Why You Need A Lawyer as a Small Business Owner with Keeley McKay
Jordan interviews Keeley McKay who practices Law in Montana as well as running her own photography business. She is a doer, with strong left and right-brained traits, allowing her to be creative, to relate to her creative clients, and protect creative entrepreneurs from potentials that could hurt their business.
Show Notes:
- “I would vote for you!”- Keeley shares her journey of getting into law with creatives (spoiler: she isn’t running for office)
- “I did everything the hard way.”- we discuss the learning curve of starting a business
- “I've got five hundred dollars where do I spend it?”- we share the best way to invest your precious starter funds to protect yourself and your business
- Jordan and Keeley discuss the female tendency to give and do more for free because they want what is best for the client
- “Everything is for sale for the right price.”- Keeley shares on contracts and how being open to changing one isn’t always a bad thing
- “We can do both”- Keeley talks about generationally breaking stereotypes of being a lawyer by also being a creative
- “You can only be on and focused for twenty minutes at a time.”- we talk balancing our introverted side with getting the job done
- “I think my first cell phone was, gosh, this like Nokia brick”- how technology has changed our productivity
- “Nope, I don't need to do makeup.”- we share about how Montanan culture refreshingly doesn’t focus on the exterior image
- “Hey, we're gonna calmly go to the bathroom.”- Jordan and Keeley compare their uses of essential oils and their beloved bulldogs
Keeley McKay Photography: https://www.keeleymckayphoto.com/
Keeley McKay, Redmon Law Firm: http://www.redmonlawfirm.com/getting-to-know-keeley-mckay/
Keeley McKay Webinar: Now only available through SheWolf membership. Apply HERE.
She Wolf Collaborative: https://shewolfco.co/
Brandboss Creative: https://www.brandbosscreative.com/
Also mentioned:
Stacy Townsend: http://townsendcollective.com/
Honeybook: https://www.honeybook.com/
Dannie Fountain: http://www.danniefountain.com/
Google Calendar:https://www.google.com/calendar
GiGi Pip Hats: https://www.gigipip.com/
“When I was ten years old I said I'm going to be a lawyer because I want to be president of the United States and I figured being a lawyer was the way to get there… I have since decided that that is too heavy a burden to bear. There are people better suited to run the country.” -Keeley McKay
“This is who I am, and I'm no better or worse because of how I look or what I'm wearing.”- Keeley McKay
“I think everyone needs to like schedule at least a month to go out west. I don't know, take some time just do it and see how Montanans live. Because I feel like it changed my world.”- Jordan Lacenski