See'rs, Be-ers, Knowers and Doers

The purpose of this podcast is to talk about intuition. Do you know what that is? It is your gut instinct, street sense, inner GPS or insight. It is that inner knowing or sense of something that is true and yet there is no proof. There are so many ways it shows up. I want to normalize intuition and take it off the pedestal Everyone of us has it. Each episode we will meet an amazing guest who is just like you and me. We will be spotlighting them, their message and their tools they have to share to inspire you to stay connected to your intuition and not just acknowledge it or discount it but ACT on it. I'm looking to create a community willing to make the world a better place simply by following their intuition.

Intuition and the Magic of Being

Last episode before a pause Heather Drummond looks back and forward at how we can Be more and receive more intuition and so much more in our lives.Support the Show.


Intuition Is The Thing that Bring You the True Purpose of Life Which Is Getting Back to Ourselves

I spoke with Dustin Leinenbach on June 27, 2023. We talked about his work and the connection of horses and people in relationships and how applying the same mindset to both can be really supportive. We also spoke about how experience can play a part in our intuition. Bio Dustin is a curious-minded individual with a background that touches on many interests and experiences. He carries with him a corporate resume, with an education in business and technology. He finds himself geeking out over p...


How Curiosity and Falling Forward Can Be The Intuition Leading You To Your Place in Life

I spoke with Dustin Leinenbach on June 27, 2023 about intuition, adventure, curiosity, mental health and more. It was an interesting conversation about doing the next thing and how all those experiences make us who we are today. Bio Dustin is a curious-minded individual with a background that touches on many interests and experiences. He carries with him a corporate resume, with an education in business and technology. He finds himself geeking out over passions like teaching, music,...


When Things Come Back to Us That Can Be A Nudge of Intuition

I spoke with Miranda Winbush May 25, 2023 about dog training, Heart Math, intuition and more. We discovered how much being in the moment and accepting where we are is not only a place where intuition can come in but also a place where dogs can be their best selves as well. BioMiranda is an Intuitive Life Coach for Humans and Animals. In her many years working as a dog behaviourist working with thousands of dog guardians desperate for someone to “fix” their dogs she has discovered the mag...


How a Sense of Adventure and Desire For Health Can Be Intuition

I spoke to Joanne Rolfe on May 15, 2023. We spoke about her business and where she has lived around the world and how health became a passion of hers. BioJoanne Rolfe is a Women’s Health Coach, Holistic Nutrition Consultant, and Psycho-Spiritual Therapist. She specializes in working with women who struggle with fatigue, chronic pain, weight gain, hormone imbalance, and digestive issues, who feel a sense of frustration and helplessness with the medical system, and who are committed to nat...


Listening to Our Intuition to Overcome Our Trauma Can Make All The Difference

I spoke with Robert Goodland on May 15, 2023. It was a great to learn more about the path to Robert's current role as a coach and supporter of mental health for many who are dealing with trauma and how intuition played and plays a role in that. BioEarly in life, it was clear to Robert that he was created to serve. As a correctional officer, he assisted inmates nearing release to find employment in the community. He organized inmate work crews to help with volunteer organization projects ...


How Listening to Our Heart and Intuition Can Bring Us to Our Passion

I spoke to Shanda Ceretti on May 12, 2023. We spoke about her history, her work and her intuition. It was so interesting to see how it all meshed together. BioShanda Ceretti is committed to personal growth, leadership and empowering others to transform their lives. As a Certified Transformational Coach she supports individuals who feel stuck, disconnected and unhappy in life, to let go of their past so that they can feel happy, whole, and fulfilled! Over the last 10 years, Shan...


How Intuition and Energy Can Lead to Better Relationships - Lessons from Horses

I spoke to Patrick Sullivan May 24, 2023. It was great to catch up on his latest work with Rescue Horses from across the United States and working with them at Liberty. The ability to grow confidence and empowerment through Liberty and the healing that can take place for both horse and people is amazing to hear about. It was wonderful to hear some of Patrick's insights from the path he is on with these horses. Bio During the 8 years, Patrick has done the following: Completed Pa...


How People Pleasing and Other Ways of Being Can Be Overcome to Start Listening to Intuition

I spoke to Christine Dickson on Mar 23, 2023. We talked about how our upbringing and patterns created then can actually get in the way of our intuition and how she has worked on building her intuition. BioChristine Dickson is a Transformational Mentor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Equine Assisted Coach. She works with people to map out their vision and reframe their limiting belief systems to create radical shifts in their lives.She has a solid background in working with people moving aw...


How Being Curious and Asking Questions Can Be A Way to Stay in the Possibility of Intuition

I spoke with Kim Coleman on Mar 3, 2023 and Kim shared her way of staying out of judgement of people and situations using her intuition. She added a few layers to it and shared what it is for her. When we look at things differently things have the opportunity to shift. BioWhat makes Kim unique is her clear and fun delivery of some of the most ‘out there’ information available today in the subject of consciousness. Her energy and her laughter is contagious and regardless of where she goe...


