DiscoverThe SheWolf Show
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20 Episodes
Guest Christy Soper is the founder and owner of Suncierge, a boutique travel business with a mission to “empower travelers and their companions, expand diversity awareness, and create educated global citizens.” She has an immensely diverse and successful corporate background, but made the leap into entrepreneurship to follow her passion.
Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Christy Soper
Show Notes
Guest Marley McKenna is the owner of two restaurants and a catering offshoot, partners with her husband on a design-build company, works with her father in commercial and real estate development, and she co-owns a promotional apparel and branding company. On top of juggling all the things, she’s learning how to prioritize everything in her life and begin thinking about how to add “parent” to her list of titles.
Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Marley McKenna McSchmidt
Show Notes
Guest Jennifer Cox Erhardt worked in marketing for 18 years, between marketing teams and agencies, before starting her own marketing venture. After some changes and self-discovery, Jen found herself back in a routine with Armstrong Marketing Solutions and happier than ever. Jen is a co-creator of the Beautifully Equipped Podcast, which launched in September 2017.
Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Jennifer Cox Erhardt
Show Notes
Guest Ciera Krinke is a new mother to a baby girl and wears several business hats. She works as Director of Marketing for a non-profit, she operates C. James Innovations, a consulting and website business, and is a founding member of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Ciera Krinke
Show Notes
Kathy Rasmussen and Samantha Parker are co-founders of Badassery Magazine and co-hosts of the Badassery Podcast. They work to put on events, conferences, and women empowerment movements in both their online and in-real-life communities. They’re touring the US in 2019 to host events where they live and where they’re traveling.
Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Kathy Rasmussen and Samantha Parker
Show Notes
Guest Anessa Fike has been an entrepreneur for the last five years and has rooted her business firmly in the HR, Talent, and People Operations fields. She often works with tech companies as small as 12 people and as big as thousands to find the right people for the job. Her company, Fike + Co, has recently expanded so Anessa finally has a team behind her!
Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Anessa Fike
Show Notes
Guest Yansi Fugel is the owner of Tux Couture. Yansi started in fashion by dressing women for professional business, which over time developed into consulting and private client work. Yansi designed a tuxedo for women, to simplify yet empower professional women’s fashion.
Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Yansi Fugel
Show Notes
When coaching someone through Yoke and Abundance, one of Alisha’s starting points is to figure out whether someone’s “yoke” is one that’s chosen and feels right, or if it is one that’s ill-fitting and needs change. Part of Alisha’s coaching aims to find the right “yoke” or tool for that person’s life, career, and goals. The second half of her business name, “abundance,” is about love and knowing that you are more than enough. Alisha encourages others to live and grow from a place of abundance, not fear.
Guest Alisha Wielfaert is the founder and owner of Yoke and Abundance, a leadership, life and creativity coaching business. Yoke and Abundance hosts individual and group coaching sessions, along with workshops and retreats, and has recently launched a new podcast! Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Alisha Wielfaert
Show Notes
Jordan interviews Brie Goumaz of Wild Goose Creatives, and Dani Forrest of Dani, Inc. Both gals have become great friends of ours and fellow SheWolves as we all work out of the same coworking space (when Brie isn't traveling in her van). We get real about the rollercoaster of being a business owner, motivation, and how we manage our own brands.
Fellow pack members and co-work space office mates Dani Forrest and Brie Goumaz join us on a rainy Friday with a glass of wine in hand to discuss those days you just don’t feel like working, female entrepreneurism, and being a digital nomad. In this group of somewhat grumpy lady friends, things get real quick- and we are here for it.
