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The Choice, Change & Action Podcast

Author: Simone Milasas

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Every single person choosing something more contributes to all of us. That’s how it works.

We get to choose, change and take action that creates a different future.

Join Simone & Guests for weekly conversations on various topics including consciousness, business, money, relationships, bodies and so much more.
212 Episodes
What are you currently asking for? There is so much that is possible. There is so much available to you. Your story doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you chose yesterday, what are you choosing today?  In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas talks about how there is a universe of possibilities available to us and how playing with the quantum entanglements when you ask for things can create a bigger and greater world. What action are you taking today and what choice are you making today that will allow you to have a different and a greater future?  Daily Questions "What universe of possibilities is available?" “What else is possible beyond that?” "What can I receive today that I wasn't willing to receive yesterday?"  "What universe of possibilities is available to me today that I can receive today?" "What are the infinite possibilities?" Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Play with Simone Milasas The Profit Club membership Getting Out of Debt Joyfully Taking Action online video course All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Access Bars classes:  Foundation classes:  Relationships Done Different classes:  Business Done Different classes:  How The Universe Works:  Science Exchange; What Is Entanglement And Why Is It Important?:  Auntie Mame movie: A Different Business For The World, evening class recordings with Simone Milasas, Prague, May 2024:
Do you judge your choices based on what is considered valid and acceptable by others? Are you trying to fit into society’s definition of who, what and how you are supposed to be? In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas talks with Graeme Crosscuddles about stepping out of definition and into question, to start choosing what works for you. When you live in a structure of how you have to be, that doesn’t enable you to access all the things that could actually work for you and allow you to be joyful. The second you define something, you literally stop the future possibilities of what else could show up.  The future is not predictable. What if you came out of defining what you are, who you are, when you are and you started being in question? That's the exploration and the adventure of living.  Keys to success Everybody Has A Different Perspective Be Totally Present And In The Question What Else Would You Like To Ask For? The Future Is Not Predictable Stop Judging Your Choices Stop Defining Who You Should Be Start Functioning From The Yes/No Universe Choose For Greater Possibilities Rather Than From Conflict Daily Questions "What have I defined my business as?" "What have I defined me in business as?" "What else is it I would like to ask for?"  "No matter what it takes, no matter what it looks like, universe, show me something beyond everything I have ever desired." "What universe of possibilities is available in regards to this?” "What choice can I make and what can I ask for that has a future that has no validity to this reality?"  "What awareness did I gain with this choice?"  "What else is possible beyond this?"  "What am I aware of that I haven't been willing to acknowledge?"  "What universe of possibilities is available?"  "What else is possible?"  "What future is possible beyond today?"  "What action can I choose? What action can I take?" Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Play with Simone Milasas The Profit Club membership Getting Out of Debt Joyfully Taking Action online video course All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Choice for Possibilities classes Advanced Body Class Opening The Doors To A Magical Future Are You Moral, Amoral or Immoral teleseries with Gary Douglas?  All Trails app Opes Jets
Do you constantly judge your body? What if, rather than choosing from conflict with your body, you talked to your body and chose in communion with it? In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas encourages us to be more in communion with our bodies. When Simone started with Access Consciousness 23 years ago, she was really interested in the questions and the information and the processing and not so into Bars and body work. At the time, her body was annoying to her. She thought she could move so much faster if it wasn't for her body. It's taken her a long time to chip away at that. Now, she is so much more in communion and believes that we haven't even touched the surface of what else is truly available being with this body on this planet. What if you could have way too much fun with your body today? Keys to success What If you stopped choosing from conflict with your body? Increase the space between the molecules Restore Communion Talk To Your Body Stop Judging Your Body The Access Consciousness Body Classes Daily Questions "What is this? What are you asking me for, body?"  "Now what else is possible?"  "Body what are you actually asking of me today? What gift are you that I have not yet acknowledged?" Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Play with Simone Milasas The Profit Club membership Getting Out of Debt Joyfully Taking Action online video course All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Access Consciousness Body classes
