I’ve been coaching for a decade now, and my business has grown quite a bit. I frequently get asked about how I grew my business, how I run it now, and how I think about the business of coaching. In this episode, I answer some of these questions, as well as give a short summary of the state of my business. I love being a coach, and I hope this episode is helpful. Even if you’re not building a coaching business, I hope this is a fun peek behind the curtain of how I think about all of this. Have more questions about my coaching business? Submit them here: https://www.katieseaver.com/coaching-business-questions My business coach: https://diellecharon.com/ Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Today, I'm answering another question from a newsletter subscriber. Emily asks: “When do you know if it's the right time for a career change? or How to deal with rejection?” I answer these questions by offering a high-level concept, sharing 4 practical ideas, and discussing a bigger, deeper element that guides my own approach. I hope this episode is helpful to you, Emily — and to anyone struggling with these questions and feelings. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
In the self-development space, there's often so much content about "seizing the new year." I can sometimes find it exhausting, so today, I wanted to share a shortie episode with an idea that you might not even use just yet. Today, let's talk about *travel.* I share the story of how I realized this little idea was worth sharing + a little more about how I implement it. I hope this is helpful to you in some way. Even if you aren’t traveling right now, you can keep it in your back pocket and use it when needed. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
If you’re starting to dream about the new year, I want to propose something that would significantly improve your year: Start a women’s group in 2025. I'm calling it a "women's group" - but this episode is for men, too. I talk about what this kind of group *is*, my own experiences starting one, how we run our meetings, and what I think works well for us. Just having a richer, deeper support system can make such a difference in our lives — I know it has for me. And I want to remind you that even if it doesn’t “just happen” naturally, you can make it happen — and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It would be such a blessing for your 2025, and for all who you include in that circle. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
We are approaching a very particular time of year. There are holidays, extra activities and events, and it’s a lot. So today I’m sharing what to do when you’re not going to fucking meditate. Or do three pages of fucking journaling. Or take an hour-long fucking walk. Even if you would, in theory, like to do those things. Even if you’ve done those things — or even one of those things — regularly at some point in your life, and even if, you know those things make you feel good — right now, you are not going to fucking do them. In this episode, I share how I think about caring for myself, in seasons like this — what I try to do for myself, and what I tend to suggest for my clients. I’m going to talk a little high-level first - you know, what are we trying to accomplish here, when we our engaging with our “fuck meditation” selves. And then I’ll get a little practical, to finish us out. I also reference Episode 35: Agitation, that you might find helpful. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Today I want to share about "feeling held by the world." It's a desire, or need, that underlies many other problems - if you're frustrated in your friendships, if you can never be as productive as you might like - this might be a concept that helps you in unexpected ways. It's also come up with two different clients recently, and is a deep-yet-simple concept that often brings me calm + groundedness. Per usual: in the episode, I define the concept, share a client example, and talk about why it matters + how you can cultivate more of it. I hope you like this lil' shortie episode, team :) Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
I am answering another newsletter subscriber question today. Camilla asked: “I’ve just gotten divorced and not worked for some time while we relocated abroad and tried for a family. I have to get back to work but I’m scared and worry about how to communicate my career gap.” Camilla's question is about charting a new path after a divorce, but I think it's also a question about much broader themes: how to figure out our next steps at any season of our lives, and how to balance our future needs with our current needs. As I answer this question in this episode, I share 3 suggestions to keep in mind. I also reference these two previous episodes that may provide additional insight into this question: Episode 38: When Nothing is Wrong, But… https://www.katieseaver.com/best-life-coach-podcast/38 Episode 17: Compass Instruction Manual: https://www.katieseaver.com/best-life-coach-podcast/17 Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Today I’m answering another question from a newsletter subscriber. J asks: “How do I find time and energy for friendship when I'm exhausted by work and parenting?” I share 6 practical suggestions for maintaining friendships when you are tired and overwhelmed. And then I talk about a higher-level problem that I think may be at play here. I hope that these ideas help you maintain those friendships that matter to you and nourish you – and I hope that you find a way to feel even a little less tired and overwhelmed, in whatever season of life you're in. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Here’s something I’ve said to three different clients just this week: It might not be a logical decision. (At least not in the way that you think). So, today, I want to expand on that a bit – I want to talk about three main weaknesses that our logical brain can have in some kinds of decision-making. Then, I’m going to talk about what we can consult instead. And finally, I’m going to flesh out that second thing - “at least not in the way that you think.” Because there is a funny way in which non-logical decisions actually are more logical than we expect. So if you are already tempted to not listen to this episode because you are on “team logic” - stick around, you might be surprised at where we end up. Given that I’ve said this to so many clients recently, I have a hunch that probably some of you out there, who are not my clients, need to hear it, too. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
