Conscious Health Talks

A Podcast for the open-minded striving to improve their health, fitness and lifestyle while being fully aware about the impact on the planet and all forms of life. In short, a Podcast for anyone who seeks to listen to inspirational discussions for a better living. Hosted by Niklas Frick, he aims to provide motivating, bright minds with the opportunity to share their story and explore a variety of topics in depth ultimately creating a platform of knowledge encouraging you to bring out the best in yourself. Find out more at

10. Sportverletzungen überwinden und stärker zurückkommen mit Gabriel & Nicolas Lüchinger

Verletzungen im Spitzensport gehören praktisch zum Arbeitsalltag dazu. Natürlich versucht man einen Grossteil davon zu verhindern und präventiv mit gezieltem Training vorzubeugen. Wenn es jedoch doch mal zu einer Verletzung kommt, ist die Regenerierung und der Wiederaufbau zur Topform Priorität Nummer 1. Diese Phase ist also ganz zentral und die darin getroffenen Massnahmen definieren schlussendlich den Wiedereinstieg in den Sport und die Teilnahme an Wettbewerben.Die beiden heutigen Gäste Gabriel Lüchinger und Nicolas Lüchinger haben beide eine Vergangenheit mit Verletzungen und haben gelernt, damit umzugehen. Sie beide spielen in der Schweizer Super League, der höchsten Schweizer Liga im Fussball. Gabriel spielt als Mittelfeldspieler beim FC Vaduz aus Liechtenstein und Nicolas in der Verteidigung beim FC St. Gallen. In dieser Episode erzählen sie beide von ihrem Aufwachsen und der Bedeutung von Sport und natürlich speziell dem Fussball. Sie geben dann einen Überblick über ihre Verletzungsgeschichte und wie sie damit umgehen und bereits umgegangen sind. Sie geben Tipps und Tricks rund um die Erholungs- und Aufbauphase, was sie gemacht haben und erzählen, was ihnen besonders geholfen hat. Beide haben es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, nach ihren Verletzungen stets stärker zurückzukommen und das ist ihnen stets gelungen.Danke fürs Zuhören und bis zum nächsten Mal,NiklasAnhören & AbonnierenSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts oder wo auch immer du deine Podcasts hörst.SHOWNOTES:Mit Gabriel Lüchinger verbinden:Instagram: Nicolas Lüchinger verbinden:Instagram:ähnte & weitere Ressourcen:Schweizer Super League Website: FC Vaduz: FC St. Gallen: with the show:Website | Instagram | Twitter | E-MailSupport the show (


9. Vegane Schwangerschaft und frühe Kindheit mit Carolin Wiedmann, MD alias The Plant Power Pedriatrician

"Im Zusammenhang mit veganen Schwangerschaften erscheinen oft nur fehlgeschlagene und tragische Ausnahmefälle in den Medien. Und sie wären absolut vermeidbar." - Carolin Wiedmann, MDWas es bedeutet vegan zu sein ist heutzutage fast überall bekannt. Das es überhaupt möglich ist und sogar noch gesundheitliche Vorteile bringen kann, ebenfalls. Spätestens in der Schwangerschaft oder dem Aufziehen von Kindern ist dann jedoch Schluss. Um dieses Thema geht es in der heutigen Episode mit Carolin Wiedmann.Carolin ist Pädiaterin und ist Spezialistin im Bereich Ernährung. Sie hat sich seit ihrem Studium mit Fragen rund um eine gesunde, und später dann vegane, Ernährung beschäftigt. Heute engagiert sie sich stark dafür, eine vollwertig pflanzliche Ernährungsform in ihre Arbeit einfliessen zu lassen. In der Praxis versucht sie die Krankheiten ihrer Patienten nicht nur auf die konventionelle Art zu behandeln, sondern auch mit evidenzbasierter Interventionen rund um die Ernährung.Im Gespräch gehen wir etwas vertiefter ins Thema Schwangerschaft und frühe Kindheit und wie eine gut geplante vegane Ernährungsform auch in diesen speziellen Lebensabschnitten möglich ist. Carolin Wiedman berät und behandelt tagtäglich Familien, die sich vegan ernähren und dies auch in der Schwangerschaft, der Stillzeit und beim Aufziehen ihrer Kinder tun möchten. Sie weiss genau, auf was es ankommt und wo die Herausforderungen liegen. Für mich persönlich ist dieses Thema gerade sehr aktuell, da ich einige Personen kenne, die gerade Schwanger sind oder kürzlich Eltern geworden sind. Sie sind zwar nicht vegan, aber ich denke, dass dieses Thema für alle - unabhängig der Ernährungsform - sehr wichtig ist.Danke fürs Zuhören und bis zum nächsten Mal,NiklasAnhören & AbonnierenSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts oder wo auch immer du deine Podcasts hörst.SHOWNOTES:Mit Carolin Wiedmann verbinden:Instagram:ähnte & weitere Ressourcen:Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN) International Website: Buch Vegane Ernährung. Schwangerschaft, Stillzeit und Beikost: Buch Becoming Vegan: Health: THE HEALTH: OVER KNIVES: with the show:Website | Instagram | Twitter | E-MailSupport the show (


