Discoverداستان های کوتاه انگلیسی | English Story
داستان های کوتاه انگلیسی | English Story

داستان های کوتاه انگلیسی | English Story

Author: محمدامین اسکندری

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توی این پادکست من میام توی هر اپیزود، یه داستان انگلیسی از یه کتاب معتبر می‌خونم و باهم معنی می‌کنیم و لذت ‌می‌بریم.
مرسی ازتون :)

اگه دوست دارین این پادکست، زنده بمونه، لطفا برام گهوه بخرید😁☕👇
79 Episodes
79- The Knight's Plan

79- The Knight's Plan


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:A town was fighting for their independence from another country. Several rebels started a revolution. However, they were afraid of an invasion from a lot of troops. They didn’t have enough warriors to stop the enemy, so they asked a knight for help.The knight made a plan. A tall mountain was outside the town. The road near the top was very narrow. Cliffs rose on both sides of it.“We must trick the enemy. They have to follow us up the mountain,” the knight explained. “On the narrow path, only a few can attack us at one time.”The people agreed with the knight’s plan.The knight put on his armor, and the warriors got their spears. When the enemy attacked, the knight and warriors acted as if they were afraid. They quickly withdrew toward the mountain. The enemy troops followed them up the steep path. Soon, the enemy became tired.At the summit, the knight and his troops stopped. The enemy was close behind them. But now they were tired. Also, only a few could attack because the path was narrow.The knight and the warriors fought the enemy. But there were too many troops. The knight was afraid. If the warriors yielded the path to the enemy, the town would be lost. A storm suddenly came over the mountain. There was strong wind and rain. Thunder boomed.Lightning struck some trees near the enemy. The trees blazed. The flames scared the enemy, and they retreated. They ran down the mountain, out of the town, and never returned. The knight explained, “With a little luck, a good plan beats even a big army.”Thanks for listening😉💚
78- The Magic Cup

