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249 Episodes
What in the World?  The best Loch Ness monster photo. What turtles talk about. Scandals in professional cornhole. World’s strangest marathon runner. A crime-fighting witch doctor. Beer can wars. Mike Tyson’s new business. More odd news and trivia. Strange sports. And we’ll play everyone’s favorite weird news game – Bluff the Co-Hosts.  Real news, sometimes strange, always funny. Now on YouTube! Visit my page at where you can download the podcast free from many platforms. Or watch the latest ones on YouTube (live show on Tuesday at 3:30 EDT) at in the World? The best Loch Ness monster photo. What turtles talk about. Scandals in professional cornhole. World’s strangest marathon runner. A crime-fighting witch doctor. Beer can wars. Mike Tyson’s new business. More odd news and trivia. Strange sports. And we’ll play everyone’s favorite weird news game – Bluff the Co-Hosts.  Real news, sometimes strange, always funny. Now on YouTube! Visit my page at where you can download the podcast free from many platforms. Or watch the latest ones on YouTube (live show on Tuesday at 3:30 EDT) at
Please subscribe to our  YouTube page to get notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience.  Caregiving for someone you love, family, friend, or someone in need.  You too must find time for self-care and assistance.   Melinda and I (Karen Hale, Producer) discuss caregiving in person or virtually.   Technology allows us to communicate with "the individual" and their medical team using various sources.  However, prior to any illness or medical need, having your paper-work in tack is essential.  Melinda is serving as her brother's Medical Power of Attorney - however as long as he is mentally capable of making his own decisions, she is on RED ALERT with all the legal paperwork that has been filed.  (A medical power of attorney form (MPOA) allows a person (“principal”) to select an agent to make healthcare decisions on their behalf. The agent's powers are effective after the principal becomes incapacitated or cannot make decisions on their own.)  Additional information to assist you in being an Advocate or Care Provider is to recognize your strengths and weaknesses.  Your individual is counting on you to help make good decisions, seek assistance through their medical team, and do not be afraid to connect with Hospice if no other reason that to provide you with peace of mind.  It is also important to have financial arrangements discussed before anyone gets ill or has an accident - establishing a Durable Power of Attorney for Financials is needed - do not hesitate to start asking questions and plan ahead.  ***Our children at the age of 18 are technically emancipated they too should have all this paperwork filled out.  Your young adult child may be placed in the hands of the Court if they were to become ill or injured.  As a parent unless specified in the documents we discuss is completed, you will have no say into their care.  The 2020 update reveals an increase in the number of family caregivers in the United States of 9.5 million from 2015 to 2020.   Please reach out to Melinda on Facebook
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to get notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience.  Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect and business guru, recently spoke about our human bias to add things to our plates (tasks, possessions, commitments, apps, etc.) rather than delete them.  This human tendency can grow our general sense of overwhelm with the feeling we need to be more productive and turn to more external tools to fix our challenges. Today's podcast explores a different approach that can stop the additive bias and fix the underlying root causes of our challenges. Listen on your favorite streaming platform: Apple: iHeart:
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to get notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience.  Doug Wilber and Karen Hale discuss Aging - some of us still look in the mirror and see our younger  self and others feel the aches and pains of time passing through our bodies.  One day we feel like are  teenage self and the next we wonder when did our hair go grey, and skin start wrinkle?  But it is not just our exterior and for some who have continued to eat well, exercise and live an active life our interior is a reflect on our image in the mirror and we feel youthful despite the number of years we have traveled around the sun.  We have choices and we can either embrace the evolution of our days or sit and wait out our time...With the support of family and friends and remaining as active as our bodies and minds will allow can lead to a Wonderful Life! Send comments to
Please subscribe to our youtube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Check out all the Theories Have you ever created an argument or increased someone else's ANGST just by asking a simple question? What happens when you ask an innocent question and it turns an ant hill into a mountain? Share your thoughts and ideas with us.
