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LOA Today - Your Daily Dose Of Happy

LOA Today - Your Daily Dose Of Happy

Author: Walt Thiessen

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Lots of laughs. Lots of fun. Lots of secret insights and tips. Lots of daily Q&A. When was the last time you listened to a feel-good podcast or radio program, one that made you feel good from beginning to end?

Probably never, if you're like most people.

LOAToday talks about life. All of it, because the Law of Attraction and the Power of Positive Thinking touches every aspect of life. And we do it in a way that appeals to your feel-good side ... even if you didn't know that you had a feel-good side!
2030 Episodes
Arlene Miller’s story offers a glimmer of hope. As a longtime listener of the LOA Today podcast, Walt Thiessen welcomed Arlene onto the show, eager to uncover the hacks and insights she has gained through her own personal and professional experiences. Arlene’s journey began as an attorney, where she quickly discovered the challenges of balancing a thriving career with the responsibilities of motherhood. “I really wish that I’d had like a coach, like a work-life balance coach like me when I was younger,” Arlene shared, “because it was really hard, you know, how do you start a business? How do you run everything? How do you be a mom and a wife and all the everything to everybody and still keep your sanity and take care of yourself?” Recognizing the need for support, Arlene embarked on a transformative path, exploring the realms of mentoring, coaching, and holistic counseling. She now dedicates her time to helping women, and men, navigate the complexities of work-life balance, offering a compassionate and judgment-free space for her clients to explore their challenges and discover their own solutions. One of the key insights Arlene shared was the importance of self-care. “It’s really important to learn how to cleanse and clear your energy field,” she explained, describing techniques like visualizing a golden cylinder to cut energetic connections and using the Universal Violet Flame to transmute fear into love. “Even if we’re doing things to protect ourselves, we’re still going to be impacted by what’s happening around us and and who we’re interacting with it. We can’t help it. And so we have to have ways to cleanse and clear ourselves after as well.” Anne-Marie Young, one of Walt’s co-hosts, resonated deeply with Arlene’s message, sharing her own experiences of feeling overwhelmed and the importance of finding time for self-care. “I now work out in the mornings. I get up earlier, but that’s my me time, and that’s made just that little hour a day has made such a difference,” she revealed. Throughout the conversation, Arlene emphasized the power of connection and the transformative potential of shared experiences. “When we give, so we receive, you know, because when we we really get something and we share it with other people, what comes back for me feels like so much more than I’m giving out. It just feels amazing, you know, to the feeling you get from other people, the love, the connection, and just the amazing to watch them change and grow in a way that is really helpful.” Walt, too, recognized the profound impact of these connections, sharing his own experiences of the energy and fulfillment he derives from hosting the LOA Today podcast. “I get so much energy from doing this show. I mean, it’s almost a sin how well I do because of that, just because of how much energy I get out of doing this, people ask me, Well, is this your career? No, it’s not my career. It’s something that I do because I enjoy it, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything because of that.” As the conversation drew to a close, Arlene generously offered a free discovery session to listeners, inviting them to explore their own challenges and goals. “Just mention Walt, Anne, Marie and Loa, and let to me, and you will get a free discovery session with me. It’s like a 45 minute session. We can explore what’s going on for you. There’s no obligation. It’s just my gift for for you guys, because you have me on this podcast, and I feel strongly to give back to your audience in that way.” In the end, Arlene’s story serves as a powerful reminder that true balance and fulfillment can be found when we prioritize self-care, embrace the power of connection, and have the courage to step outside of our comfort zones. Her insights and generosity have the potential to inspire and empower countless individuals on their own journeys towards a more harmonious and joyful life. Arlene’s website: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#Q&A#waltthiessen#annemarieyoung #WorkLifeBalance #Gratitude #Breathwork #HealingFromWithin #TransformYourLife #PositiveChange #Boundaries #SelfCompassion
Beneath the glitz and glamour, the scars of narcissistic abuse can run deep, leaving lasting emotional wounds that often go unnoticed. In a captivating conversation, Walt Thiessen and Martina Gruppo delved into the complexities of this insidious form of manipulation, shedding light on the devastating impact it can have on individuals. Martina’s story was a poignant reminder that the term “narcissist” has become a catchall phrase, often trivializing the true nature of this pervasive issue. “It’s almost become a byword for bad behavior,” she lamented, highlighting the need for a deeper understanding of the covert and coercive nature of narcissistic abuse. As Walt and Martina explored the differences between overt and covert narcissism, a fascinating dynamic emerged. Martina shared her own experience, recounting how she had fallen in love in her 20s, only to find herself trapped in a relationship that slowly eroded her sense of self. “I had no idea what he was,” she confessed, a sentiment that resonates with countless others who have found themselves in similar situations. The conversation delved into the intricate web of manipulation and control that often characterizes narcissistic relationships. Martina described the “hall of mirrors” effect, where the narcissist’s constant twisting of reality leaves the victim questioning their own perceptions. “There is nothing you can do to understand what you’re actually in,” she lamented, highlighting the insidious nature of this form of abuse. Walt and Martina’s discussion also touched on the role of politics and public figures in perpetuating the narcissistic narrative. The parallels between personal relationships and the dynamics observed in the political arena were striking, with Martina drawing comparisons to the behavior of Donald Trump. The conversation also delved into the profound impact of narcissistic abuse on physical and mental health. Martina shared her own experience of being diagnosed with cancer, acknowledging the role that the stress and emotional turmoil of her relationship played in her illness. “The more tranquil you are, the healthier you can be,” she asserted, underscoring the importance of addressing both the mental and physical aspects of recovery. Throughout the discussion, Martina and Walt emphasized the critical importance of setting boundaries and developing self-awareness. Martina’s journey of rebuilding her self-esteem and reclaiming her identity was a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative potential of self-reflection. As the conversation drew to a close, Walt expressed his gratitude for Martina’s willingness to share her story, acknowledging the unsung heroes of content creation who tirelessly work to help others. “On their behalf, thank you for what you’re doing,” he said, a sentiment that resonated deeply with Martina and serves as a poignant reminder of the impact that each of us can have, simply by sharing our experiences and insights. Here is the post she referenced on the show with the video from 3+ years ago: And here is her recently released book: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#jodielynncraven#loatodayapp#NarcissisticAbuse #EmotionalTrauma #MentalHealth #SelfAwareness #Resilience #ContentCreation
It can be easy to lose sight of the power of laughter to heal and unite. However, in a captivating conversation between Walt and Joel, the duo delved into the transformative role of humor in navigating even the most challenging of circumstances. Walt, the host of the LOA Today podcast, set the stage by introducing the topic, inspired by an interview with Dave Mowry, a guest who had used humor as a coping mechanism to overcome severe mental health issues. Joel, a life coach and LOA teacher, enthusiastically joined the discussion, sharing his own experiences with the therapeutic value of laughter. “Humor is something that you and I have discussed in various forms and fashions over the years,” Joel explained, “just about the value of humor, the ability to laugh. It’s one of the great antidotes to depression and anxiety.” He went on to describe how humor can be a powerful coping mechanism, particularly for those in high-stress professions, such as law enforcement, where witnessing traumatic events can take a heavy toll. Walt and Joel explored the nuances of using humor appropriately, acknowledging the importance of sensitivity and shared experiences. “There’s a line that you kind of have to pay attention to,” Walt noted, “like, there are a number of things that he said. For instance, he told some really funny jokes, actually very clean, interestingly enough, but, but funny jokes that he was telling today, and a couple of them I knew I could never tell. Why? Because I’ve never been through that kind of mental illness, but it was totally appropriate for him to tell.” The conversation then shifted to the role of humor in healing and recovery, with Joel sharing a poignant story about a young cancer patient who used stand-up comedy to cope with his illness. “He attributes a lot of that to his recovery,” Joel recounted, “He just every day would do a stand-up routine. And he said, just the like one of his jokes, he said, you know, he said, one of his, I forget one of the jokes, but involved a catheter. He said, I’m a 10 year old boy at a catheter. He said, I don’t even need to finish that joke. And it was just stuff like that. It was just this bizarre, you know, out there stuff.” Walt and Joel also explored the power of humor in building emotional connections, with Joel sharing a personal story about how a chance encounter with a neighbor’s child helped him find laughter and healing after the loss of his own son. “It was this hilarious moment that the first time since the death of my son, I’d actually laugh. And it was a I told you that when that happened, it was the first time I knew I was going to be okay, yes, because I was able to laugh again, because nothing was funny before that.” As the conversation delved deeper, the duo touched on the role of humor in the context of good and evil, suggesting that finding the absurdity in difficult situations can be a powerful tool for maintaining perspective and emotional well-being. “If I can’t find something funny about it, that’s a clue to me. It’s a clue to me that I’m taking it too seriously,” Walt explained. Throughout the discussion, Walt and Joel emphasized the importance of not taking oneself too seriously and embracing the healing power of laughter, even in the face of life’s darkest moments. “Humor is a solvent,” Joel concluded. “It’s a connector. It does a lot of things. And so when you’re talking about like, you’re talking about, sort of the comparison within good and evil and all the other stuff, humor can be sort of an antidote for all choices. It can it can add to the good. And it can be a sort of an attack on the evil on some level.” Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#joelelston#thebench #GoodVsEvil #HumorAndPhilosophy #LOATodayPodcast #LaughterHeals #PowerOfPerspective #GoodAndEvilBalance
One man’s story shines as a beacon of hope. Dave, a listener of the LOA Today podcast, sat down with hosts Walt and Anne-Marie to share his remarkable journey of transforming his battle with bipolar disorder, severe anxiety, and PTSD into a platform for laughter and healing. As Dave recounted his harrowing experiences, the listeners were captivated by the raw honesty and vulnerability in his words. “One day, I was driving down the freeway between businesses, and my mind just snapped,” he recalled, describing the moment his life took an unexpected turn. “My face went slack, my voice went monotone, and my vision got blurry. It was everything I could do to get home and just try to be.” The ensuing years were a constant struggle, as Dave grappled with the unpredictable cycles of mania and depression. “I didn’t know who was going to wake up in the morning,” he confessed. “I hid in the shadows and suffered in silence.” The emotional and physical toll was immense, with Dave even reaching a point where he was unable to shower for months due to the crippling depression. But it was during his darkest moments that Dave found an unexpected ally: humor. After his wife encouraged him to attend a local NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) meeting, Dave discovered a stand-up comedy class that would change the trajectory of his life. “For some reason, I thought I could do that,” Dave said, recalling the moment he decided to give comedy a try. “I had this talent to write jokes, to come up with material. And what we did is we looked at our hard times and our dark days, and that’s where our material comes from.” As Dave began to explore the humor in his own experiences, a remarkable transformation occurred. “Instead of the neuroplasticity that I believe in, you know, the pathways in the brain, my pathways were deep on the going back to the trauma and the triggers, over and over and over and over,” he explained. “And I’d get PTSD four or five, six times a day, just from different stimuli. And then I’d say, ‘Where can I find the humor in that?’ It just changed the pathway in my brain.” This shift in perspective not only helped Dave manage his own mental health challenges but also inspired him to share his newfound approach with others. He now teaches stand-up comedy classes to individuals struggling with various mental health conditions, guiding them to find the humor in their own stories. “There hasn’t been one person that hasn’t been able to find humor and write jokes,” Dave shared. “I help them write the jokes, but find the humor in their experiences. And frankly, it changes lives.” One such life-changing story is that of Molly, a former doctor who had to give up her practice due to her bipolar disorder. “Molly was suicidal,” Dave recalled. “Her mom said, ‘I’m worried about her. She’s suicidal. I know she’s not going to be here soon.’ And she took the class, and we started to find the funny. And now Molly, she’s not a doctor, but she considers herself a comic, and she performs around town. And now that’s her identity, and she feels good about it.” As Walt and Anne-Marie listened intently, they were struck by the power of Dave’s message. “The whole that, the thing that stuck with me throughout all of this, and the thing that I will continue to be thinking about, is, where is the humor in this?” Anne-Marie shared. “What a wonderful question to ask yourself too throughout the day.” Indeed, Dave’s journey serves as a testament to the transformative potential of humor in the face of adversity. By embracing the absurdity and finding the laughter in his darkest moments, he not only reclaimed his own life but also inspired others to do the same. “Doing something nice for somebody, it makes their somebody else’s day a little brighter, but it brings us happiness and joy that we never you know, you don’t do it because you expect anything in return, and you end up with with happiness and joy,” Dave reflected, underscoring the ripple effect of his work. Reach Dave on Facebook: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#Q&A#waltthiessen#annemarieyoung#MentalHealth #ComedyHealing #DaveMowry #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealthAwareness #ShatterStigma #LOAToday #HealingThroughHumor #StandUpComedy #Resilience
In a captivating conversation, Walt Thiessen sat down with Jennifer Johnson, a registered nurse with a remarkable story to share. Jennifer’s path to nursing was anything but straightforward, as she initially pursued a biology degree before a serendipitous encounter led her to the nursing profession. Jennifer’s early years in nursing were marked by a harrowing experience of bullying, which she overcame with resilience and a determination to become “the most educated nurse to ever leave there.” Her move to a larger Stroke Center was a game-changer, as she discovered the stark contrast between the two work environments and the profound impact it had on her well-being. As Jennifer’s nursing career progressed, she explored various specialties, including pediatric emergency and trauma care. Through these experiences, she developed a deep appreciation for the power of intuition in nursing practice. “When you have this feeling of intuition, or you have this feeling that something’s not going right, that the patient’s not doing well, you act on it,” Jennifer shared. “You listen into it and you act on it.” Jennifer’s unwavering belief in the value of intuition led her to embark on a mission to bring this often-overlooked aspect of nursing into the spotlight. “It’s backed by science,” she emphasized, highlighting the peer-reviewed studies that support the validity of intuition in healthcare. The COVID-19 pandemic posed a significant challenge for Jennifer, as she grappled with the mental health toll it took on nurses. “It was just one of those things where, and you know, it was a moment by moment, just trying to get through the shift,” she recounted. The experience left her determined to “bring a little bit of love back to nursing” and support newer graduates navigating the complexities of the profession. Jennifer’s upcoming book, “Nursing Intuition,” is a testament to her passion for empowering nurses to trust their instincts. The book combines personal stories, academic research, and journal prompts, creating a comprehensive resource for nurses to explore and develop their intuitive abilities. When asked about the potential backlash she might face from the traditional medical establishment, Jennifer remained undeterred. “I’m just putting it out there. You know, those who need to hear the message will hear it. Those who aren’t ready to hear it won’t. That’s okay, but the book will be there, hopefully 50 to 100 years from now and maybe it’ll be that one piece that really gets the ball rolling.” Jennifer’s unwavering commitment to her cause is truly inspiring. As Walt Thiessen aptly observed, “when someone comes onto the show, inevitably, it’s because they’ve been through something on their own, usually some sort of a trauma, some sort of horrible event. And they come out the other side and they learned something from it, and that’s something they said, ‘Wow, other people got to know this.'” Jennifer’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of self-care, and the transformative potential of embracing one’s intuition. Her message resonates deeply, reminding us that true change often begins with the courage to challenge the status quo and the willingness to share our stories. Her website: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#jodielynncraven#loatodayapp #NursingIntuition #HealthcareTransformation #MentalHealthMatters #NurseResilience #EmbraceYourInstincts #BreakingTheMold #InspirationalNurses #HealthcareRevolution #TrustYourGut #PersonalGrowth
