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Blue Blood Wisdom with Ellyn Katherine
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Blue Blood Wisdom with Ellyn Katherine

Author: Ellyn Katherine

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Are you ready to take your ascension journey to the next level? Join Ellyn each week as she shares her raw experiences of going from a dark place in her life being an angry victim of circumstance to embodying her divinity through uncovering the seven Ascension life lessons on her path. Ellyn's mission is to empower you on your journey to reclaiming your divinity so you flourish while ascending to your next level of consciousness. This is the place to be if you're feeling depleted; like you just want to go "home" or if you're suffering silently with the anxiety of having to face life and feeling out of place. Learn how to THINK, ACT, and FEEL to make decisions like a true divine being!
28 Episodes
Happy 2021!Have you ever wondered around your home trying to see if you can move an object with your mind? (I know I have!) Have you ever wondered why you got a "random" call from someone you were just thinking about? Do you feel excited when you watch supernatural movies, where people do really cool things (like move objects with their minds) and wish you could do it too?If you said yes to any or all of those questions, then this episode will be a real treat for you and it came a...
Gifts to Purpose

Gifts to Purpose


Let's face it, we all change our lifestyles, mainly, when something hits the fan, you either get really sick, or something happens to make you slow down... sound familiar? If you've stumbled upon this episode then you're meant to hear the messages from this episode.Unfortunately, most of society learns through struggle, pain, and, and resistance, however, Sarah Rose, who is the guest in this week's episodes shares how you can access your gifts, without struggle. Once you access you...
This episode contains surprising facts found within the word FAT. Where does Fat come from? What it's main purpose? How can we get out of the self-loathing phase to finally lose the weight and keep it off?This is a juicy episode with loads of info that will help steer you into the direction of spiritual weightloss.. for good.Here's the link to receive a free wealth blueprint outlining your soul contracts, talents and goals as mentioned in this episode. Join me inside the Ascension Gateway Com...
Have you tried all the "in" diets, exercises and affirmations to lose the extra layers of fat that keep coming back over and over again?Have you witnessed how much society exerts a tremendous amount of pressure to conform to a thinner body standard? Have you fallen pray to the social pressure that contributes to the constant guilt and maybe even self-loathing?What if wanting to be thin was just a way for you to be accepted and loved? I had a revelation wanting to emerge from the shadows, and ...
If you listen to the words you speak to yourself everyday, can you confidently say that they are loving and non-critical?Have you wondered what all the fuss is about when it comes to Self-love? Is self-love selfish?How is Bliss connected to Self-love? Self-love is a major topic talked about in the spiritual community but did you know there's more involved with loving yourself (I mean really loving yourself unconditionally) than what we thought. We are given opportunities to learn s...
Have you tried emotional clearing, energy healing and peeled so many layers but still feel stuck?Do you feel like it's a never ending cycle of reprogramming the subconscious mind that doesn't seem to work? Ancestral Clearing can be the answer you've been looking for!!Beliefs and coping strategies that enabled our ancestors to survive often get hardwired into the next generations’ DNA. These may be inherited or learned from our parents but it goes much farther back.Releasing ancestral lim...
How much of an influence do our minds have on our bodies, right down to ourselves? What kind of effects do you think believing negative thoughts would have on us?How has your past experiences affect your current reality?Are you using your abilities to manifest and heal yourself?If we have the ability to heal ourselves, then it will take more than just positive thinking. It's easy to try and mask deeper emotional wounds with a superficial mask of happiness to try and rewrite your pa...
Part of the Divine Design of Ascension is realizing that you chose to experience lower states of consciousness from trauma, societal conditioning, parents, etc prior to incarnating in this lifetime.So how does Ascension play out in your daily life? How can you go from a lower state of consciousness, the programs, beliefs, and habits that you are so accustomed to, and transition to a higher state of consciousness, beyond the old story and programs? In this episode, I share my experience a...
Divine Sight

Divine Sight


What does it look like when we use our multidimensional senses?How can life change? How can our circumstances look different?Our perception changes when we embody more of our soul and in this episode, I talk about the importance of divine sight. Are you ready to take your ascension journey to the next level? Join the Ascension Gateway Community, where you can make real progress on your spiritual path, make connections with like-minded souls, ...
Reacting vs Responding

