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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
353 Episodes
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love Deeply: A Proposal Among Jellyfish Dreams Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V sobotu ráno Jozef stál pred zrkadlom, upravoval si košeľu a premýšľal o nadchádzajúcom dni.En: On Saturday morning, Jozef stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his shirt and contemplating the upcoming day.Sk: Bol to deň, na ktorý čakal celé mesiace.En: It was a day he had been waiting for months.Sk: Katarína bola ešte v posteli, ospalá z cesty do Bratislavy.En: Katarína was still in bed, drowsy from the trip to Bratislava.Sk: Obaja prišli na víkendový výlet, aby si oddýchli a objavili krásy mesta.En: They both came on a weekend getaway to relax and discover the beauty of the city.Sk: Jozef bol prírodovedec telom i dušou.En: Jozef was a naturalist through and through.Sk: Miloval morské tvory a už dávno túžil navštíviť Bratislavské akvárium.En: He loved marine creatures and had long desired to visit the Bratislavské Aquarium.Sk: Katarína, na druhej strane, bola vášnivá cestovateľka s fotoaparátom v ruke, zachytávajúca každý moment.En: Katarína, on the other hand, was a passionate traveler with a camera in hand, capturing every moment.Sk: Mala rada mestá a ich atmosféru, ľudí a moderné umenie.En: She loved cities and their atmosphere, people, and modern art.Sk: Vonku bolo chladné jesenné ráno.En: Outside, it was a chilly autumn morning.Sk: Stromy v meste boli pestrofarebné.En: The city's trees were colorful.Sk: V akváriu bol príjemný teplý vzduch a bublajúca voda vítala návštevníkov.En: Inside the aquarium, the air was pleasantly warm, and the bubbling water welcomed visitors.Sk: Jozef pevne držal ruku Kataríny.En: Jozef held Katarína's hand tightly.Sk: Vedel, že tento deň bude výnimočný.En: He knew this day would be special.Sk: Obaja prechádzali okolo rôznych nádrží, plných pestrofarebných rýb a podmorských korálov.En: They both walked around various tanks filled with colorful fish and underwater corals.Sk: Katarína bola unesená krásou miestnosti a neprestajne fotila.En: Katarína was captivated by the beauty of the room and kept taking photos.Sk: Jozef však hľadal svoju chvíľu.En: However, Jozef was waiting for his moment.Sk: Keď sa dostali k obľúbenému Jozefovmu miestu - veľkej nádrži s medúzami, cítil, že toto je tá pravá chvíľa.En: When they reached Jozef's favorite spot—a large tank with jellyfish—he felt that this was the right moment.Sk: Vedľa neho bola Katarína, očarená hypnotickým pohybom medúz, ktoré plávali vo svetle modrom prostredí.En: Next to him was Katarína, enchanted by the hypnotic movement of the jellyfish swimming in the light blue environment.Sk: Jozefova ruka sa začala potiť, ale vedel, že je čas.En: Jozef's hand began to sweat, but he knew it was time.Sk: Kľakol si na jedno koleno, srdce mu búšilo ako nikdy predtým.En: He knelt on one knee, his heart pounding like never before.Sk: Katarína si najprv nič nevšimla.En: At first, Katarína didn't notice anything.Sk: Pokračovala v fotografovaní.En: She continued photographing.Sk: Až keď sa otočila, uvidela Jozefa, ako sa na ňu pozerá s veľkou láskou a nervozitou.En: Only when she turned around did she see Jozef looking at her with great love and nervousness.Sk: Podarilo sa mu pošepkať: „Katarína, vezmeš si ma?En: He managed to whisper, "Katarína, will you marry me?"Sk: “Okolo nich sa zhromaždili ľudia, sledujúc túto krásnu scénu.En: People gathered around them, witnessing the beautiful scene.Sk: Katarína bola prekvapená, ale okamžite vedela odpoveď.En: Katarína was surprised but immediately knew the answer.Sk: S úsmevom cez slzy povedala: „Áno!En: With a smile through tears, she said, "Yes!"Sk: “Vypukli ovácie od okolitých návštevníkov, povzbudení tohto nečakaného momentu.En: Cheers erupted from the surrounding visitors, encouraged by the unexpected moment.Sk: Katarína a Jozef sa objali pred žiariacim akváriom plným medúz, ktoré naďalej tancovali v žiari svetiel.En: Katarína and Jozef embraced in front of the glowing aquarium full of jellyfish, which continued to dance in the light.Sk: Boli spolu, pripravení začať novú kapitolu svojho života, s láskou a dôverou.En: They were together, ready to start a new chapter of their life, with love and trust.Sk: V tom momente Jozef pochopil, že urobil správne rozhodnutie a našiel v sebe novú odvahu pre budúcnosť.En: In that moment, Jozef understood that he had made the right decision and found within himself a new courage for the future. Vocabulary Words:adjusting: upravovalcontemplating: premýšľaldrowsy: ospalánaturalist: prírodovedecmarine: morskécreatures: tvorypassionate: vášniváchilly: chladnécaptivated: unesenáenchanted: očarenáhypnotic: hypnotickýenvironment: prostredísweat: potiťnerve: nervozitougathered: zhromaždiliscene: scénuembraced: objaliglowing: žiariacimbubbling: bublajúcaatmosphere: atmosférudesire: túžilpleasantly: príjemnýmoment: momentunexpected: nečakanéhocourage: odvahudiscovered: objaviliwhispered: pošepkaťupcoming: nadchádzajúcomcapturing: zachytávajúcatrust: dôverou
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Roasting Bonds: Coffee Adventures in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Vo voňavej kaviarni v srdci Bratislavy, kde jesenné lístie jemne padajú na zemi, vstúpili Jozef, Mária a Lucia.En: In the fragrant café in the heart of Bratislava, where autumn leaves gently fall to the ground, Jozef, Mária, and Lucia entered.Sk: Jozef, veľký milovník kávy, sa už dlho tešil na túto návštevu pražiarne.En: Jozef, a great coffee lover, had long looked forward to this visit to the roastery.Sk: Mária, jeho sestra, by radšej objavovala mesto, no rozhodla sa sprevádzať ho, aby strávila čas so svojím bratom.En: Mária, his sister, would rather explore the city but decided to accompany him to spend time with her brother.Sk: Lucia bola ich sprievodkyňou, ktorá ich privítala s veľkým úsmevom a horlivým záujmom o kávu.En: Lucia was their guide, who welcomed them with a big smile and a keen interest in coffee.Sk: „Vítajte v našej pražiarni!En: "Welcome to our roastery!"Sk: “ vyhlásila Lucia, ktorej nadšenie bolo nákazlivé.En: declared Lucia, whose enthusiasm was contagious.Sk: „Tu sa stáva obyčajné kávové zrnko úžasným ranným nápojom.En: "Here, an ordinary coffee bean becomes a wonderful morning beverage."Sk: “ Jozef sa na tú chvíľu tešil.En: Jozef had been looking forward to this moment.Sk: Stál blízko Lucie, aby nezmeškal žiadnu z jej detailných vysvetlení.En: He stood close to Lucia so as not to miss any of her detailed explanations.Sk: Mária však pohľadom blúdila po okolitých uličkách viditelných cez okná.En: However, Mária let her gaze wander to the surrounding streets visible through the windows.Sk: Pri prehliadke Lucia vzala skupinu ku veľkým strojinom na praženie.En: During the tour, Lucia took the group to the large roasting machines.Sk: „Tento stroj je srdcom celej operácie,“ poznamenala so zapálením.En: "This machine is the heart of the whole operation," she noted with fervor.Sk: Jozef sa naklonil bližšie, jeho oči žiarili z vedomostí.En: Jozef leaned in closer, his eyes glowing with knowledge.Sk: Mária sa pokúsila zašepkať: „Nebolo by krajšie, keby sme šli na pitie horúcej čokolády?En: Mária tried to whisper, "Wouldn't it be nicer if we went for some hot chocolate?"Sk: “ Jozef napätie potlačil a sústredil sa ďalej.En: Jozef suppressed the tension and continued to focus.Sk: Počas prestávky Jozef vyhľadal Luciu s otázkami.En: During the break, Jozef sought out Lucia with questions.Sk: „Lucia, mohli by ste mi povedať o najlepších kaviarňach v Bratislave?En: "Lucia, could you tell me about the best cafes in Bratislava?Sk: Chcel by som získať obdiv známok, keď sa vrátim domov,“ pýtal sa.En: I'd like to gain some admiration when I return home," he asked.Sk: Lucia veselo odpovedala a poskytla mu zoznam miest, ktoré musí navštíviť.En: Lucia cheerfully responded, providing him with a list of places he must visit.Sk: Keď sa opäť zišli pri stroji, začal pražiarine pracovať.En: When they gathered again by the machine, the roastery started operating.Sk: Mária, zaujatá pohybom a vôňou, sa nečakane pýtala: „Ako vlastne ten proces funguje, Jozef?En: Mária, captivated by the movement and aroma, unexpectedly asked, "How does the process actually work, Jozef?"Sk: “ Bol ohromený, ale využil príležitosť.En: He was surprised but seized the opportunity.Sk: „Pozri, zrná skáču vďaka teplu a menia svoju farbu i chuť,“ trpezlivo vysvetlil.En: "Look, the beans bounce thanks to the heat and change their color and flavor," he patiently explained.Sk: Mária sa usmiala a poprvýkrát bola skutočne zaujatá.En: Mária smiled and, for the first time, was truly interested.Sk: Na konci prehliadky si obaja sadli s čerstvým pohárom kávy pred sebou.En: At the end of the tour, both of them sat with a fresh cup of coffee in front of them.Sk: Mária sa zapozerala na šálku.En: Mária stared at the cup.Sk: „Vieš, Jozef, toto je naozaj zaujímavé.En: "You know, Jozef, this is really interesting.Sk: Možno by sme mohli ešte niečo preskúmať,“ pripustila.En: Maybe we could explore a bit more," she admitted.Sk: Jozef cítil radosť a spokojnosť.En: Jozef felt joy and satisfaction.Sk: „Som rád, že ti to dalo niečo nové.En: "I'm glad it gave you something new.Sk: Spoznáme spolu Bratislavu a jej kávovú scénu,“ navrhol.En: Let's explore Bratislava and its coffee scene together," he suggested.Sk: Mária prikývla a obaja odišli s úsmevom, kráčajúc po jesennými listami pokrytej ulici, pripravení na nové dobrodružstvá.En: Mária nodded, and both left with a smile, walking along the street covered with autumn leaves, ready for new adventures. Vocabulary Words:fragrant: voňavejautumn: jesennéroastery: pražiarneenthusiasm: nadšeniecontagious: nákazlivéordinary: obyčajnébeverage: nápojomgaze: pohľadomwander: blúdilastreets: uličkáchmachines: strojinomoperation: operáciefervor: zapálenímleaned: naklonilsuppress: potlačiladmiration: obdivunexpectedly: nečakanebounce: skáčupatience: trpezlivostared: zapozeralaadmitted: pripustilajoy: radosťsatisfaction: spokojnosťexplore: preskúmaťscene: scénunodded: prikývlasmile: úsmevomstreet: uliciadventures: dobrodružstvásurrounding: okolitých
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountain Retreat: Transforming Team Rivalry into Unity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Milan, Zuzana a Jaro sa vydali na duchovný únik do Vysokých Tatier.En: Milan, Zuzana, and Jaro set off on a spiritual retreat to the Vysoké Tatry mountains.Sk: Skorá jeseň sa chýlila ku koncu a chladný vietor už prinášal vôňu zimy.En: Early autumn was nearing its end, and the chilly wind already carried the scent of winter.Sk: Hory sa vznášali nad nimi, snehové vrcholy žiarili na slnečnom svetle.En: The mountains loomed over them, with snow-capped peaks shining in the sunlight.Sk: Boli na mieste, odkiaľ svet pracovných povinností zostával ďaleko za nimi.En: They were in a place where the world of work responsibilities remained far behind them.Sk: Ich úlohou v tomto úniku bolo nájsť nové spôsoby spolupráce počas tímového workshopu.En: Their task during this escape was to find new ways of collaborating during a team workshop.Sk: Milan, ako tímový líder, cítil na sebe obrovský tlak.En: Milan, as the team leader, felt a tremendous pressure on himself.Sk: Termíny sa blížili a každý očakával vynikajúce výsledky.En: Deadlines were approaching, and everyone expected excellent results.Sk: Jaro, jeho kolega, bol presne ten typ človeka, ktorý neustále súťaží.En: Jaro, his colleague, was just the type of person who constantly competed.Sk: Bol ambiciózny a chcel postúpiť na vyšší post.En: He was ambitious and wanted to move up to a higher position.Sk: To vytváralo napätie v tíme.En: This created tension within the team.Sk: Zuzana, na druhej strane, hľadala hlbšie pochopenie sveta a svojho miesta v ňom.En: Zuzana, on the other hand, was seeking a deeper understanding of the world and her place in it.Sk: Voľný čas strávila meditačnými prechádzkami po lese.En: She spent her free time on meditative walks through the forest.Sk: Pred ich príchodom na ústup sa nezhodovali.En: Before their arrival at the retreat, they were not in agreement.Sk: Teraz mali pred sebou príležitosť spojiť sa pri dušičkovom sviatku, kedy sa v Slovensku tradične spomína na predkov.En: Now they had the opportunity to connect during the Dušičky holiday, a time in Slovakia traditionally dedicated to remembering ancestors.Sk: Tento čas prinášal možnosť introspekcie a spojenia s duchovnými koreňmi.En: This period brought the possibility of introspection and connecting with spiritual roots.Sk: Milan si uvedomoval, že Jaro sa neustále snaží.En: Milan realized that Jaro was constantly striving.Sk: Všimol si aj Zuzaninho hľadajúceho pohľadu.En: He also noticed Zuzana's searching gaze.Sk: Rozhodol sa, že tento ústup použije na nájdenie vnútorného pokoja.En: He decided to use this retreat to find inner peace.Sk: Počúval rady duchovného vodcu a zapojil sa do duchovných cvičení.En: He listened to