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Hearing with Faith

Author: Josh Purdy

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A chapter-by-chapter devotional commentary on the entire New Testament. Grow deeper in your faith with total immersion in God's Word! Great for anyone seeking to connect with God through His Word and for in-depth discipleship.

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272 Episodes
Matthew Chapter 1

Matthew Chapter 1


The first book in the New Testament. Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 1

Matthew 1


Matthew 1 is essentially a genealogy of Jesus Christ, tracing His lineage back to Abraham and highlighting significant figures in His family tree. The chapter begins with a list of Jesus' ancestors, from Abraham to King David, and then ends with a list of descendants from David to Joseph, who was seen as the adoptive father of Jesus.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 2

Matthew 2


Matthew 2 describes the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, including the visit of the wise men, King Herod's attempt to kill the infant Jesus, and Joseph's flight to Egypt with his family. The chapter also highlights the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah, including His birth in Bethlehem. It emphasizes the importance of worshiping Jesus as the Savior, despite opposition and persecution from earthly rulers.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 3

Matthew 3


Matthew chapter 3 describes the ministry of John the Baptist, who is described as a messenger sent by God to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. John preaches a message of repentance and baptizes those who come to Him, while warning of the coming judgment of God. He encounters the Pharisees and Sadducees, who come to be baptized but are rebuked by John for their lack of true repentance. The chapter also includes the baptism of Jesus by John and the divine affirmation that Jesus is the beloved Son of God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 4

Matthew 4


Matthew 4 describes the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness by Satan after He had fasted for 40 days and nights. Satan tempts Jesus three times, first to turn stones into bread, then to throw Himself off the pinnacle of the temple to prove that he is the Son of God, and finally to worship him in exchange for all the kingdoms of the world. After each temptation, Jesus resists Satan using scripture. He is then attended by angels and begins His public ministry.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 5

Matthew 5


Matthew 5 is a chapter in the Bible that contains the Sermon on the Mount, which is a collection of teachings and sayings of Jesus. In this chapter, Jesus discusses a range of topics such as the Beatitudes, fulfilling the law, anger and reconciliation, adultery and divorce, oaths, loving one's enemies, giving to the needy, prayer and fasting, and the importance of storing up treasures in heaven. The chapter is known for its emphasis on ethical and spiritual principles that challenge traditional attitudes and behaviors.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 6

Matthew 6


Matthew 6 includes more of Jesus teachings from the sermon on the mount. Some key themes include giving to the needy, prayer, forgiveness, and trusting in God. Jesus emphasizes the importance of not doing good deeds to impress others but rather to honor God. He also encourages his followers to trust in God for their daily needs and to focus on one day at a time rather than worrying about the future. The chapter ends with a reminder to seek God's kingdom above all else.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 7

Matthew 7


Matthew 7 mainly talks about the importance of not judging others, as we will be judged by the same standard we use to judge others. It also encourages us to ask for what we need, seek God with a persistent and sincere heart, and do to others what we would have them do to us. Additionally, it warns against false prophets and urges us to build our lives on a foundation of faith that can withstand the storms of life.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 8

Matthew 8


Matthew 8 recounts several miracles performed by Jesus. These include the healing of a leper, the healing of a centurion's servant, the calming of a storm, and the casting out of demons from two men. The chapter also includes Jesus' declaration that "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head," indicating His itinerant lifestyle. Overall, the chapter showcases Jesus' power, compassion, and authority as the Son of God.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 9

Matthew 9


Matthew 9 shares a series of miraculous healings and teachings by Jesus. In the chapter, Jesus performs such acts as healing a paralyzed man, raising a dead girl to life, and healing a woman who had been suffering from bleeding for 12 years. He also engages in disagreements with some Pharisees over his authority to perform these miracles and ultimately promotes a message of forgiveness and charity to all people.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 10

Matthew 10


Matthew 10 describes Jesus Christ's instructions to His disciples as they embark on their first mission to preach the Gospel. In this chapter, Jesus gives them specific guidelines for their journey, instructing them to preach to the lost sheep of Israel, to avoid bringing money or provisions, and to rely on the hospitality of those who receive them. He also warns them of the potential persecution they may face and encourages them to have faith and trust in God throughout their journey. Overall, Matthew 10 serves as a fundamental guide to followers of Christ for sharing His message of love and salvation.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 11

