The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

<p>Whether you need an inspirational pick-me-up or a swift kick in the mental ass, The Gutsy Podcast is your weekly guide to getting out of your head and back to your goals as a passionate, business rock-star. We’re here to remind you that you’re not alone — and that your roller-coaster ride of thoughts, feelings, and emotions are shared by many. Follow along as we get real, raw + ridiculous about running a business authentically.</p>

Powerback 212: If I Slow Down It Will All Fall Apart...

Send LA a text message!Do you ever feel like there's this looming feeling that if “I slow down then everything is going to fall apart”?You have been going a hundred miles an hour, juggling way too many damn things, trying to force and make things work, and feeling like you're not quite getting anywhere.When you're trying to pause and take a break our brains tell us things like “I don't want to lose momentum. I don't want to lose credibility. What if it doesn't work out? What if I never want t...


212: Outward Productivity to Inward Fulfillment with Cathryn Lavery

Send LA a text message!Sometimes you get to the top and realize you’ve built your own prison. The hard work, late nights, and big numbers can lead to fractured relationships and personal emptiness if it’s built off of outward productivity.Today we’re talking with Cathryn Lavery about shifting from hustling your way to the top to integrating inward fulfillment into your decision-making - something that leads to feeling good about yourself, what you’ve created, and celebrating with the people y...


Powerback 211: Create a Plan - Stop Thinking, Start Moving

Send LA a text message!If you have been wanting to do something, but the bigness of it, the next steps, the clarity around it, all the things that you need to figure out just kind of freak you out, and then you shut down and stop doing it.In today's Powerback® episode, you get to break it down into simplified next steps. I'm going to walk you through very simple ways that you can actually create a plan so you can stop thinking about doing this thing and actually start moving.I promise it's no...


211: How to Scale Your Business Without Burning Out with Milana Leshinsky

Send LA a text message!When you’re in alignment, everything is easier and more enjoyable. But when you’re out of alignment, you might find yourself waking up dreading the things you have to do. Building a business is more than big numbers and goals, it’s about creating something that fills your soul and allows you to live and work the way you want.Today’s episode is an extra special one because our guest, Milana Leshinsky, was the very first coach I met back in 2003 and was a foundational men...


Powerback 210: The Simple Phone Hack That’s Changing My Life

Send LA a text message!Look, breaking a habit is not an easy task, okay? But it is possible when you get out of your own way, you interrupt the patterns in your mind and you choose to move differently. You can break any habit or pattern, no matter how long it's been stuck in there.In today’s Powerback® episode, I'm sharing this experiment that I've been doing: breaking the habit of scrolling mindlessly on my phone the second that I wake up. The simple act of choosing to plug it in in another ...


210: You're Busy, But Are You Making Any Money? with Marley Majcher

Send LA a text message!If you’re working your ass off, can’t seem to put the laptop down, AND your bank account is nowhere near where you’d like it to be, this episode is for you.Marley Majcher is today’s guest, and she’s a spitfire of knowledge. She shares her profound story about having it all yet feeling depleted and how she turned it all around to teach you how to be mindful of your time AND make the money you’re worth.In this episode, you’ll learn:Marley’s backstory in the restaurant bus...


Powerback 209: How I Talked My Way Out of a Panic Attack

Send LA a text message!I recently talked myself out of a panic attack.Now listen, I have struggled with depression and anxiety for well over a decade, and until this moment, I really felt like I was never in control of these things. This time I thought, you know what, I'm going to try something different.I was able to talk myself out of a panic attack instead of going down that spiral and getting stuck in that sticky situation—if you suffer from this, you know exactly what I'm talking a...


209: Disrupt The Thoughts That Are Draining Your Confidence with Chardét Ryel

Send LA a text message!Your thoughts have the ability to change your life or keep you stuck in the same cycle - the cycle that drains your confidence stops you from fully living your life, and convinces you to keep doing the things you know you’re ready to break free from.Today, you’ll learn simple ways to disrupt your thoughts and habits from Behavior Change specialist Chardét Ryel.In this episode, you’ll learn:From burnout to leaving without a plan to entrepreneurshipHaving a regular mental...


Powerback 208: “I Don't Have Time To Feel” - Why Releasing Emotion Is Essential

Send LA a text message!When it comes to our feelings, sometimes the challenge is, ‘How do I express emotions when I'm not in the right place to be able to do that?’ Or maybe your schedule is just so full and dense that you're like, ‘Laura, I don't have time to feel; I just need to keep moving.’The reality is that if you don't allow those emotions to come up, come out, and be expressed, they're going to show up in another way, and probably not in the way that you would prefer.So, on today's Po...