8. Solar-Powered around the World with Raphaël Domjan

"Climate change is a huge problem we face today. But I like to see it as an opportunity to change things as they are." - Raphaël DomjanSome time ago, circumnavigating the world was a huge undertaking and a great adventure. Today it is no longer a feat. But if you do it on a ship, it becomes more adventurous. If you are now on a ship, which is only powered by solar energy, you come very close to the adventures of past times. Our guest today in this episode has done just that. The PlanetSolar project was born from a crazy idea. From 2010 to 2012 on a catamaran with more than 500 square meters of solar panels on the roof, Raphaël Domjan has travelled around the world starting from Monaco. With the PlanetSolar project, his current SolarStratos project and a number of other projects, Raphaël wants to show what is possible with solar energy. He has made it his life's work to promote renewable energies and especially solar energy as far as possible. I think it needs pioneers like Raphaël Domjan, who believe in something so strongly and put ideas into practice. This is really very inspiring and I hope that this conversation will encourage some people to do exactly what he or she believes in. In this episode Raphaël talks about his adventures and his current project SolarStratos. It was really very interesting to hear what he is doing and what his plans for the future are. I highly recommend to have a look at the links in the show notes to get a deeper picture of his projects. Thanks for listening and hear you next time,NiklasListen & SubscribeSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts from.SHOWNOTES:Connect with Raphaël Domjan:Instagram: & further resources:SolarStratos Twitter: Instagram: Website: Youtube Channel: Foundation Website: the Sun Documentation (PlanetSOlar): for Water Foundation Website: for Water Foundation Youtube Channel: with me:Website | Instagram | Twitter | E-MailSupport the show (


7. Beyond Long Distances: Roy Hinnen Talks Life, Lessons Learned and is 100% Triathlon

"It is questions that trigger the thought process in others. With only the answer there is no process." - Roy HinnenWe all know what happens when you overwork yourself over a long period of time and don't find a suitable balance: you burn out. The fact that this is also the case in sports, and especially in professional competitive sports with too much and too intensive training, is often not so obvious. Daily exertion in sports, too little regeneration and too little patience. This led to a burnout for Roy Hinnen, guest in this episode. At the age of 18 years Roy started with triathlon and without further ado he decided then to tackle the whole thing professionally. He moved to the USA and trained there with Dave Scott and Mark Allen. In 1987 he was the first to bring the infamous Scott aerobar to Europe and immediately became Swiss Champion. He was able to build on this success four more times in a row before he ended his professional career due to the circumstances described above. Roy Hinnen's personal long distance best time is 8:35 hours, which he achieved in 1991. He has 30 years of triathlon experience, is author of the best-selling triathlon book in Switzerland TRIATHLON TOTAL: Your way to a new best time as well as 100% triathlon eats 95% vegan and practices Zen meditation.In this episode Roy talks about his past and some milestones in his life that have had a lasting impact on him. He especially focuses on his way of dealing with people and shows which lessons he has learned and how he incorporates them into his coaching.Thanks for listening and hear you next time,NiklasListen & SubscribeSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts from.SHOWNOTES:Connect with Roy Hinnen:Instagram: Strava Club: & further resources:Upcoming Book "100% Triathlon": Book "Triathlon Total": with me:Website | Instagram | Twitter | E-MailSupport the show (


