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Author: Trevor Carss

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Children's Author & Illustrator of 80+ Books
414 Episodes
My fitness transformation after week 5. Need to continue pushing more. Can definitely improve diet and volume of fitness exercises. Video.
My fitness transformation after week 4. Some marginal improvements here and there, I know I can do better! Video.
My fitness transformation after week 3. Lower back pain continued for the second week in a row. Proceeded with fitness testing. Did the max counts, including the run this time. Weight gain of 5 pounds compared to last week, not good. Will need to push it next week. Video.
My fitness transformation after week 2. Had some lower back pain this week, will need to let that heal. Did the max counts, not including the run. Still managed to get out and walk, throw the frisbee around. Video.
I didn’t make as much progress with my fitness training as I had hoped for in week 1. To focus on the positives, I did two more yoga sessions than I normally would have, ran a little longer, and worked the core and back a bit. This is a gradual process, just have to take […]
My fitness transformation journey – the beginning of it. I’m looking to make some positive changes with my health and fitness. At age 34 here, my back is not in great shape, especially the lower back. Knees are definitely not doing well. I could improve my eating habits by reducing the sugar, ice cream, chips, […]
Moving forward, my focus with this YouTube channel is going to be self improvement. Although I’ll leave up all the old videos to showcase my journey, it’s about time to take my legacy seriously. Video.
I made over 1,000 YouTube videos on one channel in just under a decade. They are all admittedly crummy. I never used a fancy camera or professional video editing software. I rarely drafted a script to think out what I was going to say. I definitely didn’t do any serious marketing to spread the word […]
I set out to make a video based on the top English language search result starting with T. Tom and Jerry topped the list. Video. Then I went down a rabbit hole (mouse hole?) wondering why this 1960’s classic is making a comeback. I’m seeing compilation videos from Warner Bros. on YouTube. It appears there […]
Here is some dating advice for any gender, coming from a conventionally unattractive dude. Video. I really have no business giving out relationship advice when my relationships have been trainwrecks, but maybe my raw, failed perspective will shed some light on your struggles. Chances are we’ve struggled in similar ways. My credentials: I have gone […]
I don’t get why people walk side-by-side on sidewalks. Video. The other day I saw this couple, a man and a woman, and they were quickly approaching me. I thought they would walk single file, but they just continued to hold hands and not even budge an inch! I literally had to walk into a […]
Now that I’m in my thirties, it makes sense to comment on anyone out there who feels like a loser in life. To escape your loser world, check out the thought exercise at the bottom. Video. There is just one reason why you feel like a loser in your thirties: mindset. That’s it, I rest […]
Now some of these modern addictions have been around for awhile, but we’re noticing more prominence in the 21st century. Video. This list doesn’t include your typical addictions like alcohol, drugs, and gambling. We know those are bad, they’ve been around for many years, and there is adequate support when people fall under the trap […]
I was supposed to go to Harvard. Video. When I was in high school, it was official: Harvard, here I come. Everyone expected me to be the very best in the world, the cream of the crop. Sure, I was a pretty decent high schooler, but I accomplished nothing to merit a Harvard credential. A […]
Introduction to my radical fitness transformation journey. The fun begins tomorrow! Video.
Here is my definition of “massive value”:Transaction of a physical item or service, where the exchange is more substantial than your typical commodity. Video. Examples: Start by finding a problem to solve. The best problems to find are those you’re personally dealing with. An example is you’re struggling with saving money (you barely break even […]
Advice to ASMRtists

Advice to ASMRtists


Here is my advice to ASMRtists. Video. 1) Have a microphone, any will do. The idea that you must have an incredible microphone is just not true. All it takes is an idea, a tingle, a sensation, one you’re willing to share with the world. If you must invest in some audio equipment, a Blue […]
In this tingly ASMR video, we are joined by two Snoopy plushies to help us fall asleep. Video.
Snoopy Interview ASMR

Snoopy Interview ASMR


I interview Snoopy in this ASMR video. Whispering interview style. Video. Questions asked: How do you feel about the treatment of Charlie Brown at school?Thoughts on Lucy?The blanket, what’s the deal with the blanket?What does your morning routine look like?What is your diet?How do you stay motivated when laziness creeps in?What’s your step count?Fitness routine?Dating […]
This essay on happiness was written by OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Artificial intelligence is very much alive. Excerpt text: Happiness is a complex and multi-faceted concept that has been studied by philosophers, scientists, and scholars for centuries. At its core, happiness is the feeling of contentment and satisfaction that arises from the achievement of one’s goals and […]
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