Guest Brie Goumaz is a digital marketing strategist and founder of WildGoose Creative. Dani Forrest is a market strategist and founder of Dani, Inc. Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Dani Forrest and Brie Goumaz
Show Notes:
“Leave the fluffy stuff at the door.”- we jump right in, feeling grumpy and getting real about working when you’d rather just… not
“It’s looking at the ways you’re hustling and taking a step back.”- we go through self-care and what actually takes our businesses further
“I’m like the girl who has her push-up bra on.”- comparing dates to taking on clients, we chat about what we give away for free and what we wait to share after the line is signed
“Every chick I’ve talked to in business has a hard time charging their worth.”- we dive into why women are prone to charge less than their male peers who are working at a similar level
Jordan, Dani, and Brie talk about their entrepreneurial journeys and out of office dreams
“I think on the grumpy days that we have, like today, it’s nice to think about those freedoms.”- we dive into the varying levels of being a digital nomad
“There is a couch in the office…”- the answer to every grumpy mood? Naps.
Dani Forrest, Dani Inc.:
Brie Goumaz, Wild Goose Creatives:
She Wolf Collaborative:
Brandboss Creative:
Also Mentioned:
Higgins Creative:
Lauren Burgess, Headwall Digital:
Stacy Townsend:
Dannie Fountain:
Apple iPhone:
Maia Community:
When, Daniel Pink:
Press Play Studios, Greensboro:
“It’s all in the attitude and how we’re showing up. So it might not be that one email and it might not be that one phone call, but it’s each day. How you show up at your work and what you’re bringing to the table. And you never know what that one thing is that is going to bring in new business.” -Dani Forrest
“Whether you’re trying to start a business, or you have a business and you’re trying to be bigger, I always say, do one thing every day that gets you to where you want to be… Whatever it is, just one day be the person you would be if you were that. If you were them. You are them.” - Dani Forrest
“It’s so sext to start a business right now, and I’m such a dream crusher that I just want to tell everyone that it’s really not that sexy. Like, you think it is, and then you go into the dressing room and put the swimsuit on and you realize that you’ve been sitting at your computer four years.”- Jordan Lacenski
Reina Pomeroy is interviewed by Jordan, your HOST, as they discuss business sustainability, especially as an entrepreneur. *Thanks for your patience as ZOOM had a spotty connection. The content was too good not to share!~
Show Highlights:
“The adrenaline’s gone and what do I do now”- We discuss how to create business sustainability after the adrenaline rush
“You’re wasting your brain calories”- taking time to write out your system can save you from spinning your wheels
“Turn that check the box part off to like this deep thinking, big picture, step away and write all over your wall kind of thing”- Reina and Jordan talk delegation, seeing the big picture, and working with other personality types
“productize AKA systematize” - Reina gives tips on the business proposal process
Jordan and Reina discuss podcasting as a current outlet for creative content ready for consumption as well as a place to record the questions and answers women in business are really talking about
“When we’re in our fear zone, it’s all about us”- embracing the fear to create an impact and letting go of the imposter syndrome
“Turn off the mean girl in your head”- putting yourself out there for your client and not to compare yourself to your competition
“#socialglue”- Jordan and Reina talk about social glue, social media marketing, community and networking
“Trying to be the 24 hour woman”- Last, we chat about creating balance in our identities using all types self-care
Reina Pomeroy, Reina and Co:
Creative Empire Podcast:
Fueled with Heart Podcast:
The Social Glue Playbook, #socialglue:
She Wolf Collaborative:
Brandboss Creative:
Also mentioned:
Lauren Caselli:
Boss Lady Bash, #bossladybash:
Third Love:
Bose Headphones:
73 Questions | Vogue:
“The best way to take care of yourself honestly is taking the things that are on your plate off that suck and you suck at. That’s self-care. Deleting people who you follow that drain you is self-care. No longer searching for validation through other people is self care.” -Reina Pomeroy
“The people who say they are killing it, are not always killing it.”- Reina Pomeroy
“You can be awesome and ostentatious and somebody humble. And be part of a community where people love her.” -Reina Pomeroy
Jordan interviews Keeley McKay who practices Law in Montana as well as running her own photography business. She is a doer, with strong left and right-brained traits, allowing her to be creative, to relate to her creative clients, and protect creative entrepreneurs from potentials that could hurt their business.
