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The Interior Life

Author: Kathryn Anne Clarke, ARK

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The Interior Life: Developing Spiritual Instincts by Kathryn Anne Clarke.

The goal of this podcast is to remove the perception that there are any obstacles between us and God. We want to develop our spiritual instincts, available to us in each moment. This is what Christ wants for us. 

Kathryn Anne brings us deeper into psychology, relationships, and understanding ourselves as spiritual beings on a journey. This spiritual journey is the most important one we will take. If you want to develop a healthy spirituality, take a listen.

21 Episodes
This episode concludes the first season of The Interior Life Podcast. If you've enjoyed the podcast so far, please like and subscribe on our YouTube channel, follow us on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.  In times of challenge, tragedy, trauma, and uncertainty, people need to be consoled with real wisdom ⁠— wisdom that can only come from God. We must become reliant on God's wisdom so that we can comfort others who need us in a world which is changing quickly. In this final episode of the first season, Kathryn discusses personal holiness, Christ and power structures, virtue, the Catholic Church, changing our thinking, and what people need to know most about God.  
There's a space inside each one of us where we get to meet and know God personally. In one religious woman whom Kathryn knew, this space had collapsed. This woman always thought that she had no faith, even though she clung to religion and the Catholic Church. As she began to focus less on her lack of faith and more on those she was serving, she gained confidence in what she was being called to do. We cannot rely completely on our religious practice to tell us everything we need to know about God. Religion is meant to support the relationship we already have. Faith is a gift. If we make time to get to know God personally through daily prayer, we will get the grace to continue on in faith.
Episode 18: Faith

