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台式英文bye bye ,15分鐘學會美國人說的話。


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225 Episodes
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡我要去獨旅啦 I’m going to travel by myself./I’m going to travel alone. (*be going to 後面接原形動詞) travel by myself 跟 travel alone 有什麼不一樣? -a solo trip -traveling solo 補充學習 自由行self-guided tour (有特定的行程,明確的時間)traveling freely / free travelno set plans 沒有特定的獨旅independent travelbackpacking (背包客)跟團travel with grouptour grouptour group member(s) 團客 情境對話 D: Eleanor, why do you look so happy? D: 你怎麼看起來這麼開心? E: Because I’m going to travel by myself. I’ve made a plan to visit Okinawa in September. E: 因為我要去獨旅啦!我計劃九月要去沖繩玩~ D: Wow, that’s great. But can you drive? I’ve heard that It’s more convenient to travel by car in Okinawa. D: 挖~那很棒誒!但是你會開車嗎?我聽說去沖繩玩要會開車比較方便 E: No, I can’t. I’ll join a day tour. E: 喔不會ㄚ,但我會參加一日團。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡我腦袋一片空白 My mind's gone blank./ I’m drawing a blank./My mind just blanked out. My mind's gone blank./ My mind went blank. I’m drawing a blank. *blank (a.) 空白的,茫然的a blank sheet of paper 一張白紙Please sign your name in the blank space. 請在空白處簽名a blank expression 茫然的表情(n.) 空白處,空格Fill in the blanks on this form. 將這份表格填好My mind just blanked out. I had a brain fart/ brain fade. 補充學習 沒想清楚 can’t think straightI regretted what I did last night. I wasn’t thinking straight.恍神、放空、發呆 space out/ zone out 整理一下思緒 gather your thoughts 情境對話 Erskine:I’m supposed to tell you something, but I can’t think of what it was. 我好像要跟你說什麼,但我想不起來。 Duncan:Don't worry, it happens to everyone. 沒事啦。大家都會這樣 Erskine:Yeah, but my mind went blank as soon as I saw you. 對,但我一看到你就忘光光。我腦袋一片空白。 Duncan:Seems like you’re having a brain fart. Take a few minutes to gather your thoughts. 看起來你在神遊喔。稍微整理一下思緒吧。 文化閒聊 Describe a time when your mind went blank.doing job interviews-I hate doing job interviews. It’s not that the questions are difficult, I just get brain fade as soon as I walk into the room. giving a speech/ presentation- got distracted by technical problemstalking to your crushfeeling scaredwalking through doorways like kitchen- forgot what to do 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡別客氣~多吃點! Help yourself./Please have some. (X)Eat more. (O)Help yourself./Please have some. 我們經常問人「吃飽沒」、「多吃一點」,直譯成英文聽起來就是不自然。Eat more是祈使語句,比較是命令人的口氣。 Help yourself 是指「自己來,別客氣」,也可以用 please have some,意思是「來一點,別客氣」。 No need to be polite.不用客氣 吃飯當中可以說的吃多一點:feel free to have more/ eat what you like 補充學習問候的時候會說「吃飽了沒」Are you full? vs Have you eaten? (or Did you get anything to eat?)自己吃飽要先離席的時候會說「你們慢慢用喔~」"Take your time."、"Enjoy your meal." 或是 "No rush, savor your meal." 情境對話 Connie: Hi, Duncan! Welcome to our picnic event. 嗨,Duncan!歡迎來參加我們的野餐活動。 Duncan: Hey, Connie! This is awesome, I'm really looking forward to enjoying some food. 嘿,Connie!太棒了,我很期待享受這裡的美食。 Connie: Haha, Well, help yourself. I prepared some snacks specially for this event. I hope you'll like them. Please have some! 哈哈,別客氣多吃點。我特地為這次活動做了一些小點心,希望你會喜歡。 Duncan: That's so thoughtful! I'm sure I will, thank you for preparing them. 太貼心了!我一定會的,謝謝你的準備。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
