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Hope for Spouses

Hope for Spouses

Author: Kim Pullen

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If you are suffering in the wake of your spouse's adultery or sexual addiction, you will find a supportive community here.

Hope for Spouses is a ministry focused on nurturing and growing in intimacy with God and a safe circle of others. As the betrayed, we chose not to be victims but to own our healing, recovery, and ability to thrive regardless of our spouse's choices.

Kim Pullen is the host of Hope for Spouses. Thriving in a 30-year marriage traumatized by adultery and a four-year separation, Kim shares hope and healing with spouses who feel isolated due to sexual sin in their relationship, but don't know how or where to begin their journey.
97 Episodes
Why do some betrayed spouse’s make deliberate choices to set boundaries in their broken marriage and move toward healing while others live in a prolonged state of dysfunction, desperately trying to fix their spouse and/or their marriage? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about how hitting our “pain threshold” makes all the difference in recovery. Kim will define what a pain threshold is, factors that affect it, why we change or resist, and who we can make choices to bring about peace and active healing regardless of the choices our unfaithful spouse makes.___________________ Join the Hope for Spouse’s Network at Schedule your call at Learn more about Hope for Spouses, our recovery programs, and all our available resources at https://hopeforspouses.com____________________ SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Hebrews 2:10, 18Hebrews 12:7-11Romans 5:3-4James 5:16Matthew 23:27-28Hebrews 11:6Psalm 1:1-2
Being alone on a deserted Pacific island with your spouse may have once been a fantasy vacation, but in the wake of betrayal, has your isolation become a living nightmare? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen answers the questions of why we isolate and explore the dangers of isolation. She also discusses why we need others in the recovery process, and how we can identity safe people to whom we can be open and vulnerable.___________________ Join the Hope for Spouse’s Network at Schedule your call at Learn more about Hope for Spouses, our recovery programs, and all our available resources at https://hopeforspouses.com____________________ SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:1 Peter 5:8Proverbs 14:121 Corinthians 12:21-26Genesis 1:26Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
In the wake of your spouse’s betrayal and disclosure, are you forging toward a healthy future, or are you desperate to preserve a phantom past? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses' Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about what it looks like to live on the defensive in your marriage, why we do it, and how we can recognize if we are clinging to an illusion. She also shares how we can get on a healthy offensive by building an intimate relationship with God, getting out of isolation and into a safe community, and how we need a strategy for healing instead of randomly trying a variety of tools or stumbling around in the dark.___________________ Join the Hope for Spouse’s Network at Schedule your call at Learn more about Hope for Spouses, our recovery programs, and all our available resources at https://hopeforspouses.com____________________ SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:2 Corinthians 7:10-11Ephesians 5:25-30Proverbs 31:11, 28-29Acts 18:24-26Song of SongsEphesians 5:22-30John 12:24Isaiah 43:18-19Luke 152 Kings 17, 24-25Matthew 13:44Genesis 1:261 Corinthians 12:21-26 Article: “39 Shocking Sexual Addiction Recovery Statistics” from Health Research Funding
What do you do when you find out your spouse is consistently watching porn and minimizes it when you ask them about it? It’s not uncommon to hear, “All guys watch porn. It’s normal. You’re just a prude. You’re just trying to control me.” In this episode the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about the myth of the “little problem” that many spouses have with porn and the devastation it’s reaping in marriages today. She’ll talk about the impact of our spouse’s porn use on our children, how God feels about sexual impurity, and what the Bible says we can do to address the sin. Finally, Kim will share what you can do to find your own healing regardless of your spouse’s choice to repent or change.___________________ Join the Hope for Spouse’s Network at Schedule your call at Learn more about Hope for Spouses, our recovery programs, and all our available resources at https://hopeforspouses.com____________________ SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:Isaiah 5:20Psalm 101:31 Corinthians 5:9-13Galatians 6:1Ephesians 5:11Ezekiel 3:18Matthew 18:15-17Matthew 5:29-30Hebrews 13:4Luke 4:18Acts 26:201 John 3:182 Corinthians 7:10-11 Article:Watching pornography rewires the brain to a more juvenile state Learn more about the devastation of pornography on relationships at
