8 - France, Champion of... of what?
France has the highest fertility in Europe. It owes this privilege to its culture and history. The French woman, and even more, the idealized French woman, is the reason for this exception. Beyond France, this episode travels through Europe, North, South, and East and then North America and tells of a world that is being emptied of humans but is being filled... with wolves.
Un podcast de David Duhamel produit par MaisonK Prod
Musique originale : Ben Molinaro
Graphisme : Anna Toussaint
George Alter et Gregory Clark, 2010, The Demographic Transition and Human Capiltal, in Stephen Broadberry, and Kevin O'Rourke, The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe: Volume 1, 1700-1870. Cambridge University Press.
Jordan Nickerson and David H. Solomon, 2020, Car Seats as Contraception, SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3665046
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