DiscoverRotary Club Radio :: RotaryClubRadio.com024 Rotary Club Radio – Interview with District Governor Judy Freund
024 Rotary Club Radio – Interview with District Governor Judy Freund

024 Rotary Club Radio – Interview with District Governor Judy Freund

Update: 2011-08-12


Rotary Club Radio

Rotary Club Radio Episode 024

Rotary Minute

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Watch RI President Kalyan Banerjee speaking on January 17, 2011, at the International Assembly as he unveils the next RI theme, Reach Within to Embrace Humanity.

District Governor Judy Freund with Husband JimFeatured Segment

Judy Feund is the District Governor for District 5960.  It was a privilege to interview her and have her here in the Rotary Club Radio Studio to talk about her vision for District 5960.

Some of the important things we discussed are:

  • Her vision for Rotary District 5960 in 2011 – 2012

  • The Foundation

  • The Governor’s Blog

  • Friendship Exchange with Brazil

  • 200 Videos in 200 Days – Public Relations initiative

  • District Conference – April 13 & 14, 2012

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Here is an example of the short video that the St. Croix Falls Rotary Club created, which is playing before every movie in the local theater.  It will play over 5,000 times this year!  It was a Public Relations gift from the theater and the advertising agency that produces the ads.


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Copyright 2011

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024 Rotary Club Radio – Interview with District Governor Judy Freund

024 Rotary Club Radio – Interview with District Governor Judy Freund

Kirk Anderson