一秒切換無情工商時間~ 做很多虧心事的人要小心鬼月,大家一年最期待的就是自己的生日月,那想學好英文就要怎樣?訂閱。 加入「Ivy Engrest 數位訂閱制」可以解鎖常春藤網站上海量文章、影片,包含特別企劃「英文整聊室」,由賴世雄老師解析你最常犯的文法錯誤! 1.你可以收藏自己專屬的單字、片語~打造自己的英語字典!What’s more! 2.那些讓你霧煞煞的單字片語,常春藤訂閱制會根據你收藏的內容,每日量身打造試題! 3.答對題目後還能獲得可以折抵消費的熊贈點喔!保證越讀越划算! 使用「折扣碼」ivybar300 可現折 300元 (Dom自我介紹) 那我們來簡單訪問一下DomHow many languages do you speak? What are they?What do you do for a living?How long have you lived in Taiwan? 英式英文常見單字knackered - exhausted 筋疲力盡的”It’s been long day at work. I’m absolutely knackered.”cheeky - in a teasing, playful manner / naughty 調皮的,放肆的,很快地做的“He’s a good kid but he can be a bit cheeky.” ”You cheeky bastard.” / “have a cheeky pint”gutted - very disappointed 沮喪的,失望的“I was gutted when I saw my test results.” ”The kids will be gutted when he hears the trip was canceled.”faff (around/about) - waste time 瞎忙”Don’t you have work to do?, You should quit faffing around.” ”I’ve been faffing about all morning, I should get going.naff - poor quality / crap 劣質的,品質很差的“This phone I bought is pretty naff, I’m going to return it.” 盤點五大學習語言的方法讀高難度小說學文法 Read long and difficult novel to learn grammar跟讀 Shadowing看到不會的單字馬上查字典 Look up new words that you don’t know狂背單字 Memorize a large amount of words看影集、聽音樂 Watch TV series or listen to music 想跟Dom學英式英文的可以到他的Instagram看看唷! 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
一秒切換無情工商時間~ 「Ivy Engrest 數位訂閱制」使用折扣碼 ivybar300 可現折 300元 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡你免肖想啦! You wish./ In your dreams./ Nice try./ Not a chance. “You wish.”-to indicate that what the other person wants or hopes for is unlikely to happen. eg. winning a lottery. 回應對方想做或希望的事情不太可能發生,例如中樂透。 eg. “One day I will marry Taylor Swift.” “Yeah, right. You wish.” “In your dreams.”-Similar to "You wish," this phrase is used to express that the idea or desire mentioned is unlikely to occur in reality. eg. someone saying they could easily beat a professional tennis player. 跟“You wish.”類似,例如有人說他可以輕易打敗專業的網球選手。 eg. I feel like this lottery ticket is a winner. “In your dreams.” “Nice try.”-to acknowledge that someone made a good attempts at something, but they failed. Or to point out that someone’s trick has been found and was not successful. eg. someone trying to steal more cookies and you catch them. 某人嘗試做某事或惡作劇結果失敗,被你抓到,你就可以說“Nice try.”,例如某人想偷你包包,或偷拿更多餅乾,但失敗被你抓到 “Not a chance.”- a straightforward expression to reject a a suggestion or idea, indicate that there’s no possibility of it happening. eg. someone asking if they could cut in front of you in a long line. 就是用來回絕對方的意見或想法,告訴他:「你別想了!」「不可能這樣做的!」「門都沒有」等於 “No way.” eg. Can I cut in front of you? Not a chance. "Not happening." "Not gonna happen." 補充學習 實際一點 Be realistic. 有可能 possible/ possibility 不可能 impossible/ impossibility 請別人幫忙 Do someone a favor./ I need a hand./ Give me a hand. 