第19話:キム・ソンドン(Songdong Kim)
キム・ソンドンさんは朝鮮半島にルーツを持つ在日コリアン3世です。大手商社への勤務を経て「違うことが面白い」ことに目覚め、教育に着眼点を移しました。現在、Think Thinkという教育アプリを運営する会社、㈱花まるラボで公教育事業を担当しています。ポッドキャストで本人の興味深い経歴、教育のあり方と今後の展開について話し合っています。
Songdong Kim is a third generation Zainichi Korean whose roots trace back to present day North Korea. After 7 years working in Japan’s largest trading company, he devoted himself to social change through contribution to education. He is currently the director of business development at Hanamaru Lab, a start up that develops education apps and currently runs Think Think. We discuss his fascinating career to date, the current state of education and predictions for future developments.
Time: 77 mins. (the entire episode is in Japanese following the introduction)