78- The Magic Cup


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Paul and John were brothers. They fought all the time because they both wanted to be leaders of the agency they both worked at.There was a superstition in their town about a magic cup. People said the cup was in a volcano located far away. Anyone who retrieved the cup would have a wish come true. John and Paul both wanted to find it. Then, they could become the leader.They both left to find the cup. Before their trip, their mother said they should work together. They dismissed that idea. Even though their trips originated from the same house, each wanted to travel alone. They were both miserable during the trip. They had to navigate small boats across shallow rivers and climb difficult slopes.Their journey spanned many days. When they finally got close to the volcano, the ground began to vibrate, and the volcano erupted. Ash filled the sky, and lava covered everything. John climbed to the top of a hill to keep from getting burned. A few moments later, his brother went up the same hill. They were confined to the hill until the lava cooled down.They talked about the things they had seen while wandering around the country.They felt more sympathy and affection for each other than ever before. They decided that fate had brought them together.The next day, they left to finish the remainder of the trip together. Everything seemed much easier. When they finally found the cup, they learned that it didn’t make wishes come true. It was only an ordinary cup. But the trip to reach the cup taught them to work together and love each other.Thanks for listening😉💚
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Matthew was an adolescent and a sensible boy. He always kept his room tidy and had a natural literary aptitude. He hoped to one day have a career in journalism. He spent much of his time reading and liked his privacy. But is quiet personality hindered his ability to make friends.One day, Matthew went to the pharmacy to pick up some pills for his grandmother. He saw some boys leaning against a tree outside. One of the boys complimented Matthew. “I like your jacket.”Another boy asked, “Do you want to go to Nate’s Restaurant?” “Sure!” Matthew said. The boys walked to the restaurant. They were going to have slices of pizza. They ordered their food and drank soda with straws. They ate until their bellies swelled up. Matthew was having so much fun.One of the boys said, “Let’s leave without paying.” Matthew didn’t want to. But he presumed his new friends wouldn’t like him if he didn’t.Suddenly, the waiter yelled, “Stop!” The two other boys ran, leaving Matthew there alone.Soon, the police arrived. “Leaving without paying for your meal is the same as stealing,” said the police officer. “The restaurant wants justice. So next week you have to go to court and let a jury decide your punishment.” When he went to court, the judge asked, “Do you have anything to say, Matthew?” He said, “I am full of sorrow for what I’ve done. Now I know that real friends won’t ask you to do something illegal.”The jury then let him have his liberty. But they made Matthew pick up garbage as a punishment. Much to Matthew’s surprise, he ended up meeting some new friends.Thanks for listening😉💚
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:For five years, there was a famine. The farmers asked people to bless them, and finally they had a good harvest. Since there was now plenty of food, the pharaoh decided to have a party. The party was a happy affair. For five days, they had a huge feast.Monkey was very happy. Because of the famine, he was very slim. He wanted to eat a lot of food. When he arrived at the feast, hundreds of long tables were filled with food.There were nuts, bowls of cereal, and ripe fruit. He could also smell hot roasted meat cooking on the stove.The assembly of animals was merry. However, during the meal, Monkey thought of a scheme to exploit the pharaoh’s kindness. He decided to steal some of the food and then eat it at home.All the animals were cheerful. They didn’t notice that Monkey was hiding food. After the feast, Monkey took the food to his house and ate it. He repeated this routine every day for four days.But on the fifth day, the pharaoh had a surprise. He was going to give all the animals a home. Monkey was very excited. But when he arrived at the pharaoh’s home, he could not get through the door. The diameter of his waist was wider than the door. He was too fat!Monkey asked the pharaoh to forgive him for his theft. But the pharaoh said no.“Pardon?” asked the monkey. He didn’t understand why the pharaoh was being unkind. “Everybody else will have a home now, but not you. Now you know that greed gets you nothing,” explained the pharaoh.Thanks for listening😉💚
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:There was once a small restaurant. People said that the best chef in the world worked there. But the chef was a horrible person to work for. He was impolite and scolded his workers all the time. The chef had a young apprentice. The apprentice’s first priority was to make the best food in the world. He was happy to have a good teacher, but he didn’t like the chef. The boy was a diligent worker, but the chef scolded him more than anyone else.Then one day, the chef got great news. The emperor wanted to have dinner there that night. He was very excited. He was working very fast, and he made a mistake. He cut his hand with a knife, and it started to bleed. The apprentice gave him a bandage, but the chef still couldn’t cook. The chef started to panic.The apprentice tried to assure him. “Everything will be OK,” he said. But the chef was still afraid. Then they started to work together. They began to bond. The chef told the apprentice what to do, and the boy cooked a great meal.As soon as they finished, the emperor arrived. He wore a beautiful robe made of soft fibers. He also had a massive crown. Everyone in the restaurant kneeled when the emperor came in. The chef and the boy brought out his food.The emperor was used to luxuries. Would he like the food? The emperor loved the food. After his departure, the chef was very proud and very thankful to his new friend, the apprentice.Thanks for listening😉💚
74- Sheriff Dan

74- Sheriff Dan


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Dan was the evil sheriff of Oceantown. Dan was as cruel as the devil. He worshipped money. Dan was a millionaire, but he paid his police officers almost nothing. The police were very bitter, but Dan didn’t care. He only cared about his money.Every person who inhabited Oceantown disliked him. Dan enforced cruel laws.Once, Dan even put his own brother in jail for throwing a coin into a fountain! Sometimes, he pointed his gun into the air and pulled the trigger. He didn’t want the bullets to hit anyone. He just wanted to scare people with the loud sound.Finally, the people of Oceantown decided that they had to get rid of Sheriff Dan, and tried to find some way to do this. Their wish to get rid of Dan helped to unify the town. They marched to Dan’s house. He was startled by the sight when he ran to the door. When he opened the door, the crowd jumped on him. They used a rope to tie him to a chair. Dan yelled, “Get your hands off me! I’ll put you all in jail for the rest of your lives!”The crowd didn’t listen. They carried Dan to the harbor and put him aboard a vessel. Dan was so scared that the began to sweat. He begged, “If you let me go, I will give you all my money!” The crowd said, “Sheriff, we don’t care about your money. We know you will never change. We’re sending you on a voyage to the middle of the ocean.”The boat drifted out of the port, and Dan was never seen again. The people chose a new sheriff, who was kind and fair.Thanks for listening😉💚
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:One day, John walked to his uncle’s ice cream shop. When he reached the sidewalk near the shop, he caught the scent of ice cream cones and anticipated eating some ice cream.Sam opened the door. Uncle John had a new, steel machine. “What is that?”“It’s a cone maker. I built it from a kit. You take flour from the barrel and put it in this pan,” Uncle John said. “Then, add water and sugar here and stir it so the sugar dissolves.Next, you fasten down the beam.” Uncle John wanted to look casual, but he was excited.He made a few swift movements and turned it on. There was a puff of smoke, and then cones came out the other end.“Is it hard to use?” Sam asked.“On the contrary, it’s easy to use. Want to try?”Sam washed his hands with caution. He made a deliberate attempt to keep germs out of the dough. Soon, Sam had his first cone. He smiled in triumph!Uncle John tried to turn the machine off, but it kept making cones. Sam and Uncle John put them on the counter, then on chairs. Before long, cones were scattered all over the floor.They tried everything to stop it, but it wouldn’t stop! “What are we going to do?” he said.“Kick it!” yelled Sam. Uncle John lifted his foot and gave the machine a kick. It made a funny noise and exploded. They were both covered with dough. Uncle John laughed when he knew Sam was OK. He tossed Sam a rag to clean his face and smiled. “I guess we have enough cones now!”Thanks for listening😉💚
72- July 28, 2017