6. Running Far and Lifting Heavy with Vegan Athlete Manuel Granegger aka the Vegran

"Don't overthink it too much, just start. Everything else you'll learn on your journey." - Manuel GraneggerHow do I get fit? This is probably the question a large number of people ask themselves every day. Where do I start? How do I start? What does it mean to be fit anyway? Manuel Granegger answers these questions from his point of view and experience in this episode. He shows his journey in his personal life and how he got into sports. It is clear that this journey does not always run straight and does not present any obstacles. Manuel explains how one can overcome such obstacles and what one can gain from it. Coming from a background of doing gymnastics competitively and eventually joining the military Manuel got in touch with a lot of activities early on. He tried out several things and had to overcome the abuse of alcohol and tobacco to eventually get there, where he is now. Today he runs marathons, does functional fitness in the form of CrossFit and lives a very active and healthy life. All this while working full-time. Not only sport defines Manuel's life. He is also vegan. The topic of veganism and animal rights is more than a matter of the heart for him. He gives the animals a voice and speaks openly and unfiltered about the unpleasant things that go along with it. In this episode he tells how and why he became vegan and how he puts this into practise as an athlete. He not only shows that it is possible to be just vegan but to be extremely fit and healthy while eating a plant based, vegan diet.After the conversation Manuel told me that he hadn't mentioned his current girlfriend in the episode. He owed her so much and actually wanted to mention her in the podcast. So he dedicated a post on Instagram to her: for listening and hear you next time,NiklasListen & SubscribeSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts from.SHOWNOTES:Connect with Manuel Granegger:Instagram:'n'Rough Competition in St. Gallen: Meet the athletes Post on FB: & further resources:CrossFit: a CrossFit near you: Website: OVER KNIVES: with me:Website | Instagram | Twitter | E-MailSuppor


5. Gut Health and the impact on Your overall Health: Dr. med. Christian Simma on how to optimize your Microbiome and reclaim health

"Aim to eat as many different kinds of plant foods as possible." - Dr. med. Christian SimmaSo many different things influence our health. Be it movement, our social environment or environmental influences. But perhaps the biggest influence is our diet. Especially important in this context is our intestinal health. The intestine is where all the nutrients are absorbed into the body. The digestive system is not just a tube through which food goes in and out, but consists largely of the microbiome. It is so extensive and has such an importance in the body that it is even called the "super organ".The microbiome is made up of many different microorganisms like bacteria, fungi or viruses (not all viruses are bad) that live in the intestines, but also in the mouth, throat, nose and genitals. The number of microorganisms is almost unimaginable. The majority of cells in the human body are bacteria. If we define ourselves according to this, we are actually more microorganism than human. We need the microbiome to be able to process indigestible dietary fiber. There are no digestive enzymes for dietary fiber and for this we need the microbiome. The microorganisms feed on the starches and can thus multiply and release health-promoting substances into the organism, which leads to a healthy intestine. What a fascinating topic!In this episode I talk to Dr. med. Christian Simma. He is a general practitioner in Rüthi in the east of Switzerland. Early on he dealt with the topic of nutrition and its effects on health. He goes into his career and shows the connection between western diseases and nutrition. Finally, he deepens the topic around the microbiome and gives tips on how to build a healthy gut flora.Personally, I think this is a topic that everyone should have heard of at least once. The topic is highly complex and can never be covered within a single podcast episode. I have linked some resources in the Show Notes below. The contact details for Dr. Christian Simma are also linked.Thanks for listening and hear you next time,NiklasListen & SubscribeSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts from.SHOWNOTES:Connect with Dr. med. Christian Simma:Instagram: Website: & further resources:Zach Bush, MD: Will Bulsiewicz's Blog: Fiber Fueled: YouTube Playlist on Gut & MicrobiomeFORKS OVER KNIVES: with me:Website | Instagram | TwitterDrop me a line: hi@conscioushealthtalks.comSupport the show (ht


