Mindset for Medical Moms

There is no manual for medical motherhood. This podcast is THE place for moms with children who have a diagnosis. Join me, Cortney Given, a fellow medical mom and life coach while I share practical tools and real life strategies to help you strengthen your mindset and increase your emotional resilience for the ups and downs of medical motherhood.

96. You Are Not the Problem

Do you just feel like you are the problem in every scenario? I did. For years, I felt like I was just broken. In this episode, I share a very personal reflection on motherhood and what healing that belief actually looked like for me. You can read the blog post here: https://cortney.mykajabi.com/.../whyiloveplayingthehiding... You can sign up for a coaching consultation here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039 and you can join the fb group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/


95. The Missing Piece in Lasting Habit Change

If all the habit advice out there is true and helpful, why can't you just stick to the habits you want? Because you're missing the piece that actually makes habit change last. In this episode I explain what you need to do first before any other habit hacks and how you can start seeing results today. Ready to finally do what you say you're doing to do? In three months you will have the ability to set goals and achieve them, a framework to center yourself around so you always know what to do, and more confidence in yourself than ever before. Sign up today for a coaching consultation: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039 Ask questions and get feedback in the podcast community Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/?ref=share_group_link


94. Positive Emotion Practice

If you are waiting for the other shoe to drop and get anxious when you start to feel happy this episode is for you. You don't have to choose between being a good caregiver and being happy. In this episode I share how being intentional about practicing positive emotions will help you be more present and stop setting yourself up to doubt your happiness. Schedule a coaching consult today: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039 Website: cortney.mykajabi.com Have questions about today's episode? Join the Facebook group and share your thoughts. https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/?ref=share_group_link


93. How to Practice Self-Compassion

Self compassion is the key to growth, long term change, and overall confidence. Practicing self compassion is self care. In this episode I will show you how to do it. I also break down what self-compassion is, what skills are involved in putting it into practice and realistic examples of how you can apply it to your life today. Want to stop feeling overwhelmed with motherhood? if you're ready to step into the confident version of yourself you know exists, but don't know how to get there, I've got you. Schedule a coaching consultation and we will map out what steps and skills you need to achieve your goals and stop feeling stuck. Schedule your coaching consult today: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039 Want to learn more about me? cortney.mykajabi.com  Join the podcast Facebook group for mindset support and how to apply the podcast to your life. Check out the 'Guide' section of the group for a guide that includes ten mindset tools to help you right now. https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/?ref=share_group_link


92. Building Belief

Do you want to increase your confidence? Change a habit? Feel less dread before an upcoming doctor's appointment? This episode will teach how to do just that. I share two tools how to build your belief in yourself and how to shift your mindset in simple, doable, realistic ways. It's national donate life month register to be an organ donor here:https://donatelife.net Coaching is the best investment you can make. Sign up for a free coaching consult: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039 If you have questions, need support, or want to share how you're applying the podcast to your life, join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/?ref=share_group_link


91. Medical Anniversaries

If you have a medical anniversary come up, often times it can be difficult to know what to do with them. In this episode I outline the three things you can do to help yourself work through difficult emotions that arise and what you should know about medical anniversaries. Share with a fellow medial mom that would enjoy this episode. Got questions? Come ask them In our podcast community facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/?ref=share_group_link Ready to take the podcast tools to the next level? Schedule a coaching consult to see how coaching can help you make peace with medical motherhood: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039


90. Identifying and Meeting Your Needs

In this episode I share about what prevents you from recognizing meeting your needs and practical ways to change how you think of meeting your needs. We dive into how perfectionism is a big hurdle of meeting your needs and how to begin meeting your needs.


Everything I did to Lose 20 Pounds

In this episode I walk you through the actions I took and the mindset changes that I made to lose twenty pounds. Spoiler alert, the mindset changes were the biggest piece of the weight loss puzzle. Listen in to hear all of the beliefs I had to let go of and the new ones I had to learn. Got questions? Ask in the Facebook group and I'll answer them! https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/?ref=share_group_link Want to know get started on your own weightless journey? Sign up for a coaching consultation and I'll help you: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039


89. Quiet Conversations

The quiet conversations that you have with yourself are the building blocks to self love. In this episode you'll learn how to engage with your negative self talk and criticism in a simple, easy to implement way. You'll hear multiple examples of how this might show up in your life and how to engage with yourself so that you are building up your self confidence instead of reinforcing negative beliefs. Ready to take the podcast to the next level? Schedule a coaching consult with me for 1-1 coaching services: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039 Check out my website to learn more about me and my services: cortney.mykajabi.com And come join the Facebook group community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/?ref=share_group_link


88. Diagnosis Guilt

"Logically, I understand it's not my fault, but I still feel so guilty." If you struggle with feeling guilt, shame, and responsibility for your chid's health condition this episode will be the one for you. In this episode I share why you feel this way, what stops you from feeling better, how to feel better, and where to start. It's packed with amazing information to help you feel less guilty and more confident as a medical mom. If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out. You can ask anonymous questions in our FB group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/649738829380936/?ref=share_group_link And if you're ready for one on one support so that you can create a relationship with your child's condition that will serve you and benefit both you and your child, come chat with me in a coaching consultation. You don't have to navigate this alone. You don't have to work through these feelings alone. Get the right kind of support and tools to handle medical motherhood. There is no better time than right now. Schedule a consult today: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=24265400&appointmentType=27123039 