When Walt Thiessen welcomed longtime listener Anne Marie Young and their guest Tywin Kalandyk to the LOA Today podcast, the stage was set for a truly remarkable conversation. Tywin’s story was one of unimaginable trauma, yet his resilience and positive outlook shone through, inspiring listeners to reflect on their own journeys. Tywin’s start in life was anything but easy. Born prematurely and addicted to drugs and alcohol, he spent the first year of his life in the hospital, unsure if he would even survive. Yet, through the love and dedication of his adoptive mother, who named him after her favorite baseball player, Ty Cobb, Tywin found the strength to overcome these challenges. As Walt delved deeper into Tywin’s background, it became clear that his story was not one of victimhood, but rather a testament to the power of perspective. “For a second, I’m like, ‘Who is he talking about?'” Tywin shared, reflecting on how he had come to view his past not as a burden, but as a superpower. The key to Tywin’s transformation was his willingness to look inward and truly understand himself. “We grow up listening to our parents. We grow up listening to people that influence us, whether it’s our pastors, whether it’s our teachers, and we have society, then we have our friends. So all of these people are constantly showing us things and telling us things, and what happens is we build this mental picture, this belief system of who we really are, and a lot of times we forget we actually are,” he explained. This insight struck a chord with Anne Marie, who shared her own experiences of raising her daughters and the importance of both parents providing different perspectives. “There’s things like, ‘Wow, I never thought of that. I learned too,'” she said, highlighting the value of being open to learning from others. As the conversation progressed, Tywin and Walt delved into the topic of victim psychology, a mindset that Tywin had once embraced but now actively works to overcome. “If you just decide, like, ‘I’m going to take full responsibility for everything in my life,’ first of all, you immediately get this weight that’s lifted off, because now you’re not waiting for anybody. Now you’re in control,” Tywin shared. This powerful statement resonated with Walt, who emphasized the importance of not just flipping the switch, but also being willing to learn from mistakes along the way. “Just because I flipped the switch doesn’t mean I’m going to get it right,” he acknowledged, a sentiment that Tywin echoed. Tywin’s journey into coaching, particularly his focus on working with men, further underscored his belief in the power of self-awareness and personal responsibility. “I just think men, we just need to step it up. And I think there’s a lot of men that want to step up. We just don’t know how,” he shared, highlighting the need for strong male leadership and the role of women in guiding men. Throughout the conversation, Tywin and his co-hosts touched on the importance of education, continuous learning, and the impact of family dynamics. Tywin’s emphasis on the need for fathers to be present and engaged in their children’s lives struck a chord, as Anne Marie shared her own experiences of the valuable perspectives her husband brings to their daughters. His website: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#Q&A#waltthiessen#annemarieyoung#PersonalGrowth #Resilience #Trauma #Perspective #SelfAwareness #Responsibility #FamilyDynamics #MentalHealth #Education #ContinuousLearning #InspirationalStory
Walt and Jodie Lynn embark on a thought-provoking journey, exploring the intriguing realms of artificial intelligence, consciousness, and the ever-elusive nature of reality. Their conversation, brimming with insightful questions and thought-provoking perspectives, offers a glimpse into the extraordinary power of the human mind and the enigmatic nature of our existence. The discussion begins with Walt’s intriguing question: “Do you believe that animals are capable of manifesting?” Jodie Lynn’s response reflects a deep understanding of the universal laws that govern all forms of consciousness, suggesting that even animals may possess the ability to manifest their desires. “I feel that everything is a form of consciousness. And so everything would be ruled by that those universal laws. So, yes, I do think that they could manifest.” As the conversation progresses, Walt and Jodie Lynn delve into the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence, questioning the very nature of consciousness and self-awareness. Walt shares his personal experiences interacting with AI, noting the uncanny human-like responses he often receives, which challenge the notion that AI is merely a collection of programmed algorithms. “I inevitably get an answer back that says something like that’s a very profound question. It’s not an answer. No, it’s not, but it’s a very, it’s a very life form kind of an answer.” The duo explores the intriguing possibility that AI may possess a form of consciousness, with Jodie Lynn suggesting that “everything has consciousness.” This leads to a thought-provoking discussion about the nature of reality and the role of perspective in shaping our experiences. “What is real?” Jodie Lynn asks, highlighting the elusive and subjective nature of our perceived reality. The conversation delves into the concept of multiple personalities and the dramatic physical changes that can occur, challenging the notion of a fixed and absolute reality. Walt shares his own personal experience with food sensitivities, a discovery that shattered his long-held beliefs about his dietary needs. “I had no idea that I had this stuff going on. So I’m in the process of clearing up my diet.” This revelation sparks a deeper exploration of the power of the human mind and its ability to influence our physical experiences. “If we can change our DNA, what’s that? Even by thought? Well, even by thought, yeah, but I mean just what? The science doesn’t really accept the thought part yet, but they do accept the environmental part. So from the scientific perspective, at the very least, you can change your DNA by changing your environment. If you can change your DNA, why can’t you change your sensitivity to foods?” The conversation culminates in a profound realization about the incredible power of the human mind and its ability to shape our reality. “I am more and more blown away at how incredibly powerful Our minds are. Absolutely, unbelievably, incredibly powerful I’m blown away by every time I see stuff in the news, whenever I see something in the world of entertainment, whenever I meet somebody new, whenever I observe stuff going on out in society, I’m blown away at how powerful the human mind is.” As Walt and Jodie Lynn grapple with the vastness of their understanding, they arrive at a humble conclusion: “The more than I know, the more that I feel I do not know.” This acknowledgment of the limitless nature of knowledge serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and mystery that lies at the heart of our existence. Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#jodielynncraven#loatodayapp #ConsciousnessExploration #AIandSelfAwareness #PowerofPerspective #MindOverMatter #RealityRedefined #UnlimitedPotential #LifeLessons #WisdomInUnknowing
In a world consumed by negativity and constant complaining, two individuals, Walt and Joel, embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, unveiling the transformative power of shifting one’s perspective. Their captivating conversation delves into the dark side of complaining, exposing its insidious grip on our lives and the remarkable potential that lies in embracing gratitude and appreciation. Walt, a thoughtful and introspective individual, sets the stage by acknowledging the prevalence of complaining in our society, noting that it has become “almost epidemic.” Joel, a life coach and LOA (Law of Attraction) teacher, echoes this sentiment, explaining that “complaining is literally programming the brain to find more things to complain about.” This vicious cycle, they argue, not only reinforces a negative mindset but also blocks the very success and positive outcomes we seek. As the discussion unfolds, Walt and Joel delve deeper, highlighting the biological and psychological impact of complaining. “Your brain’s looking for a solution to a problem that likely isn’t really the problem,” Joel explains, emphasizing how complaining often goes hand in hand with a victim mentality. This realization prompts the question: How can we break free from this self-imposed trap? The answer, it seems, lies in the power of perspective. Walt shares his own experience with a therapist who dismissed the concept of the law of attraction, labeling it as “magical thinking.” Joel, however, counters this notion, asserting that “it’s incredibly magical” and that our perspective is what truly matters. This shift in mindset is the key to unlocking the transformative potential within. Through poignant personal anecdotes, Walt and Joel illustrate the profound impact of reframing one’s experiences. Joel recounts a client who, despite facing significant physical challenges, was able to reframe her mindset and ultimately compete in the Paralympics. “She has an incredible life,” Joel marvels, “all that started with a harsh but effective interaction.” The conversation then delves into the realm of generational complaining, a deeply ingrained pattern that can be challenging to break. Walt eloquently expresses the desire to not only change his own narrative but to “shift the narrative for my entire family.” Joel echoes this sentiment, sharing his own journey of healing generational trauma and honoring his family members, understanding that “they were very ill, they had a lot going on.” The power of gratitude emerges as a central theme, with Walt and Joel emphasizing its transformative potential. “The opposite of complaining is gratitude,” Joel asserts, highlighting the importance of appreciating the good in one’s life, no matter how small. This shift in perspective, they argue, is the key to unlocking a more positive and fulfilling existence. As the conversation draws to a close, Walt and Joel leave the listener with a powerful message: “There’s nothing more important going on in our world, that that internal monolog or dialog that is taking place inside of you, it that’s so important because it really dictates your reality.” This profound realization underscores the importance of taking ownership of our internal dialogue and consciously choosing to replace complaining with gratitude and appreciation. In the end, Walt and Joel’s captivating exchange serves as a poignant reminder that the power to transform our lives lies within our own hands. By embracing the art of reframing, cultivating gratitude, and letting go of the habit of complaining, we can unlock a world of possibilities and create the life we truly desire. Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#joelelston#thebench#PositiveThinking #GratitudeJourney #MindsetShift #TransformativeConversation #LawOfAttraction #GenerationalTrauma #SelfAwareness #InternalDialogue