72- July 28, 2017


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Dear Diary,I am beyond excited! My cousin Ella is coming all the way from England for a visit. We haven’t seen each other for many years. Ella’s plane will land soon, and I want to be a gracious host and get everything ready to welcome my special guest from abroad.The warm temperature in July is just right. Earlier today, I opened the window to let in fresh air and looked outside. The afternoon sky was a brilliant blue, the grass was a fresh emerald green, and the pink roses were in full bloom. It was a stunning display of natural beauty. Ella is coming at the perfect time!I still have to finish cleaning up and then vacuum the carpet. I have already stocked the refrigerator with Ella’s favorite foods. Last night, I set out clean towels and arranged the guest bedroom for Ella. I will set out toiletries and other things soon.I want to go over the activity list for Ella’s visit one last time. I made sure to keep a copy of the list on my desk and also on my computer. I meticulously planned the details for each day so that they are productive and packed with fun-filled activities.I know that Ella loves history, so we will visit the museum on Monday, where there is a special show about architecture in modern cities. We will go to the art gallery on Tuesday and see the latest works of contemporary art. I also want to take Ella to the upper part of town because that is where the best shopping and sales are. Then, we’ll watch Hamlet, a Shakespearean play being performed at the local drama theater.I also want to take Ella on a canoe ride and enjoy the many lakes around the city. We can pack a picnic basket, have lunch at the lake, and enjoy the beautiful weather outside. I am really excited about it because I’ve never been on a canoe ride!There are so many sightseeing opportunities and so much to show Ella, but I also want to spend time at home with Ella so we can both relax and catch up.I’d better run because it’s almost time to pick up Ella at the airport.I can’t wait to see Ella!Love,Gemma.Thanks for listening😉💚
71- Anna the babysitter

71- Anna the babysitter


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Since her parents got a divorce, Anna has had to help her mother. In her mother’s absence, Anna takes care of Grace, the baby.At first, Anna thought it was an easy job. One afternoon, Anna played with Grace. She meowed like a cat, and Grace imitated her.In fact, Grace reproduced every sound that Anna made. Anna then took her sister outside. She put Grace in the wagon, but there was nowhere for them to go. So, they went back inside.Anna put the infant on the floor and went into her room. But when she came back, Grace had vanished! Anna looked everywhere, but she could not find her sister. Maybe the baby had been kidnapped! “Where are you?” Anna called aloud.The situation was becoming urgent. She wanted to call her mom, but she didn’t want her to think Anna couldn’t do the job. Anna sat down. What was she going to do? But then, Anna heard something. It was coming from her room. “Grace?” She got down on her knees and looked under the bed. She could see Grace’s bald head. Grace had followed Anna into her room and crept under the bed.“What a relief!” Anna cried. She picked up her sister and patted her on the head. Her head was soft and had no wrinkles. Grace was sucking on her thumb and looked tired. So, Anna wrapped her in a blanket and sang rhymes for her. Then, she put Grace in bed for a nap.After that afternoon, Anna knew that taking care of Grace was not an easy job. It is a lot of work to take care of a baby!Thanks for listening😉💚
70- Dalton vs. the Bully

