testing, visiting hospitals and courts in Morocco, and even appearing on Moroccan TV to share his story. Throughout the episode, Ryan candidly discusses his struggles with mental health, the impact of his adoption on his identity, and the ongoing quest to find his roots. Despite facing negative comments and setbacks, Ryan remains steadfast in his pursuit, driven by a deep yearning to connect with his biological family. As the host, I was struck by Ryan's unwavering determination and vulnerability in sharing his story. His journey serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of adoption and the profound longing for belonging. Ryan's courage and resilience in the face of adversity are truly inspiring, and his willingness to share his experiences sheds light on the emotional complexities of the adoption journey. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Ryan (Peshy)’s information: Connect with Ryan on Instagram Or find him on Facebook Watch Ryan’s 15-minute YouTube video about his life: Read Ryan’s 37-page story: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: If you enjoy our podcast, please RATE and/or REVIEW Unraveling Adoption on Apple or Spotify. It really helps our episodes reach more ears. Thank you! =============== Timestamps: 00:00:02 - Introduction to Unraveling Adoption: Beth Syverson introduces the podcast and herself as an adoptive mom. 00:03:10 - Desire to Help Others: Ryan Anderson discusses his burning desire to help others and his people-pleasing tendencies. 00:06:42 - Discovery of Adoption at 18: Ryan shares his experience of finding out about his adoption at the age of 18 and the impact it had on him. 00:10:06 - Coping Mechanisms During COVID: Ryan talks about how COVID-19 impacted his partying habits and led to a period of sobriety. 00:12:25 - Ongoing Search for Birth Family: Ryan discusses his ongoing search for his birth family in Morocco and the challenges he faces. 00:21:14 - Near Kidnapping Experience: Ryan recounts a harrowing experience of almost being kidnapped during a trip to Morocco. 00:24:43 - Balancing Life and Adoption Search: Ryan reflects on the balance between searching for his birth family and living his life to the fullest. 00:30:07 - Journey to Sobriety: Ryan shares his journey to sobriety and the importance of finding balance in his life.  
"I truly felt the weight of the world telling the story. I felt like it was a great responsibility, but I had to do it." -- Kristal Parke Read the transcript here: EPISODE SUMMARY: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kristal Parke, an adoptee and filmmaker behind the acclaimed documentary Because She's Adopted. Kristal shared her journey of self-discovery and identity exploration through the creation of her film, which delves into her childhood, reunion with her birth mother, struggle with addiction, and intentional reconnection with her Indigenous heritage. The film has received critical acclaim and won awards, shedding light on the complexities of adoption. Kristal discussed the impact of her film on her family, crew, and herself, highlighting the vulnerability and growth that came with sharing her story. She emphasized the importance of owning her narrative and the evolution of her understanding of adoption. The podcast episode also touched on the behind-the-scenes process of creating the documentary, including the support of her adoptive family, crew members, and the challenges and joys of filming. Listeners were encouraged to watch the film, which is set to be officially released by fall 2024. Kristal shared details on how to stay connected with updates and screenings. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Kristal’s information: Check our Kristal’s film’s website to keep informed of future events: Follow the film at Facebook: Or on Instagram: Email Kristal at Watch a trailer of the film Because She’s Adopted: Catch the Hiraeth Hope & Healing screening on June 15, 2024:   Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me -  Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== Please rate (*****) and/or review Unraveling Adoption in Apple Podcasts and Spotify (even if you listen to it on another app). Your feedback will help more listeners find our episodes. Thank you! =============== Timestamps: 00:00:02 - Introduction to Kristal Parke: Beth introduces Kristal Parke, a Canadian adoptee and filmmaker, and talks about her acclaimed documentary "Because She's Adopted." 00:05:31 - Unique Adoption Story: Kristal shares the unique story of how she was chosen based on her gender for adoption. 00:10:18 - Residential School Trauma: Kristal discusses the traumatic experiences of Indigenous children in Canadian residential schools. 00:12:26 - Reunion with Birth Mother: Kristal recounts her emotional reunion with her birth mother and meeting her older brother. 00:14:58 - Impact on Family: Kristal reflects on how her family, including her brothers and father, were affected by the documentary. 00:17:43 - Supportive Husband: Kristal talks about the role of her husband in the documentary and the title choice "Because She's Adopted." 00:20:16 - Serene Reflection: Kristal describes a peaceful moment in Manitoba that symbolized her journey of self-discovery during filming. 00:24:27 - Personal Growth: Kristal shares how making the film helped her own her story and continue her journey of self-discovery. 00:26:33 - Film Release Information: Kristal provides details on how to watch the film and stay connected for updates.