Is there something you’ve been talking about wanting to do but not actually doing it? This episode of Choice, Change and Action, is an excerpt from a zoom Simone recently facilitated for everyone on her telegram thread where she guides you through some key topics to open new doors in your life. You need to choose your life from your choice; not from necessity and not for anything or anybody else, including other people’s definitions and points of view of you.  What is it you would like to ask for? What door would you like to open? Keys to success What Is It You Would Like To Ask For? What If You Received Acknowledgement For Who You BE? Are You Letting Definitions Stop You? What Have you been talking about that you’ve not yet chosen? Write down what you would like to create as your life Daily Questions "What are you saying you would like to choose but you actually never choose it?" "Who or what do you think of before you choose?" "Now what?"  Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Play with Simone Milasas The Profit Club membership Getting Out of Debt Joyfully Taking Action online video course All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Fungi Academy April podcast episodes on the Earth: 203-205 Choice for Possibilities classes Relationships Done Different classes
How many projects and conversations are you not choosing, and not opening that door, based on what you’ve decided the outcome is going to look like? How many doors are you not opening because you have no idea what it is going to look like?  In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas discusses key concepts in opening doors to possibilities.  Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. There is no wrong choice, there is no right choice. When you choose from the place of what is lighter in your world, everything is about what will create greater. What if you never, ever judged your choice again?   It's not about trying to find people to align and agree with you. You have to be okay with what you are choosing. It's about being greater every single day, being better every single day. Be proud of your choices.   Daily Questions "Will this create something greater?"  "Will this add to my life?"  “What is lighter in my world?” “What hurdles can I jump over today?” “What doors can I open today?" “What would it take for me  to outcreate myself today?"   Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram  Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email   Play with Simone Milasas The Profit Club membership Getting Out of Debt Joyfully Taking Action online video course All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings  As Mentioned In This Episode Right Riches for You book by Gary M. Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer Joy of Business book by Simone Milasas Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book by Simone Milasas
We go through life thinking control is going to gain something for us, but in truth, it's the opposite. What question can you be that allows a different possibility to show up? In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas speaks with Carolyn Sinclair about the qualities of a true leader. Most people think leadership is about control; controlling people, controlling situations, and so on. What if true leadership was about being in the question, listening to the whispers, making choices, allowance and empowerment?  And what if it’s about leading yourself first? If you are in allowance for yourself and your choices and how you be, that's a huge invitation for others to do and be the same. With everything, you get to choose. And it doesn’t have to be hard. It can be ease and it can have this joy and fun in it.  You can have a smile on your face every day, but it's up to you to choose that. Keys to success Are You Willing To Be Out Of Control? Empowering People Through Allowance The Fun Factor Choose, And Choose Again Do You Believe In Miracles? Daily Questions "Where am I controlling to a detriment that doesn't create anything greater?" “What else is possible here?” "What is going to create greater?" "What does consciousness require of me?"  “What would it take to make this fun for me?” “How can I have fun today?" “Who do you think of before you choose?” Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Follow Carolyn Sinclair Carolyn Sinclair’s Website Carolyn Sinclair’s Instagram Carolyn Sinclair’s Facebook   Play with Simone Milasas The Profit Club membership Getting Out of Debt Joyfully Taking Action online video course All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Access Me  