70- Dalton vs. the Bully


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Dalton was a nice boy, but sometimes the other boys made fun of him because he was so tall and skinny. Dalton’s biggest problem was Mitch. He was a bully who boasted about his strength. He quarreled with the other boys. Sometimes, if boys gave Mitch their lunch money, he would have mercy and leave them alone.One day, the boys learned about a special Middle School Olympics. Their gym class was going to be in it. Many kids were excited. But Dalton thought it sounded like torture.That morning, Dalton ate plenty of carbohydrates for breakfast. He entered the gym and looked at the dial on the clock. It was time to begin. The teacher asked if they were ready. Everyone nodded, except Dalton.“I got stung by a bee. I need to see the nurse,” said Dalton. He made this story up so he wouldn’t have to play.“I don’t believe you. Get ready to play,” responded the coach.First, they wrestled. Then, they jumped, crawled, and played other games. But Mitch was dominant in every event.They strained all morning to defeat him. By lunch, the entire team were sore, but they thought they knew how to win. They knew the last game of the day was volleyball. Kids who used to be Dalton’s rivals became his allies. They wanted him to help them beat Mitch. Dalton was going to be Mitch’s opponent.The game started. Every time Mitch tried to hit the ball over the net, Dalton stopped it. Finally, Mitch used all of his strength. But the ball bounced off Dalton’s hands and back into Mitch’s face! Finally, Mitch was defeated.Thanks for listening😉💚
69- The Anniversary Gift

69- The Anniversary Gift


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Joe was a carpenter. He built houses in the highlands. Joe’s wife, Stella, used a needle and thread to sew elegant clothing. She only used beautiful fabric to make clothes.Since they didn’t have a lot of money, they lived in an old shed. Water dripped in when it rained. They had broken chair instead of a couch. But they had coal for heat, and flour from the mill for bread. Together, they trimmed the bushes to make their house look nice. Joe and Stella were poor, but not ashamed. They were happy.Sometimes in the evening, they walked downtown. They looked in store windows and dreamed. Stella wanted a hairbrush with an ivory handle. She pulled her hair upwards every day because she didn’t have a brush to make it nice. Joe wanted to fix his grandfather’s watch.For their anniversary, Stella wanted to get Joe what he wanted. But then she did the arithmetic. It would take at least six months so save enough money. Then, she had an idea. She cut off all of her hair and sold it.Meanwhile, Joe knew that he could never fix his watch. So, he polished it and sold it. He made enough to buy the brush. On their anniversary, the door burst open. Joe was excited to give Stella his gift. But first, Stella gave him the money to fix the watch. When he saw his wife without any hair, he smiled. “I sold my watch to buy you something,” Joe said.He gave her the brush, and she laughed. They were both willing to give up something very special to make each other happy.Thanks for listening😉💚
68- Patsy Ann

68- Patsy Ann


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:A long time ago in Alaska, a dog named Patsy Ann watched the horizon. Every day, she waited by the bay for ships returning from an expedition.Patsy Ann was a brilliant dog, and she was very unique. She was deaf. She couldn’t bark, either. But she used all of her other senses to know when a ship was near.Patsy Ann lived on the streets. Her owners did not want her because she could not hear, so they abandoned her. She found refuge in a fancy hotel. Guests rubbed her back and scratched her chin. Many people gave her food. She became quite overweight.She became very famous. Visitors to Alaska were enthusiastic about meeting her. They brought presents for her. They liked seeing her, and the feeling was mutual. The mayor said Patsy Ann should be called the town’s greeter.The people in town loved Patsy Ann, too, even though she lived on the streets. They were willing to fight to keep her. A new law made all dogs wear a collar and get shots. The mayor received many complaints. People wanted Patsy Ann to be able to stay.One ambitious sailor got people to help. Together, they paid for Patsy Ann to go to the veterinarian. She got her shots and a collar. She could stay.When Patsy Ann died, everyone missed the town’s loyal greeter. So, the mayor hired someone to make a statue of Patsy Ann. He restored the town’s greeter. Now, she stands near the water forever, waiting for ships to come home.Thanks for listening😉💚
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:A rich senator lived in a big house. He had more money than anyone in his district. One day, he was sitting on a chair listening to a radio broadcast. As he listened to the news bulletin, a worm crawled from underneath the chair and onto his head.His cook was in the kitchen stirring some spaghetti sauce. Suddenly, a cry from the senator alerted him. He ran to the rear of the house where the senator was sitting.The cook looked and saw the worm. He tried to console the senator. “I’ll take it off right away,” he said.“No!” shouted the senator. “I want you to kill it.”“But it’s only a worm,” the cook said. “Why should we execute it? It hasn’t committed a crime.”The senator could not endure the worm on his head. “Hurry!” he shouted.The cook looked through several drawers but found nothing. Then he ran to the closet and took out a pipe. He returned to the senator and lifted the pipe over his head. He knew he couldn’t just tap the worm. He was going to hit it hard. He grasped the pipe tightly.“What are you waiting for?” said the senator. “Kill it!”The cook swung the pipe at the senator’s head.“Oh, no,” the worm said. “He’s going to chop me in half.” It jumped off the senator’s head.There was a tremendous noise. “Owww!” cried the senator.A bump rose upon his skull. Meanwhile, the worm crawled outside. “That was close,” said the worm. “Instead of being nice, he wanted to hurt me. Now, that man has a big bump on his head.”Thanks for listening😉💚
66- Trick or Treat!