Show Notes:
“I would vote for you!”- Keeley shares her journey of getting into law with creatives (spoiler: she isn’t running for office)
“I did everything the hard way.”- we discuss the learning curve of starting a business
“I've got five hundred dollars where do I spend it?”- we share the best way to invest your precious starter funds to protect yourself and your business
Jordan and Keeley discuss the female tendency to give and do more for free because they want what is best for the client
“Everything is for sale for the right price.”- Keeley shares on contracts and how being open to changing one isn’t always a bad thing
“We can do both”- Keeley talks about generationally breaking stereotypes of being a lawyer by also being a creative
“You can only be on and focused for twenty minutes at a time.”- we talk balancing our introverted side with getting the job done
“I think my first cell phone was, gosh, this like Nokia brick”- how technology has changed our productivity
“Nope, I don't need to do makeup.”- we share about how Montanan culture refreshingly doesn’t focus on the exterior image
“Hey, we're gonna calmly go to the bathroom.”- Jordan and Keeley compare their uses of essential oils and their beloved bulldogs
Keeley McKay Photography:
Keeley McKay, Redmon Law Firm:
Keeley McKay Webinar: Now only available through SheWolf membership. Apply HERE.
She Wolf Collaborative:
Brandboss Creative:
Also mentioned:
Stacy Townsend:
Dannie Fountain:
Google Calendar:
GiGi Pip Hats:
“When I was ten years old I said I'm going to be a lawyer because I want to be president of the United States and I figured being a lawyer was the way to get there… I have since decided that that is too heavy a burden to bear. There are people better suited to run the country.” -Keeley McKay
“This is who I am, and I'm no better or worse because of how I look or what I'm wearing.”- Keeley McKay
“I think everyone needs to like schedule at least a month to go out west. I don't know, take some time just do it and see how Montanans live. Because I feel like it changed my world.”- Jordan Lacenski
Jordan interviews Cass Wendell, Founder of three major brands, including The Wellness Rookie, #GirlGetAfterIt, Girl Talk and more. She has brought women and wellness together in a very cool way and has events all over the Nation. She is humble but mighty and she is one of the very best social media managers we know. She's addicted to community and that's why we love her.
While fellow pack- member Cassidy Wendell is out living a fun and active lifestyle in Bozeman, Montana she is also pouring herself into her three ventures. In between helping brands and businesses with their internet presence and helping others with their health and wellness, Cass spends her time trail running, hitting up spin classes, and lifting weights. Oh, and prioritizing some well deserved sleep! In this podcast we talk real life, the road that brought us to where we are (and where we want to go), as well as tips and tricks for organizing and prioritizing everything that comes along with owning your own business.
Cass Wendell is a social media strategist, website designer, and marketing consultant at Cassidy Wendell as well as a part-time wellness blogger with her blog the Wellness Rookie. She is the brains behind the catchy brand #girlgetafterit. Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Show Highlights:
“Do you ever think about what would my life have looked like if I..” -Jordan and Cassidy talk about how their college and post-college lives shaped them
Cass shares how a Nike ad about Tiger Woods followed by her dad’s passing sparked a change of career paths and led her to where she is today
“ I made a promise to myself… I am going to put my business, my brand first.” -We talk discuss prioritizing your business as well as your work day through time blocking
“People don't buy what you're selling, they buy your story”- how social media and branding tell the story that makes you stand out
“Absolutely say no to the ship that you don't want to keep doing.”- We discuss how sitting out of projects that drain you opens up time for those that fulfil you
“I want to work with less people on a larger scale”- Jordan and Cass talk about the future of their businesses and brands and what really works
“‘When are we gonna have kids?’... “When are you gonna take me to Europe?’”- Jordan and Cass share their favorite podcasts, blogs, and places they (want to) travel
“ I think like females should do that something that makes you feel strong.”- We share the ways we enjoy getting our legs moving and our blood pumping
Cassidy shares the ups and downs of her go-to organization tool, Trello
Cass Wendell:
The Wellness Rookie:
Girl Get After It, #girlgetafterit:
SheWolf Collaborative:
Brandboss Creative:
Also mentioned:
The Social Media Examiner:
Jenna Kutcher, Goal Digger Podcast:
Julie Solomon, The Influencer Podcast:
Planoly blog:
Later Media blog:
Diana Davis photography, NYC:
“So I think it all boils down to so I made a promise to myself when I decided to take the lead was I am going to put my business, my brand first.”- Cassidy Wendell
“You're not gonna appeal to everybody. But it's gonna make a way bigger impact if you appeal to a specific someone than a generic everyone.”- Cassidy Wendell
“I am not even, like, thinking about removing this IUD until you take me to Europe.”- Jordan Lacenski
Jordan interview Dannie Lynn Fountain has been a digital nomad, and SEO guru for 10+ years, and now works for Google while still managing her business on the side and traveling the world. She makes search engine optimization conquerable and understandable and she's one of the coolest people we know. She gets real about juggling all the things, the ups and downs of business ownership, and pivoting while still pursuing her dreams.