the advice of the spiritual guide and participated in spiritual exercises.Sk: Pomaly sa snažil prepustiť svoj stres a otvoriť sa tichej sile prírody.En: Gradually, he tried to let go of his stress and open himself to the quiet strength of nature.Sk: Počas spoločnej meditácie pri krbe, keď plamene tlela a vytvárali hrejivú atmosféru, Milan pocítil v sebe zmenu.En: During a shared meditation by the fireplace, with flames flickering and creating a warm atmosphere, Milan felt a change within himself.Sk: Zrazu zostúpil pocit jasnosti.En: Suddenly, a sense of clarity descended upon him.Sk: Vedel, že kľúčom k úspechu tímu nie je súperiť, ale spolupracovať.En: He knew that the key to the team's success was not to compete but to collaborate.Sk: Musí vložiť dôveru do svojho tímu a počúvať ich potreby.En: He must place trust in his team and listen to their needs.Sk: Keď sa tábor skončil, Milan zvolal tím na stretnutie.En: When the retreat ended, Milan called a team meeting.Sk: Povedal im o svojich zisteniach a zdôraznil, že zmena prístupu môže priniesť úžitok všetkým.En: He told them about his insights and emphasized that a change in approach could benefit everyone.Sk: Zuzana a Jaro ho počúvali s novou pozornosťou.En: Zuzana and Jaro listened to him with newfound attention.Sk: Jaro si uvedomil, že bez tímovej podpory sa jeho ambície ťažko naplnia.En: Jaro realized that his ambitions would be difficult to achieve without team support.Sk: Zuzana náhle videla jasnejšie cestu, ako môže prispieť svojimi ideami.En: Zuzana suddenly saw more clearly how she could contribute with her ideas.Sk: Milan po tejto skúsenosti našiel dôveru vo svoje vedenie.En: After this experience, Milan found confidence in his leadership.Sk: Vrátil sa z Tatier s istotou.En: He returned from the Tatry with certainty.Sk: Tím sa spojil ako nikdy predtým, pripravený čeliť výzvam s novým porozumením a jednotou.En: The team united like never before, ready to face challenges with new understanding and unity.Sk: Táto duchovná cesta im dala viac než len návod na lepšiu spoluprácu – dala im novú nádej.En: This spiritual journey gave them more than just a guide to better collaboration — it gave them new hope. Vocabulary Words:retreat: únikloomed: vznášalipeaks: vrcholycollaborating: spoluprácetremendous: obrovskýdeadlines: termínycompeted: súťažíambitious: ambicióznytension: napätieunderstanding: pochopeniemeditative: meditačnýmiintrospection: introspekciestriving: snažígaze: pohľaduinner peace: vnútorného pokojaspiritual guide: duchovného vodcuexercises: cvičeníflickering: tlelaclarity: jasnostitrust: dôveruinsights: zisteniachapproach: prístupusupport: podporacontribute: prispieťconfidence: dôverucertainty: istotouunity: jednotouspiritual journey: duchovná cestaguide: návodhope: nádej
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Lost in the Autumn Woods: A Lesson from Vysoké Tatry Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Vysoké Tatry v jesennom období vyzerali ako čarovné kráľovstvo.En: The Vysoké Tatry in the autumn season looked like a magical kingdom.Sk: Stromy boli oblečené do oranžových a červených listov a vzduch bol plný suchého šelestu.En: The trees were dressed in orange and red leaves, and the air was full of a dry rustle.Sk: Na ceste do národného parku sa trojica študentov pripravovala na zaujímavý deň.En: On the way to the national park, a trio of students was preparing for an interesting day.Sk: Lukáš, Eva a ich učiteľ Marek, išli na exkurziu do prírody.En: Lukáš, Eva, and their teacher Marek went on a nature excursion.Sk: Lukáš sa tešil najviac, pretože chcel nájsť vzácnu rastlinu, o ktorej čítal.En: Lukáš was the most excited because he wanted to find a rare plant he had read about.Sk: Marek bol skvelý učiteľ, plný energie a nadšenia.En: Marek was a great teacher, full of energy and enthusiasm.Sk: Eva, Lukášova najlepšia kamarátka, ho stále upozorňovala, aby bol opatrný.En: Eva, Lukáš's best friend, kept reminding him to be careful.Sk: "Pamätaj, Lukáš," povedala Eva, keď vychádzali na cestu.En: “Remember, Lukáš,” Eva said as they set out.Sk: "Predpoveď počasia hlási zimu.En: "The weather forecast predicts cold.Sk: Nechoď príliš ďaleko.En: Don’t go too far."Sk: "Lukáš prikývol, ale jeho zvedavosť bola, ako vždy, silnejšia.En: Lukáš nodded, but his curiosity was, as always, stronger.Sk: Hodinu kráčali po hlavnej trase, keď Lukáš zbadal malý, zarastený chodník vedúci do lesa.En: They walked for an hour along the main trail when Lukáš spotted a small, overgrown path leading into the forest.Sk: "Tam to bude!En: "That's where it will be!"Sk: " myslel si, keď si spomenul na obrázok rastliny v knihe.En: he thought, remembering the picture of the plant in the book.Sk: "Počkaj ma tu, vrátim sa rýchlo," zakričal Lukáš na Evu a Mareka, a zmizol medzi stromami.En: "Wait for me here, I’ll be back soon," Lukáš shouted to Eva and Marek, and disappeared among the trees.Sk: Eva povzdychla, ale Marek ju uistil: "Nechaj ho, je šikovný chlapec.En: Eva sighed, but Marek reassured her: "Let him go, he's a smart boy.Sk: Počkáme tu.En: We’ll wait here."Sk: "Medzitým sa v lese pre Lukáša všetko zmenilo.En: Meanwhile, everything changed for Lukáš in the forest.Sk: Obloha sa zamračila a začalo snežiť.En: The sky darkened, and it began to snow.Sk: Krúžil medzi stromami, keď si uvedomil, že je sám.En: He wandered between the trees when he realized he was alone.Sk: "Kam vedie cesta späť?En: "Which way is back?"Sk: " pýtal sa sám seba.En: he asked himself.Sk: Panika ho začala prekonávať.En: Panic started to overcome him.Sk: Zrazu si spomenul na Marekove lekcie o orientácii.En: Suddenly, he recalled Marek's lessons on orientation.Sk: Pozrel sa na skaly a stromy, ktoré spoznal z predchádzajúcej cesty.En: He looked at the rocks and trees he recognized from the previous journey.Sk: "Musím sa držať pri tej veľkej skale," myslel si.En: "I must stick to that big rock," he thought.Sk: Ale čas ubiehal rýchlo a sneh ešte viac zahusťoval cestu.En: But time was passing quickly, and the snow thickened the path even more.Sk: Eva a Marek sa medzitým rozhodli, že musia hľadať Lukáša.En: Eva and Marek meanwhile decided they needed to search for Lukáš.Sk: Zvolávali jeho meno a postupovali pomaly lesom.En: They called his name and proceeded slowly through the forest.Sk: Po niekoľkých minútach, ktoré sa zdali ako hodiny, začuli slabú odpoveď.En: After a few minutes, which seemed like hours, they heard a faint response.Sk: Lukáš sa konečne ukázal medzi stromami, unavený, ale bezpečný.En: Lukáš finally appeared among the trees, tired but safe.Sk: "Som hlúpy, mal som vás počúvať," povedal Lukáš a ospravedlňoval sa.En: "I'm stupid, I should have listened to you," Lukáš said, apologizing.Sk: "Sme radi, že si v poriadku," odpovedala Eva s úsmevom.En: "We're glad you're alright," replied Eva with a smile.Sk: Cesta späť bola tichá, ale plná pochopenia.En: The way back was silent but full of understanding.Sk: Lukáš si uvedomil, aké dôležité je byť opatrný a spojiť sa s ostatnými.En: Lukáš realized how important it is to be careful and connect with others.Sk: Marek sa usmial a povedal: "Naučil si sa veľa dôležitého.En: Marek smiled and said, "You’ve learned a lot of important things."Sk: "Vďaka prírode a krásam Vysokých Tatier si všetci odniesli nezabudnuteľný zážitok.En: Thanks to nature and the beauties of Vysoké Tatry, they all left with unforgettable experiences.Sk: Zima prichádzala rýchlo, a tak sa všetci traja tešili na príjemné teplo domova a rodinné zimné sviatky.En: Winter was coming quickly, and all three were looking forward to the pleasant warmth of home and family winter holidays.Sk: V ten deň sa vrátili nielen z prírody, ale aj s poučením pre život.En: That day, they returned not only from nature but also with a life lesson. Vocabulary Words:kingdom: kráľovstvodress: oblečenýrustle: šumtrio: trojicaexcursion: exkurziarare: vzácnyenthusiasm: nadšenieforecast: predpoveďcuriosity: zvedavosťtrail: trasaovergrown: zarastenýdisappear: zmiznúťreassure: uistiťdarken: zamračiť sasnow: snežiťwander: krúžiťpanic: panikaorientation: orientáciathicken: zahusťovaťfaint: slabýresponse: odpoveďsafe: bezpečnýapologize: ospravedlniť sasilent: tichýunderstanding: pochopenieconnect: spojiť saunforgettable: nezabudnuteľnýpleasant: príjemnýwarmth: teplolesson: poučenie
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Roots: Jozef's Journey to Belonging at Spišský Hrad Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Jozef stál pred rozľahlým Spišským hradom.En: Jozef stood before the expansive Spišský hrad.Sk: Slnko jemne svietilo na jeho kamenné múry, ktoré sa týčili nad farebnými listami jesenného lesa.En: The sun gently shone on its stone walls, which towered over the colorful leaves of the autumn forest.Sk: Marta a Tomáš stáli vedľa neho, obdivovali majestátnosť hradu.En: Marta and Tomáš stood beside him, admiring the majesty of the castle.Sk: Jozef mal pocit, že dnes je výnimočný deň.En: Jozef felt that today was a special day.Sk: Jeho srdce túžilo po spojení s minulosťou, po spojení s jeho slovenskými koreňmi.En: His heart yearned for a connection to the past, a connection to his Slovak roots.Sk: Jozef si niekedy pripadal ako cudzinec vo vlastnej krajine.En: Jozef sometimes felt like a stranger in his own country.Sk: O Slovensku vedel len málo, a preto dúfal, že dnešná návšteva zmierni jeho neistoty.En: He knew little about Slovensko, and so he hoped that today's visit would ease his uncertainties.Sk: V hĺbke duše sa obával, že ho ani Spišský hrad nedokáže naplniť pocitom príslušnosti.En: Deep down, he feared that even Spišský hrad would not fill him with a sense of belonging.Sk: Rozhodol sa však vyskúšať.En: However, he decided to try.Sk: Dnes nepôjde sám, ale sám si vybral občas túru so sprievodcom.En: Today, he wouldn't go alone but chose a guided tour for himself.Sk: Sprievodca bol starší pán s bielymi vlasmi a srdečným úsmevom.En: The guide was an older man with white hair and a warm smile.Sk: Hovoril pokojne, no jeho slová mali moc preniesť všetkých do minulosti.En: He spoke calmly, yet his words had the power to transport everyone into the past.Sk: Rozprával o udatných rytieroch, o kráľoch a kráľovnách, ktorí prechádzali tými istými chodbami.En: He talked about brave knights, kings, and queens who walked the same corridors.Sk: Jozef počúval a snažil sa načúvať nielen ušami, ale aj srdcom.En: Jozef listened, trying to listen not only with his ears, but also with his heart.Sk: Stáli v sále, ktorou kedysi prechádzali mocní ľudia.En: They stood in a hall once traversed by powerful people.Sk: Jozef cítil zvláštnu energiu.En: Jozef felt a strange energy.Sk: Naplnil ho pocit pokojnej sily a nečakaného spojenia.En: He was filled with a sense of peaceful strength and an unexpected connection.Sk: Cítil ducha svojich predkov, ktorí mu akoby cez stáročia pripomínali, kam patrí.En: He felt the spirit of his ancestors, reminding him through the centuries where he belonged.Sk: Tá naša skupinka vystúpala až na vrchol hradnej veže.En: Their little group climbed to the top of the castle tower.Sk: Vietor jemne pohyboval listami stromov a krajina naokolo bola ako z pohľadnice.En: The wind gently moved the leaves of the trees, and the landscape around them was like a postcard.Sk: Mozaika polí, lesov a dediniek sa rozprestierala pod nimi.En: A mosaic of fields, forests, and villages spread out beneath them.Sk: Jozef si uvedomil, že sú to tie isté miesta, na ktoré sa kedysi pozerali aj jeho predkovia.En: Jozef realized that these were the same places his ancestors once gazed upon.Sk: "Drahí priatelia," ozval sa sprievodca, "tento hrad je srdcom našej histórie.En: "Dear friends," the guide said, "this castle is the heart of our history.Sk: Naše korene sú hlboko zakorenené v tejto zemi.En: Our roots are deeply embedded in this land."Sk: "Jozef ticho stál.En: Jozef stood silently.Sk: Už viac nad tým nepremýšľal ako predtým.En: He no longer thought about it as he did before.Sk: Pochopil, že spojenie s koreňmi vychádza z duše.En: He understood that the connection to one's roots comes from the soul.Sk: Cítil hrdosť a nádej.En: He felt pride and hope.Sk: Znova sa pozrel na Martu a Tomáša a cítil, že sa ocitol tam, kam vždy patril.En: He looked again at Marta and Tomáš and felt that he had found himself where he always belonged.Sk: Veterná brázda chladila jeho tvár, ale on sa usmial a vnímal to ako objatie krajiny, ktorá mu dala pocit domova.En: The wind's breeze cooled his face, but he smiled and perceived it as an embrace from the land that gave him a sense of home.Sk: Bol naplnený zmyslom pre svoju identitu, tak ako nikdy predtým.En: He was filled with a sense of identity like never before.Sk: Jozef vedel, že teraz kráča s vedomím svojich predkov, ktorí ho trpezlivo viedli k tomuto okamihu.En: Jozef knew that he now walked with the consciousness of his ancestors, who patiently led him to this moment. Vocabulary Words:expansive: rozľahlýmtowered: týčilimajesty: majestátnosťyearned: túžilouncertainties: neistotyguided: so sprievodcomwhite hair: bielymi vlasmiwarm smile: srdečným úsmevomtransport: preniesťbrave: udatnýchcorridors: chodbamiancestors: predkovtraversed: prechádzalimosaic: mozaikabeneath: pod nimiembedded: zakorenenébelonging: príslušnostiembrace: objatiepostcard: pohľadnicerealized: uvedomilsilently: tichoidentity: zmyslom pre svoju identitupride: hrdosťconsciousness: vedomímyearned: túžiloease: zmierniconnection: spojeniefilled: naplnilpeaceful strength: pokojnej silycool breeze: veterná brázda