66- Trick or Treat!


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Many different cultures have had traditions about the dead. People in places like Ireland, China, Egypt, and Mexico believed that souls needed food.They thought the food nourished them on their journey from cemeteries to heaven. People had to put out good things for souls to eat. However, if the food rotted or spoiled, the soul got mad. The wicked soul might curse the family and make them starve during the winter.In other places, people begged for food on a holiday that remembers the souls of dead saints. People wore disguises with hoods that covered their faces. If they did not get food, they played a trick on the home’s owner. For this reason, the activity is known as “trick-or-treating.” Shortly after people first began trick-or-treating, parents started sending their children to beg on that day.Housewives gave the children food if they performed a song or a dance. When people moved to America from all over the world, they brought this tradition with them. Inhabitants of villages started trick-or-treating in the early 1900s. In 1939, a children’s publication acquainted the whole country with the tradition. It became very popular.Today, trick-or-treaters do not beg for food, and they are not scared of souls. They just enjoy the thrill of dressing up like creatures and getting candy. Ghosts and skeletons are favorite costumes. But some children wear fancy disguises, like pirate costumes.They carry flashlights instead of fires. In some places, children still perform songs or riddles to get candy. But most of the time, they just say, “trick or treat!”Thanks for listening😉💚
65- The Boy and His Sled

65- The Boy and His Sled


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Mike was the smallest child in school. Another boy, Joe always teased Mike. Joe had a large scar on his face from fighting other children. One day, Joe offended Mike when he made fun of Mike’s valentine, Jane. This was disgraceful, but Mike didn’t know how to make Joe stop.That day, Mike walked home down an alley. He found a bunch of wood boards next to a pine tree. He thought to himself, “I could build a decent sled from these. If I let Joe use it, he will be nicer to me and Jane.” He took the wood home.Mike got an ax and cut the wood. He used nails to make sure that the pieces were not loose. As he worked, he bumped his elbow on the boards. The painful sensation made him want to cry. It was a hard chore, but he persisted. He worked overnight. By morning, the sled was finished.Mike called Joe on the telephone. He said, “Hi, Joe. Come over to my house right away.”Joe didn’t know why Mike wanted him to come over. When Joe arrived, Mike told him, “Joe, it irritated me the other day when you said mean things about Jane.You weren’t kidding when you said those mean things. But I’m not like you. I just built this sled, and I’ll let you ride it with me if you are nice.”They became friends, and Joe was grateful that Mike was so nice to him. He learned that it is more fun to be nice than to be mean.Thanks for listening😉💚
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Once, there was a shepherd. Every night, he gathered and counted his sheep. He made sure never to overlook any of them. One night, he saw some wild sheep had joined his herd. He hoped to acquire the newcomers.It snowed that night. In the morning, the shepherd couldn’t take his sheep out of his lodge. Instead, he had to feed them inside. He gave a small amount of wheat to his own sheep. But he gave more of the food to the wild sheep. He thought the extra wheat would discourage them from leaving.It snowed for several days. During that time, the shepherd’s sheep ate very little. The wild sheep, however, ate very well. At last, the snow melted, and they ventured outdoors.As soon as he opened the door of his hut, the wild sheep started to run away.“Wait! This is how you repay me? After I treated you so kindly, why do you run away?” the shepherd asked. His voice was full of hatred. The wild sheep stopped and turned toward the shepherd.“We’re leaving because you fed us better than you own sheep,” one of the wild sheep replied. “You tried to deceive us with your ridiculous plan. Yesterday, you treated us kindly, but tomorrow you might be different. If more wild sheep joined your herd, you would treat us as inferior sheep.”As the wild sheep ran away, the shepherd understood his offense. He knew this awkward situation was his own fault. He had not been a satisfactory caretaker. He was a fake friend to the wild sheep. Because of this, he had neglected his own sheep.Thanks for listening😉💚
63- The Real Saint Nick

