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KMUD Global Stuff

KMUD Global Stuff

Author: Jimmy Durchslag

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Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talk show for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally and internationally.
5 Episodes
This podcast of Global Stuff features two guests, recorded live on April26, 2024. Planned Parenthood’s mission has always been to protecthealth care, education, and reproductive freedom. They havecontinued to provide quality services even when faced with ongoingthreats and challenges. Since the Supreme Court Dobbs decision, theirwork has never been more vital, or more determined, even in the faceof increasing external pressures. Planned Parenthood of NorthernCalifornia is the umbrella organization for 20 counties in the state. Inthis episode, I speak with Gilda Gonzales, President and CEO of PlannedParenthood Northern California, and Anna Meldrum, Interim RegionalCenter Director for the northern region. Together they supervise 18health clinics in 20 northern California counties. They join me to discussthe services they provide, who is eligible, how their work has adaptedsince the Supreme Court decision and how they see reproductive rightsissues unfolding in the months ahead, including the potential impact onthe upcoming crucial fall elections.   Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talk show for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally andinternationally.
This podcast of Global Stuff was recorded live on May 24, 2024. Jimmytalks with Ken Grossinger about his latest book: Art Works: HowOrganizers and Artists Are Creating a Better World Together (July 2023,New Press). The book describes the multiple ways in which artists andactivists and artists have collaborated in the past and continue to do sotoday to support actions for racial justice, immigrant rights, humanrights, economic equality. Music, movies, theater, graphic art, fine artsall contribute to advancing social movements. Ken and Jimmy alsoconsider the role museums and philanthropy can play in going beyondtheir traditional grounding in the status quo to support community artprojects that foster social change.Ken Grossinger has been a leading strategist in movements for socialand economic justice for thirty-five years, in unions and communityorganizations, and as director of Impact Philanthropy in DemocracyPartners. Among other cultural projects, he co-executive produced theaward-winning Netflix documentaries Social Dilemma and BleedingEdge. More information, including his playlist of songs, can be found at Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talk show for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization thatscheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally andinternationally.
Michael Zweig is the emeritus professor of economics and founding director of the Center for Study of Working Class Life at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is a lifelong activist and advocate for building a country that quote “treats its workers with respect, opposes war, conserves a healthy natural environment, and defeats the many forms of white supremacy and patriarchy that cause suffering among so many millions of people.” In this episode, originally broadcast in January 2024, Jimmy and Michael discuss his new book: Class, Race and Gender, Challenging the Injuries and Divisions of Capitalism, a comprehensive history and examination of class in the United States and how the working class majority can take a significant role in shaping the direction of the country.
Joshua Landis is the Director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. He recently wrote the article that appeared in “Responsible Statecraft”: “US troops should have left Syria and Iraq long ago”. While Congress and the World focus on the wars between Israel and Hamas and Ukraine and Russia, less attention is focused on the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Joshua grew up in the Middle East and spent many summers in Syria before the Civil War that started in 2011.  In this episode, recorded in February 2024, Joshua discusses the current dire situation in Syria and the ongoing conflict there, as well as US involvement in Iraq and the turmoil in the region.
Abba Solomon is the author of two books on Zionism, The Miasma of Unity: Jews and Israel and The Speech, and Its Context: Jacob Blaustein’s Speech "The Meaning of Palestine Partition to American Jews." During this interview, recorded on November 24, 2023, Jimmy Durchslag and Abba discuss his recent article “Endangered and Dangerous Israel, Endangering Jews” and how the Israeli response to the Hamas October 7 attacks have escalated and exacerbated the conflict. Jimmy Durchslag has been the host of “Global Stuff”, a monthly guest driven talk show for over 20 years. He has a long experience as a manager of several for profit and non-profit organizations. He is one of the founders of Redwood Community Radio, the parent organization for KMUD. He recently served as the Director of the Mainstream Media Project, a nonprofit organization that scheduled expert guests for interviews on talk shows both nationally and internationally.