Kimberly Snyder's Podcast

Each week, New York Times bestselling author and clinical nutritionist Kimberly Snyder will chat about specific issues that relate to health, beauty, empowerment, emotional health, spirituality and much more.

This Channel is No Longer Active: Check Out My New Podcast Beauty Inside Out!

Hey Beauties, This channel is no longer active as we have re-launched the podcast with a new show name “Beauty Inside Out with Kimberly Snyder”. Be sure to subscribe to the channel as each week we will bring you a variety of fun and informative segments from the world of nutrition, beauty, yoga, travel, spirituality as well as lots of interviews with amazing guests like Deepak Chopra, Yoga Girl and Dr. Laura Berman. See you over there! Love, Kimberly You can subscribe to the new channel here:


Realize Yourself Podcast #22: Spring and Summer Cleansing

This week's podcast was recorded in the Spring, but due to a technical issue we are publishing it now. The good news is that a lot of the tips are just as valid for Summer as they are for Spring, and so it should be very helpful to you. In fact, a cleanse is one of the best ways to look your best and get bikini-ready for the summer. Hope you enjoy it! 


Realize Yourself Podcast #21 - Do You Need Superfoods?

In today’s post, Kim and Tony talk about superfoods and whether or not you really need them in your diet. And if you do need them, which ones, and how do you incorporate them into your diet?


Realize Yourself Podcast #20 - Words and Communication

Kim and Tony talk about how you can transform your life and health with the way you communicate. They share tips and techniques you can use to improve your health through your words and create alignment. You’ll become aware of the communication patterns you probably learned a long time ago.


Realize Yourself Podcast #19: Spring Foods

Our bodies are dynamic and have a connection to the planet, so it’s important to change with the seasons by eating seasonal foods. Today, Kim and Tony discuss some of the best spring foods and how to enjoy them.


Realize Yourself Podcast #18 - Eating Healthy on a Budget

Kim and Tony talk about how to eat healthy without breaking the bank. When you switch your diet, you may not be familiar with the options available to you, so it becomes tempting to resort to expensive “healthy” packaged foods. That's not necessary. You can eat healthy on a budget if you pay attention and know where to shop.


Realize Yourself Podcast #17 - Quick and Easy Meals

Sometimes people think eating healthy and making healthy choices with limited time is impossible, but Kim and Tony share tips in today’s podcast for making meals that are just as fast as the unhealthy options that can feel so tempting when there’s not a lot of time.


Realize Yourself Podcast #16:

Kim and Tony talk about what causes stress, how to identify your stress triggers, how to handle it, and even how to transform those negative feelings into something positive. Stress uses up physical and mental energy and leaves you exhausted, so learning how to manage and recover from it is imperative for your health and happiness.


Realize Yourself Podcast #15: Everyday Joys

Kim and Tony talk about how to nourish and foster joy. It’s important to distinguish between joy, which comes from within, and pleasure, which comes from the outside. Lots of tips for creating natural daily joy from within. 


Realize Yourself Podcast #14: How to Use the Books

Today, Kim and Tony discuss how to use The Beauty Detox Solution and The Beauty Detox Foods as resources to stay inspired on your path to a healthier life. Even if you've read them before, you'll discover all new ways and tips to make the most of them each day!


Realize Yourself Podcast #13 - Become Powerful Through Focus

This week, Kim and Tony discuss the importance and power of developing and maintaining focus. They offer tips for building focus during day-to-day activities and the little changes you can make in your life to really cultivate a trained, focused mind. This focus will assist you in all areas of your life because they’re all interconnected, so what helps you stay on task at work will help you in your health and beauty endeavors, as well.


Realize Yourself Podcast #12 - Healthy Strategies for Dining Out

Ever wondered what to eat when you find yourself at a restaurant? In this podcast, Kimberly and Tony discuss a variety of powerful strategies you can use to enjoy meals out with friends and family, WITHOUT having to compromise your health in any way. 


Realize Yourself Podcast #11 - Beauty Beverages!

Let's face it: Nobody wants to drink only water--sometimes we need a little flavor in our life! Unfortunately, many common beverages are soooo bad for you. That's why Kimberly and Tony spend this podcast breaking down all the healthy drink alternatives that bring wellness and beauty. 


Realize Yourself Podcast #10 - The Miracle of Meditation

Kim and Tony discuss the benefits of meditation, the research behind it, their own experiences with meditation, and offer some practical tips for starting your own meditation practice. Meditation can be the basis for health, creativity, and growth, and it doesn’t have to be linked to any specific religion or set of beliefs. You can customize your practice to your needs.


Realize Yourself Podcast #9 - Beauty Sleep

The importance of beauty sleep. Sleep deserves the same attention as diet and exercise when it comes to overall health and beauty. These tips will help you set a routine that enables you to get the amount you need. Remember that sleep is cyclical and habitual and it will take time to make changes stick. Better sleep habits won't happen overnight, but you can make gradual changes to shift your life into a mode that allows for more rest.


Realize Yourself Podcast #8 - Detox Beyond Food

In this podcast, Kim and Tony talk about other ways to detox your life, outside of food and diet. They discuss how friendships, relationships, thoughts, beliefs, and more are all interconnected and have an influence on your health and beauty. Being self-aware and making subtle, authentic shifts can help you realize yourself and your inner power.


Realize Yourself Podcast #5 - Delicious Winter Foods

 This time, we discuss yummy winter foods and recipes, and how to adapt your diet more to this current season, as this is a time where your body may crave more warmth.


Realize Yourself Podcast #4 - New Year's Edition

Today, I’m excited to share our fourth ever podcast, which focuses on the New Year and how to make it amazing! We cover so much, including how to avoid the limitations of “traditional resolutions” and get the best results in 2014.


Realize Yourself Podcast #3 – Eating At Parties and Festive Times

Today’s post is a podcast, and we talk a lot about how to eat at parties, family gatherings and other events where the food options may not be as healthy or Beauty Detox-friendly. There is a lot of amazing info inside, and you’ll learn a variety of powerful strategies that can help you have a blast, stay healthy and love what you eat through the New Year–and beyond!


Realize Yourself Podcast #2 – The Power of Creating Space

From cell phones and computers, to family members and friends, it’s rare that we ever get a moment to pause and experience deeper reflection and healing. Yet, it’s precisely because of all this activity and chaos that we need quiet time for ourselves more than ever. That’s why it’s so important to not wait, but proactively create space–even if it’s in the comfort of your own home–where you can reflect, recharge and align to what’s most important to you.


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