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The Tao Te Ching for Everyday Living
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The Tao Te Ching for Everyday Living

Author: Dan Casas-Murray

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Email the podcast: Welcome to the Tao Te Ching for Everyday Living. I’m your host, Dan Casas-Murray. This podcast is for the Tao Curious, those looking for a random bit of wisdom once in awhile, or for those who want to dive into this wonderful teaching.I’ve been studying the Tao Te Ching for just short of a year now, and have reconnected with a natural feeling of inner peace and contentment. I don’t hold a doctorate, nor am I qualified to teach anything about the Tao Te Ching - I’m just an ordinary person who has experienced the wonderful side effects of following the Tao. Since everyone’s experience with this wisdom is different, the only thing that I can hope for is that mine helps you to connect with the Tao in your own, unique, personal way. Feel free to listen to each episode a day at a time or any time you need a quick “Tao-shot.” You can listen while on your way to work or after that, when you’re winding down. It’s always a good time to observe the Tao.In each episode, we’ll do four things:1. We’ll read a verse of the Tao Te Ching2. Break it down into everyday language3. I’ll share my own thoughts and experience4. Apply the Verse with a couple of the many ways you can put the Tao into practice for yourself.That’s pretty much how I’ve been practicing the Tao every day - by listening to Lao Tzu, reflecting on his words of wisdom, listening to other comments, and trying to practice them in everyday life.
81 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 81translated by Isabella MearsFaithful words may not be beautiful,Beautiful words may not be faithful.Those who love do not quarrel,Those who quarrel do not love.Those who know are not learned,Those who are learned do not know.The riches of the self-controlled person are in the Inner Life.When one spends for others, one has more for oneself.When one gives to others, one has much more for oneself.Heavenly Tao blesses all and hurts no one.The way of the...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 80translated by Hua-Ching NiLet there be small communities with few inhabitants.The supply of vessels may be more than enough,yet no one would use them.The inhabitants would love living there so dearly that they would never wish to move toanother place.They may have every kind of vehicle,but they would not bother to ride them.They may have powerful weapons,but they would not resort to using them.They would return to a simple system of cords and knots ...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 79translated by Keith H. SeddonWhen a bad grudge is settled,Some enmity is bound to remain.How can this be considered acceptable?Therefore the Sage keeps to her side of the contractBut does not hold the other party to their promise.One who has Virtue will honour the contract,Whilst one who is without Virtue expects others to meet their obligations.It is the Way of Heaven to be impartial;It stays always with the good personPhoto by Gus Moretta on Unspl...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 78translated by The Tao of RivenrockThere is nothing more flexible and yielding than water.And yet there is nothing better for attacking the hard and rigid, there is nothing that can dowhat it can do.So it is that the rigid can be overcome by the flexible, and the haughty by the humble.Yet even knowing this; still no one will put this into adequate practice.For this reason it is said that the ones who accept the humiliation of the country are fit to b...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 77translated by AnonymousThe natural order is like stretching a bowThe low bow gets pushed up highAnd the high tendon pulled downwardsWhere there is too much, it takes awayWhere there is not enough, it fillsNature strives for harmony all the timeDecreases where there is too muchAnd increases where there is too littleBut how opposite are the people in their behaviourThe poor get poorer while the rich tend to get richerBut one who is wise realizes that ...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 76translated by Xiaolin YangWhen people are alive, they are soft; when dead, they are hard.When every living thing is alive, it is soft; when dead, it is hard.So, the strong and hard have no vitality; the soft and weak have vitality.Therefore, when an army is too strong and rigid, it will be extinguished;when a tree is too stiff, it will break.The strong and hard are inferior; the weak and soft are superior.Photo by Faye Cornish on UnsplashPracticing ...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 75translated by Shi Fu HwangThe people suffer from hunger because their superior agencies have imposed a heavy tax, thus they are hungry.The people are difficult to govern because their superior agencies are too fond of meddling, thus they are difficult to govern.The people make lightly of dying because of the excessive costs in seeking the means of living, thus they think lightly of dying.Therefore the benevolent should be those who do not interfere ...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 74translated by Frederic Henry BalfourIf people do not fear death why attempt to frighten them by capital punishment?Supposing the people are made constantly afraid of death, so that when they commit unlawful acts I arrest them and have them killed, who will dare [afterwards to misbehave]? For then there will always be yiu-sze, or civil magistrates, to execute them. Now the execution of men on behalf of the inflictor of the death-punishment [by those ...