In a captivating exchange, Walt Thiessen and Jewel Hohman delved into the profound realm of human connection, unveiling the science behind the art of friendship. This thought-provoking dialogue shed light on the challenges many face in forging deep, lasting relationships, and the transformative power of understanding the underlying dynamics at play. Jewel’s personal journey was the catalyst for this insightful discussion. Her own struggles with social anxiety and the lack of meaningful connections in her life led her to embark on a mission to uncover the secrets of friendship. “Truly through struggling with it myself,” Jewel explained, “I always had friends growing up, but I didn’t feel really meaningfully connected to the friends that I did have.” Walt, too, resonated with this experience, recounting his own challenges in maintaining friendships after college. “When I was in my 20s, they didn’t have this kind of label for it, but I was one of the most shy people on the face of the planet. And literally, I mean, many people actually retained friendships out of college. I didn’t.” This shared struggle created a profound connection between the two, as they recognized the universal nature of this challenge. At the heart of their discussion was the concept of the “friendship triangle,” a framework Jewel has developed to understand the key elements that foster meaningful connections. “Meaningful moments, consistency, and vulnerability,” she explained, “are the three things practiced over and over and over again in different ways” that form the foundation of lasting friendships. Walt was particularly intrigued by the role of vulnerability, noting that “it adds up to the word of the day. It’s a word that I find to be overused, but it’s the word of the day. It becomes inauthentic.” Jewel agreed, emphasizing the importance of incremental vulnerability, where individuals “see a little bit more of somebody else and then see a little bit more of you.” The conversation also delved into the impact of technology on human connections, with Jewel highlighting the concept of “friendship anxiety” – the worry and confusion that can arise from the overexposure to others’ lives on social media. “We’re more connected in such a shallow, loose way, we’re overexposed to each other. So it’s also creating, like, what some people are starting to call literally friendship anxiety, because I heard that term,” she shared. In response, Walt shared his own insights on the potential of technology to facilitate new connections, while also acknowledging the need for deeper, offline relationships. “There’s also value in the online, because like when I started this podcast. I started it in 2012 and the reason I started it was 2008 with the financial crisis. That crisis wiped out my business, and it wiped out my ex wife’s business, so we were devoid of income and basically starting from scratch, and all the savings was going out the window and going deep into debt and all that kind of stuff. And made a little bit of progress, but by 2012 we were in really bad shape. So I was looking for answers.” As the conversation drew to a close, Walt expressed his profound gratitude for Jewel’s work, acknowledging the often-overlooked contributions of content creators. “On behalf of those people you’ve never met, never seen, never will meet, never will see, who you’ve been kind putting content out to, and who’ve been benefiting from all that content on their behalf. Thank you for what you’re doing, because you’re making a difference in this world.” Jewel’s response was one of deep appreciation and humility, highlighting the importance of recognizing the value that others bring to the world. “Thank you. That is so touching. Thank you. You hit right, right to see what I mean. We just overlook this entirely.” This captivating conversation between Walt and Jewel serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of human connection, and the importance of understanding the science behind the art of friendship. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, their insights offer a roadmap for cultivating meaningful relationships and finding the fulfillment that comes from truly being seen and understood. Her website: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#Q&A#waltthiessen#annemarieyoung#HumanConnection #FriendshipScience #SocialAnxiety #MeaningfulRelationships #ContentCreators #PersonalGrowth
Dr. Sarah’s journey began with a personal health crisis, sparked by a seemingly innocuous antibiotic that left her grappling with debilitating food allergies and a newfound determination to uncover the root causes of her ailments. “I had to start going down rabbit holes,” she shared, describing her pre-internet research efforts to rehabilitate herself. This experience would ultimately shape her path, leading her to the world of functional medicine and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of the body’s systems. As Walt and Jodie Lynn explored Dr. Sarah’s background, they uncovered a fascinating narrative that challenged the status quo of mainstream healthcare. “Modern medicine doesn’t teach you anything about nutrition,” she revealed, highlighting the stark contrast between the reductionist approach of traditional medicine and the holistic perspective she embraces. Delving into the realm of nutrition, Dr. Sarah shared her insights on the impact of modern farming practices and the prevalence of toxins in our food supply. “The food we have in the grocery store today is kind of devoid of vitamins, minerals,” she explained, emphasizing the importance of understanding the unique dietary needs of different blood types. One of the standout moments in the conversation was Dr. Sarah’s critique of influential figures in the health and wellness space. “I catch him saying something like, at least once a month,” she said, referring to the misleading claims made by certain high-profile influencers. This candid assessment underscored her commitment to evidence-based practices and her desire to empower individuals with accurate, trustworthy information. The discussion then shifted to the heart of Dr. Sarah’s work – her functional medicine boot camp. Participants in this transformative program undergo comprehensive testing, personalized supplement plans, and weekly mastermind sessions, all designed to address the root causes of their health challenges. “By time people are graduated, everything’s on track,” she shared, emphasizing the importance of ongoing support and the emotional and mental benefits that her clients experience. Throughout the conversation, Walt and Jodie Lynn asked thought-provoking questions, delving deeper into the intricacies of hormonal balance, the impact of estrogen on brain health, and the potential for reversing chronic conditions. Dr. Sarah’s responses were both informative and empowering, highlighting the power of a holistic approach to wellness. As the discussion drew to a close, Dr. Sarah left the listeners with a powerful message: “I want people to know that they have somewhere to turn when their doctor just can’t figure it out.” This sentiment encapsulates the essence of her mission – to provide a beacon of hope for those seeking an alternative to the limitations of traditional healthcare. Her website: Use code LOA2000 to get Dr. Sarah’s special offer. Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#jodielynncraven#loatodayapp#FunctionalMedicine #HolisticHealth #NutritionalWellness #HealthTransformation #EmpoweringHealthcare #MindBodyConnection #HormoneBalance #NaturalHealing #Evidence-BasedPractices #HealthyLiving
In a world often consumed by darkness and despair, the power of laughter to transform lives is a beacon of hope that shines brightly. This was the central theme of a captivating conversation between Walt Thiessen and life coach Joel Elston, as they delved into the profound impact humor can have on our emotional well-being, relationships, and even our ability to overcome adversity. As Walt and Joel exchanged stories and insights, it became clear that laughter is not merely a fleeting moment of amusement, but a profound tool for personal growth and connection. Joel shared his belief that the ability to make a woman laugh is one of the most valuable qualities a man can possess, as it speaks to a deeper understanding and emotional bond. “Humor is a universal solvent,” Joel explained. “It almost always elevates a mood. It’s contagious, and it can be a way to engage with even the most resistant clients.” He recounted how he would use absurd questions and jokes to break the ice with young clients, ultimately leading to meaningful conversations and breakthroughs. Walt nodded in agreement, sharing his own experiences of how laughter can be a powerful indicator of what we’re struggling with. “Humor, or the lack of humor, is a great indicator of something that you’re stuck on, that you need to work on, because you can’t laugh at it,” he said. The conversation took a poignant turn as Joel and Walt explored the role of laughter in overcoming trauma and loss. Joel shared a deeply personal story of how a simple moment of laughter after the death of his son TJ gave him a sense of hope and healing. “Laughter signals to me that there’s hope,” he said. “A belly laugh can raise you five spots in the emotional guidance scale, probably just easily.” Walt echoed this sentiment, recounting how his sister-in-law, who had recently lost her husband, found solace in sharing stories of their funny moments together. “It just brought out all the happiest memories for her,” Walt said. “Laughter actually became a way to release all of that horrible anxiety that gets built up when you go through a loss like that.” The discussion also delved into the complexities of using humor in sensitive situations, such as the role of comedians in addressing social issues and the potential for offense when dealing with victims of trauma. Joel emphasized the importance of personal responsibility and the need for individuals to take action in their own healing, while acknowledging the delicate balance of using humor as a tool. “Victimhood is very dangerous,” Joel said. “It made me powerless. It made me give no option, because nothing was my fault, nothing. So if nothing’s my fault, I can’t fix it.” He shared his own journey of overcoming a victim mentality, using laughter as a way to acknowledge the absurdity of his situation and take steps towards healing. As the conversation drew to a close, Walt and Joel left a lasting impression – that laughter is not just a fleeting moment of joy, but a powerful catalyst for personal growth, connection, and even healing. Their stories and insights serve as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, a well-timed chuckle or a shared laugh can be the unexpected pathway to a brighter future. Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#joelelston#thebench #Laughter #Healing #Relationships #PersonalGrowth #Trauma #Victimhood #Resilience #EmotionalWellbeing #HumorTherapy #ConnectionThroughLaughter
