Diamond Effect - Success Strategies for Service Businesses

<p>This podcast helps service-based entrepreneurs and business owners scale their businesses in any economy without overworking or overwhelm. <br>Here, you turn your business into a client-attracting gem and become a high-performing CEO. <br><br>About the Host:<br><br>Maggie Perotin is the founder of Stairway to Leadership. As an international business and leadership coach, Maggie helps service-based business owners start, grow, and scale their businesses without overworking or being overwhelmed.</p><p> </p><p>With her DREAM-PLAN-DO coaching model, her clients scale while transforming into high-performing CEOs of their businesses.<br><br>This is what USA Today wrote about this model in the article titled: "How Stairway to Leadership is turning small businesses into high-profit ventures."<br><br>"(...) her <a href="https://www.instagram.com/maggie.perotin.s2l/">DREAM-PLAN-DO</a> coaching model, she helps her clients align their mindset, business strategy, and high-performance habits to transform their businesses from an unreliable source of income to a super-productive client-attracting gem. Maggie adds that she uses all her knowledge and experience to help her clients grow their businesses in a strategic and innovative way while supporting them in building a successful business that consistently attracts their ideal clients. She specializes in helping them build a brand that showcases their uniqueness to reach their full potential, becoming the powerful CEO they’re capable of being." </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Maggie has over 15 years of experience in corporate leadership in various business domains and coaching. She holds an executive MBA from the Jack Welch Management Institute.</p><p> </p><p>Maggie lives in Toronto, Canada, with her blended family with four kids. She loves spending time in nature, traveling, reading, dancing, good food, and giving back.</p><p><br><br>To learn more, head to www.stairwaytoleadership.com <br>To work with Maggie and gain break-through clarity on why your business isn't scaling- schedule a free 50-min consultation <a href="https://calendly.com/maggie-s2l/discovery-call">https://calendly.com/maggie-s2l/discovery-call</a></p>

EP # 165 - 5 Reasons Your Sales Conversations Aren’t Converting

In this episode, we’re diving into the 5 most common mistakes service-based business owners make in their sales conversations that are costing them clients. If you’ve been struggling to convert leads into paying clients, it’s time to rethink your approach, and this episode will help you with that. Inside I'm breaking down the reasons why your sales conversations aren’t closing deals and what you can do to fix them so you can start signing more clients with ease.Here’s what we cover:...


MM 165 - Raising Your Standards As a Way to Stand Out as a Small Business

September is here. I like to think of this time as a mini New Year. An opportunity to reset, finish the year strong and set yourself up for even stronger next year.In today's Maggie's Moment, I am sharing a quick and simple exercise that will help you figure out what to focus on in your business for the next 3.5 months to lead it to the next level.To work with me in a private coaching container, book a sales call here - https://calendly.com/maggie-s2l/discovery-call


EP # 164 - 5 Most Telling Indicators Your Marketing Needs a Makeover

With today's episode, I kick off a five-part series focused on marketing. I talk about five indicators that will show you, your marketing may be ineffective, such as:Lack of referralsWeak online presenceLow engagementFew inquiriesAttracting the wrong clients.You'll learn how to troubleshoot each one and understand how important messaging is.The episode aims to help service-based business owners evaluate and improve their marketing strategies to better attract and convert potential client...


MM 164 - How Strategic Planning Can Double Your Business

Lack of a comprehensive strategic plan might be the reason why you've been struggling to scale your business successfully.A plan that would create a path for attracting enough new clients to scale whiledelivering your offers to them at the highest level without growth-related disruptions. Since the new fiscal year has started for some businesses or is coming soon for the rest, today's Magie's Moment talks about the challenges you can prevent by investing your time and effort to create a ...


EP # 163 - The Daily Practice of Business Success: Building Unshakeable Belief as a CEO

In this episode, we'll dive into the crucial mindset shift that every small service-based business owner needs to make to achieve their next big goal—especially if it's something you've never done before. We explore how cultivating a strong belief in your business success is not just about hoping or wishing for it but expecting it with certainty.Key Topics Covered:Building Your CEO Identity:Discover how to step into the identity of the CEO who has already achieved the results you desire.Under...


MM 163 - When your high-achieving nature can hold you back in your business and how to deal with it

In today's Maggie's Moment, I dive into the story of a client who embodies the classic high-achiever dilemma. Despite not needing to push their business at full throttle, they found themselves trying to do it all—running their business at maximum capacity while also managing a personal matter that demanded their full attention. The result? Complete exhaustion.They came to me desperate for a solution. I share how we navigated the balance between ambition and sustainability without sacrificing ...


EP # 162 - 8 Reasons Why You Wouldn't Want a Business Coach for Your Service Business

In my latest podcast episode, "8 Reasons Why You Wouldn't Want a Business Coach for Your Service Business," I take a playful, yet insightful, approach to the common hesitations service-based business owners have about hiring a coach. Instead of the usual pitch on why you should have a business coach, I flip the script to explore the reasons why some might hesitate.From the fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone to change things up to the misconception that you can figure it all out on ...


MM 162 - MM 162 - 3 Things to Know to Avoid Hiring a Wrong Person in Your Small Service Business

Whether you're preparing to hire your first help or you have a team and hired before, today's Maggie's Moment is for you. The cost of bad hires isn't just wasted time, energy, and money of bringing someone on board who doesn't work out. It's also damage to our brand reputation and unhappy clients that a wrong person in the wrong position can cause. Not to mention the negative effect on other team member's morale and effectiveness. In today's bonus episode, I cover 3 things every small service...