If you know or you’ve suspected your spouse has been unfaithful or is a sexual addict and you haven’t acted on that knowledge or suspicion, did you know your inaction may be costing you more than you realize? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about how destructive paralysis can be in the wake of our spouse’s betrayal, and what our past, present, and future costs are for not taking action. She’ll also talk about the different between futile action and faithful, fruitful action.___________________ Schedule your call at Join our safe online community at Learn more about Hope for Spouses, our recovery programs, and all our available resources at https://hopeforspouses.com____________________ SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:2 Corinthians 7:10-11James 2:17, 4:17Genesis 2:16-17Deuteronomy 30:15-20Romans 12:22 Samuel 12:13Matthew 7:3-52 Peter 1:3-4 BOOK RECOMMENDATION:The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk (
In the wake of a spouse’s betrayal, many partners feel stuck, incapable of moving forward or backward in their life. Their trauma and the resultant shock, pain, and confusion leave them paralyzed. In this episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about why we the betrayed can become emotionally and/or spiritually crippled, feeling like healing is out of reach or unavailable to us. She’ll also discuss how we can cease looking at books, counseling, and programs as saviors or magic bullets and instead learn how to utilize them as tools in a biblically based strategy or plan of action for recovery.___________________ Schedule your call at Join the Hope for Spouses safe online community at Learn more about Hope for Spouses and all our available resources at https://hopeforspouses.com____________________ SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:John 5:1-9Proverbs 3:5-6James 2:20, 22
An addicted or unfaithful spouse isn’t the only person in our lives who may not be safe for us when we are trying to recovery from betrayal trauma. Often, family members, friends, and co-workers who have the best of intentions may unwittingly re-traumatize us with their noble but naïve hearts and advice. So how do we recognize the difference between safe and unsafe people? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen shares a simple assessment strategy to easily identify “helpful” individuals who are unsafe to include in our intimate circle of advisers. She’ll also share how we can respond kindly and respectfully to unsafe friends and family as well as how to resist overwhelming safe individuals with our pain.___________________ Learn more about Hope for Spouses and all our available resources at Schedule a free breakthrough call at SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:Matthew 7:6-7Matthew 10:11-13, 161 Samuel 16:7James 1:19Isaiah 42:31 Corinthians 12:22-26Luke 16:10-12Proverbs 22:3, 27:12Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Philippians 2:3  VIDEOS (three options):How to Support Someone Who's Been Betrayed by their Spouse (, 27 minutesThe Real Reason Betrayed Wives Come Across Like Raging Lunatics...And How to Respond, 42 minutes( & Grace: How Leaders & Laymen Can Support the Victims of Sexual Sin, 100 minutes( RECOMMENDED BOOKS:Leslie Vernick’s “The Emotionally Destructive Marriage” ( & Townsend’s “Boundaries in Marriage" ( Arterburn’s “Worthy of Her Trust” (
Are you tempted to rage at your unfaithful partner because of the injustice you feel at being betrayed or do you swing to the other extreme and feel compelled to turn a blind eye to their betrayal no matter how much it hurts you or damages your marriage? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about the challenges of balancing justice and mercy after a marriage has been shattered by infidelity or sexual addiction. She examines how Jesus perfectly represented God’s character when confronting both a repentant and unrepentant sinner, and she shows how we can do the same with our spouse. Kim also addresses how the biblical ordering of our relationship with God and our spouse directly impacts the balance of justice and mercy in our marriage. Scriptures References:John 8:1-11Leviticus 20:10-12Hebrews 1:1-2Colossians 2:9Mark 10:17-222 Corinthians 7:10-11Acts 26:201 John 3:18Ephesians 5:11Acts 3:19Romans 12:10Colossians 3:16Ephesians 4:321 Thessalonians 5:11James 5:16Colossians 3:9Matthew 22:30Galatians 3:26-28Ephesians 2:19-20Mark 3:31-35Ephesians 5:251 Corinthians 12:12-24Luke 14:25-33Deuteronomy 30:19-20 7 Ways to Know If Your Sexually Addicted Spouse is Really Changed - How to Know When an Addict or Adulterer is Telling the Truth ___________________ Learn more about Hope for Spouses and all our available resources at Schedule a free breakthrough call at
