2. Ep. 2 - Speaking Of: Alyce LaViolette
This week we are speaking with Alyce LaViolette. Alyce will share the rich history of her work in the movement to end domestic violence by working with those who perpetrate the violence.
Alyce LaViolette has worked with victims of intimate partner violence since 1978 and founded one of the first programs in the country (Alternatives to Violence) to work with perpetrators of abuse in 1979. She speaks nationally and internationally on gender, assessment of dangerousness, hands-on interventions with victims and perpetrators, prevention and expert testimony. Alyce is a speaker for the U.S. State Dept. and recently traveled to Vietnam to work with community and governmental groups. Ms. LaViolette has qualified as an expert witness in criminal, family law, federal and civil cases. She has published peer-reviewed articles as well as a parenting curriculum (For Our Children), when domestic violence has been an issue and the Sage Publication best-selling book, “It Could Happen to Anyone: Why Battered Women Stay”. Alyce has been a keynote or featured speaker at conferences all over the country and received numerous awards for her work including a Lifetime Achievement Award. Also, listen to Alyce’s Ted Talk.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, there is help available. Please call The Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or visit their website on a safe device at www.thehotline.org. Or find your nearest New Mexico domestic violence program at https://www.nmcadv.org/find-nm-resources.
If you are looking for an intervention program, click this link to see a listing for most States in the USA: https://www.biscmi.org/offender-intervention-programs-listing-by-state/. You are not alone.
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