#004.4 Boudicca’s Revenge: Devastation continues and the Roman Response. Part 4.
In the time around 60 AD when the Romans were occupying what would later become the country of England, a grand rebellion took place. The fight was taken to the Romans by the fierce warrior Queen Boudicca of the Iceni tribe of Briton. Boudicca is one of the most famous women of ancient history. She led a group of various tribes in Roman Briton against their Roman occupiers to try and kick Rome from their island. Roman governor Suetonius Paulinus was caught off guard by the rebellion and had to mount a hasty defense to protect Roman interests in Briton or risk the wrath of the Roman Emperor. The future of Roman Briton was at stake.
In Part 4, the rebellion continues with Boudicca’s army moving onto their next target after already sacking Camulodunum and Londinium. Tactics are changing in the rebellion as Boudicca sets out against new types of targets. Roman Governor Suetonius Paulinus is devising his own strategy to meet the rebellion head on. The Romans can’t let this insurrection continue and must find a way to put a stop to Boudicca and her Rampaging army while at the same time not losing their governing force of legions left on the island in a pitched battle with the Britons.
Map of Ancient Tribes in Briton
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