4. Switzerland's Strongest Woman Nora Jäggi is Fueled by Plants

"The challenge of working on small things and weaknesses is what drives me in weightlifting." - Nora JäggiBeing strong and lifting heavy weights as a woman? This is often not so accepted in society and may even be smiled at. Nora Jäggi shows impressively that this is anything but to smile at. In Olympic weightlifting nobody can fool her that easily. With a personal record of 95kg (210lbs) in Snatch and 120kg (265lbs) in Clean and Jerk she is the strongest woman and national record holder in Switzerland. This is something a man should do first before being judged. Nora is not only super strong, but also eats a purely plant-based diet. Vegan and being strong? Aren't they just weaklings? Far from it, with her vegan nutrition and her sporty achievements she defies all preconceptions. Nora is the perfect myth-buster. Not only in weight lifting, but also as a personality she is super strong. She has a big heart for all living beings, and that's why she decided to become vegan. In this episode Nora Jäggi tells her story of how she got to Olympic weightlifting through CrossFit, explains how she trains and looks back at her greatest successes. Nora goes further into why she became vegan and how she put this into practice. She also explains how she has changed and that she has benefited enormously from this. Both in weight training and personally. Finally, she gives some tips on how to do the switch and what to look for, especially as an athlete.It was a great pleasure to talk to Nora and I find her very inspiring. Recently she decided to stop competing and concentrate on other things in her life. On this way I would like to thank Nora again and wish her all the best for her new stage of life and her future.Thanks for listening and hear you next time,NiklasListen & SubscribeSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts from.SHOWNOTES:Connect with Nora Jäggi:Instagram: about Olympic Weightlifting:Nora's Weightlifting Club: Weightlifting: Weightlifting Federation: & Videos:(German) Interview with Crossequip: Telezüri Interview: & further resources:Book HOW NOT TO DIE: OVER KNIVES: with me:Website | Instagram | TwitterDrop me a line: Support the show (


3. Train Your Brain to Unleash Your Full Athletic Potential with Flurin Dermon

"The cheapest and best drug on the world is movement, for sure." - Flurin DermonImagine you could increase your performance by 20% at the push of a button. Not through more intensive and strenuous training, but by training your brain. With Neuro Athletic Training this is possible. It allows you to bring out the reserves that are inside you and by balancing your two halves of the brain and your body, pain can be eliminated and injuries prevented.In this episode, Flurin Dermon talks about his journey in health and sports. He talks about his career and his work with the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee and explains how he developed into his current job as a Neuro Athletic Trainer. He delves deeply into the subject and explains what exactly is behind it and how he works with athletes to draw out their reserves and turn them into long-term successful and injury-free athletes.Personally, I found the conversation extremely interesting and after recording it, Flurin was able to show me a few exercises I can do to control the pain in my right knee. After a few minutes and two exercises I could already feel the changes. This makes me curious to learn more about Neuro Athletic Training and also to go into a coaching with Flurin.The topic seems to be very complex at first sight. Of course the brain and the central nervous system is highly complex. However, Neuro Athletic Training focuses on very simple drills in the form of an eye exercise, for example. If you want to find out more and go deeper into the subject, you will find some resources and how you can connect with Flurin in the show notes below.Thanks for listening and hear you next time,NiklasListen & SubscribeSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts from.SHOWNOTES:Connect with Flurin Dermon:Neuroathletik Website: Instagram:'s Instagram: about Neuro Athletic Training:(German) Introduction to Z-Health: Introduction to Neuroathletic Training Website: YouTube: Instagram: with me:Website | Instagram | TwitterDrop me a line: Support the show (