What is the difference between being comforted in the wake of our spouse’s sexual betrayal and pursuing comfort in our recovery? It doesn’t seem fair that we as Christian spouses have to bear the pain and humiliation of our spouse’s sexual betrayal! We’ve been wounded and everything in us seeks to be comforted in our pain. And God does comfort us. The danger comes when we forget that when we chose to follow Jesus we gave up living for the comforts of this world. In this episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about the difference between being comforted and being comfortable. She also challenges followers of Jesus to remember the call of discipleship to deny ourselves and embrace the challenges of living in a sinful world. Finally, Kim shares practical examples of just what areas in our recovery we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Scripture References:1 Timothy 6:171 John 2:152 Corinthians 1:3-5Isaiah 32:9-13Luke 9:23-25Luke 9:57-58John 6:38Acts 1-8Matthew 28:20Romans 12:21 Peter 2:11John 17:14-16John 12:24-26Romans 12:1___________________ Learn more about Hope for Spouses and all our available resources at Schedule a free breakthrough call at
In the devastating wake of our spouse’s sexual betrayal and emotional abuse or manipulation, our desperate longing for what could be in the future or what was good in the past can blind us to the reality of where our marriage is in the present.In this episode of the Hope for Spouse’s Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen addresses sentimentality, the wrecking ball of betrayal healing. Kim will define sentimentality, where it comes from, why we are so tempted to marinate in it, and how it blinds us to truth. She’ll also share how we can use God’s word and other sources to stay in truth so we can continue moving forward in our healing regardless of the choices our spouse makes.___________________To learn more about how you can find hope in the healing in the wake of your spouse's sexual betrayal, go to
How much time have you spent trying to figure out what your unfaithful or addicted spouse is thinking? Maybe you haven’t gotten to point where you realize not just it’s futility, but the hindrance it is to your own healing. In this episode of the Hope for Spouses Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen discusses three reasons a betrayed partner needs to stay in their own head instead of trying to get in their spouse’s. She talks about the physiological reasons but more importantly, she talks about the spiritual reasons why we need to stop obsessing over what our partner is thinking and focus on what God thinks and says, and on our own healing. Scriptures References:1 Corinthians 2:11Psalm 139:1-4Galatians 5:16Philippians 2:4Ephesians 4:17-24John 21:22Luke 13:1-5Galatians 6:2-5Romans 12:2Colossians 3:9-101 Corinthians 2:6-16Romans 8:6John 12:49, 14:10, 17:81 Corinthians 3:1-3 Articles:Two minds: The cognitive differences between men and women Watching porn rewires the brain to a more juvenile state Image of the Three Brains: ___________________ To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: Preview the Hope for Spouses Recovery programs at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to
In the same way 9/11 rocked the US and changed things around the world, our life is similarly devastated when we realize the person we thought we could trust more than anyone else in the world has a secret life masturbating to porn and/or is having sex with others outside our marriage. It makes us doubt our own reality and question our value and identity.In this episode of the Hope for Spouses Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen shares practical, biblical ways you can know if an unfaithful spouse is being truthful. She also shares the importance of facing our own truths as we move toward healing.___________________If you’ve reached your pain threshold in the wake of your spouse’s betrayal, if you’re ready to get out of the insanity loop of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, and if you’re ready to fully engage and invest in your healing with a biblical strategy, an experienced guide, and a community of safe others who “get it,” schedule a free breakthrough call: a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: more information, go to
There are few things that can leave a betrayed spouse feeling as confused and foolish as missing an unrepentant sexually addicted or adulterous partner. Why O why then do we “miss” them when all they did was hurt us? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen gets to the root of what we think we miss about our spouse, what we really miss, and how we can get our need for emotionally and spiritually intimacy met through God and safe others in our lives.____________________ Just starting your healing journey and need courage and insight? Watch the Hope for Spouses Fierce Masterclass: To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: If you want to dive right into healing or a call with a stranger is too daunting, check out our iSeeU kickstart group coaching recovery program at You can also watch future Lunchtime Lives in real time Wednesdays on our public Facebook Page at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to
