DiscoverUnit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars
Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars
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Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars

Author: Oxford University

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The Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) is an interdisciplinary research unit based at the University of Oxford, dedicated to understanding the complex and interwoven causes of obesity in populations across the world. This seminar series is hosted by the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford.
194 Episodes
How body size is used in research and discourse on health, bringing together theory from anthropology, sociology, public health and more. With llya Gutin, University of Texas at Austin
Exploring the phenomenal range of roles estrogens play with respect to our metabolism – a range that is only just beginning to be understood. With Deborah Clegg, Texas Tech University
Exploring children's views on their diets in relation to culture, identity and tradition in their everyday lives. With Ellen Margrete Iveland Ersfjord, University of Agder, Norway
Where or what is the difference between childhood obesity and fatness, who has the right to decide that, and why is it important? With Zofia Boni, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Looking at the complex relationships between adversity in childhood and obesity in adulthood, with Shakira Suglia, Emory University
Anne Saab, associate professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute looks at how feelings such as fear and anxiety might influence food safety regulations.
Dr Esther Gonzalez-Padilla asks what is sugar? Why should we study it? And how much sugar should we be eating?
Dr Maddalena Borsato, senior researcher at Ritsumeikan University examines the ambiguities and of the contradictions of sweetness.
Pallavi Laxmikanth speaks about her PhD research examining understandings and practises of diabetes management in middle class communities in Hyderabad’s High-Tech City.
Dr Thao Dam explores how food is experienced digitally, through the Korean-originated practice of mukhbang, where people pay to watch others eat inline.
Dr Francesca Forno, Associate professor at the University of Trento discusses how new, grassroots food movements are using online platforms and how their online platforms are being appropriated by bigger businesses.
Dr Jeremy Brice explores how consumer choice is governed, protected, and cared for by firms which operate digital marketplace platforms from the likes of Deliveroo to Amazon Fresh.
Dr Anna Macready, associate professor in the School of Agriculture Policy and Development at the University of Reading, takes us through personalised nutrition and asks, ‘is there a right or wrong diet?’
This UBVO seminar was given by Alexandra Brewis (Arizona State University) on 3 December 2020
This UBVO seminar was presented by Zoe Meleo-Erwin (William Paterson University of New Jersey) on 19 November 2020
This UBVO seminar was presented by Adam Gilbertson (University of North Carolina) on 12 November 2020
This UBVO seminar was presented by Ben Wurgaft (MIT) on 5 November 2020
A UBVO seminar presented by Oli Williams (King's College London) on 29 October 2020
This UBVO seminar was given by Rebecca Puhl (University of Connecticut) on 22 October 2020
This UBVO seminar was given by William Dietz (George Washington University) on 15 October 2020