Matthew 11


Matthew 11 includes several significant events in the life of Jesus Christ. These events include Jesus' proclamation about John the Baptist, a call to come to Him for rest, reflections on the critics of Jesus' ministry, and Jesus' praise of John the Baptist. The chapter deals with themes such as faith, salvation, and discipleship.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 12

Matthew 12


Matthew 12 includes several different events in the life of Jesus. In the beginning of the chapter, Jesus and his disciples are walking through a field on the Sabbath and they begin to pick grain to eat. The Pharisees criticize them for breaking the Sabbath law. Later on, Jesus heals a man with a withered hand in the synagogue, which angers the Pharisees even more. Jesus responds by challenging their understanding of the Sabbath and their legalistic approach to religion. He also warns them about the consequences of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Finally, Jesus explains that His true family are those who do the will of God, rather than His immediate relatives.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 13

Matthew 13


Matthew 13 contains a series of parables and teachings by Jesus. These teachings focus on the kingdom of heaven and the nature of faith, and they are meant to instruct listeners about spiritual topics such as the value of the Gospel, the worth of a faithful life, and the importance of hearing and understanding God's word. The chapter includes several famous parables, including the Parable of the Sower, the Parable of the Mustard Seed, and the Parable of the Yeast. Overall, Matthew 13 is a powerful example of Jesus' ability to impart timeless wisdom and insight to His followersBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 14

Matthew 14


Matthew 14 contains several important events in the life of Jesus. The chapter starts with the news of the execution of John the Baptist, which deeply affects Jesus and his disciples. Later on, Jesus performs several miracles, including feeding the 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, walking on water, and healing many sick people. The chapter ends with Jesus arriving in the land of Gennesaret, where people recognize Him and bring their sick to be healedBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 15

Matthew 15


Matthew 15 includes a few different stories and teachings of Jesus. Overall, the chapter highlights Jesus' teachings on faith and forgiveness, His compassionate healing of those in need, and the conflicts he faced with religious leaders who were critical of his actions. The Pharisees and scribes confront Jesus about His disciples not following Jewish customs before eating. Jesus tells them that it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of it. Later on, a Canaanite woman begs Jesus to heal her daughter who is possessed by a demon. At first, Jesus tells her that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel, but the woman's faith impresses Him, and He heals her daughter. Jesus performs more healings and miracles, including feeding a multitude of people with just a few loaves of bread and fish.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 16

Matthew 16


Matthew 16 includes several significant events and teachings by Jesus Christ. It starts with the Pharisees and Sadducees asking Jesus for a sign from heaven, but Jesus tells them they can interpret the signs for themselves. Then, when Jesus asks His disciples who people say He is, Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus then tells his disciples that he must suffer, die, and be resurrected, which Peter objects to. Jesus rebukes Peter, telling him He is thinking only of earthly concerns, not divine ones. Finally, Jesus explains that anyone who wants to follow Him must take up their cross and follow Him, and that whoever loses their life for His sake will find it.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 17

Matthew 17


Matthew 17 describes several important events in the life of Jesus Christ. The chapter begins with the Transfiguration, where Jesus transforms in front of His closest disciples (Peter, James, and John) and meets with Moses and Elijah. Later, Jesus heals a possessed boy whom the disciples could not heal, and Jesus predicts His own death and resurrection. Finally, Jesus performs a miracle to pay the tax that was due on the Temple, by telling Peter to catch a fish with a coin in its mouth.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 18

Matthew 18


Matthew 18 contains various teachings and stories related to forgiveness, humility, and love. Some of the most notable passages include Jesus' teaching on forgiveness and reconciliation, the parable of the lost sheep, the importance of treating one another with kindness and respect, and the consequences of refusing to forgive others. The overall message of Matthew 18 is that love, compassion, and empathy must guide our interactions with others, and that forgiveness has the power to heal and transform even the most broken relationships.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Matthew 19

Matthew 19


Matthew 19 primarily covers the teachings of Jesus regarding marriage and divorce. In this chapter, some Pharisees question Jesus about the lawfulness of divorce, and He responds by stating that divorcing one's spouse and marrying another person constitutes adultery unless the divorce was due to the spouse's sexual immorality. Jesus also blesses the children who are brought to Him and helps a rich young man understand how to attain eternal life.Become a supporter of this podcast: