Stop Spinning Your Wheels with Reina Pomeroy
Reina Pomeroy is interviewed by Jordan, your HOST, as they discuss business sustainability, especially as an entrepreneur. *Thanks for your patience as ZOOM had a spotty connection. The content was too good not to share!~
Show Highlights:
- “The adrenaline’s gone and what do I do now”- We discuss how to create business sustainability after the adrenaline rush
- “You’re wasting your brain calories”- taking time to write out your system can save you from spinning your wheels
- “Turn that check the box part off to like this deep thinking, big picture, step away and write all over your wall kind of thing”- Reina and Jordan talk delegation, seeing the big picture, and working with other personality types
- “productize AKA systematize” - Reina gives tips on the business proposal process
- Jordan and Reina discuss podcasting as a current outlet for creative content ready for consumption as well as a place to record the questions and answers women in business are really talking about
- “When we’re in our fear zone, it’s all about us”- embracing the fear to create an impact and letting go of the imposter syndrome
- “Turn off the mean girl in your head”- putting yourself out there for your client and not to compare yourself to your competition
- “#socialglue”- Jordan and Reina talk about social glue, social media marketing, community and networking
- “Trying to be the 24 hour woman”- Last, we chat about creating balance in our identities using all types self-care
Reina Pomeroy, Reina and Co:
Creative Empire Podcast:
Fueled with Heart Podcast:
The Social Glue Playbook, #socialglue:
She Wolf Collaborative:
Brandboss Creative:
Also mentioned:
Lauren Caselli:
Boss Lady Bash, #bossladybash:
Third Love:
Bose Headphones:
73 Questions | Vogue:
“The best way to take care of yourself honestly is taking the things that are on your plate off that suck and you suck at. That’s self-care. Deleting people who you follow that drain you is self-care. No longer searching for validation through other people is self care.” -Reina Pomeroy
“The people who say they are killing it, are not always killing it.”- Reina Pomeroy
“You can be awesome and ostentatious and somebody humble. And be part of a community where people love her.” -Reina Pomeroy