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How to Move Without Pain Podcast
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How to Move Without Pain Podcast

Author: Meghan

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Hey! Welcome to How to Move without Pain, where each podcast I will be sharing the latest research and information on how you can understand your joint pain, why they hurt and what to do about it. I’m your host, Meghan Griech. I have my Doctorate of Physical Therapy and I have been treating patients for over 18 years. Teaching people to understand how the body heals, how joints move and why joint mechanics and cohesive muscle strength are important for everyday movements and functional mobility. Different pains tell us different things about our bodies from whether a certain tissue is irritated, or joint position is out of alignment to nerve being irritated. I’m ready to teach you about joint health, muscle strength and how to understand what your body is trying to tell you. From my joint health to yours - Let’s get started!
62 Episodes
When you were told you had arthritis - did you instinctively think - “I’m going to be in pain forever.” You’re not alone. A lot of people feel this way. In truth, many times the pain you feel isn’t because of arthritis, it’s because the muscles around the joints are weak and aren’t able to adequately absorb physical stress during activity. Your inactivity could be making you weak! Causing more joint stress and increasing pressure on the joints! Your lack of challenging your body is making you weak and painful. Keep listening to learn more about arthritis, what your options are and what you should do today.  _______________ Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details
Hip impingement, more commonly referred to as femoral acetabular impingement (FAI), can develop for many different reasons. The exact cause is usually unknown, yet there are two specific types of FAI that can occur. The pain that occurs with FAI can often be annoying to debilitating depending on the types of activities you enjoy and the amount of pain you are in.
Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens our bones and causes them to become fragile. Anyone can be at risk for developing osteoporosis, however, women who are of post-menopausal age are at an increased risk due to the imbalance between the body not making new bone cells as fast as the old bone cells are lost. There are many ways we can manage our bone loss naturally so we can live active lives.
Shoulder bursitis is a painful inflammation that could be a reason for people to feel like they can’t use their shoulder or even move the way they want to. Shoulder bursitis can occur when the bursae become irritated, inflamed, and swollen. Understanding how to recognize shoulder bursitis is the first step to knowing how to reduce the pain and inflammation so the shoulder can move better without pain.
Running is great for our muscles, joints and cardiovascular health. Yet the repetitive nature of running can become irritating on our knees. In fact, knee injuries are incredibly common, accounting for up to 50% of all running injuries. Knee pain with running can show up in many different locations. Pain around the knee cap (patella) is often referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome or Runner’s Knee. Pain on the outside of the knee that also has a snapping sensation could be Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB syndrome). Recognizing when you need to rest or when you can push through is important as a runner and tissue recovery. 
Arthritis isn’t a singular disease, it in fact is an informal way of referring to joint pain and bony inflammation. Arthritis affects more than 54.4 million adults and up to 300,000 children, with women being impacted much more than men. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling. It’s the leading cause as to why people are less mobile and active, yet activity is the best thing you can do for arthritis.
Spinal stenosis is a slow and progressive narrowing of the space where the spinal cord is located. Often this begins without any symptoms and therefore people often don’t even know that its occurring, unless symptoms begin or an x-ray is taken. This narrowing is most often found in adults that are greater than 50 years old. Spinal stenosis is generally caused by normal wear-and-tear changes in the spine related to osteoarthritis. Symptoms are variable and can range from nothing at all, to having a significant impact of daily life. Knowing the symptoms of spinal stenosis can help you know what you can do to manage the pain if you have it ---------- Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details
Joint health as we age is often not considered until pain starts somewhere or stiffness at a joint. We are too busy with work, kids the schedule to realize our body is changing inside, muscles could be stiffening slowly losing flexibility. Our bones could be losing cells quicker than our body is replenishing them, silently leading to osteoporosis. These changes happen throughout our lifespan, a daily internal working we rarely consider until it limits something we want to do. --------- Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details
Making healthy habits that you will stick with is possible. Trying something new is pretty easy, but changing it into a habit is difficult. And making it a change for life that is an automatic part of your day or week takes consistency, work and conscious effort to achieve. Studies show it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic behavior. Which when you think about it is an amazing amount of time to make a permanent change, since humans are creatures of habit. _______________ Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The How to Move Without Pain Podcast. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute to subscribe and leave a quick rating and review of the show!
Patients who were treated in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the prone position (laying on your stomach) for ventilation, are developing tingling, numbness, weakness or sharp pains throughout their arm/hand. Why is this happening? There are a couple of possibilities, but studies are relating it to this positioning while on a ventilator during COVID-19 treatment. _______________ Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The How to Move Without Pain Podcast. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute to subscribe and leave a quick rating and review of the show!
Osteopenia or osteoporosis is the result of our bodies losing bone mass or density. Research shows bone mass peaks by age 35. Yet, it is estimated 54% of adults aged 50 years or older have bone mass loss. This means more than 53.6 million people are living with osteoporosis and low bone mass. So what changes in our bones between 35 and 50 years old? Are we doing enough for our bone health? _______________ Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The How to Move Without Pain Podcast. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute to subscribe and leave a quick rating and review of the show!
People who have become ill from Covid-19 experience a wide range of symptoms and degree of symptoms. Research is showing the same for the recovery from the virus. Some people report shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, and coughing that last for weeks to months.    _______________ Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The How to Move Without Pain Podcast. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute to subscribe and leave a quick rating and review of the show!
Not understanding your pain and where it's coming from is holding you back from lowering your pain and taking control of your life. Every day I meet people who want to know why they hurt and what THEY CAN DO about their pain. They are in pain and can't get it to go away. They are frustrated that they don’t know why the pain even started. The concern that they are going to hurt themselves further is ever-present in their mind. _______________ Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The How to Move Without Pain Podcast. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute to subscribe and leave a quick rating and review of the show!
Frozen shoulder typically begins gradually but then progresses until you are unable to use your arm at all or make any movements without pain or difficulty. Painful and prolonged syndrome of frozen shoulder. Although women are more susceptible, anyone can develop a frozen shoulder, and having a frozen shoulder in one arm significantly increases that chance of developing a frozen shoulder on the opposite side. There are three main goals of treatment: - Reduce pain and stiffness: The shoulder should be rested and free from painful movements, especially when it is cold or wet. - Strengthen the muscles around the shoulder: Gentle exercises should be performed on a daily basis to strengthen all of the muscles around your shoulder, including your chest, back, and neck muscles. - Improve the range of motion of the shoulder: This takes time and persistence to return the mobility of the shoulder. Here are 7 ways to get started with treating your frozen shoulder at home.
A torn meniscus is one of the most common knee injuries. The meniscus, especially the medial (inside) is prone to injury when a forceful twisting motion occurs at the knee, especially if you are standing on it when the twist occurs. That’s why meniscus is commonly torn during sports, while walking on ice or in the rain, or other activities like skiing, rollerskating, or hiking over rocks.
What's Hip Bursitis?