87. Taking a Break From the Hospital

Being in the hospital is exhausting. It taxes your body, your emotions, and energy. Taking a break from the hospital in some capacity is necessary to avoid burnout and help take care of yourself. This episode shares practical tips and mindset shifts to help you feel better about taking a break when you need it. Keep the conversation going and join us in the podcast Facebook community and share your best tips for taking a break. Are you ready to take the podcast material to the next level? As a coach for medical moms I help you build your emotional health tool book as that you feel confident taking breaks, processing your emotions, have difficult conversations, and stop feeling guilty for taking up space. It's the best investment you'll make. Schedule a coaching consult here.


86. An Introduction into Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a loaded word. It can feel like such a huge task or burden to forgive someone. In this episode I simplify forgiveness so that forgiveness does not feel like a complicated endeavor and share how to start using forgiveness as a tool to utilize in your relationships. It's a choice to forgive and forgiveness is not a stamp of approval for harmful behavior, but a way to actively create connection and set boundaries in your relationships. Want help figuring out your next move when forgiving someone or yourself? Ask questions and share your progress in our podcast Facebook community HERE. Are you ready to feel empowered by medical motherhood, increase connections in your relationships and set boundaries like a pro? Then it's time to work with me as your coach. Sign up here for a coaching consultation.


85. What I Learned From Adult Swim Lessons

During the six weeks I took adult swim lessons, I learned so much more than how to swim, I learned about the importance of mindset work and processing difficult emotions to create the results I wanted. Today I share those eight lessons that I had to use and apply to swim lessons and beyond. Join in me learning more about the secret to truly managing discomfort, increasing your self belief, and one of the most powerful emotions to cultivate when doing difficult things. Want to learn more about how 1-1 coaching can help you? Sign up here for a coaching consultation. it's completely free and there are no strings attached. We map out your priorities and discuss what I can do to help you. Connect with other heart moms, ask questions, and share your thoughts about podcast episodes in the Mindset for Medial Moms Podcast Community FB group


84. Managing Your Brain

In this episode I share what it means to manage your brain, why it matters, and how it can help. Including 5 areas it can make the most impact in your life. Sign up for the free podcast guide HERE Schedule a coaching consultation here


83. Guilt and Shame Protocol

What do you do when you feel constantly guilty? how do you handle shame when you feel so stuck? In this episode I share with you five steps that will help you respond to your guilt and shame so that you can help yourself redirect your mind, help yourself move forward without feeling bad and feel more confident along the way. Shame stops us from self belief and this episode will show you how to stop shame and take back your authority over your emotions. Schedule a coaching consult here Join our FB group here


82. Comparison and Judgement

Do you find yourself comparing yourself often? Judging yourself or others more frequently than you want to? This episode shows the different areas where you might be comparing yourself in medical motherhood and life. I share what keeps you stuck in comparison and how to get out of it. Coaching takes everything on the podcast to the next level. Schedule a coaching consult here. Join the mindset for medical moms podcast Facebook group here!


81. What is Self Care?

The term self care gets tossed around a lot these days and this episode is here to set the record straight. I share what self care is, what it is not, and how to consider what self care looks like in your life. I debunk several myths around self care and help you understand the very next steps you need to take to take care of yourself best. Are you ready to take the podcast the next level? Join me for me conversation about how coaching can help you. Schedule a coaching consultation here. Keep connected to the podcast community here.


80. The Future of Medical Motherhood W/ Sehreen Noor Ali

When I discovered Sleuth, I knew I needed to have the co-founder Sehreen on the podcast. Sleuth is an app for families to use for their kid's health. This is a "better webMD for kids". This conversation is so inspiring as we dive into advocacy, the future of tools like Sleuth that can help medical moms, and how to navigate life as a caregiver, while managing your own stress and wellbeing. This is a must listen for all medical moms. Download the Sleuth app here! And make sure to follow Sehreen on instagram HERE Join our podcast community here


79. Happiness

Happiness sometimes feels like it's this elusive thing we are always chasing, but it doesn't have to be that way. In this episode I share how to think about happiness, how to create it, and what stops you from feeling happy. Are you ready to up level from the podcast concepts? Take everything you learn here to the next level with coaching. Schedule a coaching consult here. Join the Facebook group community here


78. The Patience Trick

Do you want more patience? Does patience often feel like you're forcing yourself to use all your will power? I've got the trick for you. In this episode I'll share how to think about patience in a brand new way, so that you don't have to force yourself or feel exhausted after one interaction. This small shift will be the difference between you feeling frustrated and impatient to feeling calm and capable. Increasing your ability to feel patient will help you get off the emotional rollercoaster. Want to know more about what it would like to work together? Schedule a coaching consultation here Share your insights, ask questions, and connect with fellow medical moms Join our podcast Facebook group community here


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