Mind Your Hormones

Mind Your Hormones, with Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist Corinne Angelica, is all about holistic health, naturally supporting your hormones, cyclical nature, fertility, personal growth + evolution & more! Each episode will be full of education, empowerment, real talk and simple strategies you can start today to find inner peace & overall wellbeing.

419. How do you know if you’re doing enough or doing too much when it comes to balancing your hormones

Today I'm coming at you from a lunch date on the beach with Madison! In this conversation, I reflect on the importance of embracing the present moment and recognizing that no matter what your goals are, you're doing more than enough to reach them. Often times the societal pressures to constantly be doing more and more can lead to feelings of inadequacy and burnout. I hope this episode inspires you to celebrate your effort, the small wins and progress you see daily!Join the Mind Your Hormones ...


418. Physical signs your body will give you when your fertility is improving

In this episode, we discuss the physical signs that can indicate your fertility is improving. These signs are important to notice because they show that you are on the right track & making progress towards your goal of having strong ovulation and getting pregnant! We'll get into some of the signs you may notice and what you can do to further support yourself while you’re working to improve things!Chapters in this episode: 04:19 Recognizing Physical Signs of Improving Fertility07:04 S...


417. Signs of weak ovulation & how you can support it for your next cycle

Today we're discussing weak ovulation and how to support it for the next cycle! Weak ovulation can make it difficult to get pregnant and increase PMS symptoms. We'll get into the signs of weak ovulation & tangible steps you can take to support yourself if you're experiencing this!Chapters in this episode: 02:15 Explanation of Weak Ovulation and Progesterone Production07:01 Supporting Weak Ovulation through Foundational Systems09:29 The Role of Blood Sugar, Stress, and Sleep15:41 The ...


416. Birthday reflections, cultivating confidence, manifestation & people pleasing

In this episode, I reflect on the two questions I always ask myself every year on my birthday: "what are you leaving behind?" and "what are you bringing with you?". We dive into my answers to these two questions while I reflect on the past year and set some intentions for this next year. Try journaling on these questions yourself!Chapters in this episode: 03:00 Leaving Behind the Need to Please Others06:24 Overcoming Body Shaming and Cultivating Self-Love14:18 Building Confidence in All ...


415. Self doubt meditation/activation: embracing belief & trust in yourself on your TTC journey

In this activation episode, I help you tap into your confidence to overcome self-doubt and shift your perspective around your fertility journey. I want you to embrace the belief that it's safe to let go of doubt and trust yourself. Everything you're waiting for will happen for you. My hope is for this episode to empower you to use your energy towards knowing and being confident in your ability to become a mom!Chapters in this episode: 00:30 Feeling Uplifted and Confident05:44 Deciding to...


414. How to re-prepare your body for pregnancy after a miscarriage?

This episode discusses how to support yourself emotionally and physically after experiencing a miscarriage and the different ways you can process and release the feelings around it. While there are things you can do to support your fertility, it's important to remember that sometimes miscarriages happen for reasons beyond our control. Rebalancing and re-preparing the body for pregnancy after a miscarriage is a postpartum experience and your body needs time to physically and emotionally recove...


413. Your period is regular but you’re not getting pregnant? 4 things to look at

Today we're discussing the topic of having a regular period but not being able to get pregnant. Having a regular period does not necessarily mean that you're ovulating, fertile or that your body is ready for pregnancy. In this episode, I go through four key factors to consider for those of you who may be experiencing this. Plus, my recommendations for how to navigate this and get things back on track by addressing the root cause!Episodes mentioned: 163. [PART 1] The causes & symptoms...


412. 10 Random clothes/products/recipes/things I’m loving right now

Today I'm sharing my favorite products & things I'm obsessed with lately! We're getting into it all—from my favorite baby carrier, to my favorite sunscreen, to what essential oil diffuser I'm using right now (& so much more). I'm sharing what I love about each product as well as links and discount codes for some of the items!Items mentioned in this episode: Babe watch high waisted pull on shortsPool to party shortChia coconut yogurt pudding recipeOliveda eye creamMabe carrierSuns...


411. How this client naturally conceived after 3 doctors told her she’d never ovulate & would need fertility meds to get pregnant

In this episode, I share the story of a client who was told by multiple doctors that she would never have a normal period or be able to get pregnant without fertility drugs. Now, after implementing changes to balance her blood sugar and support her hormones, she got pregnant naturally within two and a half months! I hope this episode gives you proof of possibility and also the validation you need to seek second opinions or find doctors who will support natural approaches before considering me...


410. 3 simple ways to regulate your nervous system for free to thrive in motherhood, regulate your cycle & improve fertility

In this episode, we're discussing the importance of regulating the nervous system for your overall health and well-being. I share some personal challenges in regulating my own nervous system as a mother & business owner. Plus, three simple habits that can be incorporated into your daily life to support nervous system regulation! It's important we stay aware, so that when we notice we are dysregulated we can quickly bring ourselves back to a state of peace and regulation. Join the Mind You...