2. Mundia Moola Büsser on Her Journey and the Power of Community in Sports

"To me sport is the ultimate equalizer."  – Mundia Moola BüsserMother of two daughters, a role in a large company, bodybuilding, crossfit, online business and coaching, social media content creator and inspiration for so many people. Mundia takes care of all this and almost certainly a thousand other things. Personally, I find it extremely impressive how she manages it all.I am especially pleased to introduce my very first guest Mundia Moola Büsser in today's episode. A little over a year and a half ago I started Crossfit, where I got to know Mundia. I soon found out that she is very active in the health and fitness field and that she really lives her passion. When I started planning this podcast, her name came to my mind first and I immediately thought that she would fit in very well as a guest. So I wrote her and she accepted without hesitation. Of course I was very happy about that and it helped enormously to be able to put the whole project into action. On this occasion I would like to thank Mundia once again.In this episode Mundia talks about her origins and her personal development to what she is today. In particular, she emphasizes how important a strong community in sport was and still is for her to be able to achieve her goals in the long term. Last but not least, we also chatted about other things related to sports and a healthy lifestyle.It was the first time for me to record a podcast episode with a guest as an interview. I really enjoyed talking to Mundia. It was a really fun experience and I'm looking forward to recording future episodes even more. I would greatly appreciate you to connect with Mundia over the socials and let her know, what you think of her story and this episode. If you were able to take something valuable out of this particular episode please share with a friend to help the show grow. It would mean the world to me. Any feedback is very welcome and it helps to shape the whole thing and help develop the show further. All handles and links to connect with Mundia and me are linked in the shownotes below.Thanks for listening and hear you next time,NiklasListen & SubscribeSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts or wherever you get your Podcasts from.SHOWNOTES:Connect with Mundia:MMB Lifestyle:  Website | Youtube | Instagram | Facebook | PodcastMundia's Personal Handles: InstagramMore impressions about discussed topics:Mundia's Vlog on her Bodybuilding Contest: up with Iceland's Crossfit legends: Iceland Trip Day 1: Team Challenge 2018: with me:Website | Instagram | TwitterDrop me a line: hi@conscioushealthSupport the show


1. Introducing Conscious Health Talks

At last!I've been toying around with the idea of starting my own Podcast for a while now.  I have loved the format for several years now and have benefited so much from it myself. For whatever reason I thought I couldn't do it and found many excuses that made me postpone the project again and again. Now finally I have found the time and courage to tackle the whole thing and I am happy to introduce my Podcast in this first episode. I'm still trying out different things, so it is a bit bumpy here and there, but I wanted to finally get a first episode out. It is also a big challenge for me to speak in front of the microphone and also in a foreign language. Finally I thought, "whatever", and pressed the publish button. In this first episode I tell a bit about myself and how I came to the topic of health and sports. Finally, I want to show you what I plan to do with this podcast and what you can expect from it. In the future the intention is no longer to talk alone, but to bring interview partners from the health, sports and self-improvement environment to the show. I am very curious about your feedback and if you are interested in the project here, you can find more information on how to get in touch in the show notes below. Finally, it would be great if you could share the show with a friend or acquaintance you think could benefit from it. If you know someone from the area who would be an excellent guest: Bring them on! :)Thanks for listening and hear you next time,NiklasListen & SubscribeSpotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | TuneIn or wherever you get your Podcasts!SHOW NOTES:Website: www.conscioushealthtalks.comInstagram: @conscioushealthtalksTwitter: @chtupdatesDrop me a line: hi@conscioushealthtalks.comSupport the show (


0. Welcome to Conscious Health Talks

My name is Niklas Frick, I am a health and sports enthusiast. Welcome to Conscious Health Talks! I would like to constantly develop myself personally, learn new things and share this knowledge with other people. For this reason I have decided to start this Podcast. I would like to give inspiring people a place for discussion, to tell their story and share their knowledge to ultimately inspire you. In the next episode I will go into more detail about how I imagine this to evolve and what I have planned to do with this podcast. Thank you for listening,NiklasYou can find out more at:https://www.conscioushealthtalks.comInstagram: @conscioushealthtalksTwitter: @chtupdatesSupport the show (


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