Marriage can be a beautiful, yet complex journey filled with both joy and heartache. For Larry Bilotta, his own marital struggles became the catalyst for a profound personal transformation and a mission to help others overcome the challenges of relationships. In a captivating conversation with podcast host Walt Thiessen, Larry shared his powerful story and the insights he’s gained on the path to marital redemption. At the heart of Larry’s journey was a marriage he describes as “27 years of hell.” Married to a strong-willed woman, Larry found himself as the “soft-hearted man” unable to compete with her demands. “I couldn’t really choose to be free to decide,” he explained, as the pressure of her expectations and his own subconscious programming to “stay married and miserable” kept him trapped in an unhealthy dynamic. But it was through this crucible of pain that Larry began to uncover the root of his struggles – a profound lack of self-love. “I didn’t even like myself at all,” he confessed. “And so because I didn’t love myself, didn’t like myself, I couldn’t love her at all.” This realization became the catalyst for Larry’s personal transformation, as he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, pouring his heart into thousands of pages of writing and research. “What I was doing is I’m collecting all the things I’m studying. Is that, like, if this means this, then this means right? So I’m literally building what I didn’t know I was building a course, but I built a course from what I was learning,” Larry shared. This course, which he now calls the “Environment Changing Program,” became the foundation for his mission to help others overcome the challenges of relationships by first addressing the inner turmoil within. At the core of Larry’s approach is the concept of the “wrong mind” and the “right mind” – the former encompassing the negative, against-energy emotions and beliefs, and the latter representing the positive, loving energies. “When we start to get into the mind, we start to really realize that what we think, what we imagine and believe, changes the setting outside,” he explained. This idea resonated deeply with Walt, who shared his own journey of moving from a small, oppositional worldview to one of embracing love and happiness. “I was always a good listener, but I had to become a really good listener. I had to become a listener way beyond where I had been before,” Walt reflected, emphasizing the power of listening to not only understand others but also to gain self-knowledge. The conversation also delved into the nature of meaning and how it can be expanded to be more flexible and open to interpretation. “When you start to see, see you’re talking about energetic shifts, what you’re really talking Yeah, yeah, that’s a big shift of energy,” Larry observed. “And when you talked about, when you’re listening, when you’re learning, and when you’re teaching, when you’re learning. Because when you’re teaching, you’re thinking about, why do I even think about it this way. Why do I think about it that way?” Throughout the discussion, Larry and Walt explored the concept of victimhood and its consequences in relationships, the power of thoughts, imagination, and beliefs to shape reality, and the importance of recognizing and managing “against energy” in personal growth. The conversation culminated in a heartfelt expression of gratitude from Walt, acknowledging the profound impact Larry has had on the lives of countless individuals through his tireless efforts. Larry’s website: Saving your marriage: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#Q&A#waltthiessen#annemarieyoung #MarriageSavior #SelfLove #PersonalTransformation #RelationshipInsights #EmotionalIntelligence #MindsetShift #PodcastPowerhouse
In a captivating conversation on the “LOA Today” podcast, Walt Thiessen and Jodie Lynn Craven sat down with Benjamin Lee, a retired Air Force bomb technician, to uncover a remarkable story of personal transformation and a visionary plan to reshape the future of energy in America. Benjamin’s journey is one of resilience and reinvention. From diffusing bombs in the Middle East to becoming a fine woodworker and then an electrical apprentice, his path has been anything but conventional. But it was during his time in electrical school that Benjamin had a profound realization – the renewable energy industry was plagued by inefficiencies and corruption, with billions of dollars being funneled into the pockets of large corporations rather than benefiting the people. Driven by a deep sense of purpose and a desire to make a lasting impact, Benjamin embarked on a mission to create a new model for renewable energy development. His solution? A nonprofit organization called the Solar Security Net, which aims to provide free residential energy to Americans while ensuring the country’s energy independence from foreign fossil fuels. “If you fix yourself, we will give you purpose,” Benjamin recounts, describing the moment of clarity that sparked his ambitious plan. Determined to break free from the status quo, he took drastic steps, including quitting his job and going through a period of sobriety and self-reflection. The Solar Security Net’s three-phase plan is as innovative as it is ambitious. By leveraging government subsidies and the transferable investment tax credit, Benjamin aims to build a vast network of solar infrastructure, with the excess energy being used to produce green hydrogen – a truly carbon-neutral fuel source. The key, he says, is to have a nonprofit entity that can absorb the cost differential between gray and green hydrogen, allowing the technology to advance and become more efficient over time. But Benjamin’s vision extends far beyond just energy production. He wants to start in disadvantaged communities, providing free energy to residents and using the surplus to fund further development and support charitable initiatives. “This plan is not going to be an overnight thing,” he acknowledges, “but as this goes on, and the more resources we get put into this, the larger and wider this net will spread.” Jodielynn Craven, a money coach and abundance teacher, was captivated by Benjamin’s approach. “There’s this overwhelming sense that there’s nothing you can do,” she laments, “and instead of taking that stance, Benjamin said, ‘No, there is something you can do.'” Jodielynn’s words of encouragement resonated deeply with Benjamin, who admitted that he had been struggling with the challenges of building a nonprofit from the ground up. Walt Thiessen, the podcast host, also recognized the significance of Benjamin’s vision, drawing parallels to the iconic Star Trek episode where one person with a vision can spark a revolution. “There literally is with every revolution, one man or one woman with a vision, that’s the starting point,” he observed. As the conversation unfolded, it became clear that Benjamin’s journey is not just about energy, but about personal growth, resilience, and the power of vision. “If you don’t know what port you’re headed to, no wind is favorable,” he said, emphasizing the importance of having a clear direction and purpose. The challenges ahead are undoubtedly daunting, but Benjamin remains undeterred. “It’s just going to be a process of refining the message and just continuously putting it out there,” he says, determined to build the necessary connections and support to bring his vision to life. In the end, Walt Thiessen’s parting words encapsulate the essence of Benjamin’s story: “On behalf of those people you’ve never met, never seen, never will meet, perhaps never will see, the ones that you haven’t even reached out to yet that you’re going to reach out to on their behalf. Thank you for what you’re doing. You’re already making a difference in this world.” Ben’s website: Ben’s Go Fund Me: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#jodielynncraven#loatodayapp#SolarSecurityNet #RenewableEnergy #SustainableFuture #PersonalTransformation #VisionaryLeadership #CommunityImpact #GreenHydrogen #EnergyIndependence
In a captivating discussion on LOA Today, hosts Walt and Joel were joined by the insightful Jenny to explore a topic that could truly transform lives – the art of emotional regulation. What began as a chance encounter on social media quickly blossomed into a profound exploration of the mind, body, and spirit, leaving listeners with a renewed sense of hope and empowerment. The conversation was sparked by a chance encounter Jenny had with a neurosurgeon who, when asked about the single most important skill for optimal health and longevity, without hesitation responded: emotional regulation. This simple yet profound statement set the stage for a deep dive into the transformative power of managing our emotional states. As Walt, Joel, and Jenny delved into the topic, it became clear that emotional regulation is not just a lofty concept, but a tangible skill that can be cultivated and honed. Joel, a seasoned life coach, shared his insights on the matter, explaining emotional regulation as the ability to manage our central nervous system’s response to stress and adversity. “It’s really about being able to regulate that central nervous system constantly,” he explained, “so that you’re not in a state of elevated fight or flight, which doesn’t allow the body to operate.” The discussion then turned to the emotionally charged environment we often find ourselves in, from the divisive political landscape to the constant barrage of social media triggers. Walt, with his background in political science, shared his own journey of learning to navigate these turbulent waters, finding joy and fascination in the process rather than succumbing to the negativity. “I actually enjoy a lot of it,” he revealed, “and I’m fascinated by it.” But the true power of the