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Peace and Perspective in a Tatra Mountain Escape Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Kabína Karola a Zuzany ležala ako malebný úkryt v objatí majestátnych Tatier.En: The cabin of Karol and Zuzana lay like a picturesque refuge embraced by the majestic Tatra Mountains.Sk: Veľké smreky, pokryté jemným popraškom snehu, vytvárali čarovnú atmosféru.En: Tall spruce trees, covered with a light dusting of snow, created a magical atmosphere.Sk: Jeseň sa zahalila do zlata a červene, a v diaľke bolo počuť šumenie malého jazera.En: Autumn was cloaked in gold and red, and in the distance, the rustling of a small lake could be heard.Sk: Karol a Zuzana dorazili v piatok večer.En: Karol and Zuzana arrived on Friday evening.Sk: Ich očakávania na víkend plný turistiky a relaxu boli veľké.En: Their expectations for a weekend full of hiking and relaxation were high.Sk: Karol, unavený stresom v práci, dúfal, že po dlhej dobe pocíti pokoj.En: Karol, weary from work stress, hoped to feel peace after a long time.Sk: Zuzana, stále sa zotavujúca z rozchodu, túžila po chvíli ticha a premýšľaní.En: Zuzana, still recovering from a breakup, yearned for a moment of silence and reflection.Sk: V sobotu ráno sa obaja vydali na túru.En: On Saturday morning, both set out on a hike.Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, ale osviežujúci.En: The air was cold but refreshing.Sk: Karol kráčal s istotou skúseného turistu.En: Karol walked with the confidence of an experienced hiker.Sk: Zuzana, s niekoľkými pochybnosťami, ho nasledovala.En: Zuzana, with some doubts, followed him.Sk: Cesta viedla okolo smrečín a pod nánosmi žlto-červeného lístia sršala energiu jesene.En: The path led them around spruce woods, and under the layers of yellow and red leaves, autumn's energy buzzed.Sk: Ako postupovali, počasie sa začalo meniť.En: As they progressed, the weather started to change.Sk: Vietor zosilnel a obloha sa zatiahla.En: The wind grew stronger and the sky darkened.Sk: Sneh začal padať hustejšie a cesta bola čoraz nejasnejšia.En: Snow began to fall more heavily, and the path became increasingly indistinct.Sk: Zuzana sa zastavila a s obavou pozrela na Karola.En: Zuzana stopped and looked at Karol with concern.Sk: „Možno by sme sa mali vrátiť,“ povedala tichým hlasom.En: "Maybe we should turn back," she said quietly.Sk: Karol zamrmlal, že ešte chvíľu pôjdu.En: Karol mumbled that they would go on for a bit longer.Sk: Jeho túžba po pokoji ho viedla vpred, aj keď pochybnosti si zlomkom mysle uvedomoval.En: His desire for peace drove him forward, though he was faintly aware of his doubts.Sk: Ako sneh padal intenzívnejšie, aj Karol si priznal, že situácia je vážnejšia, než čakal.En: As the snow fell more intensely, Karol admitted that the situation was more serious than he had expected.Sk: Začali mať problémy s orientáciou.En: They started having trouble with orientation.Sk: Terén sa zneprístupňoval a obidvaja sa ocitli bezradní na ceste, ktorú nie je možné vrátiť na začiatok.En: The terrain became impassable, and both found themselves helpless on a path they couldn't retrace.Sk: „Počkaj,“ povedal Karol, teraz už viditeľne nervózny.En: "Wait," Karol said, now visibly nervous.Sk: Pod snehom nachádzal len neurčité známky chodníka.En: Under the snow, he found only vague signs of the trail.Sk: Zuzana, zabudnúc na svoje obavy, mu pevne chytila ruku a rozhodli sa spoločne ísť iným smerom.En: Zuzana, forgetting her fears, firmly grabbed his hand, and they decided to go in another direction together.Sk: Takmer vyčerpaní, vrátili sa do kabíny za súmraku.En: Almost exhausted, they returned to the cabin at dusk.Sk: Boli mokrí a zmrznutí, ale ich srdcia boli plné úľavy.En: They were wet and frozen, but their hearts were full of relief.Sk: Spoločne sedeli pri krbe, poslúchajúc praskajúce drevo.En: Together, they sat by the fireplace, listening to the crackling wood.Sk: Karol pochopil hodnotu opatrnosti a dôležitosť pauzy, keď telo a myseľ sú vyčerpané.En: Karol understood the value of caution and the importance of taking a break when both body and mind are exhausted.Sk: Zuzana si uvedomila, aké je dôležité ozvať sa a vyjadriť svoje obavy.En: Zuzana realized how important it is to speak up and express her concerns.Sk: V to večer sa obaja zblížili.En: That evening, they grew closer.Sk: Stromy za oknom sa hojdali vo veselom tanci vetra, zatiaľ čo oni vďačne popíjali teplý čaj, spokojní v útulnosti kabíny a uvedomelí nových pohľadov na svoje životy.En: The trees outside the window swayed in a cheerful dance of the wind, while they gratefully sipped warm tea, content in the coziness of the cabin and aware of new perspectives on their lives. Vocabulary Words:cabin: kabínapicturesque: malebnýrefuge: úkrytmajestic: majestátnychspruce: smrekydusting: popraškomcloaked: zahalilarustling: šumenieweary: unavenýyearned: túžilahike: túraconfidence: istotoubuzzed: sršalaindistinct: nejasnejšiaconcern: obavoumumbled: zamrmlalterrain: terénimpassable: zneprístupňovalhelpless: bezradnívague: neurčitéexhausted: vyčerpanídusk: súmrakufrozen: zmrznutírelief: úľavyfireplace: krbecrackling: praskajúcecaution: opatrnostiexhausted: vyčerpanícoziness: útulnostiperspectives: pohľadov
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Balance: A Weekend Escape in the Tatranské Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Tatranské hory sa týčili v pozadí, vrcholky už boli pokryté prvým snehom.En: The Tatranské mountains loomed in the background, their peaks already covered with the first snow.Sk: Listy stromov žiarili v odtieňoch zlatej a červenej.En: The leaves of the trees glowed in shades of gold and red.Sk: Marek, Lucia a Viktor stáli na lúke pod úpätím hôr, pripravení prežiť víkend plný dobrodružstva a tímového ducha.En: Marek, Lucia, and Viktor stood in the meadow at the foothills of the mountains, ready to spend a weekend full of adventure and team spirit.Sk: Marek sa cítil unavený.En: Marek felt tired.Sk: Práca ho pohltila.En: Work had consumed him.Sk: Smútil za chvíľami, kedy mohol byť sám, bez rušivých elementov.En: He mourned the times when he could be alone, without distractions.Sk: Stál bokom, počúvajúc smiech a rozhovory kolegov.En: He stood aside, listening to the laughter and conversations of his colleagues.Sk: Lucia, energická projektová manažérka, už plánovala nedeľnú túru.En: Lucia, an energetic project manager, was already planning Sunday's hike.Sk: "Poďme spolu, bude to skvelé," povedala s nadšením, ale Marek len prikývol bez úmyslu sa pripojiť.En: "Let's go together, it will be great," she said enthusiastically, but Marek only nodded without any intention of joining.Sk: Viktor, nový člen tímu, sa začlenil, no cítil tlak dokázať sa.En: Viktor, the new team member, had integrated but felt the pressure to prove himself.Sk: Opatrne sa pozeral na Mareka i Luciu.En: He cautiously looked at Marek and Lucia.Sk: "Možno by som mohol Mareka presvedčiť, nech ide," pomyslel si.En: "Maybe I could convince Marek to go," he thought to himself.Sk: Na druhý deň ráno sa Marek rozhodol.En: The next morning, Marek made a decision.Sk: Vzal si malý batoh a ticho odišiel na túru sám.En: He took a small backpack and quietly went for a hike alone.Sk: Potreboval ticho lesa, aby si utriedil myšlienky.En: He needed the forest's silence to clear his thoughts.Sk: Chodník sa vinul cez hustý porast, jeho kroky tlmil mäkký mach.En: The trail wound through dense foliage, his steps muffled by soft moss.Sk: Tu našiel pokoj.En: Here he found peace.Sk: Medzitým Lucia zabezpečovala aktivity pre tím.En: Meanwhile, Lucia was organizing activities for the team.Sk: Bolo dôležité, aby všetci našli radosť v spolupráci.En: It was essential that everyone found joy in cooperation.Sk: No myslela aj na Mareka.En: But she also thought of Marek.Sk: Vedela, že potrebuje priestor, ale tiež vedela, že spolupatričnosť je dôležitá.En: She knew he needed space, but also that a sense of belonging was important.Sk: Viktor sa pripojil k skupine, ale čosi ho ťahalo za Marekom.En: Viktor joined the group, but something pulled him towards Marek.Sk: Rozhodol sa ísť za ním.En: He decided to follow him.Sk: "Marek možno potrebuje spoločnosť," myslel si opatrne.En: "Maybe Marek needs company," he thought cautiously.Sk: Našiel ho sedieť na skalnom previsu, pozorujúceho dolinu.En: He found him sitting on a rocky ledge, watching the valley.Sk: "Uvoľňujúce, však?" Viktor sa posadil vedľa neho.En: "Relaxing, isn't it?" Viktor sat down next to him.Sk: Marek sa najprv zarazil, no potom sa usmial.En: Marek was startled at first, but then smiled.Sk: "Áno, niekedy je dobré sa zastaviť," odpovedal.En: "Yes, sometimes it's good to stop," he replied.Sk: V tom momente si Viktor našiel odvahu zdieľať svoje obavy.En: In that moment, Viktor found the courage to share his fears.Sk: Povedal o svojom strachu, že nezapadá. Hovoril o tlaku, byť prijatý.En: He spoke about his concern that he didn't fit in, about the pressure to be accepted.Sk: Marek ho počúval a začal chápať.En: Marek listened and began to understand.Sk: Pochopil, že spojenie s ostatnými je rovnako potrebné ako čas pre seba.En: He realized that connecting with others is as necessary as having time for oneself.Sk: Späť v kempe Lucia pripravila večerné opekanie pod jasnou oblohou.En: Back at the campsite, Lucia prepared an evening barbecue under the clear sky.Sk: Keď Marek a Viktor dorazili, Lucia ich privítala.En: When Marek and Viktor arrived, Lucia welcomed them.Sk: V ten večer Marek našiel slová, aby povedal: "Chcel som byť sám, ale uvedomil som si, že spolu sme silnejší."En: That evening, Marek found the words to say: "I wanted to be alone, but I realized that together we are stronger."Sk: Lucia bola spokojná.En: Lucia was pleased.Sk: Naučila sa byť flexibilná.En: She had learned to be flexible.Sk: Viktor sa cítil akceptovaný, jeho odvaha zapôsobiť na Mareka posilnila jeho miesto v tíme.En: Viktor felt accepted, his courage to make an impression on Marek strengthened his place in the team.Sk: S pribúdajúcimi hviezdami na oblohe sa Tatranské hory zvečnili v pamäti všetkých troch.En: As the stars increased in the sky, the Tatranské mountains were forever etched in the memory of all three.Sk: Každý z nich našiel, čo potreboval - Marek pokoj v spojení, Lucia rovnováhu v riadení a Viktor uznanie v skupine, ktorá ho prijala ako svojho.En: Each of them found what they needed - Marek peace in connection, Lucia balance in management, and Viktor appreciation in a group that accepted him as their own. Vocabulary Words:loomed: týčilifoothills: úpätímconsume: pohltilamourned: smútildistractions: rušivých elementovcautiously: opatrnedense: hustýfoliage: porastmuffled: tlmilledges: skalom previsuenthusiastically: s nadšenímintention: úmyslusilence: tichocompanionship: spoločnosťstartled: zarazilcooperation: spoluprácabelonging: spolupatričnosťetched: zvečnilicourage: odvahaimpression: zapôsobiťevening barbecue: večerné opekanieflexible: flexibilnáaccepted: prijatýbalance: rovnováhumanagement: riadeníappreciation: uznanieteam spirit: tímový duchintegrated: začlenilrocky: skalnýclear: vyčistených