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Theory #51 The Beneficial Presence My Father-in-Law has always been one to constantly look for ways to better himself, to edify his mind and spirit. He reads insatiably, takes courses when the topic seems interesting enough, and is always willing to share his findings with this family. He has studied everything from ancient Vedic languages to the Higgs Boson in Modern Physics. At one point he took a course entitled Existential Meta psychiatry. It was a scientific method of teaching and healing based on the understanding that each of us is made in the image and likeness of God, as well as dealing with what Reality really is. I, myself, was fortunate enough to sit in on a few sessions. One of the lessons is to this day one of my favorite sayings. “Truth without compassion is cruelty”. (See Theory#15). Another gem I got from these teachings was the concept of striving to be a Beneficial Presence. Not to be confused with a beneficent person, who is one who does things outright to help others, a beneficial presence is someone who, just by being there, makes their surroundings better. Someone who approaches all situations peacefully and calmly and lives with a sense of gratitude. It kinda reminds me of the Desiderata, that poem/life lesson that starts out, “Go placidly among the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence”. I think we’ve all known people like that at one time or another. People that can walk into a hectic situation and somehow things seem to fall into place. There is something about the concept of ‘good things happen when you’re around’ that really appeals to me. In Quantum Physics, the physics of the very, very small, scientists hope that they will discover how everything in the universe is connected to everything else through dimensions that our senses cannot comprehend. A Beneficial Presence could somehow work at this level. But not everyone buys into this idea. Some people have a hard time seeing how one thing can influence another without direct involvement. But even in our reality, we do see examples of this, oddly enough, in hockey. The NHL keeps track of a stat called the Plus/Minus. Every time a goal is scored by your team when you’re on the ice you a +1 and every time a goal is scored by the other team when you’re on the ice you get -1. At the end of the game these are all added up and you are given an overall positive or negative number. A +3, for example, means that your team scored 3 more goals than the other team when you were out there, whether you yourself scored a goal or had an assist or not. To me, that’s a Beneficial Presence. So, Quantum Physics, Existential Meta psychiatry, hockey…All different ways of referencing just being a good person. Being a team player. I remember in high school, in one class the teacher somehow got on the subject of love, and he asked us all what we thought love was. “Love is a great feeling”, “Love is intense happiness”. These were some of the responses. Not sure why but I raised my hand and said, “I think love is being more concerned with another person’s ‘feeling great’ and ‘intense happiness’ than your own”. In short, be nice. Everybody will benefit from it. Or as Bill and Ted say, “Be excellent to each other”!
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at "The Grief Recovery Method (GRM) is an action-based program that helps people deal with the pain of loss and move forward with their lives. GRM is offered in group and one-on-one formats, and is led by certified Grief Recovery Specialists." Meet the GRIEF BeLIEF Podcast Panel:Alison Pena - Pollock - Kalnow - Hatten - Anderson - Hale - or If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at #YESICAN coaching with Karenkh.yesican1@gmail.com440 526 1530
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Today's podcast revolved around the topic of grief, loss, and the importance of sharing experiences to aid healing. Carol Kalnow host for today asked Karen to share her personal journey through grief, highlighting the value of support groups and the role of communication in the healing process. The discussion also touched on the taboo surrounding mental health conversations and the significance of seeking help and sharing experiences. The group emphasized the importance of self-love, self-acceptance, and the need to ask for help when necessary. Meet the GRIEF BeLIEF Podcast Panel: Alison Pena - Candace Pollock - Carol Kalnow - Kristy Anderson - Karen Hale - If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at 440 525 1530
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Due to illness and travel, only two panelists were available for the panel discussion, which focused on all forms of grief, featuring author Michael Gershe. Despite some team members being unavailable, the discussion was well-received by those present. Karen encouraged the purchase of Michael's book, 'The Magic of Life', highlighting its themes of sadness, humor, and reality. Michael shared his personal experiences with grief. Michael shared a deeply personal story about a traumatic car accident from his childhood in 1970. The incident resulted in his mother's death, his father and brother sustaining injuries, and Michael himself suffering breaking nearly every bone in his infant body. Despite the challenges, Michael survived and has thrived, becoming an author, speaker, and comedian. However, the loss of his mother has had a lasting impact, as he acknowledged he has been grieving since his childhood. He also expressed gratitude towards a Dolly, who helped raise him and his brother following the accident. Michael and Alison shared their personal experiences with grief and loss, emphasizing the importance of seeking help and not suppressing emotions. Michael dedicates his life to preventing others from experiencing what his family went through, using humor as a defense mechanism and a way to deal with trauma and grief. Alison turned to grief coaching after her husband's death and emphasized the significance of sharing different experiences of grief to help others feel less alone. Both