Jordan interviews Calvin Wayman, author of Fish Out Of Water, professional speaker, content creator and more. Calvin gets real about his first speaking gig, his family, the pros and cons of working for yourself and more. You DON'T want to miss this.
Jordan interviews David Horne, who started as a pro golfer, moved to the agency world, and started his own shop, called HONESTLY. Using a model similar to record producers, filmmakers, all-star teams and think tanks, Honestly assembles unified teams with the expert capabilities needed for the job. Led by David, their collaborators are some of the brightest and friendliest people you’ll meet. Yes, they’re great at design, content, user experience, technology and marketing, but they’re also folks you’d enjoy hanging out with after hours. We’re honored to work with them. They stand on pillars of transparency, standards of quality, and independence with collaboration.
Jordan interviews Shannon Waters, Chef and Founder of Pilot Light Consulting. Shannon has many talents and after opening restaurants in California, she saw a need for restaurateurs to have a group whose focus is to provide successful openings, which it achieves through financial understanding, hiring strategies, menu development, product sourcing, and implementation of internal systems. In what can be a difficult industry to navigate, the expert restaurant consultation provided by Pilot Light weaves these factors together to allow the chef, kitchen, front of house and thus the entire restaurant to run smoothly.
The dream-inspired duo at Yellow Co, Joanna Waterfall and Kacy Schlener, are serious squad goals. Dare we say better than the original KC and JoJo? Joanna is the dreamer, she has the big ideas and Kacy is the executor, ready to put those ideas into action. They have each others back with a bright and inspiring outlook on not only their community but the entire world and specifically the amazing women they’re connecting on a daily basis. Today, they give us some real and inspiring, life-giving talk all about women, making the dream a reality, and the big picture behind it all.
Guest Joanna Waterfall is the creative mind and founder of Yellow Co. Kacy Schlener is her right hand woman, the Director of Operations. Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guests: Joanna Waterfall and Kacy Schlener
Show notes
Jordan interviews Breanna Polacik, Owner and Founder of The Dotted I, located in Bozeman, Montana.
Bre is a lover of spreadsheets, non-profit communities,! She sources grants and funding for organizations she is passionate about and gives us an inside look into her business from a money perspective.
Guest Jen Brown is known as the “engaging educator” and “the fearless lady” because of her two businesses, The Engaging Educator and Fearless. She’s an unapologetic supporter of women and uses her businesses as platforms to uplift other women to find confidence and success in themselves.
Host Jordan Lacenski is the founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Brandboss Creative, and co-founder of SheWolf Collaborative.
Host: Jordan Lacenski
Guest: Jen Brown
Show Notes
Here’s the history behind the SheWolf show and how it got started, also how I learned lessons the hard way, and Hal 12 episodes in the making had to be totally rebranded and relaunched
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An incredibly enjoyable podcast that highlights the importance of having a community to support you. I especially love the episodes with more than one guest!