63- The Real Saint Nick


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:At Christmas, children wait for Saint Nicholas to bring gifts down the chimney. But it’s not just a story. Saint Nicholas was a real person.A long time ago, a man named Marcus occupied a house with his family. He was not modest. He always told everybody he was the strongest man in the province.He worked hard, but he could barely sustain his family. He wanted to save money and prosper. Still, he could never earn a penny more than he needed.One day, Marcus made an agreement with a blacksmith. The blacksmith had a lot of work to do, but he couldn’t do it all by himself. Marcus wanted to help him forge iron.The blacksmith agreed to compensate him with a lot of money.In the same town, there was a man named Nicholas. At an early age, Nicholas started preaching. But he also believed that he should be humble and helpful. He learned that helping people gave him even more satisfaction than preaching.One day, Nicholas encountered Marcus. Marcus told Nicholas about his agreement with the blacksmith. “I worked hard for him,” Marcus said, “but a problem arose. Even though I worked for him, he didn’t pay me.”Nicholas wanted to help Marcus. That night, he went back to Marcus’s house. He brought a bag of gold. It exceeded the amount that Marcus needed. Nicholas climbed up a ladder and dropped the bag of gold down the chimney. Marcus thanked his benefactor.Soon, people found out about Nicholas’s gift. He became well known and loved.Even today, people still give secret gifts to children. And we say they are from Saint Nicholas.Thanks for listening😉💚
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:The distinct history of the famous Great Pyramids has been studied for many years by people who study archaeology. The pyramids were built nearly 5,000 years ago!According to ancient Egyptians, kings played an important role in the building of the pyramids. Egyptians believed that kings were chosen by the gods and that, when a king died, he went on to become the god of the dead in the afterlife. Gold, food, and clothes were buried with the body so that the spirit would have these things in the afterlife.The royal family and other elite individuals were also buried near the king. Pyramids were founded for the sole reason of helping the king by containing his things for the afterlife.The biggest of the three pyramids is known as the Great Pyramid. This structure took over twenty years to engineer. The Great Pyramid is made of over 2.5 million stone blocks; the base alone covers an area of thirteen acres. (One acre is almost the size of a football field.) The visible core of the Great Pyramid was originally covered by smooth casing stones. Some of the casing stones that cover the surface can still be seen at the base. The stones were laid so well that there is not a single gap between them.The interior of the Great Pyramid is accessible through stairs that lead to a channel, which then divides into a corridor going up and another going down. The rising corridor goes up to the Queen’s Chamber, the Grand Gallery, and the king’s Chamber. The other corridor goes down to an underground chamber and an escape tunnel.The Sphinx is a big statue of a lion with a human head and can be found near the Great Pyramid. The statue is also made from big stones, and it is said to guard the pyramid.Surrounded by history and mystery, the Great Pyramids of Egypt are a popular place to visit, and tourists come from around the world to see their glory.Thanks for listening😉💚
✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Katie the kitten liked to play. One day, Cory the caterpillar emerged from a hole in the wall while Katie was playing in the living room.“Hey!” Katie said. “Do you want to play with me?”Cory was reluctant. He said, “I’d rather not play with you. I have several handicaps. My body is very delicate. Your claws are as sharp as hooks. You might cut me. Plus, I have no bones, not even a spine. You could easily hurt me.”“I swear that I won’t hurt you,” Katie said.“No, I don’t want to,” he said again. He hopped from the wall, but Katie pursued him.Cory ran into the kitchen and into the cupboard, but Katie ran right behind. Katie knocked appliances to the floor. Plates fell into the sink and broke in the basin.Then, Cory ran into a bedroom. Some laundry was on the floor. Cory hid under a shirt, but Katie saw him. She jumped on the shirt. Her paws left stains on it, and her claws tore the sleeves into strips.However, Cory escaped. He used a small hole in the floor to hide. But Katie saw him.“Now you are caught!” said Katie.Cory tried to avoid Katie’s claws. He moved his body as far into the hole as possible.He didn’t know how he’d get out of the hole.Just then, Katie’s owner came home. She saw that the house was a mess. She took a broom and swung it at Katie. She chased Katie out of the house.Cory was safe, and Katie was left outside because she didn’t listen to the wishes of others.Thanks for listening😉💚
60- Osiris and the Nile