Episode 18: Faith


Faith. A mustard seed. The important things in life. Kathryn explains that faith is a gift, and one that we must continue asking for, even if we feel we have none. The more we engage with the divine, the more it informs our experience of the world around us. Kathryn shares some stories and exercises to help us discover what is truly important to us and what we need to do in life before our earthly journey is complete.
Christmas is a very special, mystical time. On this day, we are all following a star. What does this mean? This is a day for everyone to feel loved and to offer that love out again. You are loved, you are good, and you have wonderful potential. Also a part of this special episode is a reading of An Invitation, which invites everyone to sit before Jesus in the Eucharist, a beautiful gift we can give to him, ourselves, and the whole world. May God bless you and Merry Christmas!
An older man at the store register asks Kathryn about the cross she wears and a conversation about Christianity ensues. Kathryn shares with us the differences between the enemy, the accuser, and Jesus Christ, the advocate. With Christmas soon approaching, Kathryn suggests a wonderful practice in the days leading up.
Where does your conscience meet you? Don't think that because there isn't a rule for something, you are getting away with it. Kathryn portrays this by telling a story about a young waitress dealing with a difficult colleague. If, in your conscience, you disagree with someone or something, don't let it be a reason to pause on your own spiritual journey. Kathryn shares more on conscience, becoming more of your own person, and transforming in Christ.
One of our Catholic teachings is the primacy of conscience. Kathryn explores this concept, referencing The Hiding Place, the story of Corrie ten Boom and her family during WWII. This episode illustrates how these Christians followed what was written on their hearts and lived their spirituality to the highest degree, inspiring us to do the same. If you are curious about your spiritual gifts and senses, take a listen. Share if you find it helpful!
There are important questions to ask about yourself and your potential spouse when discerning marriage. Kathryn shares thought-provoking considerations as well as potential red flags in choosing the right person to marry, against a backdrop of spirituality.
Have you ever experienced a period of time in your life where the "lights go off" and you don't know which way is up? Kathryn identifies three different types of mystical storms and how to navigate them. During these periods, we learn the important difference between making decisions versus the process of discernment, which is a decision made over time with prayer.
In this episode, Kathryn shares a story about one young man's struggle with addiction and how he stayed in conversation with God, which ultimately saved his life. There may be times when we think we can't really talk to God until we overcome our lists of real or imaginary obstacles in our heads, when the truth is God wants to be with us in all of it. Kathryn touches upon "in or out" Catholicism and extends to us the concept of Catholic simplicity. She shares how our beautiful teachings are meant to be road signs when we face difficulties in our lives, not rules that we use to judge ourselves or others.Self-dislike, self-hatred, and self-loathing aren't for us and don't come from God. Kathryn shares that an antidote for self-hatred is service. The only real way to happiness is by helping other people. Additionally, we should strive to be honest not only with others, but with ourselves. God knows everything about us and loves us infinitely, and he's the one we need to be in communication with.
Kathryn continues the conversation about artificial intelligence from the previous episode. While artificial intelligence can do phenomenal things, it can't replace human relationships.Kathryn also touches upon the differences between shame and guilt, as well as jealousy and envy. Lastly, she gives a treatment on competitive spirituality. In your spirituality, there is only one way to know where you're going. Listen to this episode to find out.
In this episode, Kathryn discusses artificial intelligence and how it can lead to artificially inflated thinking. Despite its pros and cons, AI cannot replace human connection or the connection to the Divine in our lives.Silence is crucial for us. Do you find sitting in silence difficult? Do you feel anxious when you try sitting in silence? Kathryn offers a helpful tip we can practice if we struggle with silence.As children of God, we have a right to a calm state of being. We have a role to play in helping our brothers and sisters exist in a peaceful state of being too.
Kathryn begins by sharing a story about teaching prisoners positive self-regard: "You are a good person created to do good things. You will make mistakes and there are reasons to explain them." We are encouraged to seek an explanation for ourselves and understand why we make certain mistakes.Kathryn prompts us to reflect on the Scripture passage, "The Lord takes delight in his people" (Psalm 149:4). The fact that we may be in a bad spot in life or feel stuck, doesn’t change God's positive regard for us. Kathryn covers how we can project our human thinking onto God, especially our experience of our human father. She talks about various human thoughts that we may place on God, "God only loves me when... etc."The truth is that God loves us infinitely and has ultimate positive regard for us, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. Christ looks at our true essence, and is always drawing us forward into our potential.Would you like to donate towards our Prison Ministry Campaign? Please click the link below:
In this episode, Kathryn discusses love and compassion for ourselves and others, and how the Good Thief, a convicted felon who comforted Christ on the cross, serves as an example to us all.In our own relationships, we sometimes fall back from the decision to love another person. With relationships between parents and children, love can flow easily. With relationships between married couples, siblings, etc., often how we love is a decision that we must make. Kathryn prompts us to contemplate: "How am I going to love those around me?"To become aware of how we are loving others and to take responsibility for what we are conveying, we must become thoughtful. This will also help us to learn how God loves us and how we need to love ourselves. Reflecting on our lives, especially during times when we didn’t look our best, is crucial to the development of self-awareness and compassion.During a time where you didn’t look your best, has someone whom you least expected been there for you? That’s what the Good Thief did for Christ. We are often in a position to help another person in situations where nobody else can support them.
In today’s podcast, Kathryn focuses on human connections. She helps us to ask important questions: Are we sacrificing our human connections to ‘current events’ conversations? What do we want from our connections? Are we prioritizing our human exchanges? Kathryn encourages us to wonder about our essence and ask ourselves: Am I connected to who I am? Do I look my best self in my current relationships? Am I able to connect to the good things about me? Lastly, we reflect on the culture of manufactured drama, often leading to dualistic thinking. Is the current culture creating conditions where people are not living from their own identities?
In this episode, Kathryn Anne talks about what makes us truly strong. She discusses how perfection isn't out there for us, and that God founded his Church on St. Peter despite his imperfection. Like St. John the apostle, we don't have to be perfect to follow Christ, but we do have to show up and with God’s help, stay.
In this fourth episode, Kathryn Anne reflects on the question, “Who is God?” Kathryn Anne shares her own story, as well as the stories of others, and concludes that we all encounter God differently. Our question to answer is, “Where do I see God in my day?” We are shown that other people’s understanding of God doesn’t have to dictate our relationship with God. Kathryn Anne examines the paradox of remaining detached from certain aspects of life, and at the same time connected to the more important elements. When it comes to our unique and unrepeatable relationship with God, our goal is not to conform, but to transform.
In this third episode, Kathryn Anne opens with three principle questions for each of us to ask and answer. These questions lead us to wonder about the intersection point between our life and our spirituality.Kathryn Anne discusses the neuroscience behind our primary drive in life — to love and be loved, with a focus on romantic relationships. Finally, we are invited to embark on a journey of self-awareness; identifying when we offer a persona rather than our true selves to the people in our lives. 
Episode 2: Conscience

Episode 2: Conscience


In this episode, Kathryn Anne explains to us how our conscience is a safe space between you and God, where no one gets to judge you. Kathryn Anne emphasizes that in your conscience, you are called to be an independent and critical thinker. She shares a story about confession involving conscience and the importance of thinking for yourself and contemplating how God views you.
This episode covers relationships with things such as work, money, substances, alcohol, food, and shopping. Kathryn also talks about relationship with self and others, and how all these relationships tie into spirituality.