Are you choosing what is true for you or are you choosing what is true for others? This episode of Choice, Change and Action, is an excerpt of a zoom that was held for Access Consciousness Facilitators in the Americas. Join Simone Milasas as she goes through some examples of how choosing for you not only creates greater, but allows other people to choose for themselves too. Choice is not about making the right choice, or getting permission to choose, or only choosing when something else occurs first, like having enough money. As long as you are trying to control your choices, you will have a limited reality. Your limited reality may be better than most, but are you being as great as you?  This is your life. What is true for you?  Ask questions and just choose! See what shows up. That’s the adventure of living. Keys to success What Is Your Point Of View? Will Your Choice Create Greater? What Are You Waiting For? Allow The Universe To Contribute To You You’ve Got This! Who Are You Choosing For? Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone Take Some Action Don’t Wait, Create Daily Questions "What am I aware of?" "Whose universe am I in?" "Is this mine?" "What is true for me?" "What else is possible?" "How did we get so lucky?" "Who does it belong to?" “Who am I choosing this for?” "If I was choosing my reality with money, my financial reality, what would I choose?” “What do I know?” "Body, if you were choosing what is true for you, what would you choose with money today?" Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Play with Simone Milasas The Profit Club membership Getting Out of Debt Joyfully Taking Action online video course All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Creative Edge of Consciousness Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book  
Does your body crave nutrient rich food grown in soil with soul?  We've got to stop being consumers and start being producers. We need to create a different reality to what we are living, because we are poisoning ourselves. A lot of people will take from Mother Earth, and we just need to start giving back to her. If you give back to her more, she is going to look after us. In honour of Earth Day, Choice, Change and Action is presenting people throughout April who play with the Earth. In this episode Simone Milasas talks with her gardeners, Wil and Diogo, about Syntropics, Food Forests, Regenerative Farming and choosing together with the Earth. Wil and Diogo’s mission is for everyone to reconnect with the Earth; to listen to the whispers of the land, be at one with the Earth, and choose that which works for both of you. To them, soil and soul are indistinguishable.  It's about the connection; the communion and the engagement we can be with each other and with the Earth.  It doesn't have to be this really hard, significant thing. It’s about trust and play. What can you contribute to the Earth and what can the Earth contribute to you? Keys to success The Desire For Something Else Hearing The Call Of The Land Connecting Beyond Family Letting Fun And Play Back In Syntropics And Food Forests Wil’s Flute What Are You Putting Into Your Garden? Getting Started You Can’t Rush A Garden What’s Your Mission? Organic Versus Regenerative Farming What About Snakes? Have Gratitude For Everything Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email Follow Wil & Diogo Wil & Diogo’s Website Wil & Diogo’s Instagram Play with Simone Milasas All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Rachel’s Farm - documentary Robert Irwin Who Gives A Crap Regenerative Farmers in Australia Global Regenerative Farmers Kiss The Ground - educational movie Fastime clip of Video of Wil & Diogo’s work (scroll down on their homepage to view)
Do you envy people who live in a beautiful natural setting with fresh air, no other humans nearby, growing your own food and being totally off the grid? It’s not luck. It’s a choice. You can actually start to cultivate this anywhere, just by being curious with the Earth and starting; even with just one pot where you grow your own food. In honour of Earth Day, Choice, Change and Action is presenting people throughout April who play with the Earth. In this episode Simone Milasas talks with Shaun & Sam Sargent who live on an isolated property in Australia, growing the majority of their own food, supporting local farmers for the rest, filtering their own water from the sky, and using solar energy to power generators so that they can be totally off grid. Their advice to you is to know where you get your food from, start small, laugh at your mistakes, and enjoy it all.  Just give it a go!  Keys to success The Universe Truly Has Your Back Everything Happens For A Reason The Energy Of The Land Regenerative Farming Anyone Can Create A Food Forest Teach Your Kids To Be Stewards Of The Land Where Can You Start? Always Be In Question Enjoy It All Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Follow Shaun & Sam Sargent Shaun & Sam’s Website Shaun & Sam’s Instagram Play with Simone Milasas All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings
Have you ever desired to create something that will last beyond your lifetime?   In honour of Earth Day, Choice, Change and Action is presenting people throughout April who play with the Earth. In this episode Simone Milasas talks with Sul Wynne-Jones who is currently regenerating a local rainforest; something where the effects probably won’t be seen for a few hundreds years, and he loves it! For so many people, when they go into a forest, there is a different energy available in their body; you get that sense of relaxation and that energetic contribution. The forest is something we can all enjoy and receive from, and Sul would like to see more of that in the world.  Sul is starting with the assisted regeneration of the rainforest in his local area, and he will see what comes in the future. What is it you would like to create? Keys to success What Can You Create Beyond Your Lifetime? Listen To The Land Ask Plants What They Desire Where Can You Create Something Different? You Are A Part Of The Earth. What Can You Receive From It? Daily Questions  "What could you create that could go beyond your lifetime?" "What is going to create the most in this situation?" "What do I know about this?"  Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Follow Sul Wynne-Jones Sul Wynne-Jone’s Website Sul Wynne-Jone’s Instagram Sul Wynne-Jone’s Facebook Sul Wynne-Jone’s YouTube Play with Simone Milasas Relationships Done Different with the Earth class with Simone All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Instagram video of what Sul is doing in his area
What if you allowed yourself to be with Earth in a different way? What could you receive from the Earth?  In honour of Earth Day, throughout April, Simone Milasas will be interviewing a range of people who play with the Earth. In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone talks with Monica Gillam about plants, nature and the beauty of the Earth and what it can show us. The Earth is very willing to be kind to you and not judge you. It’s inviting us energetically and physically into being alive. Are you actually living or are you just getting by and trying to do the right thing whilst judging you are wrong? It’s up to all of us to create that different energy with the choices we make. One simple thing that you choose could change the future. What choice could you make today that would allow that future to start to blossom; literally! Keys to success Monica’s Secret Agenda Creating A Change The Sixty Year Plan Creating A Difference Through Engaging With People Become Enlivened By The Earth & Its Produce Playing With Plants Talking To Plants Daily Questions "When I die, what would I like to leave behind?" "What can I contribute here that will continue to grow for 100 years?" "What kindness can I be today?"  "What can I gain here?"  "What did I gain here today talking to this plant?"  Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Follow Monica Gillam Monica Gillam’s Website Monica Gillam’s Instagram Monica Gillam’s Facebook Play with Simone Milasas Relationships Done Different with the Earth class with Simone All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Earth Wizards Facebook Group Talk To The Plants Website Talk To The Plants Instagram Talk To The
Do you have debt that you are ignoring; hoping and praying it will go away all by itself? You are not alone. In fact, Simone used to do that too. In this episode of Choice, Change and Action, the tables are turned and Katarina Wallentin is interviewing Simone Milasas about debt and what it took for Simone to come out of $187,000 debt.  Anything you are willing to look at can change. The only prerequisite in creating your life is the willingness to look at everything. That avoidance that we do with certain things is one of the biggest hurdles in our way. When you be you, the world desires to gift to you; and that includes money. It doesn't desire to exclude money, but you have to be willing to receive it. What could we be different in the world with getting out of debt joyfully? Keys to success What Is Debt? You Get To Choose Anything You Are Willing To Look At Can Change The ‘R’ Word Creating A Change In The World It’s Not Bad To Ask For More Money Daily Questions "What can I receive today that I wasn't willing to receive yesterday?" "Universe, please help me. Show me the way."  "How can I contribute to this?  "Will this make me happy? Will this create a greater world? Will this create a greater possibility?" Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Follow Katarina Wallentin Katarina Wallentin’s Website Katarina Wallentin’s Instagram Katarina Wallentin’s Facebook Katarina Wallentin’s Podcast Play with Simone Milasas Business Done Different class with Simone Getting Out of Debt Joyfully class with Simone Getting Out of Debt ~ Taking Action self-paced online video course  Relationships Done Different with the Earth class with Simone All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Katarina’s Podcast Episode in South Africa Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book Getting Out of Debt Joyfully ~ Taking Action video course Getting Out of Debt online class with Simone Milasas