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Bratislava's Golden Hour: A Tale of Innovation and Trust Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Bratislavské jesenné ráno bolo plné života a inovácií.En: The autumn morning in Bratislava was full of life and innovation.Sk: Nad moderným Tech Hubom sa vznášala pokojná atmosféra pripravenosti.En: A calm atmosphere of readiness hovered over the modern Tech Hub.Sk: Sklenené budovy zrkadlili slnečné lúče, čo celému komplexu dodávalo zlatistý nádych.En: The glass buildings reflected the sun's rays, giving the entire complex a golden hue.Sk: Jozef, mladý a ambiciózny softvérový inžinier, prechádzal chodbou Tech Hubu s bradou vysoko zdvihnutou.En: Jozef, a young and ambitious software engineer, walked down the corridor of the Tech Hub with his chin held high.Sk: Dnes bola veľká chvíľa.En: Today was a big moment.Sk: Predstavenie nového projektu, na ktorom pracoval celé mesiace.En: The presentation of a new project he had been working on for months.Sk: Mal len jediné prianie – zapôsobiť na Máriu, prísnu, ale spravodlivú manažérku, ktorá bola známa svojim dôrazom na detaily.En: He had just one wish – to impress Mária, the strict but fair manager known for her attention to detail.Sk: Na jeho stole sa hromadili noty a dizajnérske náčrty.En: Notes and design drafts were piling up on his desk.Sk: V miestnosti vládlo napätie, keďže čas do prezentácie ubiehal.En: The room was tense as the countdown to the presentation ticked away.Sk: Jozef však čelil problému.En: However, Jozef faced a problem.Sk: Softvér, na ktorom pracovali, mal kritickú chybu.En: The software they were working on had a critical bug.Sk: Zúfalé oči Jozefa sa upreli na monitor.En: Jozef's desperate eyes were fixed on the monitor.Sk: Tomáš, jeho kolega, vstúpil s návrhom riešenia.En: Tomáš, his colleague, entered with a proposed solution.Sk: „Myslím, že by sme to mali riešiť takto,“ povedal Tomáš a ukázal na kód.En: "I think we should handle it like this," said Tomáš, pointing to the code.Sk: „Nesedí mi to,“ odpovedal Jozef.En: "It doesn't sit right with me," replied Jozef.Sk: „Myslím, že by sme mali skúsiť inak.En: "I think we should try something different."Sk: “Diskusia medzi Jozefom a Tomášom bola živá.En: The discussion between Jozef and Tomáš was lively.Sk: Obaja mali svoje vlastné nápady.En: Both had their own ideas.Sk: Jozef cítil, že Mária očakáva dokonalosť, a preto sa obával riskovať.En: Jozef felt that Mária expected perfection, and therefore he was afraid to take risks.Sk: S minútami ubiehajúcimi sa Jozef rozhodol spraviť krok.En: As the minutes passed, Jozef decided to take a step.Sk: Hlboko sa nadýchol a povedal: „Dobre, Tomáš, spoľahneme sa na tvoj návrh.En: Taking a deep breath, he said, "Alright, Tomáš, let's rely on your proposal.Sk: Dokážme, že spoločné úsilie nás dovedie k úspechu.En: Let's prove that our joint effort will lead us to success."Sk: “Spolupracovali neúnavne.En: They worked tirelessly together.Sk: Klávesnica cvakala, monitory svietili, a Jozef cítil, ako mu napätie opadáva.En: The keyboard clicked, the monitors glowed, and Jozef felt the tension ease.Sk: Tomášove riešenie fungovalo elegantne.En: Tomáš's solution worked elegantly.Sk: Keď prišiel čas prezentácie, hala sa naplnila hostiteľmi, partnermi a vedením.En: When the time for the presentation came, the hall filled with hosts, partners, and leadership.Sk: Mária stála vpredu, vážna, ale zvedavá.En: Mária stood at the front, serious but curious.Sk: Jozef s Tomášom spoločne predstúpili pred publikum.En: Jozef and Tomáš stepped forward together in front of the audience.Sk: Softvér fungoval bezchybne a reakcia bola okamžitá – potlesk a obdivné pohľady.En: The software worked flawlessly, and the reaction was immediate – applause and admiring looks.Sk: „Skvelé!En: "Great!"Sk: “ zakričala Mária.En: shouted Mária.Sk: V očiach jej žiaril súhlas a uznanie.En: Her eyes shone with approval and recognition.Sk: Jozef si uvedomil, že tento úspech nebol len jeho zásluhou.En: Jozef realized that this success was not solely his own.Sk: Bolo to dielo tímu, najmä Tomáša.En: It was the result of teamwork, especially thanks to Tomáš.Sk: Na druhý deň, keď listy padajú z bratislavských stromov, Jozef pristúpil k Márii.En: The next day, as leaves fell from Bratislava's trees, Jozef approached Mária.Sk: Usmiala sa na neho a s uznaním mu povedala: „Dobre odvedená práca.En: She smiled at him and, with acknowledgment, told him, "Well done.Sk: Aspoň teraz viem, že ti môžem dôverovať s väčšími projektmi.En: At least now I know I can trust you with bigger projects."Sk: “Jozef sa stal lepším lídrom, nie preto, že by bol sám sebou lepší, ale preto, že pochopil silu spolupráce.En: Jozef became a better leader, not because he was better on his own, but because he understood the power of collaboration.Sk: Naučil sa dôverovať svojmu tímu.En: He learned to trust his team.Sk: Tým sa otvorila cesta k jeho snu – k povýšeniu, ktoré si prial.En: This opened the way to his dream – the promotion he desired.Sk: Bratislavský Tech Hub žiaril v pozadí a neposkytoval len priestor pre prácu, ale aj pre rast.En: The Bratislava Tech Hub shone in the background, providing not only a space for work but also for growth.Sk: Jozef kráčal s hlavou hore a v srdci niesol ponaučenie z tejto nezabudnuteľnej jesene.En: Jozef walked with his head held high, carrying the lesson of this unforgettable autumn in his heart. Vocabulary Words:autumn: jesennéinnovation: inováciícalm: pokojnáhovered: vznášalareflected: zrkadlilihue: nádychcorridor: chodbouambitious: ambicióznystrict: prísnuattention: dôrazompiling up: hromadilitense: napätiecritical: kritickúlively: živáexpectation: očekávarisks: riskovaťtirelessly: neúnavneelegantly: elegantneflawlessly: bezchybneapplause: potleskadmiring: obdivnéapproval: súhlasrecognition: uznanieapproval: uznanietrust: dôverovaťcollaboration: spoluprácepromotion: povýšeniuproviding: poskytovalgrowth: rastunforgettable: nezabudnuteľnej
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Love's Melody in Bratislava's Christmas Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Marek kráčal cez bratislavský Vianočný trh a cítil sa plný rozpakov.En: Marek walked through the Bratislava Christmas market and felt full of apprehension.Sk: Odtiaľto šírila sa vôňa pečených gaštanov, zvuky veselých koledníkov a všade naokolo blikajúce svetielka.En: From there, the scent of roasted chestnuts spread, the sounds of cheerful carolers, and blinking lights everywhere.Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, ale vzrušujúci.En: The air was cold but exhilarating.Sk: Marek hľadal darček, ktorý by zaujal Zuzanu - jeho priateľku, ktorá mala rada jedinečné a ručne vyrobené veci.En: Marek was looking for a gift that would impress Zuzana—his girlfriend who liked unique and handmade things.Sk: Marek bol premýšľavý a trochu romantický.En: Marek was thoughtful and a bit romantic.Sk: S ním bola Tatiana, jeho najlepšia priateľka, praktická a podporujúca.En: With him was Tatiana, his best friend, practical and supportive.Sk: „Neboj sa,“ povedala Tatiana, keď videla Marekove starostlivé oči.En: "Don't worry," Tatiana said when she saw Marek's concerned eyes.Sk: „Nájdi niečo, čo je pravé.En: "Find something that's authentic.Sk: Niečo, čo k tebe prehovorí.En: Something that speaks to you."Sk: “Ale v odraze vianočných trhov sa Marek cítil ohromený.En: But reflected in the Christmas markets, Marek felt overwhelmed.Sk: Bolo tam toľko možností!En: There were so many options!Sk: Kde začať?En: Where to start?Sk: Prial si nájsť niečo skutočne špeciálne.En: He wished to find something truly special.Sk: Myslel na obvyklý darček - možno hodvábny šál alebo štýlovú kabelku, ale to sa nezdalo dosť osobné.En: He thought of the usual gift—perhaps a silk scarf or a stylish purse—but that didn't seem personal enough.Sk: Keď prechádzali okolo rôznych stánkov, Marek náhle zastal.En: As they passed by various stalls, Marek suddenly stopped.Sk: Tam bol stánok s jemne vyrezávanými drevenými hudobnými skrinkami.En: There was a stall with finely carved wooden music boxes.Sk: Na každej skrinke bolo niečo iné - príbehy vyryté do dreva.En: Each box had something different—stories etched into the wood.Sk: Jedna skrinka hrala melódiu, ktorá Marekovi zarezonovala - Zuzanine obľúbené.En: One box played a melody that resonated with Marek—Zuzana's favorite.Sk: To bolo ono!En: That was it!Sk: „To je nádherné,“ zvolala Tatiana, keď videla skrinku, ktorú Marek vybral.En: "That's beautiful," Tatiana exclaimed when she saw the box Marek had chosen.Sk: „Určite sa jej to bude páčiť!En: "She will definitely love it!"Sk: “S vianočným darčekom v ruke Marek cítil úľavu a šťastie.En: With the Christmas present in hand, Marek felt relieved and happy.Sk: Prišiel deň, keď Zuzane podaroval skrinku.En: The day came when he gave the box to Zuzana.Sk: Jej oči sa zaliali slzami radosti, keď hrala melódiu.En: Her eyes filled with tears of joy when it played the melody.Sk: „Je to dokonalé,“ povedala ticho a objal ho.En: "It's perfect," she said quietly and hugged him.Sk: Marek pochopil niečo dôležité.En: Marek understood something important.Sk: Nie je dôležité, koľko darček stojí, ale aké city prenáša.En: It doesn't matter how much a gift costs, but what emotions it conveys.Sk: Uvedomil si, že v darovaní ide o premyslenosť a autenticitu.En: He realized that gift-giving is about thoughtfulness and authenticity.Sk: Trhy vyzerali inak, keď spolu odchádzali - svetlá žiarili jasnejšie a vzduch bol ešte sladší.En: The markets looked different as they left together—the lights shone brighter, and the air was even sweeter.Sk: Ich puto sa stalo ešte silnejším, a všetci traja odišli s úsmevom, vediac, že láska môže nájsť svoj výraz v jedinečných, ručne vyrobených daroch s významom a pamäťou.En: Their bond became even stronger, and all three left with smiles, knowing that love can find its expression in unique, handmade gifts with meaning and memory. Vocabulary Words:apprehension: rozpakovexhilarating: vzrušujúcithoughtful: premýšľavýauthentic: pravéoverwhelmed: ohromenýetched: vyrytémelody: melódiuresonated: zarezonovalaexclaimed: zvolalaconveys: prenášathoughtfulness: premyslenosťauthenticity: autenticitubond: putoimpress: zaujalunique: jedinečnépractical: praktickásupportive: podporujúcaconcerned: starostlivéreflected: odrazestylish: štýlovúcarved: vyrezávanýmirelieved: úľavuhugged: objalemotions: cityshone: žiarilisweeter: sladšíexpression: výrazmeaning: významommemory: pamäťoublinking: blikajúce
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Ladislav's Alpine Quest: A Tale of Discovery and Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Vo vysokých Tatrách, kde zlatisté lístie padá na zem ako jemné plátno a jeseň preniká chladným horským vzduchom, sa konala exkurzia z geografie.En: In the Vysoké Tatry, where golden leaves fall to the ground like a gentle tapestry and autumn permeates the cold mountain air, a geography field trip was held.Sk: Ladislav, tichý študent so snom o objavení neznámej flóry, kráčal po úzkych skalnatých chodníkoch.En: Ladislav, a quiet student with a dream of discovering unknown flora, walked along the narrow rocky paths.Sk: Bol nerád stredobodom pozornosti, no jeho srdce túžilo osloviť učiteľku Michaelu zaujímavým objavom.En: He disliked being the center of attention, but his heart longed to impress his teacher, Michaela, with an interesting discovery.Sk: Skupina študentov, medzi ktorými bol aj rázny a vždy usmievavý Jakub, sa zastavila, aby si oddýchli a obdivovali nádheru prírody.En: The group of students, among whom was the resolute and always smiling Jakub, stopped to rest and admire the beauty of nature.Sk: Michaela im rozprávala o horských rastlinách, ktoré tu rastú.En: Michaela spoke to them about the mountain plants that grow here.Sk: Ladislav, so slúchadlom zastrčeným do vrecka, spomenul si na obrázok vzácneho kvetu, ktorý čítal v knižke.En: Ladislav, with an earbud tucked in his pocket, remembered an image of a rare flower he had seen in a book.Sk: Volal sa plesnivec alpínsky.En: It was called the alpine edelweiss.Sk: To bola jeho šanca!En: This was his chance!Sk: S odvahou, ktorú v sebe na chvíľu našiel, sa jemne odpojil od skupiny.En: With a courage he found within himself for a moment, he gently detached from the group.Sk: Smeroval hlbšie do lesa.En: He headed deeper into the forest.Sk: Okolité stromy ho privítali pokojom, no zároveň sa v ňom prebúdzal pocit neistoty, či sa stihne vrátiť včas.En: The surrounding trees welcomed him with calm, yet he was simultaneously awakened to a sense of uncertainty about whether he could return in time.Sk: Kráčal ďalej, kým nenarazil na malé rúbanisko.En: He walked further until he came across a small clearing.Sk: Medzi kameňmi, ktoré kedysi skrývali drobné tajomstvá zeme, uvidel, čo hľadal.En: Among the rocks, which once hid the small secrets of the earth, he saw what he was looking for.Sk: Tam bol!En: There it was!Sk: Plesnivec alpínsky, s jemnými bielymi kvetmi, ako by sám jeseň zastúpil v svojom pokoji a kráse.En: The alpine edelweiss, with its delicate white flowers, seemed to embody autumn itself in its calm and beauty.Sk: Ladislav zrazu pochopil, že sa trochu strateni.En: Ladislav suddenly realized he was a bit lost.Sk: Okolité stromy vyzerali rovnako a konáre šumeli mierne znepokojivým hlasom.En: The surrounding trees looked the same, and the branches rustled in a slightly unsettling voice.Sk: Srdce mu bilo rýchlejšie, no jeho túžba bola zobudená.En: His heart beat faster, but his desire was awakened.Sk: Musel sa vrátiť, musel svetu ukázať, čo našiel.En: He had to return, he had to show the world what he had found.Sk: Použil logiku a znalosť krajiny, ktorú sa naučil.En: He used logic and knowledge of the landscape that he had learned.Sk: Viedol ho instinkt a nakoniec sa vrátil na cestu, kde ostatní študenti čakali.En: His instinct guided him, and he eventually found his way back to the path where the other students were waiting.Sk: Ladislav so zadržaným dychom vystúpil pred Michaelu a Jakuba.En: With bated breath, Ladislav stepped forward to Michaela and Jakub.Sk: "Našiel som ho," povedal s iskrou v očiach.En: "I found it," he said with a spark in his eyes.Sk: Ukázal im fotografiu vzácneho plesnivca alpínskeho na svojom telefone.En: He showed them a photograph of the rare alpine edelweiss on his phone.Sk: Michaela sa usmiala a poplácala ho po pleci.En: Michaela smiled and patted him on the shoulder.Sk: "To je naozaj skvelé, Ladislav," povedala obdivne.En: "That's really great, Ladislav," she said admiringly.Sk: "Tvoja vášeň pre prírodu je zjavná.En: "Your passion for nature is evident."Sk: "Ladislav pocítil príliv hrdosti.En: Ladislav felt a surge of pride.Sk: Zrazu bol viac než len tichý študent.En: Suddenly, he was more than just a quiet student.Sk: Bol Ladislav, objaviteľ!En: He was Ladislav, the discoverer!Sk: Z tohto dňa si odniesol nie len skúsenosť, ale aj novú dôveru v seba sameho.En: From this day, he took away not just the experience, but also a newfound confidence in himself.Sk: Pri stretnutí s priateľmi pri sviečkach na Sviatok všetkých svätých už vedel, že sa nemusí báť ukázať svetu, čo má rád.En: At the gathering with friends by candlelight on Sviatok všetkých svätých, he knew he no longer had to fear showing the world what he loved.Sk: V očiach mal nový lesk, pripravený zdieľať svoje dobrodružstvá.En: He had a new sparkle in his eyes, ready to share his adventures. Vocabulary Words:permeates: prenikáflora: flóraresolute: ráznytuck: zastrčenýrare: vzácneedelweiss: plesniveccourage: odvahadetached: odpojiluncertainty: neistotyclearing: rúbaniskoembody: zastúpiťrustled: šumeliinstinct: instinktbated breath: zadržaným dychomadmiringly: obdivnesparkle: leskadventure: dobrodružstvágathering: stretnutícandlelight: sviečkachunknown: neznámejimpress: osloviťfrightening: znepokojivýmsurge: prílivdesire: túžbapath: cestuknowledge: znalosťconfidence: dôverudiscoverer: objaviteľpocket: vreckadelicate: jemné