60- Osiris and the Nile


✅Social Media:Telegram:🎧MrAminEs Podcast:🎧Pandon Podcast:📕Miracle of documenting:📕Finding your life purpose:☕Buy me a coffee:📝Story:Long ago, Osiris was the king of Egypt, and Isis was the queen. They controlled the fertile land by the Nile River. They were not only interested in everyday things. Because of their intelligence, they explored abstract ideas as well. Osiris taught the Egyptians how to make wheels and furniture. Isis taught them how to make things from clay and cloth. The people thought the king and queen deserved a gift. So they built Osiris and Isis a pyramid. Everyone loved Osiris except his brother, Set. Set wanted to be king.Osiris made his annual trip around Egypt and led religious events. The people gave him beautiful shells and colorful feathers as gifts.When Osiris returned, Set brought a beautiful wooden box from behind a curtain.“If someone fits inside this box, I will give it to him or her,” Set said.Osiris got in it. It was an ideal fit!Suddenly, Set closed the box and threw it into the river. “Now, I will be king!” Set said.The box washed up on a foreign shore after a flood. Isis brought his body home and obtained a grave for him in Egypt.The Egyptian gods thought Isis had done something very romantic. Because of this love, the gods made Osiris the god of the underworld, and Osiris returned every spring to help the farmers. Even nowadays, people say Osiris keeps their crops alive.Thanks for listening😉💚
Comments (852)

Amir Hoshyari

عالی بود❤️❤️❤️

Jul 26th

Mehdi Moradi

میشه اول پادکست انقدر توضیح ندین خسته کننده میشه ممنون میشم 🙏

Jul 24th

Fatemeh norouzi

خیلی خوبید🩵🩵🩵

Jul 23rd



Jul 23rd

Azita Latifian

خیلی خوب و مفید بود .متشکرم .❤️❤️❤️

Jul 23rd

Saeed vba

عالی هست کارتون ممنونم انشالله همیشه موفق باشید

Jul 23rd
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sabike sanaei


Jul 22nd
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Hamed Hamedian


Jul 22nd
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Mehdi Moradi

سلام یه سوال دارم ازتون شما چطور انگلیسی رو یاد گرفتین منظورم این که برنامه ریزی خوب داشتین میشه برا منم بیگین که چطور تونستین انگلیسی رو یاد بگیرین لطفاً همین جا جواب مو بیدین ممنون میشم 🙏🙏

Jul 22nd
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Azita Latifian

متشکرم از زحماتتون .

Jul 22nd
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معصومه رسولی

خیلی با حوصله و خوب توضیح دادین. برا من که تازه می خام زبان خوندن رو شروع کنم و تازه پیدا کردم عالیه و خیلی خوشحالم که با شما شروع کردم خوندن زبان رو

Jul 21st
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Mahla Taymori

is so good keep going❤

Jul 21st
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Mehdi Moradi


Jul 20th

Mehdi Moradi


Jul 20th

Azita Latifian

خیلی عالی بود❤️❤️

Jul 19th
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Azita Latifian

خیلی عالی بود❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jul 19th
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Hamed Hamedian


Jul 14th
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Aren Zare

درود فراوان، ممنون از کار خوب شما. به نظرم بهتره که فارسی ترجمه نکنید! اینکار برای آموزش زبان جالب نیست. شاد باشید.

Jul 12th
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nice job! keep going💚

Jul 12th
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محسن رستمی


Jul 12th
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