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 73translated by Isabella MearsA person with courage and daring is slain,A person with courage and self-restraint lives.Of these two, the one has benefit, the other has injury.Who can tell why one of them should incur Heaven's Wrath?Because of this the self-controlled person has doubt and difficulty.Heavenly Tao strives not, but conquers by love;It speaks not, but responds in Love;It calls not to people, but of themselves they come;It slowly is made ma...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 72translated by Charles JohnstonWhen the people fear not what should be feared, then what is most to be feared descends upon them.Beware of thinking your dwelling too narrow; beware of resentment over your lot.I resent not my lot, therefore I find no cause for resentment in it.Hence the Saint knows herself and does not make herself conspicuous; she exercisesrestraint and does not glorify herself.This is why she shuns the one and follows the other.Phot...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 71translated by Hua-Ching NiOne who regards one’s intellectual knowledge as ignorance has deep insight.One who overrates one’s intellectual achievement as definite truth is deeply sick.Only when one is sick of this sickness can one cease to be sick.One who returns one’s mind to the simplicity of the subtle truth is not sick.One knows to break through conceptual knowledge in order to directly reach the subtletruth of the universe.This is the foundation...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 70translated by Bruce R. LinnellMy words are very easy to understand,Very easy to practice.But there is no one in the world who can understand them,There is no one who can practice them. My words possess a lineage,My duties possess a ruler. Now : only because I am without-knowledge,Thus I am not understood.Those who understand me are rare,Consequently I am one who is valued! Thus the sage wears coarse cloth, but carries jade in her Heart.Photo by 五玄土 ...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 69translated by Bram den HondThose who use weapons have a saying which goes:"I do not presume to act like the hostbut instead play the part of the guest;I do not advance an inchbut would rather retreat a foot".This is called moving forwardwithout appearing to move -Rolling up one's sleeveswithout showing one's arms -Grasping firmly, without holding a weapon -And enticing to fight when there is no opponent.Of disasters, there is no greater catastropheT...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 68translated by Lin YutangThe brave soldier is not violent;The good fighter does not lose his temper;The great conqueror does not fight (on small issues);The good users of people place themselves below others.- This is the virtue of not-contending, Is called the capacity to use people, Is reaching to the height of being Mated to Heaven, to what was of old.Photo by Mario Klassen on UnsplashPracticing Non-Contention What do ...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 67translated by Ellen Marie ChenAll under heaven say that my Tao is great,That it seems useless (pu hsiao).Because it is great,Therefore it seems useless.If it were useful,It would have long been small.I have three treasures (pao),To hold and to keep:The first is motherly love (tz'u),The second is frugality (chien),The third is daring not to be at the world's front.With motherly love one can be courageous,With frugality one can be wide reaching,Daring...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 66translated by Dwight GoddardThe reason rivers and seas are called the kings of the valley is because they keep below them.Therefore the wise ones desiring to be above their people must in their demeanors keep below them; wishing to benefit their people, they must ever keep themselves out of sight.The wise dwell above, yet the people do not feel the burden; they are the leaders and the people suffer no harm. Therefore the world rejoices to exalt them...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 65translated by Hua-Ching NiIn ancient times, those who were well-versed in the practice of the subtle Way of the universe did not lead people to disintegrate their minds through intellectual developmentfor the sake of partial achievement.Instead, they dissolved all contradictory concepts and images in order to maintain thenatural state of simplicity.Why are people so hard to manage?Because they have become complicated.He who leads others with a condi...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 64translated by Sanderson BeckWhat stays still is easy to hold.Without omens it is easy to plan.The brittle is easy to shatter.The minute is easy to scatter.Handle things before they appear.Organize things before there is confusion.A tree as big as a person's embrace grows from a tiny shoot.A tower nine stories high begins with a mound of earth.A journey of a thousand miles begins under one's feet.To act is to fail.To grab is to lose.Therefore the wis...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 63translated by James Legge(It is the way of the Tao) to act without (thinking of) acting;to conduct affairs without (feeling the) trouble of them; to tastewithout discerning any flavour; to consider what is small as great,and a few as many; and to recompense injury with kindness.(The master of it) anticipates things that are difficult while theyare easy, and does things that would become great while they aresmall. All difficult things in the world ar...
Send us a Text Message.Tao Te Ching Verse 62translated by Han Hiong TanDao is the safe haven for all beings.The good people value it.The bad people receive protection from it.Words consistent with Dao will place you in a coveted position.Deeds consistent with Dao will make you stand out from the crowd.Even if people are bad, Dao will not reject them.There are important events such as coronation and swearing in of ministers.In these pompous ceremonies, officials carrying precious jade lead the...