The Values Based Mindset Experience

We believe that everyone should intentionally live a life based upon their own values. The show features discussion around designing and implementing individual values based mindsets and also has interviews with guests exploring their own values based mindset and how they apply it to their life.

Season 2 - Episode 8 with Mike Powers from Manuka Financial

Mike is a rare breed, dual designated as a CPA and as a CFP.  Not a common occurrence and yet it's perfect for his vision of how to serve clients and his values.  We talked about the origin of his firms name, how a job loss in his family shaped his view of finances and about some of the great restaurants in Richmond.


Season 2 - Episode 6 with John Lusher from Social Buzz Lab

John has been a friend long enough that it isn't necessary to share the number of years.  What is worth sharing is that he is one of the rare breed of marketing professionals that really understand how to integrate on and offline sales and marketing as a hybrid agency.  His real niche, is supplementing a small/medium sized businesses marketing department with his diverse and talented team...expanding their reach far beyond the effect of hiring additional staff and at a significant reduction in expense.


Season 2 - Episode 7 with Andy Panko, Owner & Partner Tenon Financial

Andy Panko was a fun and engaging guest that contributed fully to the financial planing community with his sharing on this episode.  Andy is a retirement planning & investment management aficionado | Creator of YouTube channel, "Retirement Planning Demystified" | Moderator of Facebook group, "Taxes in Retirement" | Author of monthly newsletter, "Retirement Planning Insights" | Originator of the acronym TERP...Tax-Efficient Retirement Planning


Season 2 - Episode 3 with Mike Cook, Founder of Strategic Doer

Mike is a disciple, father, husband and leader in his community of Lynchburg, VA.  He has been a friend and co-laborer with me for over 20 years and is one of the most consistently caring people you will ever meet.  In this episode we explore values and how he applies them to his life.


Season 2 - Episode 2 with Adam Scherer Director of Curriculum at Boston Institute of Finance

Adam Scherer is the Director of Curriculum and the Boston Institute of Finance and one of the leading voices on CFP (Certified Financial Planner) training and practice in the world.


Season 2 - Episode 4 with Cody Garrett, Owner of Measure Twice Financial

This is a really good one...I had a real hard time not having this one go for hours.  Cody is an innovative business professional that happens to own and operate a financial planning business.  We had a great time exploring his values and how he uses them to run a cutting edge business.  P.S. - He is a stone cold genius on social media...make sure you follow him.


Season 2 - Episode 1 with Tom Schoenfelder from Academy of Work Science

The first episode of Season 2 starts with some #science.What is the most important psychological skill to increase the likelihood of an individual and/or organization being successful on #socialmedia?Curiosity is what helps to drive the foundational elements of appropriate behavior both online and offline when in social situations. The problems we see so much is that human beings turn into broadcasters too often on social platforms.Tom Schoenfelder, lead scientist, co-founder and all around nice guy from the Academy of Work Science  shares with us about how intellectual curiosity might be the hidden skill to assess new candidates in sales and beyond.Here is how he defines both Intellectual and Social Curiosity:Intellectual Curiosity: The deep and persistent desire to know more. Tendency to often ask 'why' and seek answers beyond the surface to get to the foundational ideas of issues.Social Curiosity: The interest in acquiring information about how other people think, feel and behave.The necessity to be able to measure these skills with a scientifically valid tool (like our PSP) is essential for both recruiting the right team members and being able to help them successfully develop the skills when they are onboard.Be Social, Be Human & Be Curious!All the best,Mike


Episode 14 - Nick Raeburn

Nick aka #thatvideonerd  is a highly creative and caring video expert from the UK.  In this episode we have a ton of fun, talk about my struggles with video and get expert advice from Nick on how to approach social media correctly.


Episode 13 - Eric Doyle aka Social Selling and Digital Dominance

Eric is an associate of mine and all around great dude (after all he is a mountain biker in Scotland!).  This episode is about Eric's journey from successful executive in the oil and gas industry on the North Sea to #digitaldominance in the world of social media and digital transformation.


Episode 12 - Luke Frazier and Marketing With Values

Luke Frazier and I sat down after he survived the Texas Blizzard and was back on broadband.  Luke is the founder of Parable Brand Stories and is absolutely #valuesbased.  We discuss values and in particular, how to approach visualizing and sharing values both internally in companies and externally to your clients and prospective clients.


Episode 11 - "People Buy From People" Book Discussion with Author Brian Sexton

This is one of the wildest podcast episodes yet for VBME.  Brian is a good friend and better human being and the author of "People Buy From People".  We dive into this book that is so much more than a book about sales even though it is now mandatory reading for clients that need to sell better.  At the core of sales done well is taking care of people and that is what this episode is all about.Enjoy!Mike


Episode 10: Thomas Schoenfelder, Ph.D. - Screening For Mental Toughness When Hiring For Sales

In short, are you interested in successfully hiring new sales people?!?  If so, and especially if you are in #financialservices, you are going to listen to this one.  Tom is a research scientist with decades of experience with assessing which people are going to perform when mental toughness is required.You can find out more about Tom at his LinkedIn profile: 


Episode #9: Harry Kerr - Assessments and Improving Performance

Harry is an international expert on the use of behavioral assessments to drive recruiting, training and retaining quality talent for corporations in a wide range of industries.  We talk about a range of issues to include:  what is the value of assessments for individuals and organizations?  How to use your assessment to better understand how to execute upon your Values Based Mindset and various examples from his experience over the years.


Episode #8: Darrell Amy

Darrell Amy is a good friend and inspiration to us here at Values Based Mindset.  He is a 'serial entrepreneur' and is intentionally living out his values (written down and reviewed) on a daily basis.


Episode #6: Brent Pohlman - Values and Faith

Brent is the CEO of MidWest Laboratories, located in Omaha, Nebraska and is an active LinkedIn contributor.  I found him through his daily videos that share his values and offer consistent and direct encouragement for many followers.He is a husband and father of 5 that has done the work to define his own values and then apply them to his life in a disciplined and proactive way.  You will enjoy getting to know this humble and passionate friend of mine.


Episode #5: The Noise - Election Day Special (Design Your Day)

Matt Churchill and Mike Garrison discuss how 'noise' negatively affects anyone seeking to have a values based life.  We figured that there was no day better than Election Day in 2020 to talk about the noise...since there might not be another day 'louder' in recent times.We get into how to create and design our own lives so that we are less affected by outside 'noise' and instead are able to work and live with clarity and confidence.


Episode #7: Matt Barrette - Strength Through Action

Matt Barrette is a husband, father, business owner and financial advisor located in Roanoke, VA in the heart of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains.  Matt is a key factor in the development of the Values Based Mindset Coaching Method and has made a significant transformation in his life through his integrity and action in how he has applied the method to himself.


Episode 3: Running Is or Is not Essential For Fitness in the Values Based Mindset Experience

Mike Garrison, Founder of the Values Based Mindset Experience and Matt Churchill, the Head Laboratory Rat (also known as the OG Client), go over fitness and how it plays into a truly Values Based Mindset.


Episode #4: Larry Levine - Selling From The Heart

Larry is a close friend and massive influence on the origins and development of the Values Based Mindset Experience.  His podcast, The Selling From The Heart podcast can be listened to here:  We dive into our friendship, his thoughts on values and living an intentional life around them and also, of course, #sellingfromtheheart.


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