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The Friday Stream
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The Friday Stream

Author: Jupiter Broadcasting

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Our crew from all over the world share stories, make new friends, and give each other a hard time live.
13 Episodes
It's the final Friday, and the crew shares some great stories from a recent team summer camp. Plus some super-secret projects in the works, and another famous flash mob. Special Guests: Brent Gervais and Hadea Fisher.
We share stories from a time when computer storage was very precious, and the types of storage were still battling it out for the standard. Plus our proposals to do away with time zones, and a special guest helps give away some games. Special Guests: Brent Gervais and Jackie DeVore.
11: IT's a Support Trap!

11: IT's a Support Trap!


We share family tech support stories and reminisce about the good old days of being the "go-to" tech support member. Plus how we TV these days, streaming subscription fatigue, and Ell's search for missing persons.
Joined by a new friend we share the stories of our first vehicles and the crazy things we did to them, and watch out Florida man, Oregon man is coming for you! Special Guest: Mike McClaren.
9: From Zero to Murder

9: From Zero to Murder


Everyone is back from Texas with a great story to share, and Chris comes within 3 seconds of a life-ending moment. Plus Chz goes up against Brent in our most surprising giveaway game yet.
We share the stories of our very first computers, and reminisce about the bad old days of the PC. Plus we solve another world problem, explain Amazon Flex, and our cheap home studio build.
7: Take it for Granite

7: Take it for Granite


Chris gets lost with the animals, while Ang plays with fire and we solve the Deepfake problem. Plus Wes and Ang battle it out for a million dollars. Special Guest: Hadea Fisher.
Episode 6: Mic And Coke

Episode 6: Mic And Coke


The funniest 17 seconds from Texas Linux Fest and we learn some remarkable things about our crew’s past. Special Guests: Allie Barnes and Brent Gervais.
Chris and Brent are back from their buddies trip to Portland and share a few stories, but the big surprise comes when Chris’ wife joins to share big life-changing news. Special Guests: Brent Gervais and Hadea Fisher.
Episode 4: The Techxorcist

Episode 4: The Techxorcist


Chris tries to convince Brent to take a buddies trip, we try to get the audience a discount chicken deal, and Ell’s trying to get out of a locked server room. Plus we dig into the WhatsApp spyware, prove that robots will replace podcasters, and call a higher power for some help because no problem is too small, too big, or too weird. Special Guest: Brent Gervais.
Back from Boston and we have a few stories to share, the best 39 seconds from Red Hat Summit, and the protest we found our selves in the middle of. Plus we get to know the new guy a little better, the Pixel 3a is announced and we weigh the tradeoffs, and we replay Chris having a panic attack on air. Special Guest: Brent Gervais.
Sometimes the road home is a little bumpy, and sometimes you just want them to cook the bloody eggs. Special Guests: Brent Gervais, Hadea Fisher, and Tyler Brown.
Episode 1: Family Reunion

Episode 1: Family Reunion


The party before the party, it's Friday! A full crew getting ready for LinuxFest Northwest join us from all over the world to share stories, meet new friends, and give each other a hard time.