Reacting vs Responding


Throughout my show, I shared my personal experiences and stories about my life and how I got to where I am today. Learning what triggers you, how it feels in the body takes practice and requires awareness. It also requires you to be the observer. In this episode, I was interviewed by another Podcast Host with who I had a great conversation and connection. I felt called to share this particular interview so I followed my internal guidance. You'll learn how to be the observer and how to t...
The Integrity Factor

The Integrity Factor


Over the summer, one of the experiences I had as an observer made me uncover a deeper layer of my authenticity. We are sometimes so conditioned to behave and do certain things that at our core being are not in alignment with who we are longing to be. With awareness, we can become conscious of the conditioned behaviors and break the cycle by intentionally aligning to our core being. Discerning the actions we must take and the choices we make to be in alignment with our core bei...
The New Human Era

The New Human Era


What is Ascension? We hear this term in the spiritual community but what does it mean exactly? &Why is NOW a turning point in history as the new human era approaches?In this episode, I talk about its meaning, the Ascension Gateway, and most importantly how you can move through this period of growth and change.Are you ready to take your ascension journey to the next level? Join the Ascension Gateway Community, where you can make real progr...
There is so much judgment around what's happening in our world right now. Between the coronavirus, the riots and protests, we are feeling the urgency to either get involved or judge those who are involved. Humanity is going through a purge, a spiritual revolution. There's lots of change happening but many of us are stuck in our own bubble/views that we are not seeing the bigger picture OR the other side of the spectrum. Where there is darkness, there is always light. Although this is a ...
How are you navigating your everyday life as a human? Do you realize how important you are that you incarnated on this physical plane with help you can't see or feel?We each have an amazing connection to Divine wisdom and guidance. It’s always available; the challenge is to turn our attention toward the Divine Presence within us and stay focused.Can you notice some of the valuable and trustworthy insights and guidance you're receiving on a daily basis? Are you able to identify the...
How Badass Are You?

How Badass Are You?


Do I choose life or death? Am I good enough to live? These are thoughts I had before I discovered a better version of myself, the goddess or most recently stated as the badass. Come explore your badassness with me!If you dig deep enough you’ll see that you’re a total badass, they’re not only seen on TV!A part of me that I rarely talk about has been revealed and from this revelation, I realized that I’m a total badass. I’ll tell you the one secret ingredient you can use RIGHT NOW to ...
How can you catch yourself going back on old habits and how can being the observer help steer you in the right direction?In previous episodes, I've mentioned the importance of deciphering your ego voice from your Higher self but most of us have a hard time hearing the higher self's voice. In this episode, I share simple ways you can become the observer and be aware of what thoughts come up in your daily life.Click here to download your FREE meditation (Light Code Activation) Are you read...
Have you wondered why you may have a common theme playing out over and over again in your life?Have you been observing the thought patterns that play out and just keep you in the same place?To become a conscious creator, you must first become the observer. Before you can become the observer, what do you need to keep your eye out for? (hint: the life lessons)Episode 12: that (the number 12) seems to be a very important number... As I write this description, I realized how potent this particula...
How can you believe that you have all the wisdom within you when your life challenges are displaying something different?When can you finally accept life and flow with the divine unfoldment?Our conditioning to societal norms does not allow us to move forward in our evolution if we aren't conscious of what we're doing or saying...In this episode, I bring to life the meaning behind the "you have the wisdom within you" piece and how you can view your life with a new lense opening your path up to...
We are angels in a human body, equipped with the weapons we need to conquer our lessons already inside of us. The beauty in this school we call Earth is that as we experience what we were taught by fellow humans who were trying to navigate life themselves, we uncover the truth. There is "light at the end of the tunnel" as we remember why we are here and how to now live as a human BEing. This episode covers the channeled wisdom I received around 4 Universal Laws around BEing a human (notice ho...
Goddess Embodiment

Goddess Embodiment


Are you seeking answers?Are you doing all the release work? Now what?Ready to experience real love from within?What does diet have to do with spiritual awakening?Tune in to get the answers...Are you ready to take your ascension journey to the next level?Join the Ascension Gateway Community, where you can make real progress on your spiritual path, make connections with like-minded souls, expand further, lift higher, and make real and positive changes in...