You are obsessed with knowing everything about your unfaithful spouse’s infidelity or sexual addiction. But how much is really healthy and beneficial for you or for your marriage? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen addresses the debate over just how much “truth” we really need to know regarding our spouse’s sexual betrayal. She’ll share the biblical definition of “truth”, how that definition fits into the context of a betrayed marriage, and offer biblical guidance on how a broken and betrayed partner can make spiritually wise and emotionally healthy choices about exactly what would help her move toward healing.___________________ In the Old Testament (Hebrew):The word for truth is émeth and it is synonymous with faithfulness and reliability, sureness, in the right way (Gen 24:28).In the Psalms, it is repeatedly translated as “Your truth” or “His Truth” – referring to God’s ownership of it (Psalm 115:1, 108:4, 91:4, 86:11, 71:22, 138:2)·And in Proverbs like 8:7, truth is connected with the personification of called “Wisdom”. In the New Testament (Greek) “the” truth takes on an identity of its own that is synonymous with Jesus, the gospel, and holiness:NOUN - alḗtheia – properly, truth (true to fact), reality. (John 8:32)NOUN - epignósis – precise, correct, and “true” knowledge; the knowledge of things ethical and divine, especially the knowledge of God’s holy will and of the blessings which he has bestowed and constantly bestows on men through Christ. (Romans 1:28, Ephesians 4:13, Colossians 3:10, 1 Tim 2:4, 25, 3:7, Titus 1:1, Heb 10:26, 2 Peter 2:20)VERB - hagiázō - "to make holy, consecrate, sanctify; to dedicate, separate from things profane"; to consecrate. (Hebrews 10:2:11, 10:29)ADJECTIVE - alēthḗs ("what can't be hidden") stresses undeniable reality when something is fully tested, i.e. it will ultimately be shown to be fact (authentic). (John 6:55, Philippians 4:8)VERB - alētheúō (literally, "to truth") includes Spirit-led confrontation where it is vital to tell the truth so others can live in God's reality rather than personal illusion. (Gal 4:16, Eph 4:15)ADVERB - alēthṓs – truly; in accord with fact, i.e. demonstrably valid and therefore genuine (reflecting true reality). (Matthew 27:54, Luke 12:44) Additional Scriptures shared in the lesson:John 8:31-32John 14:8John 18:37-381 Cor 12:23-241 Cor 6:12Ecclesiastes 7:16-18Matthew 10:16Jeremiah 16:17Philippians 1:9-11, 4:8 Three questions:1. Do I want to know so I can feel in control? (Romans 8:5-8)2. Will this knowledge move me toward healing and eventual reconciliation or toward more trauma and dysfunction? (Is it best? Phil 1:9-11)3. Will it help me to become more like Jesus in righteousness and holiness? (2 Cor 3:18)____________________ Just starting your healing journey and need courage and insight? Watch the Hope for Spouses Fierce Masterclass: To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: You can also watch future Lunchtime Lives in real time every Wednesday on our public Facebook Page at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to
Have you set up “boundaries” in your broken marriage only to have your unfaithful or sexually addicted spouse buck you at every turn? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen tackles the challenges of setting and maintaining boundaries with a resistant spouse and addresses the vital foundation for healthy boundaries, their purpose, and who we should and shouldn’t talk to about them. She also offers some practical tips on setting boundaries as well as revealing the biblical anchor we need to withstand the storm of our spouse’s resistance to change. [Please note that any direction given here is for a broken marriage; not a dangerous one. If you are in danger, please call 911 or contact the National Domestic Abuse Hotline ( immediately.] Scriptures used in this episode:Matthew 11:28-291 Peter 3:7John 3:19-21James 4:17Ephesians 5:3-51 Corinthians 6:18-201 Corinthians 2:14Matthew 7:6James 3:17Jeremiah 17:9Ephesians 6:10-132 Corinthians 5:16Colossians 3:1-22 Corinthians 10:3-5____________________ Just starting your healing journey and need courage and insight? Watch the Hope for Spouses Fierce Masterclass: To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: You can also watch future Lunchtime Lives in real time every Wednesday on our public Facebook Page at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to
How can we apply God’s call “be still” in Psalm 46:10 when our sexually addicted or unfaithful spouse refuses to change and refuses to give us the space to heal? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen addresses the often-misunderstood topic of waiting on God. Sharing from her own life, Kim will discuss what “be still” means in the context of Scripture, what it doesn’t mean, and practical ways we can apply it in our broken marriage. ____________________ Scriptures used in this episode [Please review and meditate on to build your own convictions]:Psalm 46:10Matthew 25:26James 4:17Exodus 14:132 Kings 6:15-18Joshua 5:16-6:20Ephesians 6:13-182 Chronicles 20Psalm 46-48Isaiah 55:8-92 Corinthians 12:7Galatians 5:2-5Ephesians 5:3-72 Timothy 3:1-71 Peter 3:1-2 Luke 24:11-12Ephesians 5:25-281 Peter 3:7Hebrews 13:4Ephesians 5:3-7Galatians 5:19-212 Timothy 3:1-7Revelations 21:8Psalm 47:7Psalm 100:3 Isaiah 54:5 Matthew 22:30 John 12:482 Corinthians 5:10Matthew 4:14-16Matthew 23John 6:31-47Matthew 7:6Matthew 10:14-162 Corinthians 2:14Luke 15:11-24Romans 1:24-281 Corinthians 5:5Romans 12:21 Peter 5:6-10Jeremiah 17:9____________________Just starting your healing journey and need courage and insight? Watch the Hope for Spouses Fierce Masterclass: To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: You can also watch future Lunchtime Lives in real time every Wednesday on our public Facebook Page at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to