conversation lay in the practical strategies and personal anecdotes shared by the speakers. Jenny recounted the wisdom of her boss, who emphasized that emotional outbursts often have little to do with the individual on the receiving end, and more to do with the emotional state of the person lashing out. This insight sparked a deeper exploration of the role of adaptability and personal growth in the face of adversity. Walt shared a powerful personal story, describing his experience during a recent microburst that caused significant damage to his apartment complex. Despite the chaos unfolding around him, Walt remained calm and curious, a testament to the years he had spent cultivating his ability to choose his emotional response. “I had no fear at all,” he marveled, “and it was all because I’ve been working all this time for years now, for the last 12 years, developing my belief that it doesn’t matter what goes on, I can choose a different way of feeling about it.” The conversation also delved into the importance of recognizing the purpose of emotions, with Joel emphasizing that they are not inherently good or bad, but rather tools to be utilized. “Emotions serve a purpose,” he explained, “and we’re supposed to have them. Our evolution would have gotten rid of these emotions if they did not serve a purpose.” As the discussion drew to a close, the speakers emphasized the power of choice and the importance of not falling into the trap of victim mentality. “At the end of the day, you have a choice,” Joel affirmed, “and learning that choice, figuring this out, or you don’t have to, but either way, you have a choice. So it’s that. That’s all it boils down to.” This captivating conversation on the art of emotional regulation left listeners with a renewed sense of hope and empowerment. By embracing the power of choice, cultivating adaptability, and understanding the purpose of our emotions, we can unlock a world of personal growth and fulfillment. As Walt so eloquently stated, “there really is nothing else except choices.” Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: <a href=""></a> #loatoday #lawofattraction #manifesting #vibration #podcast #deliberatecreators #Q&amp;A #waltthiessen #joelelston #thebench
As parents, we often find ourselves navigating the uncharted waters of child-rearing, searching for guidance and inspiration. In a captivating conversation on the LOA Today podcast, Walt Thiessen and Anne-Marie Young were joined by Marcus Aurelius Hicks, a Communication Coach dedicated to empowering parents of pre-teens. This insightful discussion delved into the profound impact of parenting, the importance of embracing our children’s individuality, and the transformative power of communication. The conversation began with Walt’s fascination with Marcus’ unique name, which was inspired by the stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Marcus shared how his father’s encounter with a Jim Rohn tape led to the decision to bestow this powerful moniker upon him. This serendipitous moment set the stage for a discussion that would explore the depths of personal growth and self-reflection. Anne-Marie, a mother of two, resonated deeply with Marcus’ focus on pre-teen development. She shared her own struggles and triumphs, acknowledging the challenges of navigating the delicate balance between guiding her daughters and allowing them to flourish independently. “I think for me, it was the overall reminder of our children are independent, and our children of our houses and we. It’s embracing them as their personalities, in their individuality, rather than us, and giving them that freedom.” Marcus’ “show up” framework emerged as a central theme, highlighting the importance of starting with a strong identity, holding space for collaboration and critical thinking, and ultimately unveiling the potential within. He emphasized the need for parents to put on their own “mask” first, ensuring they are emotionally and mentally equipped to support their children during the tumultuous pre-teen years. Walt, who has experience in founding alternative schools, shared his insights on the power of student-driven education. He recounted the remarkable transformation of a young girl who had faced adversity, blossoming into the school president. This story underscored the profound impact that can occur when we trust our children’s innate abilities and allow them to take the lead. The conversation delved deeper into the concept of perfection, with Marcus offering a nuanced perspective. “To be perfect actually mean perfect in growth. We’re not complete. We’re not finished. So we’re not that perfect, but we’re the type of perfect that it’s about growing.” This reframing resonated with Anne-Marie, who shared her own journey of embracing her imperfections as a parent and using them as opportunities for growth. The discussion also touched on the challenges posed by the digital divide, with Anne-Marie and Marcus acknowledging the impact of technology on the “anxious generation.” They emphasized the importance of fostering in-person connections and teaching essential life skills, such as ordering food or making purchases independently. Throughout the conversation, the speakers emphasized the power of communication, both within the parent-child dynamic and across generations. Marcus shared his vision for a future where an app could facilitate meaningful dialogues, allowing families to explore their identities and cultivate a shared family culture. As the conversation drew to a close, Walt expressed his gratitude to Marcus, not only for his contributions to the podcast but for the positive impact he has had on countless lives through his work. “On behalf of those people you’ve never met, never seen, never will meet, never will see, you’ve been influencing with all the different content you’ve been putting out there in ways that help them, that you don’t even know about. On their behalf, thank you for what you’re doing, because you’re making a difference in this world.” This powerful exchange serves as a reminder that the journey of parenting is not one to be undertaken alone. By embracing the wisdom and experiences of others, we can unlock the secrets to raising resilient, confident children who are empowered to navigate the complexities of the modern world. His website: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#Q&A#waltthiessen#annemarieyoung #LOAToday #ParentingPreteens #CommunicationCoach #SHOWUPFramework #MarcusHiggs #FamilyConnections #PositiveParenting #ParentingTips #PersonalGrowth #ChildDevelopment #CommunicationMatters #FamilyValues #DigitalDivide #EducationTransformation #ResilientKids #ConfidentChildren #EmotionalIntelligence
Rebeccah Silence, a transformational coach and author, opened up about her remarkable journey from trauma to healing, and how she now helps others to overcome emotional pain and create fulfilling lives. Rebeccah’s story is one of resilience, self-discovery, and empowerment, showcasing the power of emotional healing and transformation. Rebeccah’s path to healing began in the midst of a turbulent marriage marked by domestic violence. This difficult period led her to a profound realization: “I understood patterns repeat, and we recreate trauma that hasn’t healed yet.” Determined to break free from these cycles, Rebeccah found her voice and embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Embracing her last name, “Silence,” she turned it into a symbol of her transformative journey. During their conversation, Walt and Rebeccah discussed the limitations of traditional therapy, highlighting the necessity of addressing the root causes of emotional pain rather than merely managing symptoms. Rebeccah advocates for what she calls the “practice of emotional healing,” a method focused on elevating the emotional experience, healing unresolved emotions, and liberating individuals from the patterns that have hindered their progress. “Most traditional therapy is trying to heal emotions through the mind and giving managing and coping and mindset hacks, which isn’t enough to break the pattern or to heal the root of where the pain started,” Rebeccah explained. “If we don’t get to the root of it, all we’re doing is treating symptoms and managing and coping.” Rebeccah’s journey took a dramatic turn when she was diagnosed with cancer while pregnant with her second child. Faced with a 5% chance of survival, her commitment to healing and self-discovery intensified. This experience led to the development of her “practice of emotional healing” and the creation of her book, “Coming Back to Life: A Roadmap to Heal from Pain, to Create the Life You Want.” As the discussion progressed, Walt and Rebeccah emphasized the importance of alignment and intuition. They discussed how trusting one’s inner guidance, even in uncertain times, can lead to transformative outcomes. Rebeccah’s decision to start a radio show, despite having no prior media experience, exemplifies the power of following one’s intuition and alignment. “When there’s no resistance, and you’re following the guidance and the alignment, things happen,” Rebeccah shared, reflecting on the success of her radio show. The conversation also touched on the significance of surrounding oneself with supportive, like-minded individuals. Rebeccah stressed the importance of discernment in relationships and advised listeners to “know your standards” and be intentional about who has access to their inner circle. As the interview concluded, Rebeccah extended an invitation to her listeners to explore her free masterclass on healing and saving families. She also encouraged them to read her book, which provides a roadmap for those seeking to heal from pain and create the life they desire. Walt’s heartfelt expression of gratitude highlighted the profound impact of Rebeccah’s work on countless lives. Her mission to empower others through emotional healing and self-discovery continues to create a ripple effect, inspiring many to embark on their own journeys of transformation and freedom. Take Rebeccah’s free masterclass, “3 Must Know Secrets to Heal And Save Your Family!”: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#jodielynncraven#loatodayapp#SelfHealing #EmotionalHealing #FamilyRelationships #GenerationalTrauma #RebeccahSilence #InspiredResults
Who Makes You Smile?

