018 Randy Ford - Quigley-Ford Long Range Hunting Scopes
Quigley-Ford Long Range Hunting Scopes were conceived and developed by Randy Ford of Ontario, Canada. Born in 1954, Randy has been a lifelong hunter, and fisherman, who has always reached out to solve equipment issues . Randy shared most of his hunting and fishing opportunities with older masters, always eager to learn from their experience. Randy has achieved a measurable degree of success over the decades.
Randy’s greatest passion is teaching and sharing his knowledge obtained through his association with other masters in the field. One of his favourite movies was “Quigley Down Under “ which influenced the name of his lines of scopes. A passionate hunter , Randy has harvested more than fourty moose, over 2,000 pheasants, loads of whitetail deer, and a sampling of elk, mule deer , antelope caribou, wolves, coyotes and other animals . Suffice it to say his experience is extensive, and he understands what makes for good equipment and what products simply add complications to what should be simple.
Randy has made a commitment to refine and add products to the line of Quigley-Ford Long Range Hunting Scopes only if it will add enjoyment and success to your hunting experience.