You’ve been separated either by your choice or your spouse’s choice due to their unrepentant infidelity or addiction to pornography. You’ve endured emotional abuse in the form of manipulation, gaslighting, passive-aggressiveness, fits of rage, defensiveness, or flagrant deceit. So why in the world would you be tempted to invite your spouse back into your life and your home. Is there such a thing as premature reconciliation? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim shares about her own struggles with letting her unrepentant husband back into her life way too soon. She talks honestly what separation looks like, WHY it’s so tempting to give in, and the truth about what happens when we lower our boundaries (and God’s standard) prematurely. And she’ll share the truth about time, suffering, patience, and waiting on God. ____________________ Just starting your healing journey and need courage and insight? Watch the Hope for Spouses Fierce Masterclass: To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: You can also watch future Lunchtime Lives in real time every Wednesday on our public Facebook Page at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to
You’ve been recently separated from your sexually addicted spouse because of their unrepentance or your need for space to heal. But now what? In this episode of the Hope for Spouses, Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about the mental, emotional and physical steps we need to take to heal in the wake of separation from a sexual addicted partner. Using experience from her own four-year separation and the scriptures, Kim shares how to recognize and accept your current emotional health, the healthiest people to surround yourself with, and how to set preliminary boundaries. She’ll also share the primary areas in your life to focus on as you begin to navigate your healing journey. ____________________ Just starting your healing journey and need courage and insight? Watch the Hope for Spouses Fierce Masterclass: To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: You can also watch future Lunchtime Lives in real time every Wednesday on our public Facebook Page at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to
I thought separation was the beginning of the end of my marriage. I couldn’t have been more wrong. In this special episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim intimately shares her painful healing journey through four years of separation due to her husband’s adultery. By example and through scripture, she also shows how only when a man or woman are complete in God independently can they complement each other the way God intended and build a healthy, intimate marriage that weathers the inevitable storms of life. ____________________ Just starting your healing journey and need courage and insight? Watch the Hope for Spouses Fierce Masterclass: To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: You can also watch future Lunchtime Lives in real time every Wednesday on our public Facebook Page at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to
Since you discovered your spouse’s sexual betrayal, have you been made to feel like you’re worthless? Has your spouse laid the blame for their unfaithful choices at your feet? Are you confused and frustrated because you’ve done all you knew to do and it’s still not “good enough?” In this episode of the Hope for Spouses’ Lunchtime Live, Kim Pullen talks about how and where the world—and even sometimes the church—tells us to get our value, how that message impacts a marriage broken by sexual sin and how it specifically impacts the betrayed partner. Kim will also discuss how we can change the unbiblical messages we have been listening to and how we can look to God to reclaim the value and worth we have always had.____________________ Just starting your healing journey and need courage and insight? Watch the Hope for Spouses Fierce Masterclass: To get clarity on where your marriage is, where you want it to be, and what's blocking you from getting there, schedule a free breakthrough call with me to see if we can help you live a victorious life regardless of our spouse’s choices: You can also watch future Lunchtime Lives in real time every Wednesday on our public Facebook Page at Need a community of like-minded friends on their own journey of healing? Join our private Facebook Group: For more information, go to