A newsletter subscriber recently asked: “How do I get my ego out of the way when approaching a career transition?” She's used to having the "credibility shortcut" of being a lawyer, and a part of her mourns that she won't have it in the same way — even though she likes her decision to try a new direction. Today, I'm sharing more about what I think *really* hurts when we feel like our ego is in the way — plus four thoughts I recommend thinking when it happens (that have been helpful to me + my clients). My hope is that it’s useful and supportive to anyone who is struggling with this — because I know so many of us are. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Some time ago, I wrote about what I’ve learned about friendship from watching my dad. People tell me, over and over, that this piece about my dad really touched them, and really stayed with them. So, today I am putting these same ideas into podcast form, with some edits and a bit more detail. I think my dad has some pretty great — and even *radical* — insights on friendship. I hope these ideas help you with your social connections, too. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Today I’m interviewing my wonderful former client, Hannah. Hannah came to me when she was going through an extremely tough season at work, and wanted to make sure she navigated that season skillfully, and also didn’t let it completely negatively impact her personal life. So many people I speak with are dealing with a similar issue, and Hannah has a lot of great insights + practices to share about what worked for her. Plus, she's so funny, thoughtful + creative — I know you’ll enjoy hearing our conversation. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Today, I'm talking about basking, a body-based way of relating to people. Basking allows us to take in different, often quite useful information, and often produces different results. On this episode, I explain what basking is + how I learned about it originally. Plus, I share 5 different contexts in which you can use it, and why it’s so helpful in each — using examples from one of my clients, and my own life. I hope you’ll give basking a try - and let me know how it goes. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
I recently asked my newsletter community if there were any questions they would like me to answer on the podcast. I got some really good ones and today I’m answering this high-level question: “How do you advise people who are dealing with that general feeling of "stuckness”?” I realized, that on some level, so much of my work with clients is helping them with issues just like this - but I haven't had a chance to speak to it on my podcast yet! Today, I share my "theory" on how to get out of this stuckness, and one key tactic that will help you do it. Then I get into the weeds on four tips that will help you do that tactic particularly effectively. If you find yourself in a rut that you don’t know how to get out of, I hope this episode helps you find the clarity you need to get unstuck. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Sometimes we go through periods where we do not see outside progress or results, despite taking the action. And that can be....frustrating (to put it mildly). Today, I wanted to share two ideas - one extended metaphor, and one short thought - that I've been reminding myself lately, in my own season of taking action without seeing a ton of results (yet). They've given me a lot of patience - and helped me feel downright optimistic about things. I hope they will help you as much as they've helped me. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
This episode is about self-development realism. To me, self-development realism is acknowledging the *reality* of your limitations when it comes to implementing ideas from podcasts, on instagram, or books. You can consume as much self-development content as you’d like, but I don’t want you to get frustrated or overwhelmed by it. I strongly believe that the most meaningful change typically happens iteratively, over time. So I hope this episode gives you some encouragement and, frankly, context as you listen to the rest of my podcast, or consume anything from anyone. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
In this episode, I talk about agitation. If you're thinking: "What the heck is agitation, and why does it matter?" - well, this episode is for you. I'll start by defining the term - and make the case for why you should definitely care. (A lil' hint: ever struggled to stop doing something that doesn't serve you?) Then I'll share two general principles of how agitation works (including a slightly embarrassing personal example) + a few ideas about how to work with your agitation productively. I find that certain people really benefit from an introduction to and exploration of this topic of agitation, and maybe you will, too. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Today’s episode is a rant that I would like to share with people who have Energetically Expensive Lives. It’s a rant that I have been sharing with some of my clients who have energetically expensive lives, and it’s a rant that I just sometimes rant to myself, as I’m taking a walk, and feel fired up about these big, mistaken ideas that people with energetically expensive lives have. If you don’t have much energy to spend, you need to make sure that you invest every cent of energy wisely. So if you have an Energetically Expensive Life, this is a 4 part rant that I hope will help you. Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
Today I am sharing a concept I’ve developed over the past year or so. Like most of my best concepts, it came out of my work with my 1:1 clients. One of my clients was extremely sensitive - which was both an incredible strength for her, and also caused some real suffering. I developed this concept to help her better understand what was going on for her - and also how to move forward. It turns out it has also applied to some of my other clients - and maybe it will apply to you, too. In this episode, I remind you of the story of the Princess and the Pea, share more about the lessons I take away from it — and what you can do with those lessons, practically. I hope this concept gives you strength + a new perspective for the situations in your life. (Plus a fun re-telling of the Hans Christian Andersen classic, of course.) Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com
I’m back with my husband, Gil, to share some ideas about how to communicate with men. (This is part 2 of the series we started in Episode 31, where we discussed communicating with women.) In this episode, Gil and I share our best tips for communicating with men, and pull back the curtain of our marriage a bit, too. You’ll hear: + Why it never worked when I’d (emotionally) ask Gil to “take my side” - and what I now ask for instead. + A time when I got mad at Gil - and why it was actually pretty effective + Plus listen till the end for a simple thing that I do that earns me an astonishing amount of goodwill in my marriage :) As I mentioned last time, I hesitated to make this episode. I don't always love making gender-based generalizations - but I also felt like this was a topic that could help a lot of people. I hope it's helpful for you. This episode is for you, if you're a woman who sometimes struggles to communicate with men. This episode is for you, if you're a man who sometimes struggles to explain to women why their communication isn't working. (And this episode is for you, if you are a person of any gender who wants to communicate better with anyone - but especially men!) Subscribe to my newsletter for encouraging + helpful insights every Sunday: katieseaver.com/newsletter Follow me on Instagram: @thisiskatieseaver Learn more about working with me, or just learn more about my background + why I became a coach: katieseaver.com