200. This Is ME

200. This Is ME


Would you appear on video with your hair a mess, no makeup and just a casual t-shirt? And guys, this applies to you too; just think of anything you would happily wear or be in the comfort of your own home that you wouldn’t present on video. What if it was all a contribution? In this 200th episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas talks about herself, warts and all, and the choices she is now making towards a greater life and living. Simone has lived a very colourful life and has no place to judge anyone. What she is choosing now is very different to what she has chosen previously.  Simone is grateful for it all; all the amazing people and all the shitty people, all the times she has stumbled and fallen and grazed herself, and for when she has jumped back up. She's grateful for all the hurdles she has had to jump over and the ease that has shown up in her life, for the joy, and for all the relationships she's had over the years from her friendships at school, to after school, to travelling, to now, to all of it. Every single thing she has chosen has added to herand this is what she is right now.  We spend so much of our lives lying to ourselves. What if you didn't do that anymore and were so truthful to you, and every choice you made was true for you? Don't stop or slow down for anyone. Keep going. What is it that you would like to choose? Keys to success Contribution Versus Image How Did I Get So Lucky? How Can You Make A Change In The World? What Is Your Body Asking For? Kindness, Gratitude & Vilification What Next? Daily Questions “How did I get so lucky?” "What is true for me?"   "Body, what did you create that for? What are you asking me for?"  "What is Planet Earth asking of me? What can I contribute to the planet? What can I receive from the planet? What else is truly possible?"  "Dear universe, show me something beautiful. Show me something phenomenal. Show me something I wasn't willing to receive yesterday."  "What next?" “How does it get any better than this?” “What else is possible with all of this?” Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email  Play with Simone Milasas Business Done Different class with Simone Getting Out of Debt Joyfully class with Simone Getting Out of Debt ~ Taking Action self-paced online video course  Relationships Done Different with the Earth class with Simone All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Joy of Business book Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book Diogo & Wil (Simone’s gardeners) Amanda Erlank (Simone’s Pilates Instructor) The Access Bars Foundation classes Choice for Possibilities classes Business Done Different classes Getting Out of Debt Joyfully classes  
Are you struggling with the structures of money and business? Every single person out there has the ability to create anything that they desire, and the money will come if you find out what it is you are truly great at. In today’s episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas talks with Megan Hill, an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and social media manager for Access Consciousness, about being willing to follow the energy in business and not judge yourself along the way. If you are constantly willing to change on a dime, you cannot fail. Businesses all over are struggling because they have put all these structures in place and don't have the tools to go beyond where they currently are. And, most of us have never been given the freedom or even the question of "What are you so great at that nobody else is great at?" Simone would like to inspire you to be something different here on the planet.  Keys to success Acknowledge Yourself The 5 Elements Of Intimacy With Business Systems Versus Structures Going Beyond Structures The Joy of Business What Are The Infinite Possibilities? Creating Space Through Relaxation Let The Energetic Universe Contribute What Do You Truly Desire? What Are You Great At? Daily Questions "How are we going to get there? What are we going to choose? When and where?"  “What else is possible here?” "What do I have to choose here that would be honouring of me?" "What do we need to change with the format for this to explode?"  "What are the infinite possibilities with this?"  “How can balance work for me and my business?”  "What are the infinite possibilities with this?"  "What would I like to be with the Earth/ my body/ my business/ etc. And what would I like to explore?" "What are you so great at that nobody else is great at?"  Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email Follow Megan Hill Megan Hill's Website Megan Hill's Instagram Megan Hill’s Facebook Play with Simone Milasas Relaxation Energy Pulls All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Joy of Business website Joy of Business book Joy of Business calendar of tools and questions Right Riches for You book BlackBerry The Playlist The Defiant Ones  