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unlocking Heritage: A Journey Through Time in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V úzkych uličkách Bratislavy sa nachádza skrytý obchod, Schránka Tradícií.En: In the narrow alleyways of Bratislava, there is a hidden shop called Schránka Tradícií.Sk: Tento obchod je plný starobylých remeselných výtvorov a vône drevených pilín, ktoré napĺňajú vzduch.En: This shop is full of ancient handcrafted creations and the smell of wood shavings fills the air.Sk: Je jeseň a Marek, mladý muž s čiernymi vlasmi, vstupuje do obchodu s istým úmyslom.En: It is autumn, and Marek, a young man with black hair, enters the store with a certain purpose.Sk: Hľadá darček pre svojho starého otca na sviatok svätého Martina.En: He is looking for a gift for his grandfather for the feast of Saint Martin.Sk: Steny obchodu sú pokryté policami s farebnými krojmi, keramikou a drevenými výrobkami.En: The walls of the shop are covered with shelves holding colorful costumes, ceramics, and wooden products.Sk: Marek sa cíti stratený medzi všetkými týmito krásnymi predmetmi.En: Marek feels lost among all these beautiful items.Sk: Jeho starý otec vždy hovoril príbehy o slovenských tradíciách.En: His grandfather always told stories about Slovak traditions.Sk: Marek si veľmi želá nájsť niečo, čo spája ich spoločnú kultúru.En: Marek dearly wishes to find something that connects their shared culture.Sk: Jana, majiteľka obchodu, vidí jeho váhanie a priateľsky ho osloví: „Hľadáš niečo špeciálne?En: Jana, the shop owner, sees his hesitation and addresses him in a friendly manner: "Are you looking for something special?"Sk: “ Marek kývne a vysvetlí, že hľadá darček pre deda, ktorý má hlboký význam.En: Marek nods and explains that he is searching for a gift for his grandfather that holds deep meaning.Sk: Jana zamyslene prikývne a navrhne: „Skús sa pozrieť na naše vyrezávané drevené rúrky.En: Jana nods thoughtfully and suggests, "Try looking at our carved wooden pipes.Sk: Sú ručne vyrobené a každá má svoju vlastnú históriu.En: They are handmade and each has its own history."Sk: “Marek sa pomaly presunie ku sklenenej vitríne, kde sú vystavené krásne drevené fajky.En: Marek slowly moves to the glass display case where beautiful wooden pipes are exhibited.Sk: Jednu z nich zdobí jemný vyrezávaný vzor.En: One of them is adorned with a delicate carved pattern.Sk: Pripomína mu staré príbehy, ktoré mu dedko vždy rozprával.En: It reminds him of the old stories his grandfather used to tell him.Sk: Cíti v sebe zvláštny pocit spomienok a dedičstva.En: He feels a strange sense of memories and heritage within himself.Sk: „Toto je tá pravá,“ rozhodne Marek, uznávajúc svoju voľbu.En: "This is the right one," Marek decides, acknowledging his choice.Sk: Upokoji sa a v očiach mu zaiskrí istota.En: He calms down and his eyes sparkle with certainty.Sk: Drevená rúrka bude dokonalý symbol ich zdieľaných histórií.En: The wooden pipe will be the perfect symbol of their shared histories.Sk: Po zaplatení vojde Marek na uličku, drží svoj darček pevne v rukách.En: After paying, Marek walks out onto the alley, holding his gift firmly in his hands.Sk: Cíti sa spojený so svojimi koreňmi a spokojný s rozhodnutím, ktoré spravil.En: He feels connected to his roots and satisfied with the decision he made.Sk: Keď prechádza pod padajúcimi listami, vie, že jeho dedko bude ohromený.En: As he walks beneath the falling leaves, he knows his grandfather will be amazed.Sk: Skrytý chrám zostáva pokojný, no jeho poklady našli zaslúžený domov.En: The hidden temple remains peaceful, but its treasures have found a deserved home.Sk: Marek odchádza s pocitom naplnenia a hlbokého porozumenia k dedovej láske k tradíciám.En: Marek leaves with a sense of fulfillment and deep understanding of his grandfather's love for traditions. Vocabulary Words:narrow: úzkychalleyways: uličkáchhidden: skrytýhandcrafted: remeselnýchpurpose: úmyslomfeast: sviatokshelves: policamicostumes: krojmiceramics: keramikouhesitation: váhaniefriendly: priateľskysuggests: navrhnecarved: vyrezávanépattern: vzorheritage: dedičstvaacknowledging: uznávajúcsparkle: zaiskrícertainty: istotasymbol: symbolfulfilled: naplneniadeserved: zaslúženýtemple: chrámpeaceful: pokojnýtreasures: pokladyconnected: spojenýroots: koreňmifulfillment: naplneniaunderstanding: porozumenialove: lásketraditions: tradíciám
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling the Spirit Secrets of Vysoké Tatry Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V chladnom jesennom ráne, horám vo Vysokých Tatrách vládla tichá majestátnosť.En: On a cold autumn morning, the mountains in the Vysoké Tatry were enveloped in a quiet majesty.Sk: Jozef, skúsený turista a nadšenec legiend, stál pred horskou chatou.En: Jozef, an experienced tourist and enthusiast of legends, stood in front of the mountain cabin.Sk: Vôkol nej sa do farieb jesene ponárali lesy, jednou vetvou sa ich očakávanie zimy už dotýkalo.En: Around it, the forests were immersing themselves in the colors of autumn, with one branch already touching the expectation of winter.Sk: Martina a Zuzana, jeho priatelky, ešte oddychovali vo vnútri pri krbe.En: Martina and Zuzana, his friends, were still resting inside by the fireplace.Sk: Hmla klesala zo skalnatých vrcholov a Jozef premýšľal o legende, ktorú často počúval od starých miestnych: duchovia hôr, ktorí vedia odhaliť tajomstvá pradávnych čias.En: Fog descended from the rocky peaks, and Jozef pondered the legend he often heard from the local elders: spirits of the mountains, who can reveal secrets of ancient times.Sk: Včera, počas summitu milovníkov hôr, našli zvláštny predmet.En: Yesterday, during a summit of mountain lovers, they found a peculiar object.Sk: Bol to starý kameň s neznámymi symbolmi.En: It was an old stone with unknown symbols.Sk: Jozef veril, že je to dôkaz toho, o čom vždy sníval — dôkaz existencie horských duchov.En: Jozef believed it was proof of what he had always dreamed of—evidence of the existence of mountain spirits.Sk: Martina však bola skeptická.En: Martina, however, was skeptical.Sk: "To sú len rozprávky pre turistov," povedala s úsmevom, zatiaľ čo Jozef stále obdivoval kameň.En: "These are just stories for tourists," she said with a smile, while Jozef continued to admire the stone.Sk: Prípravky sa zintenzívnili, pretože počasie sa rýchlo menilo.En: Preparations intensified as the weather was changing rapidly.Sk: Snehová búrka sa blížila.En: A snowstorm was approaching.Sk: Napriek tomu, Jozef bol rozhodnutý.En: Nonetheless, Jozef was determined.Sk: Odhodlanie ho pritiahlo hlbšie do hôr.En: Determination drew him deeper into the mountains.Sk: "Musíme to prezrieť ešte pred zimou," presviedčal ostatných.En: "We have to examine it before winter," he urged the others.Sk: Cesta bola ťažká a vietor zintenzívnil.En: The journey was difficult, and the wind intensified.Sk: Napokon, Jozef objavil skrytú jaskyňu.En: Eventually, Jozef discovered a hidden cave.Sk: Vnútri, na prekvapenie všetkých, našiel starobylé nápisy, rovnaké ako tie na kameni.En: Inside, to everyone's surprise, he found ancient inscriptions, the same as those on the stone.Sk: Bol nadšený.En: He was thrilled.Sk: Duchovia hôr?En: Spirits of the mountains?Sk: Možno áno!En: Maybe so!Sk: Po návrate do chaty so sprievodom vzrušenia a pochybností, Jozef rozprával o svojom objave ostatným.En: Upon returning to the cabin with a mix of excitement and doubt, Jozef shared his discovery with the others.Sk: Niektorí ho podporovali, niektorí nie.En: Some supported him, some did not.Sk: Ale všetci boli fascinovaní.En: But everyone was fascinated.Sk: Jozef našiel nový zmysel života.En: Jozef found a new purpose in life.Sk: Už to nebola len legenda.En: It was no longer just a legend.Sk: Bol to príbeh pre budúce generácie, inšpirácia pre všetkých milovníkov týchto nádherných hôr.En: It was a story for future generations, an inspiration for all lovers of these magnificent mountains.Sk: Hmlisté rána Tatranských vrchov mali teraz iný význam — boli bránou k tajomstvám, ktoré čakajú na odhalenie.En: The misty mornings of the Tatranských vrchov now had a different meaning—they were a gateway to secrets waiting to be uncovered. Vocabulary Words:enveloped: vládlamajesty: majestátnosťimmersing: ponáraliexpectation: očakávaniedescended: klesalapondered: premýšľalelders: starýchpeculiar: zvláštnysymbols: symbolmiproof: dôkazskeptical: skeptickápreparations: Prípravkyintensified: zintenzívniliapproaching: blížiladetermination: odhodlaniereshape: presviedčalhidden: skrytúinscriptions: nápisythrilled: bol nadšenýfascinated: fascinovanípurpose: zmyselmagnificent: nádhernýchmisty: hmlistégateway: bránauncovered: odhalenie
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Autumn Success: Marek's Strategic Triumph in the Office Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V kraji jemne padajúceho svetla jesene, kde farby lístia vonku hrajú v slnečných lúčoch každú škálu oranžovej a žltej, sa nachádza moderná, otvorená kancelária.En: In the land of gently falling autumn light, where the colors of the leaves outside play in the sunlight with every shade of orange and yellow, there is a modern, open office.Sk: Počítače ticho bzučia a vôňa kávy sa pomaly mieša s napätím vo vzduchu.En: Computers quietly hum, and the scent of coffee slowly mingles with the tension in the air.Sk: Pre Mareka, marketingového analytika s veľkými ambíciami, to je deň plný očakávania.En: For Marek, a marketing analyst with big ambitions, it’s a day full of anticipation.Sk: Dnes je jeho hodnotiaci deň.En: Today is his evaluation day.Sk: Sediac pri svojom stole, Marek si stiahol do seba dúšok čerstvo uvarenej kávy.En: Sitting at his desk, Marek took a sip of freshly brewed coffee.Sk: Myslel na prezentáciu, ktorú pripravil na stretnutie s Jozefom, ich kritickým a náročným manažérom.En: He thought about the presentation he had prepared for the meeting with Jozef, their critical and demanding manager.Sk: Zuzana, jeho kolegyňa a priateľka, prešla okolo jeho stola s povzbudzujúcim úsmevom.En: Zuzana, his colleague and friend, walked past his desk with an encouraging smile.Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek, máš dobrý plán," povedala, pokrúžiac prstom smerom k jeho prezentácii.En: "Don't worry, Marek, you have a good plan," she said, gesturing towards his presentation.Sk: Jozef, so svojím prenikavým pohľadom, čakal so založenými rukami.En: Jozef, with his piercing gaze, waited with crossed arms.Sk: Na jeho stole ležal zoznam problémov z nedávneho projektu, ktorý zdržala technická porucha.En: On his desk lay a list of issues from a recent project that had been delayed by a technical glitch.Sk: "Marek, vieš, že tento projekt meškal. Čo s tým urobíme?" začal Jozef.En: "Marek, you know this project was delayed. What are we going to do about it?" started Jozef.Sk: V Marekovi sa znovu prebudil strach, ale pripomenul si svoje ciele.En: Fear reawakened in Marek, but he reminded himself of his goals.Sk: Chcel uznanie, chcel povýšenie.En: He wanted recognition, he wanted a promotion.Sk: So zhlboka nadýchnutím Marek spustil prezentáciu.En: With a deep breath, Marek started the presentation.Sk: Jeho hlas bol istý, hoci cítil tlak.En: His voice was confident, even though he felt the pressure.Sk: Predstavil odvážnu, inovatívnu stratégiu, ktorú starostlivo vypracoval.En: He presented a bold, innovative strategy he had carefully crafted.Sk: "Toto je riziko," prerušil Jozef.En: "This is a risk," interrupted Jozef.Sk: "Ako nám to pomôže? A čo ak to zlyhá?"En: "How will it help us? And what if it fails?"Sk: Práve v tej chvíli prehovorila Zuzana, pokojným, ale rozhodným tónom.En: At that moment, Zuzana spoke up, in a calm but decisive tone.Sk: "Marek vynikajúco pracoval na tejto stratégii, Jozef.En: "Marek worked exceptionally on this strategy, Jozef.Sk: Je to riskantné, ale potenciálne môže dosiahnuť značné výsledky.En: It’s risky, but it has the potential to achieve significant results.Sk: A on je ochotný túto zodpovednosť prevziať."En: And he’s willing to take on this responsibility."Sk: Nastalo napäté ticho.En: A tense silence followed.Sk: Jozef si vzal chvíľu na zamyslenie.En: Jozef took a moment to think.Sk: Marekova oddanosť a Zuzanina podpora sa k nemu dostali.En: Marek's dedication and Zuzana's support reached him.Sk: "Dobre," povedal pomaly, "skúsime to na skúšobnej báze.En: "Alright," he said slowly, "we'll try it on a trial basis.Sk: Ale Marek, budeš to mať pod kontrolou."En: But Marek, you'll be in control."Sk: V tej chvíli pocítil Marek vlnu úľavy a vzrušenia.En: At that moment, Marek felt a wave of relief and excitement.Sk: Bolo to prvé malé víťazstvo na jeho ceste za sebahodnotením a zvýšením sebavedomia.En: It was the first small victory on his journey of self-assessment and confidence building.Sk: Vedel, že riskovanie sa niekedy vypláca, a dnes sa na neho usmialo šťastie.En: He knew that taking risks sometimes pays off, and today luck smiled upon him.Sk: V chladnom, no krásnom jesennom dni, sa Marek konečne cítil uznávaný a viac si vážil samotné rozhodnutia, ktoré prijímal.En: On a cold, yet beautiful autumn day, Marek finally felt recognized and appreciated the decisions he was making more. Vocabulary Words:gently: jemneautumn: jesenemingles: miešaanticipation: očakávaniaevaluation: hodnotiacibrew: uvarenejcritical: kritickýmdemanding: náročnýmencouraging: povzbudzujúcimpiercing: prenikavýmglitch: poruchareawakened: prebudilbreath: zhlbokaconfident: istýinnovative: inovatívnustrategy: stratégiarisk: rizikofail: zlyhádecisive: rozhodnýmexceptionally: vynikajúcopotential: potenciálnesignificant: značnétrial: skúšobnejrelief: úľavyexcitement: vzrušeniavictory: víťazstvoself-assessment: sebahodnotenímconfidence: sebavedomiarisks: riskovanieappreciated: uznávaný
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unearthing Secrets: The Mysterious Allure of Vysoké Tatry Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Začalo to v jeden chladný jesenný deň, počas Dušičiek, keď Marek kráčal po úzkych chodníkoch Vysokých Tatier.En: It began on a cold autumn day during Dušičky, when Marek was walking along the narrow paths of the Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras).Sk: Listy pod jeho nohami šuchotali a vzduch vonial po vlhkej hline a padajúcich listoch.En: The leaves rustled under his feet, and the air smelled of damp earth and falling leaves.Sk: Uprostred tejto krajiny plnej tajomstiev sa Marek, začínajúci spisovateľ, cítil ako doma.En: In the midst of this land full of mysteries, Marek, an aspiring writer, felt at home.Sk: Keď zastavil na chvíľu, aby si oddýchol, niečo ho upútalo.En: When he stopped for a moment to rest, something caught his attention.Sk: Pod hromadou kameňov vedľa chodníka vykukoval kúsok papiera.En: Under a pile of stones beside the path, a piece of paper peeked out.Sk: Zdvihol ho a zistil, že je to list.En: He picked it up and found it was a letter.Sk: Starý a trochu roztrhaný, ale stále čitateľný.En: Old and a bit torn, but still readable.Sk: List písal turista, ktorý v horách zmizol pred niekoľkými rokmi.En: The letter was written by a tourist who disappeared in the mountains several years ago.Sk: Marek bol fascinovaný.En: Marek was fascinated.Sk: Na prečítanie listu sa zameral a začal skladať mozaiku záhadných udalostí, ktoré viedli k hikerovmu zmiznutiu.En: He focused on reading the letter and began piecing together a mosaic of mysterious events that led to the hiker's disappearance.Sk: Tušilo sa, že mohlo ísť o viac než len obyčajný nešťastný prípad.En: It was suspected that it might be more than just a simple unhappy incident.Sk: Marek sa rozhodol záhadu vyriešiť.En: Marek decided to solve the mystery.Sk: O pomoc požiadal Zuzanu, miestnu historičku, ktorá milovala folklór.En: He sought help from Zuzana, a local historian who loved folklore.Sk: Zuzana mu povedala o starom príbehu, ktorý spomínal skryté démonické sily v tatranských lesoch.En: Zuzana told him about an old story that mentioned hidden demonic forces in the Tatras forests.Sk: Hoci Janá, ich priateľka, bola skeptická, Zuzana a Marek sa rozhodli ísť po stopách legendy.En: Although Janá, their friend, was skeptical, Zuzana and Marek decided to follow the trail of the legend.Sk: Prešli hustými lesmi, popri skalnatých vrcholkoch, a cítili, ako sa im zimný vietor vkráda pod kabáty.En: They traveled through dense forests, past rocky peaks, and felt the winter wind creeping under their coats.Sk: V stene hory objavili skrytú jaskyňu.En: In the mountain's wall, they discovered a hidden cave.Sk: Tam našli stopy po turistovi, ktorý písal list.En: There, they found traces of the tourist who had written the letter.Sk: Spolu s jeho vecami našli aj čudné kresby na stenách jaskyne.En: Along with his belongings, they also found strange drawings on the cave walls.Sk: Marek a Zuzana si museli priznať, že niektoré tajomstvá možno predsa len majú nadprirodzený charakter.En: Marek and Zuzana had to admit that some secrets might indeed have a supernatural nature.Sk: Návrat z jaskyne bol naplnený rozjímaním.En: The return from the cave was filled with contemplation.Sk: Marek pochopil, že pravda, ktorú našli, bola viac o ich ceste a o zmierení sa s tým, čo sa stalo.En: Marek understood that the truth they found was more about their journey and coming to terms with what had happened.Sk: Rozhodol sa začleniť prvky legendy do svojho písania, pretože videl ich silu a krásu.En: He decided to incorporate elements of the legend into his writing because he saw their power and beauty.Sk: Keď prišla noc, v chatke, kde sa uchýlili, Marek začal písať svoj článok.En: When night came, in the cabin where they took refuge, Marek began to write his article.Sk: Zistil, že tajomstvá Vysokých Tatier sú krokom do minulosti i do duše každého, kto tam vstúpi.En: He realized that the secrets of the Vysoké Tatry are a step into the past and into the soul of everyone who enters there.Sk: A hoci nie každé tajomstvo musí byť odhalené, každé má svoj význam a silu.En: And although not every secret must be revealed, each has its significance and power. Vocabulary Words:narrow: úzkychpaths: chodníkochrustled: šuchotalidamp: vlhkejaspiring: začínajúcimysteries: tajomstievpile: hromadoutorn: roztrhanýmosaic: mozaikuhiker's: hikerovmudisappearance: zmiznutiuincident: prípadsolve: vyriešiťlocal: miestnuhistorian: historičkufolklore: folklórhidden: skrytédemonic: démonickélegend: legendydense: hustýmipeaks: vrcholkochcreeping: vkrádacave: jaskyňubelongings: vecamidrawings: kresbysupernatural: nadprirodzenýcontemplation: rozjímanímincorporate: začleniťrefuge: uchýlilisoul: duše
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Hope in the Shadows: A Tale of Courage and Community Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V hĺbke pod zemou, kúsok od zeme, kde je život neistý, sa Marek, Jana a Tomáš ukrývali v starej bunkry.En: Deep underground, just a bit from the surface where life is uncertain, Marek, Jana, and Tomáš were hiding in an old bunker.Sk: Boli to dni plné napätia, keď nevedeli, čo sa deje vonku.En: Those were days full of tension when they didn't know what was happening outside.Sk: Bunker bol skromný, vládla tam tma, ale bol plný zásob.En: The bunker was modest, it was dark there, but it was full of supplies.Sk: Murované steny niesli ozveny vzdialeného rozruchu.En: The brick walls carried the echoes of distant commotion.Sk: Marek chodil hore-dole, rozvažujúc o malichernostiach, a snažil sa myslieť na všetko, čo môže robiť pre svojich priateľov.En: Marek walked back and forth, pondering trivialities, trying to think of everything he could do for his friends.Sk: Bol v núdzi zachovania bezpečia, no vo svojej hlave bojoval s hlbokým strachom zo zlyhania.En: He was in dire need to maintain safety, yet he battled deep fear of failure in his mind.Sk: Niečo sa však zmenilo.En: But something changed.Sk: Jana prepadla vysokou horúčkou.En: Jana was struck by a high fever.Sk: "Musíme niečo robiť," povedal Marek, keď sa sklonil k chvejúcej sa Jane.En: "We have to do something," Marek said as he bent down to the shivering Jana.Sk: Jej čelo bolo rozpálené a dýchanie ťažké.En: Her forehead was burning and her breathing was heavy.Sk: Marek vedel, že musia konať.En: Marek knew they had to act.Sk: Ale ako?En: But how?Sk: Vonkajší svet bol plný nebezpečenstiev, a s každým krokom vonku hrozilo riziko.En: The outside world was full of dangers, and every step outside posed a risk.Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek," ozval sa Tomáš, poklepal ho po ramene.En: "Don't worry, Marek," Tomáš spoke, patting him on the shoulder.Sk: "Ja sa pokúsim ísť hore a nájsť pomoc.En: "I'll try to go up and find help."Sk: "Marek sa mu pozrel do očí a cítil tú váhu rozhodnutia.En: Marek looked into his eyes and felt the weight of the decision.Sk: Mohol však odmietnuť?En: Could he refuse?Sk: Toto bolo pre Janku, pre ich jedinú šancu.En: This was for Jana, for their only chance.Sk: S ťažkosťou prikývol.En: He nodded reluctantly.Sk: “Dávaj pozor, Tomáš,” zašepkal, pohľadom plným úzkosti.En: "Be careful, Tomáš," he whispered, his gaze full of anxiety.Sk: "Nesmieš sa dať chytiť.En: "You mustn't get caught."Sk: "Tomáš si vzal nevyhnutné veci a zmizol v tme tunela.En: Tomáš took the necessary things and disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel.Sk: Čas ubiehal pomaly.En: Time passed slowly.Sk: Marek sedel vedľa Jany a modlil sa, aby sa všetko obrátilo v ich prospech.En: Marek sat next to Jana and prayed for everything to turn in their favor.Sk: Srdce mu búšilo s každom tlakom hodín.En: His heart pounded with every beat of the clock.Sk: O niekoľko hodín neskôr počuli známu škripot železných dverí.En: A few hours later, they heard the familiar creak of iron doors.Sk: Tomáš sa vrátil s dvoma mužmi, ktorí priniesli lieky.En: Tomáš returned with two men who brought medicine.Sk: Marekovi srdce preskočilo.En: Marek's heart skipped a beat.Sk: Musel teraz rozhodnúť, či má týmto cudzincom dôverovať.En: Now he had to decide whether to trust these strangers.Sk: Ich oči a úprimné tváre ho však presvedčili.En: Their eyes and sincere faces convinced him.Sk: Rýchlo začali podávať Janke lieky.En: They quickly started administering the medicine to Jana.Sk: Teplo z nej začalo odchádzať a dýchanie sa upokojovalo.En: The heat began to leave her, and her breathing calmed.Sk: Marek si oddýchol.En: Marek sighed with relief.Sk: Už nemal pocit, že musí niesť všetku tú záťaž sám.En: He no longer felt that he had to carry all the burden alone.Sk: Keď sa stav Jany zlepšil, Marek, Tomáš a Jana opustili bunker.En: As Jana's condition improved, Marek, Tomáš, and Jana left the bunker.Sk: Pomoc ich viedla do bezpečia do nového útočiska.En: Help led them to safety in a new refuge.Sk: Marek pochopil, že niekedy je v poriadku požiadať o pomoc, a že sila nemusí vždy znamenať samota.En: Marek realized that sometimes it's okay to ask for help, and that strength doesn't always mean solitude.Sk: S novou nádejou si Marek priznal, že prijatie pomoci a zdieľanie bremena môže byť znakom skutočnej odvahy.En: With new hope, Marek admitted to himself that accepting help and sharing the burden can be a sign of true courage.Sk: A v tom nájdení spoločného bezpečia v spoločenstve našli viac než len únik pred vojnou.En: And in finding common safety in the community, they found more than just an escape from war.Sk: Našli nádej v pospolitosti.En: They found hope in togetherness. Vocabulary Words:underground: pod zemoubunker: bunkratension: napätiemodest: skromnýsupplies: zásobycommotion: rozruchpondering: rozvažujúctrivialities: malinkernostiachdire: núdzifailure: zlyhaniashivering: chvejúcejburning: rozpálenéanxiety: úzkostireluctantly: s ťažkosťoudisappeared: zmizolcreak: škripotadministering: podávaťburden: záťažrefuge: útočiskocourage: odvahytogetherness: pospolitostisincere: úprimnécalmed: upokojovaloforehead: čelorisk: rizikorelief: oddýcholdecision: rozhodnutiagaze: pohľadconvince: presvedčiliescape: únik
