10. Speaking Of Ep. 10 - Lisa Young Larance
This week we are speaking with Dr. Lisa Young Larance. Lisa will share the rich history of her work in the movement to end domestic violence by working with Women Who Use Force and Abuse Intervention Programs.
Lisa Young Larance, PhD, LCSW, LMSW, is a distinguished practitioner-researcher with wide-ranging clinical, community, and prison-based practice experience. Her direct service work includes providing individual trauma-informed therapy, co-facilitating intervention groups, and program design and implementation. Dr. Young Larance’s macro-social work practice is rooted in meeting organizational and community needs while serving violence-involved families. She is known globally as an anti-violence intervention pioneer who created foundational and innovative community-based programming for diverse women with domestic and sexual violence survivorship histories brought to systems attention for their use of non-fatal force [See the Vista Program and curriculum (JBWS, Morris County, New Jersey, USA) and the RENEW Program (Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.)]. She also co-developed and implemented Meridians for Incarcerated Women serving women housed in Michigan Department of Corrections facilities. Dr. Young Larance’s extensive consulting work includes the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence (U.S.A.), Harmony House’s Nurturing Hearts Violence Prevention Program (Hong Kong, China), the +SHIFT Program (Victoria, Australia), and the United States Air Force’s Family Advocacy Program (Global). Her leading-edge scholarship focuses primarily on understanding systems-involved women’s legal, child protection, and antiviolence intervention experiences. Dr. Young Larance investigates how women’s institutional contact can both replicate intimate harm and facilitate positive change. Her work emphasizes the strategies women employ to navigate surveilling systems and their agency in healing from trauma while creating community. She is widely published, most notably in Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work, BMJ Open, International Social Work, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Psychology of Violence, and Violence Against Women. Her forthcoming book, Broken: Women’s stories of intimate and institutional harm and repair, was published by the University of California Press and available August 6, 2024. Dr. Young Larance is an assistant professor at Bryn Mawr College’s Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, there is help available. Please call The Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or visit their website on a safe device at www.thehotline.org. Or find your nearest New Mexico domestic violence program at https://www.nmcadv.org/find-nm-resources.
If you are looking for an intervention program, click this link to see a listing for most States in the USA: https://www.biscmi.org/offender-intervention-programs-listing-by-state/. You are not alone.
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Erin House's article on Women Who Use Force: https://www.biscmi.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/wwuferinhouse.pdfMeridians curriculum: https://www.batteringinterventiontraining.com/26-2/
Ellen Pence video from the BISC-MI Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orZM13MakVMPractitioner Panel: Practical Complexities and Considerations of Providing Groups for Court-Ordered Women: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_iitjb7HnUWhen She Hits Him (National Conference): https://www.biscmi.org/wshh/
Lisa Young Larance website: https://www.lisayounglarance.com/Lisa Young Larance Book: https://www.ucpress.edu/books/broken/paper