Intuition, Allowance, the Space, Contentment and Discovering We are Worthy
I spoke to Jill Hendershot Roth on Mar 15, 2023. We had an interesting conversation including the "Zone of Genius" that idea that comes from Emily Utter. We spoke about allowance, intuition, shame, healing and more. We went many places on how horses can inspire a better life as it was the horses you inspired us both about allowance.
Jill has been a student of the horse for over 25 years. Throughout this time, she has found herself repelled by the structure of dominance and hierarchy embedded in various horse “training” methods. She knew in her bones that there had to be a path with horses (and with life) that was founded in communication and cooperation. Jill teaches just such an approach through the FUNdamentals of Horsemanship and Equestrian Tai Chi. She also delights in the wisdom that horses offer to us; and teaches one-on-one lessons and online courses that share both. You can
find out more at and
Another NOTE :
We were talking about "Zone of Genius" that idea comes from Emily Utter and I didn't mention her by name during the interview if you want to tag that on in any way.