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mountains and Memories: An Autumn Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Vôňa škorice a vresu naplnila chladný jesenný vzduch.En: The scent of škorice and vresu filled the chilly autumn air.Sk: Marek, Zuzana a Jakub stáli pred poľnou nemocnicou, kde začala ich cesta.En: Marek, Zuzana, and Jakub stood in front of the field hospital where their journey began.Sk: Slnko sa snažilo preniknúť cez oblačné nebo, ale mraky boli neústupné.En: The sun tried to penetrate the cloudy sky, but the clouds were unyielding.Sk: Tatra hory stáli majestátne, pripravené prijať ich výzvu.En: The Tatra mountains stood majestically, ready to accept their challenge.Sk: Marekovi sa v mysli preháňalo množstvo myšlienok.En: Marek's mind was racing with many thoughts.Sk: Bol skúseným sprievodcom, ale bol tu pre svoju sestru Zuzanu.En: He was an experienced guide, but he was there for his sister Zuzana.Sk: Chcela si uctiť ich otca na Sviatok všetkých svätých.En: She wanted to honor their father on All Saints' Day.Sk: Ich cieľ bola vysoká hora, o ktorej otec často rozprával.En: Their goal was a high mountain, which their father often talked about.Sk: Jakub, jeho priateľ, bol praktický a skeptický, ale pripojil sa k nim kvôli Marekovi.En: Jakub, his friend, was practical and skeptical but joined them for Marek's sake.Sk: Hory boli krásne a tajomné.En: The mountains were beautiful and mysterious.Sk: Lesy hriali v zlatých, oranžových a červených odtieňoch.En: The forests glowed in shades of gold, orange, and red.Sk: Cesta bola náročná, ale spoločnosť ľudí dávala odvahu.En: The path was challenging, but the company of people gave them courage.Sk: Keď sa odrazu zhoršilo počasie, Marek zaváhal.En: When the weather suddenly worsened, Marek hesitated.Sk: Vietor sa zosilňoval a mraky hustli.En: The wind grew stronger and the clouds thickened.Sk: Zuzana však trvala na pokračovaní.En: However, Zuzana insisted on continuing.Sk: „Musíme ísť ďalej, pre otca,“ povedala so zápalom v očiach, ktoré sa nedalo prehliadnuť.En: “We must go on, for our father,” she said with a determination in her eyes that could not be overlooked.Sk: Marek nebol presvedčený.En: Marek was not convinced.Sk: Hovoril: „Nie je to bezpečné. Mali by sme sa vrátiť alebo sa zastaviť a postaviť tábor.“En: He said, “It’s not safe. We should turn back or stop and set up camp.”Sk: Jakub súhlasil s Marekom, hladina v ich hlase vyjadrovala obavy.En: Jakub agreed with Marek, the tone in their voices expressing concern.Sk: Zuzana však bola rozhodnutá.En: But Zuzana was determined.Sk: Po chvíli napätia sa rozhodli pokračovať, ale opatrne.En: After a moment of tension, they decided to proceed, but cautiously.Sk: Každý krok bol náročný, každý zvuk spôsobil závan strachu.En: Every step was demanding, every sound sent a shiver of fear.Sk: A potom, počas silného závoja hmly, Zuzana zmizla.En: And then, in a thick curtain of fog, Zuzana disappeared.Sk: Marek a Jakub sa otočili a začali volať jej meno.En: Marek and Jakub turned and began calling her name.Sk: Hmla ich obklopila ako studený závoj.En: The fog enveloped them like a cold shroud.Sk: Ich srdcia tĺkli rýchlo, ale vzdali sa strachu.En: Their hearts beat rapidly, but they gave in to fear.Sk: Museli ju nájsť.En: They had to find her.Sk: Boli odhodlaní.En: They were determined.Sk: Nakoniec, po nekonečnom čase hľadania, našli ju v malej jaskyni.En: Finally, after an endless time searching, they found her in a small cave.Sk: Bola zvarená, ale bezpečná.En: She was shivering but safe.Sk: Objali sa v tichej úľave.En: They embraced in silent relief.Sk: Tá cesta teraz bola dôležitá pre všetkých troch.En: This journey was now important to all three of them.Sk: S úctou a porozumením si sadli v jaskyni, prerezali do ticha.En: With respect and understanding, they sat in the cave, cutting through the silence.Sk: Rozhodli sa, že spoločne uctia otca tam, kde boli, v bezpečí a pohode, s vedomím, že sila spomienok a lásky je väčšia ako akékoľvek hory.En: They decided to honor their father together where they were, in safety and comfort, knowing that the strength of memories and love is greater than any mountains.Sk: Marek sa naučil niečo dôležité.En: Marek learned something important.Sk: Niekedy musí byť opatrnosť vyvážená láskou.En: Sometimes caution must be balanced with love.Sk: Nie sú to len hory, čo nás spájajú, sú to spomienky a rodinné väzby, čo majú najväčšiu hodnotu.En: It’s not just the mountains that bind us; it’s the memories and family ties that hold the greatest value.Sk: S dávkou miernej jesene sa ich kroky v hnedom lístí skoro stávali určitým rytmom návratu.En: With the gentle touch of autumn, their steps in the brown leaves nearly formed a rhythm of return. Vocabulary Words:scent: vôňachilly: chladnýmajestic: majestátneunyielding: neústupnépenetrate: preniknúťdetermination: zápalhonor: uctiťskeptical: skeptickýcourage: odvahuembraced: objalirelief: úľavashiver: závanfog: hmlashroud: závojhesitate: zaváhalenvin: obklopiťconcern: obavydetermined: odhodlaníchallenge: výzvacave: jaskynipractical: praktickýexperienced: skúsenýmrespect: úctousilence: tichamemories: spomienokties: väzbyvaluable: hodnotubalance: vyváženásafety: bezpečiechallenge: výzva
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Arctic Odyssey: A Tale of Valor & Unity Amidst the Ice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Arktická tundra nebola pre slabých.En: The Arctic tundra was not for the weak.Sk: Studený vietor fúkal nad nekonečnými planinami a slnko viselo nízko na obzore, osvetľujúc krajinu jemným svetlom.En: The cold wind blew over the endless plains, and the sun hung low on the horizon, illuminating the landscape with a gentle light.Sk: Marek, vedúci expedície, pevne pritlačil klobúk na hlavu.En: Marek, the leader of the expedition, pressed his hat firmly on his head.Sk: Mal pred sebou úlohu, ktorá spôsobovala napätie, ale aj vzrušenie.En: He had a task ahead of him that sparked both tension and excitement.Sk: Stratil sa im výskumný dron, a bez dát, ktoré obsahoval, by ich práca bola zbytočná.En: They had lost their research drone, and without the data it contained, their work would be futile.Sk: Jeho tím, Petra a Ján, ho nasledovali s odhodlaním.En: His team, Petra and Ján, followed him with determination.Sk: Petra bola skúsená vedkyňa.En: Petra was an experienced scientist.Sk: Marek ju tajne obdivoval pre jej odvahu a rozvahu.En: Marek secretly admired her for her courage and composure.Sk: Ján mlčky kráčal vedľa nej, občas si utieral z tváre napadaný sneh.En: Ján walked silently beside her, occasionally wiping fallen snow from his face.Sk: "Musíme sa rozdeliť," navrhol Marek, jeho hlas znel pevne, aj keď jeho vnútro bolo ošklbané pochybnosťami.En: "We need to split up," suggested Marek, his voice sounding firm, even though doubts were gnawing at him internally.Sk: "Získame tak viac času na hľadanie.En: "This way, we'll gain more time searching."Sk: "Petra mu venovala dôverný pohľad, kým prikývla.En: Petra gave him a trusting look before nodding.Sk: Ján sa zatváril skepticky.En: Ján looked skeptical.Sk: "Počítaj s počasím," upozornil a pozrel sa na oblohu, kde sa rysovali mraky predznamenávajúce búrku.En: "Consider the weather," he warned, glancing at the sky where clouds were forming, foretelling a storm.Sk: "Udržím rádio pri sebe," uistil ho Marek.En: "I'll keep the radio with me," Marek assured him.Sk: Nebol čas váhať.En: There was no time to hesitate.Sk: Vydali sa každý iným smerom, zatiaľ čo chlad prenikal hlbšie pod ich vrstvy oblečenia.En: They each set off in different directions, while the cold seeped deeper under their layers of clothing.Sk: Dron našiel Marek pod hrubou vrstvou ľadu.En: Marek found the drone under a thick layer of ice.Sk: Adrenalín v ňom vzplanul.En: Adrenaline surged through him.Sk: Ale vietor sa zosilnil, nežartoval.En: But the wind had strengthened, and it wasn't kidding around.Sk: "Petra, našiel som ho!En: "Petra, I found it!"Sk: " zakričal do rádia, jeho slová narazili na šum vetra.En: he shouted into the radio, his words hitting the wind's noise.Sk: Petra a Ján dorazili práve vo chvíli, keď začala búrka dosahovať svoj vrchol.En: Petra and Ján arrived just as the storm reached its peak.Sk: Petra vyťahovala dron z ľadu, jej ruky pracovali šikovne, ale rýchlo.En: Petra was pulling the drone out of the ice; her hands worked skillfully but quickly.Sk: Ján zatiahol zip na kufríku a zabezpečil ho pred nepriazňou živlov.En: Ján zipped the case and secured it against the elements.Sk: "Musíme ísť," zakričal Ján proti hluku.En: "We need to go," Ján shouted over the noise.Sk: Spoločne sa vydali späť do bezpečia základne.En: Together, they set off back to the safety of the base.Sk: Bublajúca eufória bola tlmená zvukom ich vlastných krokov v snehu.En: Bubbling euphoria was dampened by the sound of their own footsteps in the snow.Sk: Po návrate všetci cítili úľavu.En: Upon returning, they all felt relieved.Sk: Marek si uvedomil, ako veľmi záleží na spolupráci a dôvere.En: Marek realized how important cooperation and trust were.Sk: Vedel teraz, že bez svojich kolegov by to nezvládol.En: He now knew that without his colleagues, he couldn't have managed.Sk: Petra na neho pozrela uznanlivo.En: Petra looked at him appreciatively.Sk: "Dobre si to zvládol," povedala, a to mu dodalo nový pocit dôvery v seba samého.En: "You handled it well," she said, and that gave him a new sense of confidence in himself.Sk: V tej chladnej, arktickej krajine Marek našiel viac než len stratený dron.En: In that cold, Arctic land, Marek found more than just the lost drone.Sk: Našiel odvahu v sebe, spojenie s priateľmi a potvrdenie svojich schopností.En: He found courage within himself, a connection with his friends, and an affirmation of his abilities.Sk: A hoci sa sneh stále zambil po ich tvárach, na ich tvárach sa rozprestrel pocit víťazstva.En: And although the snow still stung their faces, a sense of victory spread across their faces.Sk: Arktída ich prijala, a oni sa stali jej časťou na malú, ale významnú chvíľu.En: The Arctic had accepted them, and they became a part of it for a small but significant moment. Vocabulary Words:tundra: tundrahorizon: obzorexpedition: expedíciasparked: spôsobovalafutile: zbytočnádetermination: odhodlaniecomposure: rozvahagnawing: ošklbanéforetelling: predznamenávajúceseeped: prenikaladrenaline: adrenalínstrengthened: zosilnilelements: živeleuphoria: eufóriarelieved: úľavacooperation: spoluprácatrust: dôveraadmired: obdivovalaffirmation: potvrdeniestung: zambilvictory: víťazstvoaccepted: prijalasignificant: významnástorm: búrkasecure: zabezpečildoubt: pochybnosťsceptical: skeptickycourage: odvahailluminating: osvetľujúcrelief: úľava
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Braving Shadows: Marek's Quest to Unveil Family Fortune Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V hlbokom jesennom popoludní, keď sa obloha zabarikádovala tmavými mraky, Marek stál pred obrovskými dvojitými dverami opustenej továrne.En: In the deep autumn afternoon, when the sky was barricaded with dark clouds, Marek stood before the enormous double doors of the abandoned factory.Sk: Studený vietor sa preháňal po ulici, kde už nikto nechodil.En: A cold wind swept through the street where no one walked anymore.Sk: Všetko, čo zostalo, boli zlomené okná, rezavé železné nosníky a spomienky na časy, keď fabrika žila.En: All that remained were broken windows, rusty iron beams, and memories of a time when the factory was alive.Sk: Marek sa otočil a pozrel sa na Zuzanu a Dominika, ktorí stáli po jeho boku, tváre napäté obavami.En: Marek turned and looked at Zuzana and Dominik, who stood by his side, their faces tense with worry.Sk: V tú chvíľu sa ozval hrom, ktorý obrátil Marekove myšlienky späť k úlohe pred ním.En: At that moment, thunder sounded, which turned Marek's thoughts back to the task before him.Sk: Rodinná relikvia, ktorá mala priniesť šťastie, bola ukrytá niekde v tejto šesťposchodovej ruine.En: A family heirloom, meant to bring luck, was hidden somewhere in this six-story ruin.Sk: Mal to byť dar na sviatok Všetkých svätých, kedy sa rodina stretáva, spomína na predkov a hľadá ochranu.En: It was supposed to be a gift for the "sviatok Všetkých svätých", a holiday when the family gathers, remembers ancestors, and seeks protection.Sk: "Musím ísť sám," povedal Marek.En: "I have to go alone," Marek said.Sk: "Nemám čas čakať do zajtra.En: "I don't have time to wait until tomorrow.Sk: Buďte pripravení pomôcť, keď budem vonku.En: Be ready to help when I'm outside."Sk: "V tichu, ktoré nasledovalo, sa Dominik pokúsil prehovoriť, ale Zuzana, viditeľne znepokojená, vošla medzi nich.En: In the silence that followed, Dominik tried to speak, but Zuzana, visibly worried, stepped between them.Sk: "Veríme ti, Marek.En: "We believe in you, Marek.Sk: Dávaj si pozor," povedala tlmene.En: Be careful," she said softly.Sk: Vošiel dnu a chlad z budovy na neho ťažko zatlačil.En: He went inside, and the chill from the building pressed heavily on him.Sk: Vo vzduchu visel zápach mokrej hrdze a staroby.En: The air hung with the smell of wet rust and age.Sk: Šuchot spustených plechov zosilnil jeho nervozitu.En: The clatter of loose sheets increased his anxiety.Sk: Schody praskali pod Marekovými nohami, ale jeho rozhodnosť ho hnala ďalej.En: The stairs creaked under Marek's feet, but his resolve drove him onward.Sk: Búrlivé počasie vonku sa zintenzívnilo a Marek vedel, že čas sa kráti.En: The stormy weather outside intensified, and Marek knew that time was running out.Sk: Továrne boli kedysi nielen miestom práce, ale aj strojmisternou cigánsky konárov rukou.En: The factories were once not just a place of work, but the mastery of cigánsky konárov rukou.Sk: Práve medzi starými strojmi a prachovými preslnenkami hľadal – ten amulet, ktorý prinášal šťastie, však ostával skrytý.En: Among the old machines and dust-laden shadows, he searched – yet the amulet, which promised luck, remained hidden.Sk: Svetlo bleskov rozžiarilo