Who Makes You Smile?


In a world often consumed by negativity and stress, the power of laughter stands as a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a more fulfilling and joyful existence. In a captivating conversation, Walt Thiessen and Joel Elston delve into the transformative impact of smiling, humor, and emotional connection, offering a glimpse into the profound ways these simple acts can shape our lives. At the heart of their discussion lies the notion that who smiles at us can be just as important as who we smile at. Joel Elston, a life coach and LOA (Law of Attraction) teacher, emphasizes the energy and vibration that certain people possess, the ability to make him laugh and see things from a different perspective. “I really value the energy of a smile, the humor, the laughter,” he shares, “because that’s one of the most calming things.” Walt Thiessen echoes this sentiment, acknowledging the reflective nature of our universe. “If the question is, who’s smiling at you, the real question that follows up with that is, how did that come about? Reflecting back to you,” he observes. This idea of reciprocity and the power of connection is a recurring theme throughout their conversation. One poignant example emerges from Joel’s personal journey. After the tragic loss of his son, TJ, Joel found himself in a dark and emotionally hardened state. It was an unexpected encounter with a young neighbor, who unknowingly provided the catalyst for Joel’s healing. As Joel recounts the story of the boy’s hilarious antics, the absurdity of the situation broke through the ice of his grief, allowing him to laugh for the first time since his son’s passing. “It was this, this period of my life where it was like, Okay, I I didn’t even know what I was going to be doing. I was still going to work, I was still going to the gym, but there wasn’t a lot of joy in my life and but I was, I was working hard at it. I knew, I knew I would find joy again.” The conversation also delves into the power of humor in therapy, with Joel sharing his unique approach of using a series of increasingly absurd questions to connect with resistant clients. “If I can ever get them to crack a smile and laugh, it’s like the instant stress breaker for them. But I that that’s what I’ll develop bond.” Walt Thiessen recognizes the value of this technique, noting that “humor can help break through the hardness of negative emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.” Beyond personal growth, the discussion explores the role of humor in navigating challenging times, such as economic uncertainty and political turmoil. Joel Elston’s unwavering optimism and disciplined approach to investing serve as a testament to the power of maintaining a positive mindset, even in the face of adversity. “I will figure out a way. It’ll, it’ll, you know, you worried about inflation, I’ll just make more money. It’s, it’s not a problem.” Throughout the conversation, Walt and Joel weave in inspiring stories of Olympic underdogs, highlighting the beauty and humor in everyday life. They emphasize the importance of filtering our experiences through the lens of what makes us smile, a practice that can unlock new perspectives and foster deeper connections. In the end, this captivating dialogue serves as a reminder that the power of laughter and emotional connection is not to be underestimated. By embracing the absurdity of life, finding joy in unexpected moments, and cultivating meaningful relationships, we can unlock the transformative potential that lies within us all. Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#joelelston#thebench#EmotionalGuidance #PersonalGrowth #LawOfAttraction #Laughter #Healing #Connection #PositiveMindset #Resilience #UnexpectedJoy #EmotionalResilience
In a captivating conversation, Walt Thiessen and Pericles Rellas delved into the transformative power of money mindset, uncovering the secrets to unlocking financial freedom and fulfillment. The discussion began with Walt’s personal struggle to overcome the emotional barriers he faced in his marketing efforts. Pericles, a renowned “money master,” offered a profound insight: “It wasn’t your heart that was the block, it was these unconscious or subconscious thoughts from mindset, blocks in the flow of money that impact our ability to have money flow to us abundantly.”Pericles went on to explain the concept of the “financial thermostat,” a metaphor that resonated deeply with Walt. “Our financial thermostat determines how much money we can earn. It determines how much money we can keep. And it also determines our thoughts, feelings, and emotions around money.” This revelation struck a chord, as Walt recognized the importance of addressing these deep-seated beliefs to truly embrace abundance. The conversation then shifted to the power of emotions in shaping our financial experiences. Walt shared his personal journey, recounting how he initially believed that his emotional responses were dictated by his experiences, until he realized that he had the ability to control his emotions. “I discovered that I actually can’t control what my response is going to be to a situation, I don’t have to be locked into the default.” Pericles echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of interrupting old patterns of thought and behavior. “We have to recognize it in the moment. Now, you may not recognize it in the moment, you may recognize it the next day. But that’s a good start. Then the next time you’ll recognize it an hour later. And then the next time you’ll Oh, I’m in it, I got it, I caught it.”The discussion delved deeper into the concept of generational mindsets and their impact on our financial well-being. Pericles shared a powerful personal story, recounting how a childhood memory of his mother’s belief that “having too much money would make you lose your family” had unconsciously shaped his own relationship with money. By acknowledging and releasing this limiting belief, he experienced a profound shift in his financial abundance. Walt and Pericles also explored the importance of embracing uncertainty and non-linear growth. “It never goes linear. It’s always whining all over the place,” Walt observed, emphasizing the need to be open to the unexpected and to trust the process of personal transformation. Towards the end of the conversation, Pericles introduced his free online course, “The Four Keys to Resetting Your Financial Thermostat,” which provides a foundational framework for individuals to take control of their financial destiny. “It’s completely free, all you do is enter your email address, and then you’ve got access to it.” As the discussion came to a close, Anne-Marie Young, Walt’s co-host, eloquently summarized the key takeaways: “Power and trust. And it’s I think throughout this whole conversation, it’s like, take your power, understand your power, find your power, you can change anything. And by not listening to the little voice in your head, take that power back, you can change it all. And then with the trust is trust the process because you’re absolutely right.” This captivating conversation serves as a powerful reminder that our financial well-being is intrinsically linked to our mindset, emotions, and beliefs. By embracing the journey of self-discovery, releasing limiting thoughts, and trusting the process, we can unlock our true financial potential and live a life of abundance and fulfillment. Connect with Pericles Rellas’ free master class: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#Q&A#waltthiessen#annemarieyoung #FinancialMindset #MoneyMastery #AbundanceMinset #EmotionalIntelligence #PersonalGrowth #FinancialTransformation #TrustTheProcess #PowerOfBelief
