DiscoverHow to Move Without Pain PodcastDone Recovering From Covid? Not if you Hand is Numb
Done Recovering From Covid? Not if you Hand is Numb

Done Recovering From Covid? Not if you Hand is Numb

Update: 2021-08-04


Patients who were treated in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the prone position (laying on your stomach) for ventilation, are developing tingling, numbness, weakness or sharp pains throughout their arm/hand.

Why is this happening? There are a couple of possibilities, but studies are relating it to this positioning while on a ventilator during COVID-19 treatment.


Each podcast is a part of The How to Move Without Pain Programs

To learn more about how The How to Move Without Pain Programs can help you 

#1: Lower your pain and get back to your life

#2: Have a deeper understanding of your body, trusting yourself to know  which exercises to do and how to do them to strengthen your muscles and joints

#3: Have the confidence to know what you can do on your own, and when to see a specialist - empowering you to help yourself

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Sick of imagining what it would be like to get your work done without the headaches and neck pain?  Learn about Joint Health and Understand why you hurt so much while you work at your computer or in the car - Head to The Posture Fix Program for the details

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Done Recovering From Covid? Not if you Hand is Numb

Done Recovering From Covid? Not if you Hand is Numb