miestnosť a odhalilo kúsok, čo sa schovával pod rozbitou stolicou.En: The light of the lightning illuminated the room and revealed a piece hidden under a broken stool.Sk: Marek sa rýchlo sklonil.En: Marek quickly bent down.Sk: Bolo to tu, staré a zaprášené, ale jeho.En: It was there, old and dusty, but his.Sk: Jeho srdce sa rozbušilo šťastím a adrenalínom.En: His heart raced with joy and adrenaline.Sk: No práve v tej chvíli zaznel zvuk, ktorý Marek najviac obával - praskanie.En: But right at that moment, a sound Marek feared most occurred - cracking.Sk: Strop nad ním sa začal rúcať.En: The ceiling above him began to collapse.Sk: Marek skákal, bežal, ruky pevne zvierali relikviu.En: Marek jumped, ran, his hands tightly clutching the relic.Sk: K osekanému priestoru doviedla jeho vôľa prežiť.En: His will to survive led him to a safer space.Sk: Vonku čakala pomoc.En: Help awaited outside.Sk: Zuzana a Dominik sledovali, ako sa Marek vynoril spod sutin, dychčúc, ale celý.En: Zuzana and Dominik watched as Marek emerged from the rubble, panting but intact.Sk: Zvedavé ruky a slzy v očiach privítali jeho návrat.En: Curious hands and tears in their eyes welcomed his return.Sk: Zázrak sviatku Všetkých svätých bol s ním.En: The miracle of the "sviatok Všetkých svätých" was with him.Sk: Amulet, celistvý a v bezpečí, bol teraz dôkazom.En: The amulet, whole and safe, was now proof.Sk: A Marek, hoci podráždený a premočený, vedel, že teraz si môže dôverovať oveľa viac, než si myslel.En: And Marek, though bruised and drenched, knew that now he trusted himself much more than he had thought.Sk: Učia sa z neho - o sile a odvahe, o dôležitosti rodinných pút.En: They learn from it – about strength and courage, about the importance of family bonds.Sk: Keď všetci spoločne kráčali ulicami návratu, Marek sa cítil slobodný od svojich pochybností.En: As they all walked together through the streets on their way back, Marek felt free from his doubts.Sk: Sviatok im priniesol nielen spomienky, ale aj budúcnosť, ktorá bola teraz svetlejšia.En: The holiday brought them not just memories, but also a future that was now brighter. Vocabulary Words:barricaded: zabarikádovalaabandoned: opustenejheirloom: relikviasought: hľadátense: napätéruin: ruinereckless: neopatrnéanxiety: nervozitaintensified: zintenzívnilomastery: strojmisternoushadow: tieňeilluminated: rozžiarilocollapsed: rúcaťclutched: zvieralirelief: úľavacurious: zvedavébruise: podráždenýchill: chladmyriad: mnohomist: hmlaspark: iskratrek: cestacompanions: spoločnícistark: ostrýessence: podstatadebris: sutinydrenched: premočenýcommotion: rozruchresolve: odhodlanieaversely: nepriaznivo
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Facing Nature's Fury: A Tale of Friendship and Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V Tatrách, kde sa hory dotýkajú oblakov, sa Marek, Zuzana a Jozef rozhodli vyraziť na túru.En: In the Tatry mountains, where the mountains touch the clouds, Marek, Zuzana, and Jozef decided to set out on a hike.Sk: Bolo jesenné ráno a vzduch bol ostrý.En: It was an autumn morning, and the air was sharp.Sk: Stromy boli oblečené do strieborného plášťa prvého snehu tej sezóny.En: The trees were dressed in a silver cloak of the first snow of the season.Sk: Marek, dobrodruh v srdci, cítil vzrušenie.En: Marek, an adventurer at heart, felt excitement.Sk: Miloval výzvu a chcel dosiahnuť vrchol hory predtým, než začne silno snežiť.En: He loved the challenge and wanted to reach the mountain's peak before the snow began to fall heavily.Sk: Zuzana bola opatrnejšia.En: Zuzana was more cautious.Sk: Pozrela na tmavé oblaky na obzore a zamračila sa.En: She looked at the dark clouds on the horizon and frowned.Sk: "Možno by sme mali dnes zostať na nižších chodníkoch," opatrne navrhla.En: "Maybe we should stay on the lower trails today," she cautiously suggested.Sk: Jozef vedel o ich povahách.En: Jozef knew their temperaments.Sk: Rád sprostredkoval kompromis, ale dnes cítil ťarchu rozhodnutí.En: He liked to mediate a compromise, but today he felt the weight of decisions.Sk: Obloha sa nemenila a každý závan vetra prinášal viac snehu.En: The sky was unchanged, and each gust of wind brought more snow.Sk: Marek sa však rozhodol inak.En: However, Marek decided differently.Sk: "Nieje to nič, čo by sme nezvládli," povzbudil ostatných a začal stúpať.En: "It's nothing we can't handle," he encouraged the others and began to climb.Sk: Jozef sa na chvíľu zdráhal, ale nakoniec šiel za ním.En: Jozef hesitated for a moment but eventually followed him.Sk: Zuzana, s nechuťou, nasledovala.En: Zuzana, reluctantly, followed.Sk: Po chvíli bola cesta klzká.En: After a while, the path became slippery.Sk: Sneh víril okolo a viditeľnosť bola biedna.En: Snow swirled around, and visibility was poor.Sk: Marek sa nevzdával, ale Jozef pocítil nutkanie chrániť ich skupinu.En: Marek didn't give up, but Jozef felt the urge to protect their group.Sk: Ako sa búrka zintenzívnila, stáli na križovatke.En: As the storm intensified, they stood at a crossroads.Sk: Cesta dopredu sa zdala náročná a nebezpečná.En: The path ahead seemed challenging and dangerous.Sk: Jozef sa postavil medzi Mareka a zasneženú horu.En: Jozef stood between Marek and the snowy mountain.Sk: "Marek," zavolal.En: "Marek," he called out.Sk: "Musíme premýšľať o bezpečnosti všetkých.En: "We need to think about everyone's safety."Sk: " Ticho bolo len narušené svištiacim vetrom.En: The silence was broken only by the howling wind.Sk: Marek sa zamračil, ale uvedomil si význam Jozefových slov.En: Marek frowned but realized the significance of Jozef's words.Sk: "Máte pravdu," priznal Marek a pohladil si vlasy pokryté snehom.En: "You're right," admitted Marek, brushing the snow from his hair.Sk: Obrátil sa a vrátil sa k Zuzane, ktorá s úľavou sledovala, ako Marek mení názor.En: He turned back and returned to Zuzana, who watched with relief as Marek changed his mind.Sk: Spoločne sa vrátili k svojmu útulnému horskému domčeku.En: Together, they returned to their cozy mountain cabin.Sk: Chladel ich, ale boli v bezpečí.En: It chilled them, but they were safe.Sk: Večer sa Marek pozrel z okna na padajúci sneh a premýšľal.En: In the evening, Marek looked out the window at the falling snow and reflected.Sk: "Nie vždy ma musí viesť adrenalín," povedal si potichu.En: "I don't always have to be guided by adrenaline," he said quietly to himself.Sk: "Je dobré počúvať priateľov.En: "It's good to listen to friends."Sk: " Zuzana a Jozef sedeli vedľa neho a vedeli, že toto dobrodružstvo nebolo posledné, ale poučné.En: Zuzana and Jozef sat next to him, knowing this adventure wasn't their last but was instructive.Sk: Hory budú vždy tam, ale priateľstvo je to, čo ich vedie za každým horizontom.En: The mountains would always be there, but friendship is what leads them beyond every horizon. Vocabulary Words:hike: túrusharp: ostrýcloak: plášťadventurer: dobrodruhexcitement: vzrušeniechallenge: výzvucautious: opatrnejšiahorizon: obzorfrowned: zamračila satemperaments: povaháchmediate: sprostredkovalcompromise: kompromisgust: závanvisibility: viditeľnosťurge: nutkanieintensified: zintenzívnilacrossroads: križovatkedangerous: nebezpečnásilence: tichohowling: svištiaciminsignificance: významreluctantly: s nechuťoucozy: útulnémucabin: domčekuchilled: chladelguidance: viesťreflection: premýšľaladventure: dobrodružstvoinstructive: poučnéfriendship: priateľstvo
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Embracing the Unexpected: Jana's Journey in Autumn's Embrace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V chladné jesenné popoludnie, keď Bratislava nosila svoj najkrajší šat, sa husté, pestrofarebné lístoky stromy v botanickej záhrade jemne chveli vo vetre.En: On a chilly autumn afternoon, when Bratislava wore its most beautiful attire, the dense, colorful leaves in the botanical garden gently trembled in the wind.Sk: Jana sa prechádzala úzkymi chodníčkami, opatrne obzerajúc všetko, čo by mohlo byť užitočné pre jej biologický projekt.En: Jana was walking along the narrow paths, carefully observing everything that could be useful for her biology project.Sk: V škole bolo práve obdobie, keď všetci študenti chceli ukázať svoje schopnosti, a Jana nebola výnimkou.En: It was that time in school when all students wanted to show off their abilities, and Jana was no exception.Sk: "Jana, čo plánuješ na projekt?En: "Jana, what are you planning for the project?"Sk: " pýtal sa Marek, ktorý ju nasledoval.En: asked Marek, who was following her.Sk: Marek bol jej najlepší priateľ, vždy pripravený pomôcť, aj keď v týchto veciach občas pochybovačný.En: Marek was her best friend, always ready to help, even though he was sometimes skeptical about these things.Sk: "Chcem zahrnúť ten vzácny kvet, vieš, Ten, čo kvitne iba raz za niekoľko rokov.En: "I want to include that rare flower, you know, the one that blooms only once every few years.Sk: Ale teraz nie je v kvete," odpovedala Jana s nádychom sklamania v hlase.En: But it's not in bloom right now," Jana replied, a hint of disappointment in her voice.Sk: Eva, spolužiačka, kráčala o niečo ďalej pred nimi.En: Eva, a classmate, walked a little ahead of them.Sk: Keď počula Janin plán, jemne sa uškrnula, potešená, že by Jana mohla zlyhať.En: When she heard Jana's plan, she smirked gently, pleased that Jana might fail.Sk: Eva bola vždy tá súťaživá, ktorá sa snažila byť o krok vpredu.En: Eva was always the competitive one, trying to stay one step ahead.Sk: Jana cítila rastúci tlak.En: Jana felt the growing pressure.Sk: Mala problém rozhodnúť sa, či sa bude sústrediť na to, čo práve je k dispozícii v ich jesennej záhrade, alebo sa bude ďalej trýzniť tým, čo tam nie je.En: She struggled to decide whether to focus on what was currently available in their autumn garden or to continue troubling herself over what wasn't there.Sk: Po niekoľkých hodinách bezúspešného hľadania sedela Jana na lavičke, obklopená padajúcimi listami, keď zrazu Marek povedal s iskrou v očiach: "Počul som, že na druhej strane záhrady je malá, skrytá časť, kam nikto často nechodí.En: After several hours of unsuccessful searching, Jana sat on a bench, surrounded by falling leaves, when suddenly Marek said with a sparkle in his eyes, "I heard that on the other side of the garden there's a small, hidden section where no one often goes.Sk: Možno by sme mali skúsiť tam!En: Maybe we should try there!"Sk: "Jana sa na neho pozrela plná nového odhodlania.En: Jana looked at him full of new determination.Sk: Bola to jej šanca, tak povstala a vydali sa na cestu.En: This was her chance, so she stood up and they set off on their journey.Sk: Keď dorazili k málokedy navštevovanej časti záhrady, Jana s prekvapením objavila celú škálu rastlín, ktoré sa skôr zameriavali na adaptácie sezóny.En: When they arrived at the rarely visited part of the garden, Jana was surprised to discover a whole array of plants that focused on seasonal adaptations.Sk: Tu našla inšpiráciu pre projekt - ako sa rastliny na jeseň prispôsobujú a chránia pred chladom.En: Here she found inspiration for her project - how plants adapt and protect themselves from the cold in autumn.Sk: Nasledujúce dni strávila zhromažďovaním informácií a pripravovaním novej prezentácie.En: The following days were spent gathering information and preparing a new presentation.Sk: Jej projekt sa sústredil na úžasné zmeny, ktoré prináša jeseň, a využila všetko, čo sa v tej skrytej časti naučila.En: Her project focused on the amazing changes that autumn brings, utilizing everything she learned in that hidden part of the garden.Sk: Pri prezentácii všetci jej spolužiaci, vrátane Evy, boli ohromení.En: During the presentation, all her classmates, including Eva, were amazed.Sk: Učiteľ ocenil Janinu tvorivosť a odvahu prispôsobiť sa meniaca sa situácia.En: The teacher praised Jana's creativity and courage to adapt to the changing situation.Sk: Jana v ten deň pochopila, že skutočná krása je v prijatí toho, čo máme práve pred sebou, nie v tom, čo sme si naplánovali.En: That day Jana realized that true beauty is in accepting what we have right in front of us, not in what we had planned.Sk: A tak, pod vrstaním jesenných zlatých listov v záhrade, Jana zistila, že niekedy je najlepšie prijať neočakávané a že otvorenosť a spolupráca môžu viesť k neočakávaným úspechom.En: And so, under the layering of golden autumn leaves in the garden, Jana discovered that sometimes it's best to embrace the unexpected and that openness and collaboration can lead to unexpected successes. Vocabulary Words:chilly: chladnéattire: šatdense: husténarrow: úzkymiobserve: obzerajúcexception: výnimkouskeptical: pochybovačnýrare: vzácnyblooms: kvitnedisappointment: sklamaniasmirked: uškrnulacompetitive: súťaživápressure: tlakstruggled: trýzniťunsuccessful: bezúspešnéhosparkle: iskrouhidden: skrytádetermination: odhodlaniaadaptations: adaptácieinspiration: inšpiráciugathering: zhromažďovanímpresentation: prezentáciepraised: ocenilcourage: odvahurealized: pochopilaembrace: prijaťunexpected: neočakávanécollaboration: spoluprácalayering: vrstanímautumn: jesenné
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