What's Hip Bursitis?


Pain around or near joints can begin for many different reasons: overuse, repetitive activities, tendon irritation, poor joint mechanics, trauma. Pain near the joint also can involve many different structures, like, musculotendinous junctions, muscle belly strain, and bursa to name a few.  Hip bursitis is the inflammation of the bursae at a specific joint. Most commonly symptomatic at the shoulder, hip, knee, heel, and elbow. Research has found each year, at least 1 out of 10,000 people develop bursitis at the knees or elbows alone. Often bursitis can resolve on its own in a few weeks through activity modifications that limit the provocation of pain and inflammation. Knowing the signs, symptoms and what you can do about will help alleviate long standing pain, joint irritation and decreased ability to do the activities you love.
It’s not unusual to hear cracks, pops, or crunches from knees, especially when getting up from a chair, walking downstairs, or getting out of the car. The noise we hear is called crepitus, and can happen at any joint; but the knees, ankles, and fingers are most common. The crunching noise can also sometimes be felt by putting your hand over your knee. Knee crepitus can happen at any age, yet it does become more frequent as we age. Understanding what it is and how to recognize is beneficial so you know what to do when it happens to you. --------------- Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details
Osteoarthritis is a very common joint disease affecting the joint cartilage that is between the bones. Pain and stiffness in and around the joint and also swelling are common symptoms with osteoarthritis. Commonly people will report more pain and stiffness as the storm is approaching, rather than when the storm is actually present. Researchers relate this phenomenon to the barometric pressure change that occurs when a storm is rolling into an area. So what in our joints are telling us a storm is coming and what can we do? _____________________ Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself. Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details  
Ever put on a shirt and feel a crunch in your shoulder or even worse a really sharp pain? that crunch was most likely your humeral head (the round top part of your arm bone) and your acromion (the top of the shoulder you can feel) coming too close together and rubbing against each other.  It use to be called impingement, but now it’s more often referred to as subacromial pain syndrome - big words to say the space between your humeral head and acromion are inflamed, causing you pain, and maybe shoulder stiffness. ---------------------- Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details
The ability to stand up from a chair makes a huge difference in everyday life for our aging parents, grandparents, and older neighbors. The ability to move from sit to stand, walk around our home, and leave our homes has a great effect on our independence as we age and our overall safety. ________   Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs   To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you  #1: Lower your pain and get back to your life #2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints #3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself Go to Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The How to Move Without Pain Podcast. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute to subscribe and leave a quick rating and review of the show!