拒絕 reject/ turn down 情境對話 Erskine:Duncan, I need a hand. Could you pass me the broom and dustpan? 當肯,幫我個忙。可以幫我拿掃把跟畚箕過來嗎? Duncan:No pro, I’ll go get it. Here you are, the broom and dustpan. 沒問題,我去拿。來,掃把跟畚箕 benji。 Erskine:Now that you’ve got the broom and dustpan, why don’t you just help me clean up a bit? 既然你都拿了,那你就順便幫我打掃一下吧! Duncan:Not a chance. Do it yourself! 你免肖想啦!要掃自己掃! 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 If I’m cool with it, it’s on them if they feel awkward / cringe. → 表達自信,不在意別人看法。 (you don’t need to worry how other ppl think) If…是假設句be cool with sth=to be happy to accept a situation or suggestion 樂於接受現在的狀態 / 建議New Jeans “cool with you” 意思就是『 和你在一起很開心 』awkward (adj.) 尷尬的it’s on sb 某人有責任(對某件事)/ not my concern / not my business-negative, directly deny sth 補充學習 cringe (口語)尷尬 / 原本是動詞(v) Taylor Swift “Learn to live alongside cringe. Cringe is unavoidable over a lifetime.” (學習和尷尬共存,人生無法避免尷尬)alongside (adv.) 在…旁邊 / 與…一起unavoidable (adj.) 無法避免的embarrassing (adj.) 尷尬的 / humiliating (adj) 羞辱的 cringe-worthy(adj.) (某人事物)令人難堪的 / cringe-inducing (adj.) 讓某人尷尬的… 💡 embarrassed / embarrassing / awkward 有什麼不一樣? embarrass-ed :ed 結尾,用來形容人的感受 embarrass-ing : ing 結尾,用來形容引起感受的事物. awkward : 形容人際之間關係的尷尬 情境對話 D: Hi, Eleanor... uh, what happened to your forehead? 嗨,Eleanor. 呃…你的額頭怎麼了 E:Hey, Duncan, let me tell you, I bumped into the door at the convenience store this morning. It was sooooo awkward. 誒誒當肯,跟你說,今天早上我撞到超商的玻璃門,超尷尬== D:Don't worry about it. If you're OK with it, it's on other people if they feel awkward. 沒事拉,如果你不尷尬,尷尬的就是別人。 E: I guess, but I think I won't go to that store again anytime soon. 是這樣沒錯,但我可能不會再去那間超商了。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 That will cause an occupational injury. *職業傷害 occupational injury/ hazard workplace injury 補充學習 滑鼠手/ 腕隧道症候群 carpal tunnel syndrome 變胖了 got fatbecause of sitting in the office for long time近視加深 eyesight was damaged -Staring at the computer screen for a long time damaged my eyesight. 長時間盯著電腦螢幕,導致近視加深。 眼睛痠 sore eyes 下背痠痛 lower back pain 五十肩 frozen shoulder *關節發炎之後沾黏,關節活動變小,肩膀就像被冷凍一樣 (Eleanor 分享) 扭傷 strain 瘀青 bruises 失眠 insomnia(result from jet lag) 情境對話 Duncan:Erskine, you should sit up straight at the desk. Don’t slouch. Erskine,你工作的時候坐姿要端正吧。不要駝背。 Erskine:But I’m comfortable like this. 但這樣很舒服啊。 Duncan:Sitting like that will cause an occupational injury. And you’ll have a lot of lower back pain if you keep doing it. 你這會造成職業傷害吧。久了會下背痠痛的! Erskine:Working is a hazard itself. It’s nothing to do with how you sit. 工作本身就是一種傷害,跟坐姿沒有關係。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
天氣越來越熱了,手搖店的生意越來越好啦~ 辦公室有天使同事常常會找大家一起訂購飲料 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡I'm in.我加入/我可以。/ I'm down. Count me in.算我一份。 (I also want to V)I want in on (that).Can I get in on that? 補充學習seize the day文字訊息中如果要2個-Put me(us) down for #. put someone down 是指把人家的名字寫下來,幫人家登記的意思,團購常用! 我們在第12集有跟大家分享過手搖飲如果要半糖少冰怎麼說,想了解可以回去聽第12集喔~ "Get a drink from a drink stand/tea shop."我要買手搖杯 情境對話 Duncan: It's so hot today. I feel like getting a drink from a tea shop. Anyone interested? 天氣好熱,我想買手搖飲,有人想一起嗎? Connie: Great idea, count me in. 太好了,算我一份。 Duncan: What would you like? 你想喝甚麼呢? Connie: I'll have a large bubble tea, half-sugar, with a little ice. And put Erskine down for one too. 我要大杯珍珠奶茶半糖微冰。 *微冰 a little ice 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
If there’s no Internet, then it’s doomsday. 沒有網路,世界末日。 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 網路連不上/ 斷線 I can’t connect to the Internet. The internet went out./ The internet's down. There’s no Internet. The connection cut out.(斷線) 補充學習 網路不穩 the connection/ signal is unstable. 網路漫遊 roaming online/offline wifi/ data plan -Beware of extra roaming charges when you use it. 使用網路漫遊要小心額外收費。 網卡 SIM/ eSIM(虛擬網卡) -eSIM is easier to set up because there’s no physical card to insert. eSIM 虛擬網卡不需要換卡,安裝很方便。 網路無限/ 有限流量 unlimited/ limited data -I prefer an unlimited data eSIM plan because I love sharing posts on social media when I travel abroad. 情境對話 Erskine:Duncan. Check out this meme, it's hilarious! 當肯,你看這個迷因超級好笑! Duncan:I'll look at it in a sec. So everything for the trip tomorrow is confirmed, right? Let's check again to be sure. 我等一下再看。是說明天的行程確認好了嗎?趕快查一下吧 Erskine:Um, Seems that my Internet connection cut out. I'll check it a bit later. 啊!網路好像連不上了,晚點再說吧 Duncan:Oh, that's perfect. Just when you need to do something important, you can’t connect to the internet. 這麼剛好?每次要做正經事網路就連不上。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡及時行樂、享受當下 "Live a little" 的意思是「活得更自由、更放鬆、更享受當下」 -Life is short, enjoy yourself -YOLO 是"you only live once"的簡稱 補充學習 - seize the day (拉丁文 carpe diem)把握當下 - live in / for the moment/ today 例句:Sometimes you have to let go and live in the moment. 有時候你得放下過去、活在當下。 相反的 - Play it safe:「採取保守的做法」、「行事謹慎」 - think twice 再多思考一下 - have second thoughts 心裡已經有想法,但再想一下 / 商業上會是一個委婉的拒絕 情境對話 Duncan: Hey, it's Friday night! Let's go out and have some fun. 嘿,今晚是星期五!我們出去玩一下吧! Connie: I don't know, I have a lot of work to do. 我不知道,我有很多工作要做。 Duncan: Come on, live a little! You can finish your work tomorrow. 別掃興啦!活得開心一點!你可以明天再完成工作。 Connie: You're right. Let's go and enjoy tonight! 你說得對。讓我們今晚出去享受一下! 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 我沒什麼耐心I’m impatient.(通常在描述自己個性時)I have no patience (with/for sth).-I have no patience with religious people. → "I don’t like religious people” because they might have argued over some religious issues or disagree with the religion. *atheist 無神論者I’m losing patience (with sb).----------------------------------- You are impatient. You are being impatient. *單純用形容詞是說明一個人的特質;如果是用 be-V + being + 形容詞的結構,代表一個人的舉止或行為跟平常不太一樣,特指對方正處於某個狀態。 eg. He is being rude. 他現在的行為很失禮。 She is being stupid. 她在裝傻。/她在鬧。 補充學習 急躁的/ 急性子的 irritable, quick-tempered/ short-tempered 講重點/ 切入主題 cut to the chase / get to the point -I don’t have much time. Could you just cut to the chase? 情境對話 Duncan:Are you free now? I’ve got something to tell you. 你現在有空嗎?我有事情要跟你說。 Erskine:Just cut to the chase. I don’t have much time. And I have no patience. 