208: Discover Your WOW Factors In Business with Amber Renae

Send LA a text message!Two failing businesses, bankruptcy, mental health issues, and cancer… these are all things that today’s guest has overcome and grown beyond to create a $10 Million business teaching 40k+ students worldwide. What helped her do this? Discovering her WOW factors—embracing who she really is and using skills from each phase of her life to create a dream business.In this episode, you’ll learn:Amber’s entrepreneurial journey of resilience and passionWhat it takes to create a b...


Powerback 207: How to Get Unstuck When Your Brain is Too Loud

Send LA a text message!If you've got shit you want to get done but you can't seem to get to it, then today's Powerback® episode is just for you. In today's Powerback® episode, I will teach you a very simple way to get unstuck. This method interrupts what's happening in your brain so that you can actually move forward instead of sitting around thinking about moving forward. You know how when you have a new idea that you want to move towards, a change that you want to make, or a shift or pivot ...


207: Ways to Release Trauma Stored in the Body with Becky Aste

Send LA a text message!“Our body keeps the score of the trauma we’ve survived.” When I read this line from today’s guest, I knew we had to talk more about it. Shame, guilt, grief, anger, sadness… when not fully expressed and released, these emotions and experiences can nestle their way into our bodies and cause a whirlwind of feelings like pain, anxiety, depression, and so much more.Today, we’re talking to Becky Aste about ways to release trauma stored in your body so you can not only heal ph...


Powerback 206: ONE Thing That Will Cause The Most Stress and Relief

Send LA a text message!Today, we're going to dig into a very simple problem that has a very simple solution. This one thing has the power to either cause you the most stress, or bring you the most relief. And what is that one thing you might ask? Well, it's the difference between indecision, and making decisions. Now, while it's simple, it's one of the top things that people are avoiding doing. So, in this Powerback® episode, we're going to unpack it a little bit, we're going to talk about wh...


206: How to Grow Your Income with a Small Following with Marion Wagner

Send LA a text message!You’ve been trying to grow your business but often feel defeated because you have a smaller following, feel overwhelmed by the thought of ads, and are tired of convincing people to work with you. Good news – you don’t need any of those things to grow. So how do you do it, you ask? In today's episode, Income Growth Strategist Marion Wagner shares how to grow your income with a small following.In this episode, you’ll learn:Marion’s first big lesson from building her onlin...


Powerback 205: It's good for me, so why can't I seem to do it?

Send LA a text message!We're going to talk about a topic today that I know that so many people struggle with, and it's, “I know that these things are really good for me. Why can't I seem to do them?”Whether you're avoiding them, talking yourself out of it, or just never really seem to make the time to get it done, it's all rooted in some shit that's going on in your brain. So, in today’s Powerback® episode, we're gonna talk about what's going on and some ways that you can start to infuse and ...


205: Finding a career that supports your lifestyle + values with Kali Wolken

Send LA a text message!You work for the majority of your life – in fact the average person spends 90,000 hours working in their lifetime. That’s a LOT of time to spend either doing something that you LOVE or dreading every second of it. Today, we’re talking with Career Counselor Kali Wolken about finding work that not only pays the bills, but fills your tank instead of depleting it.In this episode, you’ll learn:Leaning in and trusting your instinctsAn exercise to figure out your valuesWhen yo...


Powerback 204: Chaos to calm - getting used to slowing down

Send LA a text message!In today’s Powerback® episode, we're talking about going from chaos to calm. In other words, getting used to things working, getting used to slowing down, getting used to being able to sit with things, to enjoy things, to be in the moment. When you have been used to operating in a place of chaos, where you have been a master fixer, you're the one that everyone goes to, you're just always on the go fixing, doing, putting out fires, making shit happen, then the second tha...


204: Experience your Breakthrough Year with Elizabeth Hartke

Send LA a text message!Have you been doing and trying every single thing humanly possible to grow your business but feel frustrated because it's just not getting to the place that you know it could be?What if it's not actually the strategy or the techniques that you're using but rather the clarity, confidence, and intentionality that may be currently missing?Today, we're talking with Liz Hartke about intentional steps that not only move the needle but help you experience a breakthrough year, ...


Powerback 203: Increase your capacity to receive

Send LA a text message!Today, we are digging into the topic of receiving. As a very strong-willed person who is typically the one that everyone else goes to switching over to being a receiver versus always being a giver, doesn't always come quite so naturally. So, in this Powerback® episode, I'm going to share with you a couple of different ways that you can start to increase that capacity so that you can start to receive. Look, I'm not telling you to stop helping people, I'm suggesting that ...


203: Freedom from Perfectionism with Chana Ross

Send LA a text message!Did you know that 92% of people are affected by perfectionism in the workplace? You heard me right, 92%! Perfectionism affects your mental health, relationships, ability to advance, and you guessed, burnout. So how do you shift away from perfectionism while also maintaining your high integrity for doing things well?That’s what we’re talking about today with Holistic Leadership Coach Chana Ross.In this episode, you’ll learn:Having open, honest, and empowering conversatio...


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