409. Can you have cervical mucus and not ovulate?

Today we're diving into a topic that can sometimes be tough to navigate—the relationship between cervical mucus and ovulation. While cervical mucus is necessary for pregnancy, it does not always confirm ovulation. This is why it's so important to track your basal body temperature to accurately confirm ovulation. We'll also get into some common misconceptions about cervical mucus and other factors that can affect ovulation!Chapters in this episode: 02:49 Cervical Mucus and Ovulation06:19 ...


408. Natural remedies for baby ear infection & fever

In this episode, I share my recent experience of supporting my daughter, Madison, when she had a fever and what appeared to be an ear infection. I hope this episode serves as a reminder to always trust your intuition as a parent and to advocate for alternative options when it comes to your child's health. If you don't want to accept medication as the default solution, always ask what other options there are! Plus, the natural remedies I used throughout the process.Chapters in this episode:&nb...


407. My first period back postpartum while still breastfeeding. The symptoms I experienced & what I’m doing about it

In this episode, I share my excitement about getting my period back postpartum! I was surprised I got it while still breastfeeding but also could tell it was coming. This is why understanding and tracking your cycle can be so helpful for identifying symptoms and supporting your overall health. I experienced a few symptoms leading up to my period, which we'll get into in this episode. Plus, we'll dive into some common questions about ovulation while breastfeeding and getting pregnant without a...


406. The emotional release you might not know you need to improve your fertility & overall health

Today we're getting into the importance of feeling & processing emotions! I share how this recently came up for me and how I navigated releasing the emotions that were there. Suppressing emotions can have a negative effect on so many different areas of our lives—mental and physical. Sometimes we need to allow ourselves to break down a bit so we don't bypass what needs to be released. I hope this episode encourages you to let go of what's been stifled and allows you to enter a more healing...


405. Your body is not the reason your cycle is irregular &/or you can’t get pregnant...THIS is

In this episode, I'm pouring into you, lifting you up, calling you out (with love), and also sharing an incredible story! If you are actively trying to conceive or working on regulating your period or managing a hormone imbalance—this episode is for you! I want to always remind you that you are NOT the problem, you are the solution. The lack of education, support, and proper approach are the actual problems. Let this episode be a reminder to speak to yourself with love and shift your mindset ...


404. Will cardio workouts (like running) make your fertility worse & make it harder to get pregnant?

Today we're diving into the impact of cardio exercises on fertility and overall cycle health! We'll get into when cardio can be okay for you and your fertility — not just cycle phase wise but the stage of life you're in & where your hormone levels are at. Most importantly, we'll talk about why it's crucial to really listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel after workouts to determine what is best for your individual situation!Chapters in this episode: 02:14 The Impact of...


403. Should you use progesterone or wild yam cream to increase levels for an irregular period & fertility?

Today we're getting into the use of progesterone cream and/or supplements for irregular periods, boosting metabolism, and fertility. I'll dive into some of the reasons you may experience low progesterone levels and what you can do naturally to address this imbalance! We'll also get into the importance of optimizing the systems in the body that affect hormone levels and addressing the root cause of the imbalance (rather than a bandaid approach)!Chapters in this episode: 03:12 The Band-Aid...


402. 2 Unconventional Ways To Boost Fertility for Pregnancy (& attract what you desire in life)

Two tangible, unconventional ways to help you boost your fertility! In this episode, we're chatting about the energetic and vibrational aspects of manifesting pregnancy. I believe the desire to get pregnant is already a vibrational and spiritual reality before it manifests physically. Which I explain in this episode! Aligning with the vibrational version of the desired outcome is essential for it to come into the physical world. Chapters in this episode: 02:21 The Vibrational and Spiritu...


401. Why your BBT might be low (96 Fahrenheit) before ovulation & how certain BBT trackers can alter your temperature

Today we're discussing the topic of tracking your basal body temperature (BBT) and how different tracking methods can affect the temperature readings. Your BBT is used to confirm ovulation and it's important that we're tracking it accurately! We'll get into the ideal temperature ranges for different phases of your menstrual cycle and potential causes of low BBT readings- such as thyroid issues, nutrient deficiencies, and blood sugar dysregulation. Chapters in this episode: 00:00 Understa...


400. [Q&A] How to regulate hormones when newly postpartum & life is crazy...How to heal PCOS/hormone imbalances without Birth Control

In this episode, I answer questions from this community about how to regulate hormones when newly postpartum and dealing with a crazy sleep schedule, as well as how to heal PCOS or hormone imbalances naturally without birth control. We'll cover the importance of supporting the systems in the body that affect hormones, such as blood sugar, the nervous system, inflammation, gut health, the liver, & nutrient density. Plus, practical tips for how to support each of these systems!Try Tempdrop ...


Sarah Beth

I love listening to this podcast it has given me insightful information on things I should be looking out for in my body and when to be concerned even if a doctor isn’t!

11-05 Reply

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