可以快一點嗎?我時間不多,而且我沒什麼耐心。 Duncan:You are being rude! I wanted to tell you that my friend thinks you're a hunk and wants to get to know you. But you've probably got no patience for love. 哇你這樣好失禮!我是要跟你說我有朋友說你很帥想認識你,但我想你應該也沒有耐心談戀愛吧。 Erskine:Forget what I said. I have nothing but patience. 抱歉!我什麼沒有,耐心最多了。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡沒力氣了 -Don't have any energy. -to feel drained. -My (legs)_ feel weak. 補充學習 發燒 I am running a fever. I have got a fever / temperature. I have a fever. 頭重重/頭暈 I feel dizzy. My head is spinning. 想吐 I’m going to throw up. feel nauseous(感到噁心的、想嘔吐的) I feel nauseous and cold.(我覺得想吐,身體感覺很冷。) 拉肚子 diarrhea have the runs、get the runs,就是俗稱的「拉肚子」 *如果要說「某東西讓某人拉肚子」,英文就可以用:something give(s) someone the runs 情境對話 Duncan: Are you okay? You look really pale! 你還好嗎?妳臉色發白耶! Connie: I feel dizzy and nauseous. 我覺得頭暈想吐 Duncan: Uh-oh, and it's not because you're swooning over a handsome guy? You're probably sick. Do you want me to take you to the doctor? 糟了,我確定你不是因為看到帥哥才這樣,應該是生病了,要不要帶你去看醫生? Connie: I can't walk. My legs feel so weak. 可是我現在腿軟站不起來了 Duncan: Then, we should call an ambulance. 看來我們要叫救護車了 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 請不要造謠 Don't spread rumors. *造謠 spread rumors/ start rumors 不要亂講 - stop talking nonsense -think before you speak. 補充學習 闢謠/ 澄清謠言 address/ clarify/ refute rumors 造謠的人/ 長舌婦/ 愛八卦的人 a gossip 情境對話 Erskine:I heard you were spreading rumors behind my back. What's going on? 我聽說你在我背後造謠。是怎麼回事? Duncan:No, I wasn't. I just said that recently it seems like you're in love. 我沒有啊!我只是說你最近好像在談戀愛。 Erskine:Please, don't start rumors. I was at the park having a picnic with my older sister. 請不要造謠。我只是跟我姊去公園野餐而已。 Duncan:Oh, so I guess you've got a thing for older women. 原來你喜歡姐弟戀啊。 閒聊 the rumor mill 謠言工廠 water cooler talk(gossip) 茶水間閒聊 locker room talk(gossip) 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡我在趕時間~ I'm in a hurry! I'm in a rush! 'I'm in a hurry' 是你會經常聽到的一句話。它用於表達你正在趕時間,或者你沒有多餘的時間。這是一種直接但又禮貌的方式,告訴其他人你需要更快的進行步伐,或者不能參與長時間的活動或對話。 讓我們看看幾種可以使用這句話的情況。例如,如果你在咖啡店,而咖啡師嘗試與你閒聊,但你正趕著上班,你可以說,「抱歉,我正在趕時間,能把我的咖啡做成外帶嗎?」'Sorry, I'm in a hurry, could I please get my coffee to go? 或者,你正在商店裡瀏覽,而店員在包裝你的購物時卻慢吞吞的,你可以說,「我正在趕時間。你能加快速度嗎?」I'm in a hurry. Could you please speed it up a little? 補充學習 「我很急」其他的說法:It is very urgent. / Running out of time./ on a tight schedule. 很急的時候會說的話 Make/Keep it quick. 叫人別急慢慢來,可以用: Take your time. No rush. / No hurry. 情境對話 Duncan: Hey, can we discuss this sales plan? 嘿,我們可以討論一下這個銷售方案嗎? Connie: I'm in a hurry right now, can we talk about it later? 我現在很趕時間,能稍後再聊嗎? Duncan: But the boss will need this plan soon. 但是這個方案等一下老闆就要了 Connie: Can we go over it quickly then? I only have a few minutes. 那我們可以快速討論嗎?我只有一點點時間 Duncan: Okay, let's make it quick. 