DiscoverThe Choice, Change & Action Podcast223. Are You a Part of the Ecosystem?
223. Are You a Part of the Ecosystem?

223. Are You a Part of the Ecosystem?

Update: 2024-08-28


Do you function as if you are alone on this planet, or do you acknowledge that you are part of the ecosystem?

In this episode of Choice, Change and Action Simone Milasas talks with Rachael O’Brien about ecosystems and applying that to business.

An ecosystem is not just nature. We are a part of this planet. What are you choosing by being a part of this planet? 

You have this ability to have this joy and appreciation and receiving that contributes to you and to others, no matter what. What if by being in question and being that joy and wonder and that curiosity you have in your world allows us to be that acoustical wavelength with nature, with the universe and be a part of the ecosystem?

What miracles can we have and be on the planet with and as our businesses? 

Keys Takeaways

  • What Is An Ecosystem In Business?
  • Choosing Something Different
  • There Is No Such Thing As Failure
  • Being The Energy And Space Of True Engagement

What Is An Ecosystem In Business?

A few years ago Simone was on a game drive in South Africa at Londolozi with a friend, and it was just their driver and the two of them out there driving for hours at a time. Different scenarios would show up to engage with the Earth and the animals there. The driver commented on their appreciation of it and not taking it for granted. He would tell them about different clients, and one thing he said was certain clients you could tell were just sitting on the truck, watching and observing like they weren't a part of it. And they started talking about being a part of the ecosystem. Just because they were on a truck, it doesn't mean they aren't a part of the ecosystem.

Simone started using that as an analogy in business. We may watch others in business and sit back and observe, but what if every choice you make you are a part of this ecosystem that contributes, or doesn't contribute? Your choice could contribute so much, and it could just be ease and joy, it could be money, it could be possibility, it could be anything. Or, your not choosing can also deflate the ecosystem. 

An ecosystem is not just nature. It's not just the sound of bees around a flower or the waves lapping. It's everything. We are a part of this planet. What are you choosing by being a part of this planet? Are you choosing with it or are you choosing against it? Are you choosing superiority where perhaps you shouldn't? There's a difference between doing superiority and being superior in different areas. What miracles can we have and be on the planet with and as our businesses? 

Rachael came from a very lack filled background. So, when Simone talks about the ecosystem and how everything contributes, and about the interaction between two people making something greater, she can see the true communion that Simone has with possibilities; the genuine question of improving someone's living through engagement. We all know this occurs for us. For example, Simone lives across the road from the beach. The minute she walks across the street and puts her feet into the sand, her body has a sense of peace and gratitude. When Rachael walks out of her house into the forest, instantly she has an improvement in energy in her body and the way she lives. 

When Rachael mentioned the beach and the woods, did you tap into them, even though you may never have been there; whether it was the energy in your body or the energy you picked up on in either Rachael or Simone's bodies? You have the ability and the capacity to be that energy wherever you are. Simone gets to wear no shoes and walk across the road. The tarmac is sometimes a little hard on your feet, or in summer it's friggin hot. Then you get to the sand and the water. All of those energies and all of the different vibrations are such a contribution to Simone and her body, but she can access those just sitting in her office.  You can access that no matter where you are. What if that is this magical acoustical wavelength across the entirety of the planet that you have access to no matter where you are. Practise that. 

Right now, practise going, "What is Peregian Beach like? What are the woods in Germany like?" and go even further. "What is it like on Mt Everest? What is it like in Costa Rica?" Simone has this beautiful backyard at the moment where she's planted this food forest. What's that like? Simone is sitting in her office, but she can tap into the blueberries that were planted just yesterday. You have this ability to have this joy and appreciation and receiving that contributes to you no matter what. 

Unfortunately, Rachael can’t see that living when people go to work. As a Joy of Business facilitator, it's one of the things she deals with. People come in and their bodies are tired and they are stressed out. Rachael says she used to have a lot of angst in regards to business and money, and through the awareness of the way the ecosystem works, for example, the trees don't get stressed to do their job; it sends out its roots for resources, and there is always a source of energy feeding it. This tiny seed becomes an apple tree that is abundant. 

So, Rachael is applying this awareness to her business. She would sit down in her office and ask, "What energies do I require from my business right now? What's required to build it, to make it greater, to get the work that she is so committed to (because it's true for her and brings a different way of living for her) out into the world?" And, when she delivers these tools of relaxation with business, she can see that that is the future. it cannot be sustainable if you are feeding something that creates disease and angst and stress in the body. It's not a long term viable way of creating.

Choosing Something Different

Simone says her day has been interesting. She just finished Joy of Business Facilitator training, and she had Business Done Different before that. Both were awesome classes. Then she had a really awesome weekend with a friend of hers, just relaxing and doing whatever, finishing it off with a massage. And the massage therapist even commented on how relaxed Simone's body was. Then, today there were a few different things that showed up. She had an appointment in the afternoon with someone she's known for ages who asked her how she was doing, to which Simone responded that she wasn't sure. She had this energy in her world where she was almost waiting for the shoe to drop. She was on guard. 

At the moment, Simone doesn't like people or this reality; they sort of suck with their points of view. And, she was laughing bout it. You are allowed to have that. But, she knew that the way she was looking at different things was creating a contraction in her body with different organs. The happiness and ease and relaxation was starting to seep out. And, she knew she was choosing it. 

After her appointment, she asked questions about what she was choosing. She realised she was aware of how much is going on in the world. She is a believer in asking "What is the planet doing today? What is the solar system doing today?" because we ride those waves as well. But instead of making the angst hers, she asked, "What can I be with this? What acoustical wavelengths of possibilities can I ride today?" Then she went home and did some podcasts and met with different people and changed; flipping that moment when you are about to go down and dark hole to "No. That's not my reality. I'm going to choose something different." But, not judging it. Nature doesn't do judgment of anything. Nature says "That's a poisonous snake. It's going to bite me. Don't pick it up." 

Simone thought it funny that Rachael mentioned snakes, as a friend of hers was just talking about a huge python they found next door yesterday, and they were talking about what they preferred to invite - a red bellied black snake, a king brown, a python, etc. A python is not really dangerous, but they are huge. whereas a red belly black is very dangerous; it can be fatal. And, they are both a part of the ecosystem. Neither person wanted to kill the snake. But they were like, "This is my home. You don't get to come into my home. You have your area. I have my area." - Simone continually has that conversation with animals. Her house is not always locked, but the screens are shut so critters can't come in. It’s about your awareness of the critters, your awareness of the snakes, etc., and how you be with it; not going against it. 

We know the energy of everything. Simone knows the energy of shark, she knows the energy of snake, she knows when something is not correct. That's how nature functions. It's willing to follow that acoustical wave and know when to pivot and know when to change. What if we were doing that with our businesses as well? 

One of the things Rachael avoided, which didn't work, was being willing to be aware of everything that was going on around her, particularly in her business, and in the world. The application of the ecosystem awareness to your business also includes being culturally aware; being aware of the different snakes when you are in Australia, being aware of deer and pigs when she goes into the woods at night, etc. The cultural awareness of your business is a massive contribution when you are willing to be aware of the people you are dealing with and their way of working in the world. When you honour people, however, it may not be returned in this lifetime, but you are fostering a future where you are honouring mankind, and that's wh









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223. Are You a Part of the Ecosystem?

223. Are You a Part of the Ecosystem?

Simone Milasas