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IvyPanda Show

IvyPanda Show

Author: IvyPanda

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The IvyPanda Show podcast is the place where we'll be discussing a wide variety of education- and study-related topics, sharing tips and lifehacks with the goal of making students' lives easier.
7 Episodes
Have you ever had the feeling that your life is being consumed by your worries? You may have a lot on your plate as a student, and it can be challenging to strike a balance between your studies, relationships, and future. But what if you could manage and even lessen your anxiety?Here's when the idea of "worry time" becomes relevant. Using this method, people can set aside time to process their worries and enhance their productivity and well-being.We'll talk about how setting aside time for worry might benefit students' mental health in this episode. Stay attentive if you're prepared to discover how to manage your worries.
It may surprise you to learn that about 50% of first-year college students gain weight. This pattern, which is sometimes referred to as the "Freshman 15," draws attention to the weight fluctuations that frequently occur when a person moves from high school to a university. This episode will debunk some common misconceptions about the Freshman 15 and offer advice on how to improve your relationship with food and fitness.
Do you suspect you have dyslexia, or have you been diagnosed with it? You are not alone, then. Being a very common learning disorder, dyslexia affects 10 percent of people all over the world. Though it decreases one’s ability to read, write, and recognize letters, thereby making the learning process a challenge, many dyslexics have achieved impressive results in their careers. In this episode, we’ll offer practical advice and techniques for studying with dyslexia. We aim to empower you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
Everybody may recall that one exceptional teacher who sparked their passion for learning. Maybe they encouraged you to pursue your own goals. If so, the discussion about starting a new teaching career today is exactly what you need! We will provide you with all the information you need to begin your career in this tough yet vital field.What happens, though, if you're not sure if teaching is the career for you? Don't worry; we'll assist you in deciding if this is indeed your calling. Along with outlining all the qualifications and abilities needed to become an excellent teacher, we'll also offer you further guidance on how to succeed in the industry.
Although friendships over long distances can be thrilling and enjoyable, they can also present a number of challenges. It can be difficult to adapt to new communication methods and perhaps jeopardize your friendship. This episode of the IvyPanda Show Podcast will teach you more about these challenges and how to overcome them.
Studying in Europe is a dream come true for many Americans since it has the potential to change their life. More than 350,000 US candidates seek a college education in this part of the world because of this desire. This guide was developed by our staff to assist individuals seeking higher education in choosing the best country and course of study. It will also go into great length regarding the cultural and practical facets of studying overseas.
Welcome to the IvyPanda Show podcast, where we'll be discussing all things education. In our very first episode, we want to give our listeners the guide for heavy sleepers. We hope you'll enjoy it!