DiscoverRotary Club Radio :: RotaryClubRadio.com033 Rotary Club Radio – Feed My Starving Children
033 Rotary Club Radio – Feed My Starving Children

033 Rotary Club Radio – Feed My Starving Children

Update: 2012-03-13


In this episode of Rotary Club Radio, I interviewed Shara Anderson and 2 of her children, Cade and Ella, that participated in the mobile Feed My Starving Children packing event.  As you’ll hear in the interview, Feed My Starving Children is making a huge impact around the world and Rotarians are joining forces to help.

Rotary Club Radio

Rotary Club Radio Episode 033

Length: 25 min.

Rotary News

First, I want to congratulate Rotary on 107 years of being an amazing service organization that makes a huge difference in the world!  Rotarians should be very proud of who they are and what they are a part of!

Also, it was recently announced that there were no new cases of Polio in India – due to the efforts of Rotary Internationals’ Polio Eradication campaign we have finally ceased the disease’s growth in India.

Rotary began its efforts to fight polio in 1985 and by the time we’ve wiped polio out, we’ll have made contributions of nearly $1.2 Billion!  More recently, Rotary began working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations to help raise much-needed funds to eradicate polio.  Rotary recently announced that they succeeded in meeting the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s $200 Million match on January 17th!

Not only with money, but thousands of Rotarians have participated in National Immunization Days to immunize millions of children all around the world. The signature yellow vests and hats are a welcome sight throughout the world as people associate the eradication of polio with Rotary.

Again, Rotarians have a lot to be proud of and excited about!

Are you a Rotarian?  Why not!

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Featured Segment

Feed my Starving ChildrenToday I sit down with my wife Shara and 2 oldest kids, Cade and Ella, to talk about their experiences at the Feed My Starving Children mobile food packing event in St. Croix Falls, WI.  See pictures of the event here.

At 5 & 7 years old, these kids already know the importance of helping other kids in poverty.  Starving kids around the world are dying in massive numbers and through the simple words of 2 kids and a mom, we try to explore the power of giving life with the gift of food.

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Are you going to your District Conference?

The 2012 Rotary District 5960 Annual Conference in River Falls, WI on April 13-14, 2012.

Rotary 5960 District Conference


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Copyright 2012


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033 Rotary Club Radio – Feed My Starving Children

033 Rotary Club Radio – Feed My Starving Children

Kirk Anderson