“I didn't want to lose them. I loved them both and I thought, it's hard to think about your life separated. I guess now knowing all that I know about being separated from the first person that I was supposed to be with, you know, I just never wanted to be separated from either one of them.” -- Jane Spreckley   Episode Summary: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, the host, Beth Syverson, interviews Jane Spreckley, an adoptee whose adoptive parents divorced when she was 14 years old. Jane shares her experience of how the divorce activated her abandonment issues and impacted her relationships. She emphasizes the importance of adoptive parents seeking therapy with adoption-competent therapists for their children during difficult times like divorce. Jane also highlights the significance of open communication and compassion within families going through similar situations. The conversation sheds light on the complexities adoptees face during divorce and the need for understanding and support.  ===============  📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list:  ===============   RESOURCES:   Jane’s information:   Find Jane on Facebook at Email Jane at   Other Resources:   APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me -  Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction:   ===============   Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn:   =============== Timestamps: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Unraveling Adoption Podcast 00:05:30 - Jane's Experience with Parents' Divorce 00:10:00 - Realization of Impact from First Abandonment 00:13:30 - Advice for Adoptive Parents Going Through Divorce 00:17:20 - Advice for Adoptees Dealing with Divorcing Parents 00:20:00 - Encouragement for Self-Compassion and Support for Jane 00:21:30 - Gratitude to Patreon Supporters and Call to Share the Episode
“I have a hard time believing in love, that love just really exists, that you can love somebody. Then I feel like I have a hard time loving men and stuff, so I wouldn't want them to get hurt if they ever felt like I didn't love them.” - Tammy Murphy Episode Summary: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, I had the privilege of speaking with Tammy Murphy, a Black, same-race, domestic adoptee living in Indiana. Tammy shared her struggles with social anxiety and dissociation, stemming from her adoption experience. She recounted how her adoptive mother's inconsistent responses to her questions about being adopted led to confusion and a sense of not belonging. Tammy also shared her journey of self-medication with substances like alcohol and marijuana to cope with her feelings of disconnect and identity crisis. Despite facing challenges in forming deep relationships and feeling a sense of authenticity, Tammy has taken steps towards healing. She recently started therapy and has begun journaling to identify triggers and coping mechanisms. Tammy expressed her aspirations to become an adoption therapist and to write a memoir titled Two to Forgive, focusing on forgiveness towards her birth mother and adoptive mother. Throughout the episode, Tammy emphasized the importance of honesty in adoptive families, early communication about adoption, and seeking therapy and self-help resources to navigate the complexities of adoption trauma.  =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== RESOURCES: Resource mentioned in this episode: Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency: A Comprehensive Guide to Promoting Understanding and Healing In Adoption, Foster Care, Kinship Families and Third Party Reproduction: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me -  Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== TIME STAMPS: 00:05:30 - Connecting with Others as an Adoptee 00:11:01 - Seeking Therapy and Beginning to Address Adoption Trauma 00:14:06 - Future Goals: Becoming an Adoption Therapist 00:15:50 - Advice for Adoptive Parents: Honesty and Openness 00:16:40 - Impact of Lies and Deception on Adoptees 00:18:16 - Advice for Adoptees: Therapy, Emotional Intelligence, and Coping Strategies    
"I'm in a great place, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally." -- Joey Nakao Podcast Episode Synopsis: In this heartfelt episode of Unraveling Adoption, host Beth Syverson welcomes her son, Joey, back to the podcast after a five-month hiatus. Joey, a courageous 20-year-old in recovery from addiction, shares his journey of sobriety and self-discovery with listeners. The episode delves into Joey's recent experiences at Hazelden Betty Ford in Palm Springs, where he is participating in a PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program). Joey reflects on the challenges he has faced during his recovery, including moments of discomfort and the temptation to leave the program. However, he credits the supportive community at the treatment center for helping him stay grounded and committed to his sobriety. Joey opens up about his transformative experiences with meditation, where he received messages of healing and self-preservation. He also discusses his plans for the future, including moving into an apartment with a friend from rehab and continuing his recovery journey. As the episode unfolds, Beth and Joey discuss their upcoming book, Adoptees and Suicidality, which aims to shed light on the connection between adoption and mental health struggles. Joey expresses his desire to be more involved in the podcast and potentially pursue a career in counseling or recovery support. Throughout the episode, Joey emphasizes the importance of honesty, self-nurturing, and community support in the recovery process. He encourages listeners struggling with addiction to stay hopeful and seek help from those who can hold their truth with compassion. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list:  ===============  RESOURCES: Hear an earlier episode with Joey and Beth about suicidality: Hazelden Betty Ford Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Services (with services throughout the US): Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me - Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: ===============  Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== Timestamps: 00:05:30 - Joey's Recovery Journey: Joey discusses his experience with recovery and the challenges he faced in previous attempts. 00:10:17 - Importance of Community in Recovery: Joey emphasizes the role of community and support in his recovery journey. 00:15:07 - Milestones in Recovery: Joey reflects on his progress in recovery and the importance of taking it day by day. 00:17:14 - Comparison between SMART Recovery and AA: Joey explains the differences between SMART Recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in terms of approach and structure. 00:18:28 - Transformative Meditation Experiences: Joey shares his experiences with meditation and the insights he gained during the practice. 00:21:35 - Unraveling Adoption Book Announcement: Beth discusses the upcoming release of the book Adoptees and Suicidality and its significance in raising awareness about suicide. 00:23:20 - Overcoming Stigma in Recovery: Joey encourages understanding and compassion for individuals struggling with addiction, emphasizing the importance of support and empathy. 00:24:17 - Message of Hope for Those Struggling: Joey offers words of encouragement and advice for individuals facing addiction, highlighting the importance of honesty and seeking support.
"Taiko drumming is a wonderful way to release lots of negative energy and have it transformed into positive energy. " -- Jennifer Weir Podcast Episode Synopsis: In this episode of Unraveling Adoption, host Beth Syverson welcomes guest Jennifer Weir, a Korean adoptee who connected with her Asian identity through Taiko drumming. Jennifer shares her journey of being adopted from South Korea at a young age and growing up in North Dakota with very little Asian representation. Despite facing bullying and struggles with identity, Jennifer found solace in Taiko drumming, eventually becoming the executive director of Taiko Arts Midwest. The episode delves into Jennifer's experience organizing a groundbreaking concert featuring elite women Taiko drummers from Japan, the US, and Canada. The concert, captured in the award-winning documentary Finding Her Beat, highlighted the challenges faced by women in the male-dominated Taiko industry. The film showcases the power of Taiko drumming as a form of expression and healing, resonating with audiences worldwide. Beth and Jennifer discuss the complexities of Asian identity, the importance of processing grief, and the transformative power of Taiko drumming in navigating personal struggles. Jennifer's journey from a Korean adoptee to a Taiko drumming powerhouse serves as an inspiration to adoptees and individuals exploring their cultural heritage. =============== 📆 Community Calendar: ✨Healing the Adoption Constellation database: 💌Sign up for our Unraveling Adoption email list: =============== Resources mentioned in this episode: Finding Her Beat documentary: HERbeat: Taiko Women All-Stars (Full Concert Video): TaikoArts Midwest: Other Resources: APtitude Support Group for Adoptive Parents Facing Adoption’s Challenges: Other Parents Like Me -  Heather Ross - Life Coaching for Parents who have a child struggling with addiction: =============== Unraveling Adoption is produced and hosted by Beth Syverson Music written and performed by Joseph Nakao Email questions or comments to Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube Support Unraveling Adoption on Patreon: Check out our website: Create your own podcast through Libsyn: =============== Timestamps: 00:01:05 - Guest Introduction: Jennifer Weir, Korean Adoptee 00:02:20 - Jennifer's Adoption Story: Arrival in the U.S. 00:03:31 - Growing Up in North Dakota as an Asian Adoptee 00:06:00 - Lack of Asian Cultural Connection in Childhood 00:08:00 - Experience of Bullying and Microaggressions in School 00:09:37 - Jennifer's Response to Bullying and Racism 00:11:59 - Vulnerable Story of Dealing with Bullying 00:13:32 - Coping with Rage 00:15:11 - Taiko Drumming is Cathartic and Therapeutic 00:16:08 - Women in Taiko Drumming: Gender Dynamics 00:17:13 - Empowering Women in Taiko Drumming 00:19:53 - Production of "Finding Her Beat" Documentary 00:21:38 - Jennifer's Family Involvement in Taiko Drumming 00:22:05 - Choosing Japanese Taiko Drumming over Korean Drumming 00:25:20 - Impact of Finding Her Beat on the Adoptee Community 00:27:02 - Information on Finding Her Beat film and TaikoArts Midwest 00:28:02 - Support Unraveling Adoption Podcast and Patreon Membership  