020 Leap of Faith with Tricia Cepeda
Tricia Cepeda changed careers and started her own business. Anyone who has done this (or considered doing this) knows the leap of faith that is required to take that first step.
Tricia, a single mother of 4, recently decided to change careers and dedicate her work to her passion - health, wellness and breaking down barriers that hold us back from experiencing true freedom in our lives.
Tricia retired from a 25 year career as a State Certified in-home child care provider so that she could pursue her passion for helping others to become their best selves through behavioral changes and transformation.
She recently started her own business called NewDay2Dance, and will be sharing the ups and the downs, the goods and bads, the journey that brought her to this part of her life.
Active After 35 Thrive to 105 Co-hosts Ayana Labossiere and StephanieKay Atwood share the interview and gain valuable insight into the strength of character needed to make this kind of mid-life change.
NewDay2Dance website: www.newday2dance.com
Facebook: NewDay2Dance
Instagram: NewDay2Dance
Twitter: @NewDay2Dance
Email: newday2dance@gmail.com