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Your Personal Power Pod

Author: Sandy and Shannon

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Is your life unfolding the way you want? Can you see where you want to go but not the path to get there?

Then this podcast is for YOU!

Learn how to unlock your personal power with
A production of Inside Jobs Coaching Company
Find your power and change your life!

129 Episodes
What Stage are You In?

What Stage are You In?


Just like nature, your life moves through different stages. From the innocence of childhood to the wisdom of old age, each stage offers unique challenges and opportunities. The choices you make and how you choose to navigate each stage will determine how your life unfolds. In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod, we look at the stages of your life and how you deal with them will affect your life.We want to hear from you, whether it’s your stories about how self-esteem and personal...
These days we are all busy, with things constantly coming at us from a variety of places, and feeling stressed is a normal response when you have too much going on. However, when you start struggling to cope, are flooded by emotions, become short tempered and angry, and have trouble functioning, you are probably overwhelmed. We looked at this topic a couple of years ago, but because so many of our listeners have suggested we revisit this topic, we thought that today we would do a sequel...



English is an interesting language. We have many words that sound the same, and some are even spelled the same, yet they mean totally different things. In order to be able to effectively interact verbally and in writing, it’s important to understand words and the power they have to communicate feelings and thoughts. When you can do this well, people will always understand and be receptive to what you’re saying, and when you don’t, there can be confusion and pushback. I...
The team from Your Personal Power Pod is excited to be bringing you Season 5 of our podcast! This season we will have new exciting episodes for you, many of which have been inspired by your suggestions. We want to thank you for continuing to take this podcast journey with us, and look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts in the coming months.In today’s Episode we’re looking at the possibility that you might be your biggest obstacle. Have you experienced times when y...
The team at Your Personal Power Pod is excited to let you know that in July we are celebrating the 3rd anniversary of this podcast! We want to thank you for taking this personal power journey with us, and be sure you know that we’ll be taking the month of July off to create great new episodes for Season 5, which will begin in August. Between now and then we will be revisiting some of your favorite episodes, and hoping that you will find value in them as you remind yourself of how ...
Today we're reaching back into the archives to talk about a topic that runs through everything we discuss on Your Personal Power Pod: Personal Power! Knowing where yours lies and understanding how to claim it will make a difference in every part of your life. (Originally aired July 30, 2021)
How Do You Love?

How Do You Love?


When you love someone, it means you feel an intense, deep affection for them. We all express and receive love in our own unique ways. When you know how the important people in your life express and receive love, and let them know how you do it, you and they will be able to feel loved and appreciated and your relationship will be strong. When you don’t know these things, there can be misunderstandings, lack of communication, confusion, and tension between you and the other person.&...
Are You Shy?

Are You Shy?


When you’re shy it means you feel uncomfortable, self-conscious, nervous, bashful, timid, or insecure around people. You might also experience physical sensations like blushing, feeling speechless, sweating, rapid heartbeat upset stomach, shaky or breathless. When you are shy it can affect how you feel and behave in social and professional situation, especially when you[re around strangers. If it is extreme, it can cause problems in your personal and professional life. In to...
We often talk about doing what makes your heart sing. What we’re really talking about is doing what gives you joy and happiness. What is the thing that lights you up when you think about it. The thing that puts a spring in your step, a song in your heart, and a twinkle in your eye. Or the thing that brings you comfort, or that makes you lose track of time while you’re doing it. When you are aware of what these things are, and make time for them in your days, it allows ...
What Are You Creating?

What Are You Creating?


Is your life going the way you want it to? Do you have enough money, a clean safe place to live, food to eat, satisfying work, and loving people in your life? Or are some of those things not what you hoped they would be? Many people don’t realize that how your life unfolds is usually up to you. The goals you set, the choices you make, and the ways you choose to move ahead. In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod, we look at what kind of life you are choosing to c...
Each of us comes into this world with a unique set of talents, strengths, and weaknesses. Your talents are the natural capacities you were born with to behave, create, think, or feel in a certain way, and that enable you to perform well in specific areas. When you work to develop these, they become your strengths. Weaknesses are things that don’t come naturally to you, and that you might have to work on to improve. In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod, we talk about we talk about how...
Today on Your Personal Power Pod, we’re excited to be talking with world-renowned children’s book author P.K. Hallinan. For over 45 years P.K. has been writing and illustrating wonderful children’s books, focused on supporting and empowering young people in many ways. Over the years he has sold almost 12 million books, and his driving force has always been to help all people be the best they can be, and then use that to serve others. He says he wants to inspire everyone to l...
How do you act and feel when you’re with a group of people? Are you energized, excited, talkative and outgoing, quiet, a good listener and observant, or a little bit of both? Being an extrovert, introvert or ambivert are examples of three different personality types. Most people are not 100% one of any of these, but more often act on a continuum, and draw energy from different settings. In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod, we talk about the positives and negatives of each, and...
Are You Stuck?

Are You Stuck?


When you are stuck it means that you are unable to move from a particular position or place, are at a loss for ideas or vision, or feel powerless to change a situation. You can be stuck in a relationship, a career path or work setting, a pattern of behavior, a physical place, trying to make a large of small decision, and a wide number of other situations. At times being stuck can be OK, because it’s familiar and you know what to expect. But if it lasts too long, staying stuck can cause ...



When you criticize you are expressing a negative opinion or evaluation of a person, a decision, a point of view, a piece of art, a situation, or any other number of things. When this is done in a positive manner, criticism can be constructive and helpful. However, when it is done in a hurtful way it can be negative, controlling, and cruel. In today’s episode of your Personal Power Pod, we look at the different kinds of criticism and how to deal with them. We want to hear from you, whethe...
Self-respect is the way you show you appreciate and love yourself just as you are. Usually, when you have strong self-esteem, you will also have strong self-respect, and when you exhibit this, other people will usually respect you too. It is not dependent on success or performance, but is a positive view of yourself and your worth, based on the unique person you are. In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod, we look at self-respect. Where it comes from and what happens when you hav...
We are all special in many ways. Each of us has our own set of skills and talents, which are ours to enjoy and share with the world. Some people are fortunate to discover their gifts when they are small. The child who is a great artist, loves to sing, or is a good athlete, has already discovered some of his/her talents. However, for many of us it takes longer to see all that makes us special. In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod, we look at how to identify you...
How do you want others to perceive you? Do you want them to see you as a reliable, strong, capable and competent person, or do you want to fade into the background and be invisible, or worse, have them think you are weak and incapable? In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod, we talk about how the ways you present yourself determine how others perceive you and the way your life unfolds. We want to hear from you, whether it’s your stories about how self-esteem and person...
Today on Your Personal Power Pod we are doing something different. A few weeks ago, Sandy was honored to be interviewed by Marketing Guru Robert Middleton for his Ordinary Visionaries series, and now we are excited to share that interview with you. You can listen to the audio version on our website and regular streaming platforms, and see the video version on our Your Personal Power Pod YouTube Channel.We hope you enjoy this change of pace, and next week we will be back to our usu...



Trauma is the emotional condition that results from exposure to an incident or series of events that are emotionally disturbing or life-threatening. Sometimes it can have lasting adverse effects on your functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Drama is a behavior choice, and is the way you decide to react to situations. In today’s episode of Your Personal Power Pod we talk about the different kinds of trauma and drama, and what you can do to w...