10 - Childfree, not Childless. Part 1
Students from all over the world claim their right for a childfree life. Some want freedom, others long for better gender balance, and others recoil in the face a dystopian future. Demographers say the childfree are few and far between. That is about to change.
A podcast created by David Duhamel produced by MaisonK Prod
Original music : Ben Molinaro
Graphism : Anna Toussaint
Eva Beaujouan & Al, 2017, Has Childlessness peaked in Europe? Population and Societies, n°540
Charlotte Debest & Al, 2014, Childlessness: a life choice that goes against the norm, Population and Societies, n°508
Tomas Sobotka, World's Highest Childlessness Levels in East Asia, 2021, Population and Societies, n°595
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.