好的,讓我們速戰速決 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:  💡 你只想到你自己 You only think about/of yourself. You only care about yourself. You are always/just out for yourself. *out for oneself 做事只顧自己,太自私 **look out for number one 為自己著想 補充學習  自私的 selfish 自我中心的 self-centered(more rational) to be “full of oneself” 無私的 selfless 大方的 generous/ giving 為別人著想的 considerate 情境對話  Erskine:我幫你準備了好吃的咖哩飯! Hey, I made some delicious curry rice for you. Duncan:哇看起來好好吃!等等,醬跟白飯怎麼可以拌在一起? Oh, wow. That looks delicious. Wait a second. Why did you mix the sauce with the rice? Erskine:這樣很好吃啊!每一口白飯都包覆著滿滿的咖哩~我超喜歡。 It's really good this way. You get a bunch of curry with each bite. I love it this way. Duncan:我超討厭,你有想過我的感受嗎?沒有。你只想到你自己。 I can't stand it. Did you think of how I would feel? No, you only think about yourself! 閒聊吃咖哩飯或滷肉飯(braised pork rice) 喜歡拌在一起還是分開少自以為是/ 省省吧 get over yourselfbeing narcissist/ thinking highly of themselves/ being arrogantwhen someone is complaining / making a big deal 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 I can't take it anymore. /I've had enough./ I'm fed up. 補充學習I've had it up to here (with….).(要爆炸的時候會帶手勢表達憤怒說的) 我受夠了don't lose one’s cool/ keep your cool 別失控Lose one’s cool 某人失控、爆衝那當我們跟對方說 Don't lose your cool. 意思就是叫他不要失控,冷靜的意思: 例句:Ray’s always like that. Don’t lose your cool because of his words. (Ray 總是那樣。不要因為他說的話失控。)calm down / chill out 冷靜一下 情境對話 Connie: Hey~You seem troubled. What's up? 你看起來很煩惱。怎麼了啊? Duncan: I've had enough of the constant changes in our project. It's affecting our progress. 我受夠了這個專案不斷的變動。這影響了我們的進度。 Connie: I understand it's a challenge, but we need to keep the deadline. 我了解這很有挑戰,但我們需要在截止日期前完成。 Duncan: I know, but the frequent changes make it difficult to stay on track. I'm fed up. 我知道,但是頻繁的變動讓我們難以保持進度。我受夠了。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡好懷念啊 How nostalgic! *feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that happened in the pastmake me feel nostalgicThis/ It takes me back. This XXX takes me back to… I really miss the…() Those were the days… 補充學習 回憶 memories 紀念品(通常不太昂貴) keepsake -sentimental value 情感上的價值 看在我們的交情上/ 舊日情份上 “for old time's sake” 懷舊,念舊 nostalgia (n.) -Some people feel nostalgia for their schooldays. 追憶,回憶 reminisce 情境對話 Erskine:好久沒來這裡了。好懷念啊! It's been so long since I was here. This place really takes me back. Duncan:聽起來是你跟某人在這裡留下了美好的回憶。是一起過節嗎? Sounds like you made some beautiful memories here with someone. Did you all come here on holiday? Erskine:對啊。但我們當時在這裡大吵一架。 Yes, but me and her also got into a big argument. Duncan:啊…原來也有過節啊… Oh, well, you two definitely have some history. 閒聊 「太念舊的人會死在回憶裡」 “Those who are overly nostalgic will die reminiscing.” “Don’t spend too much time looking back into the past. It will not teach you anything new. It will just keep you stuck.” 不要花太多時間在念舊/ 回想過去。這樣不會讓你學會新的東西。只會讓你困在過去。 “The good old days were never that good, believe me. The good days are here now, and better days are coming tomorrow.” 過去的美好時光從來就沒那麼美好,今天就是你的大好日子,更好的日子在明天等著你。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡What? James got dumped ? 補充學習分手:break up 例句:Was it a bad break up ?背著某人偷吃、給某人戴綠帽 cheat on sb(v.) I was dumped by Amanda. I shouldn’t have cheated on her. 