agreed on the compounding effect of grief and the importance of expressing emotions to maintain mental health and avoid destructive outcomes. Karen-Producer and Alison shared their experiences of using social media as a means of emotional expression and coping mechanism. Karen- shared her daily postings on Facebook as a way to 'take the temperature' of friends and family, as well as a method of grounding herself. Alison shared her openness when her husband was dying, and how she began coaching and sharing her experiences as a way to find meaning in her devastating pain. Both agreed that sharing their experiences, even through hard times, served a purpose and helped others. Michael shared that his experiences have been therapeutic, helping him channel anger and making him a better person. He also emphasized the importance of sharing stories in a compassionate and non-threatening way, which has resonated with his audiences. Karen-Producer noted that Michael's work has been successful and has changed many people's lives, including his own. Michael and Alison shared their experiences with grief and loss, noting the deep bond they formed due to their shared experience of losing a parent at a young age. Michael found solace in writing a book about his experiences, which has helped others cope with their grief. Alison emphasized the importance of groups for widows and widowers, as they can uniquely understand each other's experiences. Karen highlighted the importance of understanding individual journeys and the need for further discussion, reflecting on the diversity of individual responses to loss and grief. Karen shared her experience of dealing with grief and how she The team found it important to handle such topics humorously. Karen, a producer, had a light-hearted conversation with Michael, a comedian and photographer, who shared his upcoming performances and plans for future events. Michael's photography was praised by Karen, and he was invited to bring others to the show. If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at 440 525 1530
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Meet Our Podcast Coaches: Alison Pena – Candace Pollock – Carol Kalnow – Kristy Anderson – If you would like to suggest topics on grief that you would like US to respond to please contact: Karen at This month on GRIEF BeLIEF led by Kristy we shared our thoughts on the first year of our podcast and discussed where we would like to travel in 2023-24. I personally want to thank the panel, Alison, Candace, Carol, and Kristy for joining me on this venture and providing you our listeners with the support you may be seeking as you travel the road of GRIEF as the rest of the world seems to be smiling despite the pain physically and emotionally you are experiencing. GRIEF is a road we all travel some of us at 5 mph and others speeding through at 100 mph +. If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at 440 525 1530
Please subscribe to our youtube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Meet Our Podcast Coaches: Alison Pena – Candace Pollock – Carol Kalnow – Kristy Anderson – If you would like to suggest topics on grief that you would like US to respond to please contact: Karen at Our guest is Gabriella Greco has been my FaceBook friend for a number of years. Through our FaceBook connection I learned of her journey of Grief which she shares with us in today's podcast. She is a great storyteller and yet when you realize it is her story, her losses and her gains she shares them openly and vulnerably. Out coaches today were a bit more speechless than normal, they provided Gabriella the opportunity to let you our listeners in...
Please subscribe to our youtube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Anticipatory Grief (such as dementia, Stage 4 cancer diagnosis, lead up to divorce/breakup, etc.) and family caregiving challenges. The panel shares their thoughts and we are providing you with some resources. "Nearly 42 percent of caregivers report they have been providing care for 2-5 years while approximately 27 percent of family caregivers have been providing care for 5-10 years." Here are some possible resources: - Cancer and grief in different cultural contexts National Family Caregiver Support Program AARP Dealing with Ambiguous Loss Reimagining grief An article on Family Caregiving (United Way information for all sorts of social and other services. I used to call them when I was a paralegal and basically give a list of the issues involved with the person in mind and they would give me a list of the contacts of organizations that handle the various needs for various constituent groups). How to Say it to Seniors by David Solie. It outlines researched ways to communicate with seniors or anyone who needs to be "encouraged" to take or stop actions such as giving up driving, don't go down the basement stairs to do the laundry, etc. I have used the techniques in my practice and it works. Compassionate Friends is a nationwide mutual self-help bereavement organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved families that have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause., used to be called the Geriatric Caregiver Assoc but I think Boomer didn't like "geriatric" references. They can deal with people with disabilities associated with various diseases such as M.S., etc. I often recommend the family get an ALC person to help them navigate a number of things--especially when the family lives out of town and needs someone to take the elder or disabled person to the doctor, etc. The ALC worker doesn't provide the care--they are like the eyes and ears the family would normally be if they could do so--even when the family is in town. There is a Veteran Improved Pension (of which Aid & Attendance is a part) benefit that can provide tax-free income that helps a veteran and/or the vet's surviving spouse with out of pocket unreimbursed medical expenses afford in-home care. This is NOT a service connected benefit nor is it treatment at the VA health centers. There are income and asset limits that are actually more generous than they used to be and if people know to plan ahead for it, obtain these funds that allow them to remain in their own home longer and afford more other options if that is no longer possible. Online support Alison_ Candace_ Carol_ Kristy_ Karen_
