DiscoverVagina Talks081 Centering Your Pleasure in Relationships with Marion Chloe Theis
081 Centering Your Pleasure in Relationships with Marion Chloe Theis

081 Centering Your Pleasure in Relationships with Marion Chloe Theis

Update: 2021-01-15


Join Marion as she details her journey of finding love and sexual satisfaction through deep self-acceptance and self-discovery. A story of getting clear on who you are and what you want and then finding it and growing with it.

This show is for those who want to reclaim their confidence and power by discovering their own sensual practice. This is a journey of intense healing for those that are searching within themselves to connect with themselves and others. To feel within themselves wisdom and newfound bodily pleasurable experiences.  

In this episode, they discuss:

  • Self-discovery and BDSM
  • Reclaiming our power through trusting our feelings
  • Calling in love and a partner through knowing your self
  • Kink, sex, and emotional maturity


Instagram: @SophiaWiseOne

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter: @SophiaWiseOne


Marion Chloe Theis 

Instagram: @MarionChloeTheis

Facebook page: @marionchloetheiscoaching




“A partner can bring you a lot of things. It can bring you your comfort, affection, sex, emotional fulfillment, but you have to be able, I believe, to bring these things to yourself, first and foremost.” - Marion Chloe Theis.


“When you reclaim your pleasure, your sexual pleasure, you reclaim your power!” - Marion Chloe Theis.

48:50                                                                                                  “I believe that we are co-creatively, rebirthing the planet, our culture and reality as we know it right now. And pleasure, sex, and power are huge components of that shifting landscape.” - Sophia Wise One.


“That very thing that we're wanting someone else to provide, is really useful information about the very thing that we are asking ourselves to provide, or to experience, or open up to, to make that possible in our own lives.” - Sophia Wise One

FULL Transcript VT 81 Marion Chloe Theis

Sat, 1/9 9:41 AM • 56:01


Vagina Talks Theme Song by Sophia Wise One, Sophia Wise One, Intro, Marion Chloé Theis

Intro from Samantha Rise 00:01

I'm Samantha Rise, and welcome to Vagina Talks where we speak about to and from vaginas. This is a show of alchemy, where we turn poison into medicine, disconnection into wisdom and isolated wounds into communal peacemaking. here's your host, Sophia Wise One.

Vagina Talks Theme Song by Sophia Wise One 00:20

You already know everything I can teach you already know everything I can say we are here to remind you what you already know, you already know

Intro From Sophia Wise One 00:37

I just want to take a minute to acknowledge that vagina talks understands that gender is fluid and dynamic and goes way beyond the binary of either woman or man, she or him. And that, in fact, it's a living an evolving thing that's actually personal person to person. And that our bodies, even our understanding, or the ways that we experience them can vary. It's important for me that that's something that has space here on Vagina Talks. And at the same time, I also am carrying this understanding that womanhood and the experience of the feminine and all of the female, in the splitting of that binary, has been injured has been hurt has been dismantled. And so, I'm looking to have a space where the feminine and the female and the female body is reclaimed and respected and lifted and inspected and known, as well as a space that goes beyond the binary. And that acknowledges that these are limited constructs, mostly put upon us, and that we're in the process of evolving into something more whole and more true. Just wanted to say that some of my guests will use incredibly binary language for whatever reason from the places that they come from. And I just wanted to let you know that Vagina Talks has a much wider understanding, and it's a living one. So, feel free to chime in as we go along. Without further ado, today's episode. 

Sophia Wise One 2:13

Hello, beautiful human and welcome back to Vagina Talks. I'm really grateful that you're here with me today. I am a tender, tender mush, I am in the midst of a good cleansing. I'm have an image of a mortar and pestle. And I'm in it. And I really heard myself this morning in my in my grief and in my rage. I could literally hear cliterally, I could cliterally hear a tone that I hadn't heard before. And while I was actually screaming, the thought went through my head. Oh my gosh, this is that opening I was praying for like this is it's happening right now like this is a new tone. This is a new vibration. This is a new experience. So, I'm just in the after washes of this really kind of big opening and a really big surrendering. So I'm just like, that's where I am right now. I'm just like in this tender place. And we have a guest today that I'm really excited to share with you. I came across her I looked at her stuff and I just I just felt this was like this. She's our people. You know, we got to get her get her in here. So I want to bring her in. tell you a little bit about her. Marion Chloé Theis is a French love coach. She helps women have better sex and relationships through spiritual and kinky sex practices. After a lot of bad relationships and unsatisfying sex encounters, she decided to take the matter into her own hands and did the invisible emotional work required to reclaim her power. She gave into her BDSM tendencies and discovered a new way to be in her body. From there, she grew a new sense of confidence that has spread to all areas of life. She now helps other women access their own wisdom so they can feel more connection with themselves and others. Marion welcome.

Marion Chloé Theis 04:25

Hey, thanks for having me.

Sophia Wise One 04:28

So, grateful to have you here today. And, you know, the first question I want to start with is is is playful and sincere and so I invite you to just kind of just kind of check in and see where it goes. If you just check in with your body and you just check in with your vagina. What is it that you would like to share with us?

Marion Chloé Theis 04:52

Well, that's a good question. What's coming up strongly is, in a way of my stories, obviously unique to me, but also speaks to a lot of people because I think there are a lot of people around there, who don't really have a very great relationships or sex. And it's something we tend to ignore, because it's not easy to face. And we don't really know. Like, we don't have like a relationship at school, or like the sex school. Most people didn't go there. Right. So it's not easy to know how to navigate that, like, sex is messy. Relationships are messy, life is messy. And yet, relationship and sex are so intimate and so important. And we're not really given the tools to address that to navigate the challenges. So I think that that's what I want to talk about.

Sophia Wise One 05:54

Great. Let's go, go for it.

Marion Chloé Theis 05:59

Okay, um, do have a prompt to give me something to get them started. .

Sophia Wise One 06:05

Sure, sure. Right, right. I guess so two, two entrance points, right, is either your personal story, right? Of kind of the unsatisfying or satisfying, like, what's happening now and how you got there? Or some tools? So kind of either coming in on that personal friend or coming in on that, that tool place? And I'm curious about both, so

Marion Chloé Theis 06:37

We'll do both then. 

Sophia Wise One 06:39


Marion Chloé Theis 06:40

Number one, my story. So I think it's like, it's always really hard for me to like, find a starting point. Because, I mean, there's a certain point when visiting enough my life, but like, I'm not going to tell the full story. It would be it would take a long time, I'm going to take a middle point. When I was around 19-20 I was, I was living in Barcelona, I was doing an a student exchange program. And I just like, my life was a mess. And yet so intense, and I learned so many things. So to give you a context, before that, were two long term relationships, my first like kind of official, you know, like, growing up ish relationship. The second one being actually very abusive, as the first one being naturally fulfilling, like, emotionally. So I was like, at this point where, like, I was just this new relationship will hurt me a lot? And like, I'm talking from my point of view, I wasn't a victim that well, you know, abuse was anyway, that's a long story. But like, I'm not saying like, I'm talking about relationships, and I'm gonna be talking about my relationships, I am not putting the blame on the other person, I just want that to be clear,

Sophia Wise One 08:07

Right, like you understand fundamentally, that it's a co-creative experience.

Marion Chloé Theis 08:10

Exactly, like self and sovereignty are really important. And obviously, there are habits that, like abusive relationship being one of them, but like, since I'm gonna be talking about my relationships, I don't









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081 Centering Your Pleasure in Relationships with Marion Chloe Theis

081 Centering Your Pleasure in Relationships with Marion Chloe Theis

Sophia Wise One