How Intuition Can Inspire Our Best Life and Lead Us Into Our Unique Purpose

I spoke with Judith Manriquez on Mar 30, 2023. We spoke about the awaking of intuition and how awareness can be a strong first step in becoming comfortable. We also spoke about her own journey of becoming an entrepreneur and also how her own intuition has shown up,BioJudith Manriquez, Owner and Founder of Inspired Expansion LLCJudith Manriquez is a spiritual business mentor and visionary intuitive to intuitive women leaders who are ready to show up in their full power and gifts. With ove...


How Going For the Feeling of Something Is a Way to Bring Satisfaction Into Your Life

I spoke with Lady JB Owen on April 3, 2023. It was an insightful conversation about receiving and taking the hard moments and using them as a pivot in life that can bring us to our purpose. She brought so many pieces of her own journey and how we all have moments of listening and not listening as well as taking action toward a bigger purpose can bring amazing things to life. Bio Lady JB Owen is a fearless female leader who believes in the power of empowerment.Her true focus is on he...


Informed Intuition and How The Heart Can Be A Gateway to Intuition

I spoke with Mary Debono on April 17, 2023. We spoke about how she left her job 30 years ago to pursue a life she had always resonated with on some level since she was a child. We also spoke about how Feldenkrais and her experience with it has brought her some wonderful experiences with intuition as well. Here is a link she speaks about during the podcast. Debono helps animals and their people enjoy freer, healthier...


How Ideas Are Intuition and So Much More

I spoke to Darlene Tindall on April 20, 2023, We spoke about her current adventure and the way she sees intuition and her miracle project. It was fun to see how her nomad life has grown into a 'life of miracles'. BioDarlene Tindall is a Spiritual Mentor and Transformational Life Coach helping professionals tap into the missing ingredient that takes life from a series of tasks, responsibilities and targets to a world full of awe, wonder and meaningful pursuits.www.darlenetindall.comhttps://ope...


Living An Intuitive Life From Dreams to Dimes to Animals and More

I spoke with Gail Simmons on Mar 27, 2023 about how her life has been impacted by intuition as well as some of the adventures she has been on through out her life with intuition has shown up. She shared with us some ways we can become more aware of our own intuition and how much our lives can be enriched when we do. BioGail Simmons is an Animal communicator who is originally from Nova Scotia and who now lives in Ontario with her children, her partner; horses, dogs, and the cat who is the...


How Intuition Can Just Be Part Of Who You Be

I spoke to Nicole Birkholzer on March 2, 2023. We had recently connected when she wanted to learn more about what I do with Chronic Reversed Polarity and that is when I discovered also what she did and how aligned we were in how we saw animals and worked with them. We had a wonderful discussion about how intuition shows up through animals and in our lives and how doing what you love can truly be a blessing to the world in so many ways. BioNicole’s unique approach of communicatingwith al...


Intuition, Allowance, the Space, Contentment and Discovering We are Worthy

I spoke to Jill Hendershot Roth on Mar 15, 2023. We had an interesting conversation including the "Zone of Genius" that idea that comes from Emily Utter. We spoke about allowance, intuition, shame, healing and more. We went many places on how horses can inspire a better life as it was the horses you inspired us both about allowance. BioJill has been a student of the horse for over 25 years. Throughout this time, she has found herself repelled by the structure of dominance and hierarchy e...


How Running Toward Fear Can Be The Best Intuitive Leap

I spoke to Irena Zemljic with Senka Pazman translating for us on Feb 13, 2023. It was wonderful to learn how her son inspired her to learn about Theta healing travelling across the world from Croatia to Mexico. Also to hear how it has transformed their lives. Now she is doing sessions online with both Croatian and English speaking clients all over the world. BioIrena Žemljić: Rođena sam 1973. u Zagrebu i obrazovala sam se u medicinskoj struci na Zdravstvenom veleučilištu.Nakon rast...


How Using Fear, Ego, Honesty and Our Animals Can Be Check Points with Your Intuition

I spoke with Gillian Larson on Jan 24, 2023 and we spoke about her adventures with her horses and how she works hard to discern fear versus intuition when she is on cross country trails for weeks and months at a time. Her awareness of her partners who travel with her is a whole other intuitive tool. It was interesting to see how important patterns were to staying in a good place.BioEver since she was a young child, Gillian Larson has been exploring the outdoors onhorseback. After graduating f...


Intuition Can Be Being in the Flow and Learning to Follow the Fun

I spoke with Margaret on Jan 23, 2023 and we had a wonderful conversation about being in the doing world versus being in the flow. We also spoke about following the fun and shifting into listening to ourselves versus the expectations or feedback from the outside world. It was just a conversation that kept on having one more piece of wisdom after the other. BioMargaret first explored painting while in culinary school in 2000. At 40, she declared herself an Artist which meant that she coul...


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