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Today's podcast was prepared and led by Carol Kalnow Carol asked each of the Panelist to share their Grief Journey. Each one of us shared our thoughts as to where we are today and the changes in emotions. A song, a picture, a word can make us smile or cry, there is no right or wrong way in expressing how one feels at any given moment. This panel is considering preparing a program to present to organizations speaking directly with the audience and assisting individuals face their mortality and prepare their loved ones to fulfill their wishes. If you or an organization would like to invite us to be part of GRIEF BeLIEF Program please contact Karen at Meet Our Podcast Coaches: Alison Pena – Candace Pollock – Carol Kalnow – Kristy Anderson – If you would like to suggest topics on grief that you would like US to respond to please contact: Karen at Join Alison for a FREE webinar - on boundaries - how to identify them, enforce them and communicate about them? It's
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Helping Hands: Reach Out and Improve Yourself #YesICan Coaching with Karen - emphasized the importance of individuals reaching out and helping each other to improve their lives. She urged listeners to consider seeking professional help such as coaching or therapy if they are not satisfied with their current progress. Karen shared her own experiences in the coaching field, mentioning her certification in coaching and her background in communications and information technology. She also invited listeners to contact her via email or phone for further discussion on how to become the best version of themselves. Next Steps • Listeners can contact Karen for coaching services via email at or phone at (440) 526-1530.
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Karen from Yes, I Can Coaching discussed the challenges of communication and how even a communications major can struggle with it. She highlighted the importance of mindfulness and acknowledged the impact of internal struggles on communication. Karen shared her personal experiences, including misunderstood conversations due to hearing aids. She stressed that everyone hears differently, which can lead to miscommunications. The emotional and communicative factors that can influence reactions during conversations can be heard as negative. She emphasized the importance of clear and understanding communication and the need to adjust tone and volume for comprehension. Karen offered her services for communication coaching and mentioned that the first consultation is free. She added her commitment to helping others find their best self and having their best day. Karen also encouraged listeners to contact her via email at or by calling (440) 526-1530. She highlighted the importance of positive communication and asked for suggestions on what else to cover in future discussions. • Listeners can contact Karen at or call her at (440) 526-1530 for coaching assistance.
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Check out this deal - just 4 U A special 4 U to sign up now and begin your coaching journey in December. If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at 440 525 1530 check out:
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Today's Word is Coaching If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at 440 525 1530 What is a Personal Coach? A personal coach is a professional like me who works with clients to help them achieve their personal goals. check out
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at What in the World with Paul Seaburn What in the World? A new way to climb a mountain without leaving home. Terrifying pumpkins in Ohio. Bigfoot harassing mail carriers in Peoria and a new Sasquatch snack from Idaho. Big pants people in China. Elite restrooms in Utah. Controversial conker conquered in England. Plus more odd news, world records and trivia. Some strange sports. And we’ll play everyone’s favorite weird news game – Bluff the Co-Hosts. Real news, sometimes strange, always funny. Now on YouTube! Visit my page at where you can download the podcast free from many platforms (and learn more about our sponsor - Yes I Can Coaching with Karen). Or watch the latest ones on YouTube (live shows too if Zoom cooperates) at or download the audio at If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at #YESICAN coaching with Karen 440 526 1530
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at Melinda Smith, Heart Mojo welcomes: Roberta Brofman MBA-HCM,BSN, RN, CDP,CLHP President of Five Star Clinical LLC ⁠ 216.513.9622 Discussing the need for advocating for health & wellness care for Seniors. Not everyone has family or someone in their circle to care for them and their needs. Socialization is a key component to wellness and with the right people on your side working with your medical team the challenges in life can be minimized. Hosted by Melinda Smith - ⁠⁠ If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at #YESICAN coaching with Karen 440 526 1530
Please subscribe to our YouTube page to receive notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. If you would like to be a podcast host or guest please contact Karen at "Each time we follow a particular step-by-step process, like making coffee in the morning or tying our shoelaces, we are in fact following an algorithm." This episode will focus on the benefits of viewing our lives as a set of algorithms--the sets of "if X, then Y" unconscious and conscious routines, habits, actions we take in a given day. Noticing our personal algorithms can give us many opportunities to consciously decide which algorithms support our goals and which undermine them. [The Algorithm of Life: The Code to Choose Your Destiny ] If you are looking for a Personal Coach contact Karen at #YESICAN coaching with Karen 440 526 1530