我被 Amanda 甩了,我不應該背著她偷吃的。蠢蛋、爛人:jerk (n.) James is such a jerk. No wonder he gets dumped all the time. James 是一個爛人,難怪他老是被甩。to get over N 情境對話 Connie: What? James got dumped? 什麼?James被甩了? Duncan: Yeah, it happened just yesterday, completely unexpected. 對啊,昨天才發生的,完全是出乎意料的。 Connie: Oh no, that's tough. How's he holding up? 哦不,那真是不好受。他還好嗎? Duncan: He's feeling pretty upset. His head is all over the place. 他感覺相當難過。說話都語無倫次了。 Connie: Have you talked to him? 你跟他聊聊了嗎? Duncan: Not yet, but I plan to give him a call later. Maybe we can grab a drink and talk about it. 還沒有,但我打算晚點打電話給他。也許我們可以一起喝杯酒聊聊。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 我的生活一成不變 My life is in a rut./ stuck in a rut. I feel stuck in a rut/slump. *rut-a narrow, deep mark made by a wheel 車子在軟土上留下的凹痕 -slump 補充學習 有動力/ 沒動力 motivated/ unmotivated - I feel motivated/ unmotivated. -motivation -going through the motions (ep. No. 162) -routine 惡性循環 negative cycle - break the negative cycle 情境對話 Erskine:我覺得我的生活一成不變。沒有動力前進。 I feel my life is stuck in a rut. And I got no motivation to move forward. Duncan:那就要想辦法改變啊! Then you have to try and change your routine. Erskine:好!那我先從卸下 podcast 主持人開始。 Got it! I’ll start with a change by quitting as a podcast host. Duncan:難道沒有其他可以先改變的嗎? Don't you have other alternatives first? 文化閒聊 **Signs you’re stuck in a rut** - Every day seems the same. 感覺每天都一樣,今天到底星期幾? - You feel like you're just trying to get through another day. 覺得日復一日得過且過- it feels more like you’re just killing time. - You feel unmotivated. 覺得沒有動力 - You feel unfulfilled. 想做的事還沒實現 - You want to change, but fear discomfort. 想要改變但害怕承擔風險 **How to get out of a rut** - Take care of yourself- Have you been eating well? Are you sleeping enough? - Change your routine- try a new route to work - Head outdoors 走出戶外 - Give yourself something to look forward to- see a movie, make plans for Friday night, plan a vacation - Reward yourself 給自己獎勵 季節性情緒失調(Seasonal Affective Disorder,SAD) 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
🔥2024新年俗爆優惠活動🔥 不管是熱賣的賴世雄文法課,進化英文腦的口說課,KK音標發音課,甚至是賽季正熱的籃球英文,帶你環遊世界的床邊英文故事,精選課程最低只要七折,結帳輸入折扣碼 【hpnw200】可以再折兩百塊。 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: literal Enlgish = braindead, which means “stupid” 💡 inflexible 不靈活的、死腦筋 -有些人比較死腦筋,無法接受不同的觀點,這時候就可以用 inflexible「不知變通的」來形容 補充學習strict 嚴格stubborn 固執的-”break the rules” 打破規則 -“bend the rules” 通融一下 -”make an exception” 破例一次 情境對話 Connie: Hello, I would like to buy this green water bottle. 你好,我想要這個綠色的水瓶。 Duncan:Sure, but I'm sorry. We don't have the outer box for this green water bottle. 好的,不過很抱歉,這個綠色水瓶沒有外盒。 Connie:Oh, but I want to give it as a gift. Can you swap it with the box from another color? 歐,但是我想要送人,可以把其他顏色的盒子換給我嗎? Duncan:I'm sorry, we can't do that. Would you like to consider buying a different color instead? 抱歉我們沒有這樣的做法,還是你要換買其他顏色呢? Connie:Oh, don't be so inflexible. Can't you bend the rules this once? 歐,不要那麼死腦筋了。你不能一次例外嗎? 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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