What are you currently choosing as your life? Do you get that you have created everything by the choices you made? What you are currently choosing is not wrong, and would you like to choose something greater? Would you like to choose something different?   In today’s episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas talks about actually choosing your life and living. Every choice you make creates; it creates your future, it creates your today, it creates your now. What are you saying you are going to do later that if you chose it now would create your life greater today? Are you truly enjoying living? It's a demand of yourself and a request of the universe to have something greater, to be something greater. You are the one who gets to choose your life.  Simone would like to invite you to a different possibility, but it's up to you. You need to choose for YOU! Keys to success Are You Trying To Fill The Space? Look At The Life You Are Currently Choosing Who Are You Choosing For? Come Out Of Judgement And Start Choosing Your Life Instead Start To Discover What You Would Like To Choose As Your Life And Living Is Now The Time? Daily Questions "Relax!”  "What is this?"  "What if I relaxed in this moment of space, then what else could show up?"  "What would I like to choose? What would be nurturing, what would be joyful for me?" "Does this work for me? Do I like the life I am choosing?"  "How am I going to handle this?” “What is this energy that is showing up in my world?"  "Is this working for me?" “What would I like to create?” "What would it take for me to choose this? To create the space so that I can have this in my life?"  Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email Play with Simone Milasas All Upcoming Classes with Simone Past Class Recordings As Mentioned In This Episode Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book Joy of Business book Relaxation Energy Pulls Free Money Come Energy Pull Free Business Energy Pull BDD Budapest The How To Become Money Workbook Found Space Ice baths  
Are you in debt? If you are, do you know how much money you owe or are you ignoring it thinking it will just go away and everything will be okay? In today’s episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas talks with Ninfis Sanchez, a a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator and Joy of Business Facilitator, about the shame around owing money and what they did to get out of debt. It is possible to change your financial situation. Ninfis was in $80,000 USD debt and Simone was in $187,000 AUD debt and they managed to turn it around, whilst still living their lives. Whatever your reasons and justification are, can you afford to not change and not create that pivot in your life where you start to create something entirely different? It's up to you! Keys to success The Ecosystem of Contribution Be An Inspiration By Choosing Greater The Courage To Change Ask For Help Be Present With Your Finances And Your Life Flip The Switch Ask For Miracles Call The People You Owe Money To You Still Have To Live There Are So Many Tools Daily Questions "How else can I make money? What other revenue streams can I ask for?"  "Today is the day I am making a change.Today is the day that I choose something different. Today is the day that I do not judge myself for being in debt. I know there is a different possibility." What else can you create?"  "What can I receive today that I wasn't willing to receive yesterday?” “What else is possible?" "What's right about this that I am not getting?” Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email Follow Ninfis Ninfis Sanchez’ Website Ninfis Sanchez’ Instagram Ninfis Sanchez’ Facebook As Mentioned In This Episode Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book Getting Out of Debt Joyfully class Money Isn’t The Problem You Are book The How To Become Money Workbook The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse book  
What does leadership mean to you? Leadership is not just about business and the corporate world. It goes into every area of your life.  In today’s episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas talks with Dr. David Kubes about what leadership means to them. For Simone, leadership is knowing what you desire to create in the world and heading towards that, no matter what. Similarly, for David, leadership means to always be and do what he knows is required. Both David and Simone have a very strong desire to empower all of the businesses and organisations around the world to use simple leadership tools, because you can't swim in the mainstream and desire something different. You have to be that difference in every action you take, no matter how small it is or tiny it seems. The size doesn’t matter, the choice does.  You gain awareness from every single choice you make. Some of them you have to learn to laugh at yourself a little bit and just go "whoops". But you don't hold yourself back; you keep moving forward.  True leadership is not stopping; it's knowing when to pivot and change the trajectory of your business and your life.  Keys to success What Does Leadership Mean To You? Leadership Is Not Just About Business Or Corporate Hitting The Pause Button Will Kill Your Business Reigniting Enthusiasm Be Willing To Be Useless Empowering Businesses To Be More Profitable Daily Questions "Will this create greater?" "What is that one thing that I can do today that will make me happy and will add that enthusiasm to my life?" Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email Follow David Kubes Dr David Kubes’ Website Dr David Kubes’ Instagram Dr David Kubes’ Facebook As Mentioned In This Episode Access Consciousness Leadership The Profit Club