EP # 161 - A Guide for High-Achievers: What to Do When You Don't Feel You're Doing Enough to Double Your Service Business

Welcome to this week’s episode of "High-Achiever’s Hustle," where I tackle the pressure of feeling like you’re never doing enough, especially when it comes to scaling your service business. Today, we're diving into three key strategies to help you recognize and affirm that you're on the right path to doubling your business without falling into the trap of hustle culture. 1. Aligning with a Tailored Strategy: Success isn’t about doing everything—it’s about doing the right things. 2. Trust...


MM 161 - Leading Without Micromanaging - 3 Crucial Responsibilities for Effective CEOs

Are you struggling with the balance between leading your team and micromanaging them? In this video, I dive into why effective people leadership doesn't mean you must hover over your experts.Discover the three crucial roles every CEO should play to strike the right balance:Giving the Vision: Continuously communicate and sell your vision to keep your team motivated and aligned.Supporting the Team: Remove obstacles and provide your team with resources to succeed.Helping with Individual Growth: ...


EP # 160 - 5 False Beliefs Preventing You From Getting Things Done Consistently

In today's episode, I discuss five common false beliefs hindering entrepreneurs' productivity. These beliefs often stem from previous employee mindsets and can prevent consistent task execution. You'll learn strategies to shift thinking, prioritize effectively, and embrace delegation. If you are ready to double your business through strategic small actions taken consistently without adding more work to your schedule, I can help. Book a sales call with here today and let's talk about how - htt...


MM 160 - 3 Signs 1 on 1 private coaching is a better solution for your service business over group support

You have a big Vision for your business.And bold short-term plans. You want to achieve your goals as fast as possible, with minimal mistakes, issues, and loss of resources.You know coaching and mentoring support will help you get there that way.You just don't know what type of support is best for you right now.There are so many options to choose from 1-on-1 private coaching, group, mastermind, to self-paced courses.In today's Maggie's Moment, I share with you 3 signs when 1 on 1 private ...


EP # 159 - How to accomplish more in less time - factors you've never considered before

In this episode of the Diamond Effect podcast, Maggie Perotin, an international business and leadership coach, discusses how business leaders and entrepreneurs can achieve more in less time. She emphasizes the importance of personal growth in three key areas: skill set development, time (focus) management, and emotional capacity. Maggie explains that tasks become more complex as businesses scale, requiring leaders to continuously improve their skills, manage their time effectively, and enhanc...


MM 159 - How to know what to do first to double your service business in 6-12 months

You'd love to double your business in 6-12 months. Yet, everytime you think about it, you get confused as to where to start.The first thing that comes to your mind is to add.Add more leads. Add new offer.Add people.But what if adding first it not the right step?In today's Maggie's Moment, I offer you a 2-minute crash course on deciding what actually would be the first right step to double your business. Tune in to find out what it is for you.Work with me to double your service business withou...


EP # 158 - Running a successful mortgage brokerage in a way that makes you happy with Dan Wowk, owner of Zoom Mortgage

In this episode, Maggie interviews one of her clients Dan Wowk, a successful mortgage broker, and the owner of Zoom Mortage Brokerage. They delve into Dan's entrepreneurial journey, exploring the stages of his business growth, overcoming challenges, and key learnings from our coaching relationship. Key Moments in the Episode:1. Introduction to the Guest: The episode kicks off with Dan sharing his background, explaining his passion for the industry, and the reasons behind choos...


MM 158 - Relying only on referrals will not grow your service business

Who wants their business to stagnate?Not me and I bet you don’t want that either.In today’s Maggie’s Moment, I explain why relying only on client referrals for business growth will not ensure your continuous growth.I also share what you must do to prevent stagnation and stay competitive in your industry.And if you want to ensure your business keeps growing short-term and long-term, I can help you. Book a sales call with me here, https://calendly.com/maggie-s2l/discovery-call, and let's ...


EP # 157 - How to double your service business and end work by 4pm

In this episode of the Diamond Effect podcast, international business and leadership coach Maggie Perotin shares strategies for doubling your business and finishing work by 4 pm. She emphasizes the importance of elevating one's CEO mindset, strategic planning, and prioritizing impactful actions. Maggie highlights the role of business owners as leaders and the necessity of personal growth for business success. She discusses effective delegation, outsourcing, and the development of leadership s...


MM 157 - 3 Ways to Double Your Sales Without Doubling Your Expeneses

If you're thinking that to grow your sales, your marketing and sales expenses will proportionally increase as well (in which case what's the point?), know that that doesn't have to be the case.in Today's Maggie's Moment, I share with you 3 strategies that can help you double your sales permanently without spending extra money on marketing or advertising.When I work with my client, I help them double their business in ways that allow them to keep growing. The benefits of my coaching compound e...


EP # 156 - The Art of Setting Expectations: Client and Employee Success Strategies for Business Leaders

Successful level setting of expectations with your clients and/ or employees is at the core of creating win-win results for all.It’s a process of ensuring that everyone involved in a relationship has a common understanding of key facts, goals, and objectives of that relationship and their respective responsibilities.Today’s Episode # 156 of the Diamond Effect podcast teaches you how to do it well.If you're ready to double your business without doubling your work, book a sales call with me her...


MM 156 - How to take time off from your business without losing money

Summer is here, and you dream about taking some time off from your business, but you're scared of losing income. So you're going back and forth on whether you should go on vacation?If that's you, this Maggie's Moment is for you. Also, check out Episode # 107 - 5 Ways Vacation Helps You Grow Your Service Business to help you take some well-deserved time off.And if you're ready to double your business without adding more work, book a sales call with me here - https://calendly.com/maggie-s2l/dis...


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