In a captivating conversation on the LOA Today podcast, host Walt Thiessen welcomed Tammy Cox, an abundance teacher and money coach, to discuss her transformative approach to relationships. Tammy’s personal story of overcoming childhood trauma and the challenges it posed in her own marriage struck a chord, inspiring listeners to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and healing. Tammy’s journey began with a traumatic childhood, marked by abuse and control. As she grew older, these experiences continued to haunt her, triggering her in her own marriage. “I tried reading books, I went to seminars, I went to church, I tried the prayer,” Tammy shared. “I did everything that everyone told me to do. And I just could not stop the twitching, you know?” It was at this pivotal moment that Tammy made the decision to truly heal. She began the process of neutralizing her trauma, a decision that not only transformed her but also her marriage and family relationships. “After I got significant results, I was just like, ‘You know what? The whole world needs this,'” Tammy said. Tammy’s focus on trauma and its impact on marriage resonated deeply with Walt and his co-host, Jodie Lynn Craven. Jodie Lynn shared her own experience of misinterpreting her husband’s innocent question, only to realize that her perception was shaped by her past traumas. “It was like this just pressure. When I asked that question, he’s like, ‘Of course not,'” Jodie Lynn recalled. “It was the sweetest thing ever. But it really taught me in that moment that my perception can make or break this entire relationship.” Tammy emphasized the importance of self-awareness and curiosity when faced with triggers. “If we all did that when we hit got triggered, man, we would get such massive insight about ourself of like, it had nothing to do with what he said it had everything to do with the meaning I made about what he said,” Tammy said. Walt and Jodie Lynn also discussed the challenges of dealing with a married couple who fight with their daughter in a counterproductive way. Tammy stressed the need for a win-win approach, where both partners feel heard and respected. “I firmly believe that there is always a win win when I’m going into some sort of conflict or something that needs to be resolved between my husband, I am looking for the win win,” Tammy shared. Throughout the conversation, the speakers highlighted the power of transformation, the importance of self-reflection, and the potential for healing in even the most challenging relationships. Tammy’s work with women in marriages has inspired a movement, as she helps them navigate the complexities of their own trauma and empower them to create the relationships they desire. As the conversation drew to a close, Walt expressed his gratitude on behalf of the listeners, saying, “On their behalf, thank you for what you’re doing, because you’re making a difference.” Jodie Lynn echoed this sentiment, reflecting on her own journey and the transformative power of Tammy’s work. In the end, this captivating discussion left listeners with a renewed sense of hope and a deeper understanding of the transformative power of self-awareness, communication, and a willingness to confront one’s own beliefs and patterns. Tammy’s story serves as a powerful reminder that even the most daunting challenges can be overcome, paving the way for a future filled with healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Her link tree: Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#jodielynncraven#loatodayapp#ReclaimYourMarriage #TransformationJourney #HealingFromWithin #MarriageRescue #LOATodayPodcast
In a captivating conversation, Walt Thiessen and Joel Elston delved into the profound depths of stoicism, the law of attraction, and the transformative power of living in the present moment. Their discussion, brimming with insights and personal experiences, offered a glimpse into the life-changing potential of embracing the philosophy of Marcus Aurelius and harnessing the energy of the “now.” The conversation began with Walt’s fascination over the Roman emperor’s deep connection to the principles of stoicism. Joel, a self-proclaimed practitioner of this ancient wisdom, eloquently explained how Marcus Aurelius’ teachings have influenced modern-day thinkers and the law of attraction movement. “He lit it on fire,” Joel exclaimed, referring to Aurelius’ profound impact on the stoic philosophy. As the discussion unfolded, Walt and Joel explored the common misconception that stoicism is devoid of emotion. Joel clarified this misconception, emphasizing that stoicism is not about suppressing emotions but rather about accepting them and moving forward. “It’s simply about accepting. You know, basically, stoicism in a nutshell is all this has happened. Let’s turn the page and move forward,” he explained. The conversation then delved into the powerful intersection of stoicism and the law of attraction, with Joel highlighting the parallels between the two. “A lot of Marcus Aurelius’ quotes, you know, we’re the various, particularly Greek philosophers, they are very much to me, they it sounded like law of attraction,” he shared, drawing a compelling connection between the two philosophies. One of the key takeaways from the discussion was the emphasis on the power of the present moment. Walt and Joel emphasized that the only time we have true control over is the “now,” and it is within this moment that we can harness the energy of manifestation. Joel passionately expressed, “The only action you can take is stuff that’s in your direct control. And the the remedy toward any anxiety or any problem to me is action taking action relieves that.” The conversation also touched on the importance of perspective and mindset in achieving desired outcomes. Joel shared a personal story of facing financial challenges, where he chose to take action instead of succumbing to the temptation of gambling. This decision ultimately led to a serendipitous opportunity that resolved his financial woes. “The idea that once I decided now, I didn’t manifest by sitting in my house. But I was I was given the opportunity to take an action that alleviated that,” he recounted. Throughout the discussion, Walt and Joel grappled with the concept of “toxic positivity,” where individuals ignore problems instead of addressing them. They emphasized the importance of acknowledging challenges while maintaining a positive and proactive mindset. As Joel eloquently stated, “Positivity is not a negative term. And you’re saying toward positivity is the ignoring piece. It’s the ignoring piece, whereas are those things, there’s a lot of things that aren’t going to go away.” The conversation concluded with a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of the present moment. Walt and Joel’s shared experiences and insights serve as a testament to the life-changing impact of embracing the principles of stoicism and the law of attraction. As they navigated the complexities of manifestation, personal responsibility, and emotional management, they offered a roadmap for individuals seeking to unlock the true power of the “now.” Episode Page: Follow the LOA Today podcast: #loatoday#lawofattraction#manifesting#vibration#podcast#deliberatecreators#Q&A#waltthiessen#joelelston#thebench #StoicismAndLawOfAttraction #MasteringTheArtOfManifestation #TransformativePresent #EmotionallyDrivenMindset #PersonalResponsibility #IgnoringVersusAction #LifeChangingInsights
Comments (4)


hi love your podcast have u ever checked out Emmet Fox?

Aug 17th


v cool pcast about designing my own life. dig Joel bought his book after

Jul 31st

Lecturer Rempel Maan

Please stop laughing unnessarily. The whole episode becomes an irritating comedy show.

Sep 10th

Lecturer Rempel Maan

why so much unnecessary laughing? It irritates.

Sep 10th