102 Have you ever been labelled something?
Ever been labelled as…
An anxious person?
A negative person?
A depressed person?
That you’ve imposter syndrome?
Then this podcast episode is for you! I’ve felt all those feelings too. That I am winging it, out my comfort zone, stressed and sad. But just because you feel a certain way, it does not define you.
When I started this podcast, I really felt imposter syndrome, but I did not let this define me, I just recognised that I felt it in certain moments.
The problem is that when we give ourselves a label, we start to believe in them.
We all have feelings, and they are either positive or negative. Its about using that sadness to find happiness. For example, what do you need to do to change your future which will make your past better?
Your self-talk will define who you are and how you show up. Don’t magnify the negativity!
This podcast is about recognising that “sometimes” in a moment you will have those feelings – its normal, it’s part of life – but does not need to define you.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode?
All the best,
#Failure #NeverGiveUp #Entrepreneur