What is your point of view about money, and money institutions such as banks? What if we stop pushing against something in order to have control, and we choose relaxation? In today’s episode of Choice, Change and Action, Simone Milasas talks about relaxation and, specifically, functioning from relaxation with money. She even takes you through a Relaxation Energy Pull. What if nothing needs to be a problem and you are never looking for a solution, but you are functioning from a relaxation into a possibility?  What relaxation can you be with money? What doors can you allow the universe to open?  Relax into today. Relax into tomorrow. Relax into your life and just live! Keys to success Relax Money And Relaxation A Relaxation Energy Pull For Money There Is So Much More Available When You Stop Pushing Against Daily Questions "What am I choosing that is creating this?" "What can I be that would allow this to change? What can I be that will allow something even greater to show up?" "What relaxation can I be with my body today?"  “What relaxation can me and my body be with money today?” “What relaxation can me and my body be with all of my bank accounts and my bills today?”  Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email As Mentioned In This Episode Money Come, FREE Energy Pull recording FREE Business Energy Pull recording Relaxation Energy Pulls with Simone Milasas Relationships Done Different with Dr. Dain Heer & Simone Milasas recordings  
Are you getting bored with your business? Or have the systems you’ve set up turned into unchangeable structures? Maybe it Is time for a change. In today’s episode of Choice, Change and Action Simone Milasas talks with two people whom she works closely with in her business, Sarah Watt & Wesley Pullen, about the changes she recently made, including destroying everything her business was up until now, and stopping social media for the month of February. It's not about throwing the baby out with the bath water. And it's not about doing what Simone did. It's about the energy from which you choose. You get to choose you.  Keys to success You Don’t Have To Quit Your Business A Choice For Space And More Consciousness What If You Didn’t ‘Have To’ Do Anything? What Works For YOU? Relax! What Excites You? Relationships Done Different & The 5 Elements of Intimacy The Energetics Behind Everything You Choose Daily Questions “What else is possible?” "Is this opening a door to a greater possibility?" Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email Follow Sarah Watt Sarah Watt’s Website Sarah Watt’s Instagram Sarah Watt’s Facebook Follow Wesley Pullen Wesley Pullen’s Website Wesley Pullen’s Instagram Wesley Pullen’s Facebook As Mentioned In This Episode Joy of Business book by Simone Milasas Business Done Different classes Getting Out of Debt Joyfully book by Simone Milasas Getting Out of Debt Joyfully online class with Simone Milasas Getting Out of Debt Joyfully ~ Taking Action video course Being You Changing The World book by Dr. Dain Heer  
Do you make choices based on proving something, such as trying to prove that you are right or not wrong? Or do you make choices based on a judgement you have? Maybe it’s a judgement based on what somebody else expects or an avoidance of conflict? In today’s episode of Choice, Change and Action Simone Milasas talks with fellow Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, Kalpana Raghuraman, about making choices as an infinite being.   We are all infinite beings, even though we pretend that we are finite beings and do trauma and drama.  The less you go into the trauma and drama, and stop judging and trying to be right and not to be wrong, and the more you choose based on what works for you and your body rather than what somebody else wants, the more you can function as an infinite being.  There is so much available in every moment. If an infinite being wouldn’t choose something, why would you? Keys to success You Are An Infinite Being Choosing What Works For You And Your Body Is It Actually Kind To Function As A Finite Being? Choosing From Space Where Is The Earth Asking You To Be? Would An Infinite Being Choose This? Useful Links: The Clearing Statement explained Access Consciousness Website Choice, Change & Action Podcast Instagram Follow Simone Milasas Simone Milasas’ Website Simone Milasas’ Instagram Simone Milasas’ Facebook Simone Milasas’ YouTube Simone Milasas’ Telegram Simone Milasas’ Contact Email Follow Kalpana Raghuraman Kalpana Raghuraman’s Website Kalpana Raghuraman’s Instagram Kalpana Raghuraman’s Facebook As Mentioned In This Episode Would An Infinite Being Choose This? Telecall with Simone & Kalpana Choice for Possibilities classes Advanced Body Class with Gary Douglas & Kalpana Joy of Business  